With his 30th HR last night, Mike Trout joins Jose Canseco, Joe DiMaggio, Jimmie Fox, and Alex Rodriquez as the only players ever to hit 30+ HR's 4 times before their age 26 season! Trout did this with the fewest AB's and games played! Trout joins Rodriquez as the only players with 200 doubles! Trout hit his 31st HR tonight and career number 199. If he reaches 200, he will be the eighth youngest in history to reach that milestone! He now sits at 690 runs. No doubt his accomplishments are amazing, but it still stinks that he was out for 6 weeks. He would probably had 210 HR's, 725 runs, 210 doubles, 1075 hits and over 2,000 total bases. He still has a chance to pass Ty Cobb with the best WAR at age 25!