Michael LeBlanc

StarWars said:
waterbed said:
I think quickness/ Acceleration is more important in soccer and american football but they take in american football nearly only blacks for running back????
If you are well trained with good endurance but still have a bad 60 to 100 meter ratio then you probably have not so good Top speed which causes a not so good 60-10 meters and not because you slowed much down.

You're lucky to be in Europe because you can ignore American sports and not be a social outcast. American sports are a joke, and our obesity rate doesn't help. At the highschool level we have some pretty good young athletes, but after that we have pretty sh*tty talent considering our population. It is almost laughable, and would be laughable if it were not so sad, that the mainstream media in America has convinced people that we have the world's best athletes! Europe should start playing American football, so that it can be internationally contested and Germany, Ireland, and Iceland can absolutely sh*t on us! I'd like to see an afflete runningback try and break a tackle from an Irish rugby player without pads on, haha. Oh ya, not to mention blacks would never be able to endure a whole rugby game without resting between plays. That's why many NFL teams have to start several runningbacks, because the affletes have no endurance. Sad, really, to think about how ridiculous we must seem to Europeans.

In the past we had no caste system, white gult etc. at all at in Europe, but now with all the media and the american programms that can be seen here we have it a bit but not comparable to US gladly.
A month ago Jesse Jackson went to to europe and to my college and talked about bad whiteys, it was a long way from slaveship to president blah blah.

I hope that Leblanc will run great and stays injury free,maybe it's not even a bad idea for him to train on Grass, like a soccer field from time to time because on Grass you are less likely to get Injured because the underground is less hard which is better for you knees, hamstrings Etc.
Jesse Jackson also said the dutch are famous for their slavery , trying to make us feel bad.
But i know it where Portuguese Jews who started the WIC in Amsterdam,holland, they went here for the freedom of religion and because we are close to the see to which is great for business overseas.
(The portuguse jews saw the slavery from the north african moors who conquered portugal)
It might be just wishful thinking, but I hope he makes it to next year's outdoor Worlds, and quite possibly, London 2012.

He's got game to back-up a great mind.
Man, this is depressing. Is Michael LeBlanc our only guy running anywhere? Europe completely shuts down track and field in the spring, and the Northeast (home of guys like Gehret and Farmer) hasn't gotten into the full swing of h.s. track. But we should at least have a few college kids out there. Or a few southerners or Californians who run h.s. track. Where is everyone?
trackster said:
Man, this is depressing.  Is Michael LeBlanc our only guy running anywhere?  Europe completely shuts down track and field in the spring, and the Northeast (home of guys like Gehret and Farmer) hasn't gotten into the full swing of h.s. track. But we should at least have a few college kids out there.   Or a few southerners or Californians who run h.s. track.  Where is everyone?

My town alone has like 10 sub 11 sprinters that are under 25. I highly doubt any of them ever run a track race, let alone take track seriously. White kids just don't care about sprinting, especially the 100. Hopefully lemaitre can change that.
I forgot to add that Michael LeBlanc ran his 10.43 into a -1.1 wind and he won by almost half a second. All of this despite it being his third race of the day! He would have easily went in the 10.30's range in normal conditions. By the end of May to June, he should be in peak condition. I want him to make the NCAA Finals and break his 100 meters personal best of 10.17! I think he has a good chance of doing it. A top three finish at nationals would be the icing on the cake. It would also be the second time he is voted an All American Outdoors if he makes the finals.
white lightning said:
I forgot to add that Michael LeBlanc ran his 10.43 into a -1.1 wind and he won by almost half a second. All of this despite it being his third race of the day! He would have easily went in the 10.30's range in normal conditions. By the end of May to June, he should be in peak condition. I want him to make the NCAA Finals and break his 100 meters personal best of 10.17! I think he has a good chance of doing it. A top three finish at nationals would be the icing on the cake. It would also be the second time he is voted an All American Outdoors if he makes the finals.

I'm still shocked that we have so many whites that run in the very low 10 second range and as of yet not one has broken the 10 second barrier. With some of these up and coming sprinters that have been mentioned on this site it's bound to happen in the not too distant future.
It has to happen this year. We had 3 guys go legally under 10.10 last year and almost 4 sprinters.

