Major Virgina Tech Shooting, 22 dead

There's so much disinformation and misinformation out there that it's very difficult to know what to believe. The government has lied so often that many people never believe anything coming from the government or the corporate media. But there's also a huge group of Americans who still believe everything the government and media say. I call them the "dittoheads."

In every instance like this tragedy orwith major historical events, there are obvious holes and discrepancies in the "official" media version, but the media never addresses them in a serious manner, which is why alternative theories so easily find traction. I like to start from the assumption that the government-media complex is usually lying, but that doesn't mean the "alternative theories" about important events are necessarily true. Knowing someone is lying is the easy part; knowing what's true is much more difficult.Edited by: Don Wassall
WS, The world is indeed full of sickos, Islamofacists vermin who rejoiced at 9/11, and others who can/do carry our heinous acts against humanity. However, you have to research beyond what the Globalist Controlled "mainstream" media serves up. I'm not saying I'm totally convinced VaTech was a black op, only that there are many odd details (the MSM is leaving out) & that Uncle Scam certainly cannot be trusted one iota. We always have to look & research beyond what we're spoon-fed by CBS, NBC, FOX etc.

[url] _coincidences.htm[/url]
I found this observation by Alexander Cockburn amusing and accurate, as I too was struck by all the waddling law enforcement agents I've seen "in action" at Virginia Tech and other places:

The Virginia Tech terrible massacre should prompt a radical review of the utility of SWAT teams which now infest almost every community in America. Each time there's a hostage taking or a mass murderer on the rampage, one sees the same familiar sight: overweight SWAT men, doubled up under the weight of their costly artillery, lumbering along in their body armor and then hiding behind trees or cars or walls while the killer goes about his business. SWAT teams perform most efficiently when shooting down unarmed street people menacing them with cellphones.

Cockburn is a "lefty" but in this article he advocates doing away with the ubiquitious SWAT teams and going back to posses and militias. Interesting. The only way therapidly consolidating totalitarian police stateis going to be defeated is if those on the "left" and "right" who oppose it form an alliance of mutual interest.

Complete article:
That's good to read, especially from a lefty as those clowns love the goons of the police state.....until they rough up a member of a chosen group.

SWAT teams are a joke. It's like a fire dept. that never fights fires. Those guys sit aroung waiting for a call and then when it comes hide behind trees. Pathetic.

Big problem is that high seniority govt. cops love the SWAT's. It gives them cushy no work jobs and a high profile reputation mixed in with a few photo ops in the rare cases they actually do anything.

Another BIG problem is they are protrayed as GODS by every police TV drama and movie so the propaganda that gets out to the sheeple is that they are a bunch of invaluable supermen (and women) indispensible to the modern police state.
Militia? Did someone say militia? Sign me up! The abscence of early US style militias is a shame and a crime. I once saw a picture of my great great great uncle, who was too young to have served for the South during The War, but in 1869 he was part of a local militia outfit in central Mississippi, while Federal troops still occupied the state, "just in case." Themen of early American militiaswere real patriots and were ready if anything got out of hand. The absorption of the last real state militias into Federalunitsstarted with the National Defense Act of 1916. It was made part of the Army in 1933, and then in 1987 state governer's power to keep from activating National Guard units overseas was taken away.Edited by: Colonel_Reb
I have just read what Cockburn at counterpunch had to say.
I am not sure about this. I remember some of my Psychology professors. I wouldn't want those guys to have guns.
I just did some research and saw that last year, the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act" made it so that the President can take control of a state's guard without the consent of the governer. Unbelievable! Why haven't we heard about this? All 50 governers sentCongress letters of complaint, but to no avail. So now, a state governor is no longer the real Commander in Chief of its own National Guard units. I had no idea this had happened. This is the final straw in taking away a state's right to defend itself! I literally feel sick now and wish I hadn't even looked this up. We can't even use our own state forces now when things get bad, so you had better get some guns for you and yours, because that is all you'll have when it all goes down.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
I'm preaching to the choir here, surely, but I feel the need...

