Matthew Boling 9.98, 19.92, 44.84 and 8.25 LJ

Thanks for the video WL.

I worry about him being at Georgia with the head coach using him for points.
Long jumper Kate Hall jumped farther in High School than her time at georgia and has since bettered her best Georgia jump, though not better than her high school best. She has posted about Georgia being a waste and how parasite college head coaches misuse and over work stars in selfishness.

It was horrible that the Georgia football scum coaches had him run the final leg in the coaches vs. Players relay run. Matt did run down the player and it looked like a toddler running against a teenager. The toddler is named Richard Lecounte, a joke of an athlete, who is projected to go really high in the 2021 nfl draft.
I agree somewhat that Boiling was foolish for competing in the Football relay race at Georgia. He is what I call a long and lean sprinter, just needs to continue to progress at a natural rate, not much need for power weight training here. If I was his coach I would continue with the training regimen he had in HS as it did him well. I would also restrict or eliminate the LJ from his event list. Far too hard on the hamstrings for a sprinter.
Boling like Lemaitre was born as a natural sprinter. He is so athletically gifted. Off the charts fast twitch fibers. While Lemaitre had career bests of 9.92 and 19.80 we shall see Boling take it to another level. I have been a big Christophe Lemaitre Fan but like many other fans lost interest. He was not hungry to be the best. As great as Lemaitre was, he could have acheived so much more. I put Guliyev above him for his career. This is where Matthew Boling will be special. The kid is as hungry as a lion who hasn't eaten in a very long time. The kid despite his success has stayed humble, determined and focused. Watch and see what the future shall be. The kid works as hard as anyone on and off the track. I see a true superstar of US Sprinting in the coming years. Keep training and working hard Matthew. The work will pay off huge down the road. Everyone will know your name! :)
I wish someone would tell him to wear a weight belt and knee wraps. He also should never lift alone. I just don't want him hurting himself. What a loss that would be for the track world.
I think it's great that he is hitting the weights. Lemaitre could not have lifted half that in his prime. Boling will obliterate Lemaitre's PBs.
I'm going to post this statistic and it's true but please don't let Matthew Boling just become a long jumper. I want to see him in the 100 & 200 meters as well as the 4 x 100 Relay. Maybe an occasional long jump or 400 meters race but that's it. The kid is a prodigy
and he was born to be a sprinter! I cannot begin to elaborate on this enough. To the University of Georgia please do not attempt to make him just a long jumper or 400 meters guy. The money is in the sprints. The fame is in the sprints!

That being said. Boling is the fastest long jumper in the world and he's not even old enough to drink yet. :)

(Fastest long jumpers in the world over 100m)

1) Matthew Boling - 10.11 seconds

2) Damarcus Simpson - 10.12 seconds

3) Jeff Henderson - 10.18 seconds

4) Zack Bazile - 10.21 seconds

5) Emanuel Archibald - 10.22 seconds
as a coach I would not let him near a long jump pit with his elite sprinting capabilities...period. He is long jumping because he loves it but I would not let him. Money aside his game is the 100.200.400 and 4x100m relasys. I have no problems with him running 400m races and training with 400m's as I am a firm believer it develops speed stamina for 100 and especially the 200m. As long as his negro teammates dont sabotage him, he will be fine.
He is such a phenomenon you have to wonder: is Matt the next Borzov/Bolt who when they step to the line at their very best they can obliterate all the world stars over both the 100/200; or is he a better Carl Lewis can win the 100/200/ LJ at the Olympics if fortunate or is he a better Michael Johnson 200/400?
Boling is a very special talent seems Georgia is working out ....20.27 ...even the rascist boldon was impressed .......
Boling is a once in a generation talent ..aka Carl Lewis ( without the drugs ) .....seriously .....there hasn’t been a white talent out of the states like this since , Dave sime .......
here’s an interesting compilation piece that puts Boling’s early-season performances into perspective:

Matthew Boling set a new personal best at the Razorback Invitational indoor 200-meters, running a sparkling 20.53! the below video puts this new performance (as well as his recent indoor 400) into the big picture. young Boling is poised for a TERRIFIC year! i think i will begin calling him Mercury, the Greek God of Speed.

Holy Moly!! I see a 19.2 in his future. To scat around a little indoor track like that in 20.5, amazing.

Can you imagine what those brothers behind him are thinking? "Ooooh sheeeet!!"
Boling is a very special talent seems Georgia is working out ....20.27 ...even the rascist boldon was impressed .......
I remember on a few lame stream boards idiots would argue that no White American was capable of doing this or a level better ie Lemaitre or Mennea or Wells. It was like they could apply any logic and see if Lemaitre could do this than there has to be a White American capable of doing this.

His talent is huge I just hope like others suggested he isn't run into the ground by his track coach to win team titles, or he isn't developed for any event but is just an all around talent. He's the most talented White sprinter since the 100 m high school record holder from Indiana who was eliminated in the 100m semifinals for the 68' games in Mexico City.

I remember reading he quit track in 68' because he didn't want to do an Olympic cycle for free without any rainbow at the end of the Olympic cycle in 72'.
Do you mean Larry Questad?[
No Questad made the Olympic team in the 200M dash and came maybe 4th in the Olympic final with the gloved fist protest.

This guy had a last name of something like Punch, he was high school prodigy but gave up on track and field as it was just an amateur sport and he was too poor to hang around for 4 years and eat air. Many of the older athletes on Olympic teams from Western countries had either no show jobs that were sponsored by a local business or syndicate or were post graduate students or were in the armed forces.

Charlie Greene who won a bronze medal in 68' Olympics in the 100m dash was in the army, the gold medalist Hines had a truncated NFL career with the Dolphins and Chiefs.

This is why you never had many repeat champions prior to the professional era or even the (sh)amateur era in the mid 70's through the allowing of the amateur athletes to draw from a trust fund.
He's talent is huge I just hope like others suggested he isn't run into the ground by his track coach to win team titles, or he isn't developed for any event but is just an all around talent. He's the most talented White sprinter since the 100 m high school record holder from Indiana who was eliminated in the 100m semifinals for the 68' games in Mexico City.

I remember reading he quit track in 68' because he didn't want to do an Olympic cycle for free without any rainbow at the end of the Olympic cycle in 72'.

I thought I knew my white sprinters, but I didn't know Clyde Peach! Thanks for bringing him to my attention.
I did some research on him and found out that in 1966, he ran a 9.5 (and 20.7) in high school, when the HS record was 9.4. He attended Baylor University and ran a 9.2, when the WR was 9.1.
At the 1968 Olympic Trails, he was eliminated in the semis, and immediately decided to retire. (The 1968 Olympic 100m trails were stacked!)
Here's an article about him:
I only knew about Clyde Peach because Lets run talked about Boling and compared Peach to him and it makes more sense that Peach was a sophomore in college and would have had to train and go into debt for a long shot Olympic dream of riches and a gold medal.

Peach has had life less traveled as he had strange array of jobs and I think even was an Uber driver in recent years. Peach like various athletes in the amateur era aren't bitter about not making a buck off their immense talents.

PS I forgot his name but knew it was exotic sounding I was thinking something like Cumberpatch..
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