The three that did it wind legal were:

Christophe Lemaitre (19 years old) ran a 10.03

Ramil Guliyev (19 years old) ran a 10.08

Simone Collio (29 years old) ran a 10.06

Craig Pickering (23 years old) ran a 10.08 but it was .01 over the legal wind amount of 2 mph to count as a legal time.

So as you can see, these guys are th closest at the moment. Lemaitre and Guliyev both stormed onto the int'l. scene last year. I'm hoping a couple more guys will step it up this year. Robert Herring & Christian Blum are two young guys to keep and eye on. There are many more.

Michael LeBlanc might have already went sub 10 if not for two years in a row of injuries. I'm just happy he is back on track. Staying healthy is huge and it is not easy to do when you run as fast as these sprinters do. Good luck to all of these guys this year. I've said it before.

We should see some of our guys go sub 10 in 2010!Edited by: white lightning
Wow! He walked that guy down. Amazing closing speed for LeBlanc. Especially considering that he raced three times that day. I wonder if he might try to run at the Penn Relays. That would be cool with some big names there and it's on national tv. Welcome to the board smhdy. Track season is heating up!
LeBlanc runs at the Big East Championships this weekend, let's keep an eye out.
Here is the latest from Michaels Blog. He is talking about this weekend. Good luck to Mike. Hoping for a triple win with a new p.b. in the deuce.

Given the rain, wind, and mid-40's tem­per­a­tures in Ithaca this past Sun­day, the deci­sion was made to not race at the Cor­nell Big Red Open. This isn't par­tic­u­larly note­wor­thy; the rea­son I didn't go to Penn Relays was so that we could make a last-minute deci­sion about rac­ing, and it turned out that the weather made the deci­sion for me. It worked out well, and I got a great day of max veloc­ity work in.

Look­ing for­ward, this week­end marks the Big East Out­door Cham­pi­onships in Cincin­nati, a meet that rep­re­sents the most impor­tant week­end in the school's sched­ule (yes more impor­tant than nation­als because this is the only time we're ever con­cerned about team scor­ing), and an early sea­son mile­stone in my own sched­ule (it is only the first week­end of May, after all). I will be rac­ing a full sched­ule: the 4x100m, the 100m, and the 200m, with the lat­ter two hav­ing pre­lim­i­nary rounds, for a total of five races over two days.

I am unabashedly look­ing for a triple vic­tory. I expect the biggest chal­lenge will stem from the 200m, in which I am cur­rently ranked 4th, behind peo­ple who are all capa­ble of run­ning sub-21. Given the right con­di­tions, I think I am capa­ble of run­ning 20.8âˆ'20.9 this week­end, the only ques­tion is how fast every­one else can go. Our 4x100m relay is cur­rently ranked 1st at 40.43, a soft time con­sid­er­ing our hand-offs can (and should) be markedly improved since we last ran at ASU. That said, relays are always tricky; a lot needs to go right, and only one thing needs to go wrong. South Florida is only ranked 4th at 40.79, but some­thing tells me they'll be able to put together a sub­stan­tially bet­ter per­for­mance this week­end. George­town and Rut­gers, ranked 2nd and 3rd, respec­tively, will also be rac­ing to win. Finally, the 100m should come eas­ily enough. I'll I am cur­rently ranked 2nd, I have the intrin­si­cally fastest time and, frankly, I can run a lot faster than that.

I've made a point of not mak­ing pub­lic pre-race pre­dic­tions this sea­son, but there's no secret about con­fer­ence â€" I'm going there to win.
Money Mike qualified for the finals of the 100 & 200 meters tommorow at the Big East Champs. The weather has been bad but hopefully tommorow will be a little better. Good luck Mike. Go get another few big east titles!
The NCAA Regionals start tommorow. Both Michael LeBlanc and Brandon Byram will be racing. LeBlanc in the 100 and Byram in the 200. Let's wish them good luck. Hopefully one or both of them can make the finals. It's a shame Shane Crawford got hurt and didn't qualify. On a bright note, Freshman Brett Blanshan made it out west running a p.b. of 10.50 earlier this year. He is in the western regionals. Here is a list of the eastern regionals starting lists.

http://web1.ncaa.org/track/eventFiles/d1mht1.txtEdited by: white lightning
Wow - Michael is heavily muscled and cut. Plus he's fast as hell.
Let's hope he continues to progress and can avoid injuries in the future.
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