This is yet another massacre directly attributable to our government/society. Like 9/11, like almost all public shootings, the murderer COUNTED on an enviroment where there would be zero chance of anyone having the impliments of self-defense. Like 9/11, the murderous vermin also counted on the engrained attitude of compliance that American society has been emasculated into. Just as there is no excuse for a group of terrorists being able to take over a plane with box cutters, there is no excuse for a lone gunman being able to murder 32 people with anything short of a heavy machine gun, without being rushed and overcome by weight of numbers.

Just as in post 9/11, the government will do everything it can to make us MORE vulnerable in these situations, not less. I don't know how the government can justify causing the deaths of a few more thousand Americans in response to the Vtech shooting, ala 9/11 and Iraq, but if they can do it, by God they'll try.

I am also suspicious of a "maniacs" ability to fire with enough cool accuracy enough to kill 32 people with a pair of handguns. I suspect that many, if not all, of these inexplicable acts have been manufactured by drugs and psychological manipulation. It is well known that our government has done "Manchurian candidate" type experiments in mind-controlled assassins. It is also known that Ritalin use is so ubiquitous amongst the school shooters that you could almost call rampages a side effect of the drug. It's amazing how many people know about the Reichstag fire, but assume that the example has never been taken to heart by their own governments.

And Freedom, though that is a grossly inappropriate name for somewhat who denies an American's basic right to be the master of his life, liberty, and property, (In this case, metal objects that shoot chemically proplled pellets), the Founding Father's wise intention in codifying your natural, human, and Constitutional right to any kind of weapon you like has NOTHING to do with hunting and little to do with self-defense. Crime is not a huge problem among majority White Christian societies anywhere, anytime. No, the intent of the 2nd Amendment is purely about intimidating one's government, being as government is historically the world's number one engine of destruction, theft, and murder. That means the biggest and best weapons you can conceivably afford. .50 caliber rifles, selective fire weapons. A fully armed F-16 if you can afford it, IEDs are extremely effective in asymetrical warfare if you are on a budget. Considering that due to medical advances, a gunshot wound from the latest combat rifle is less likely to kill you than a musket ball in the 1700s, and that the Founding Fathers were FINE with private citizens owning WARSHIPS, I doubt they would quibble over my hicap magazines.
Great post, WS.

Just like most things our government will be doing its best to pass laws and remove freedoms that have nothing to do with rectifying the situation.
Nugent: Gun-free zones are recipe for disaster

From the article:

My hero, Dr. Suzanne Gratia Hupp, was not allowed by Texas law to carry her handgun into Luby's Cafeteria that fateful day in 1991, when due to bureaucrat-forced unarmed helplessness she could do nothing to stop satanic George Hennard from killing 23 people and wounding more than 20 others before he shot himself. Hupp was unarmed for no other reason than denial-ridden "feel good" politics.

She has since led the charge for concealed weapon upgrade in Texas, where we can now stop evil. Yet, there are still the mindless puppets of the Brady Campaign and other anti-gun organizations insisting on continuing the gun-free zone insanity by which innocents are forced into unarmed helplessness. Shame on them. Shame on America. Shame on the anti-gunners all.

No one was foolish enough to debate Ryder truck regulations or ammonia nitrate restrictions or a "cult of agriculture fertilizer" following the unabashed evil of Timothy McVeigh's heinous crime against America on that fateful day in Oklahoma City. No one faulted kitchen utensils or other hardware of choice after Jeffrey Dahmer was caught drugging, mutilating, raping, murdering and cannibalizing his victims. Nobody wanted "steak knife control" as they autopsied the dead nurses in Chicago, Illinois, as Richard Speck went on trial for mass murder.

Evil is as evil does, and laws disarming guaranteed victims make evil people very, very happy. Shame on us.

The world record for the largest spree killer is a Korean, also! His name is Woo Bum Kon and he killed 58 people in 1982.
He and his family should have never been here in the first place. We can do our own laundry. Gun control? My reaction was for immigration control. I knew when it took longer than usual to find out who the shooter was that they weren't white. He didn't like that the pretty white girl that he was stalking wouldn't go for him just like the rest of the "rich brats".

Any links to the full transcripts of his remarks on those videos? I haven't found any. The media always shapes the stories as best they can. Look at the D.C snipers. And how Jewish Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were "Nazis".

I wonder what it is about the posters on this board that makes us different than the general population. I know plenty of people with high IQs who suspect nothing. What is it about us that makes us different? I'm sure it will be classified as a psychological disorder soon if it hasn't already. Maybe xenophobic paranoia. That sounds good.
KG2422 said:
He and his family should have never been here in the first place. We can do our own laundry. Gun control? My reaction was for immigration control. I knew when it took longer than usual to find out who the shooter was that they weren't white. He didn't like that the pretty white girl that he was stalking wouldn't go for him just like the rest of the "rich brats".

Any links to the full transcripts of his remarks on those videos? I haven't found any. The media always shapes the stories as best they can. Look at the D.C snipers. And how Jewish Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were "Nazis".

I wonder what it is about the posters on this board that makes us different than the general population. I know plenty of people with high IQs who suspect nothing. What is it about us that makes us different? I'm sure it will be classified as a psychological disorder soon if it hasn't already. Maybe xenophobic paranoia. That sounds good.

KG2422, Excellent points indeed! Checkout this outstanding article from paleo/real Conservative patriot Pat Buchanan....

PJB: The Dark Side of Diversity
by Patrick J. Buchanan

Since the massacre of 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech, the
mainstream media have obsessed over the fact the crazed gunman was able
to buy a Glock in the state of Virginia.

Little attention has been paid to the Richmond legislators who voted to
make "Hokie Nation," a Middle American campus of 26,000 kids, a
zone where only the madman had a semi-automatic.

Almost no attention has been paid to the fact that Cho Seung-Hui was
an American at all, but an immigrant, an alien. Had this deranged young
man who secretly hated us never come here, 32 people would be heading
home from Blacksburg for summer vacation.

What was Cho doing here? How did he get in?

Cho was among the 864,000 Koreans here as a result of the Immigration
Act of 1965, which threw the nation's doors open to the greatest
invasion in history, an invasion opposed by a majority of our people.
Thirty-six million, almost all from countries whose peoples have never
fully assimilated in any Western country, now live in our midst.

Cho was one of them.

In stories about him, we learn he had no friends, rarely spoke and was
loner, isolated from classmates and roommates. Cho was the alien in
Hokie Nation. And to vent his rage at those with whom he could not
communicate, he decided to kill in cold blood dozens of us.

What happened in Blacksburg cannot be divorced from what's been
happening to America since the immigration act brought tens of millions
of strangers to these shores, even as the old bonds of national
community began to disintegrate and dissolve in the social revolutions
of the 1960s.

To intellectuals, what makes America a nation is ideas - ideas in the
Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Gettysburg Address and Dr.
King's "I Have a Dream" speech.

But documents no matter how eloquent and words no matter how lovely do
not a nation make. Before 1970, we were a people, a community, a
country. Students would have said aloud of Cho: "Who is this guy?
the matter with him?"

Teachers would have taken action to get him help - or get him out.

Since the 1960s, we have become alienated from one another even as
millions of strangers arrive every year. And as Americans no longer
share the old ties of history, heritage, faith, language, tradition,
culture, music, myth or morality, how can immigrants share those ties?

Many immigrants do not assimilate. Many do not wish to. They seek
community in their separate subdivisions of our multicultural,
multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual mammoth mall of a nation. And in
numbers higher than our native born, some are going berserk here.

The 1993 bombers of the World Trade Center and the killers of 9-11 were
all immigrants or illegals. Colin Ferguson, the Jamaican who massacred
six and wounded 19 in an anti-white shooting spree on the Long Island
Railroad, was an illegal. John Lee Malvo, the Beltway Sniper, was
flotsam from the Caribbean.

Angel Resendez, the border-jumping rapist who killed at least nine
women, was an illegal alien. Julio Gonzalez, who burned down the Happy
Land social club in New York, killing 87, arrived in the Mariel

Ali Hassan Abu Kama, who wounded seven, killing one, in a rampage on
observation deck of the Empire State Building, was a Palestinian. As
Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert Kennedy.

The rifleman who murdered two CIA employees at the McLean, Va.,
headquarters was a Pakistani. When Chai Vang, a Hmong, was told by a
party of Wisconsin hunters to vacate their deer stand, he shot six to
death. Peter Odighizuwa, the gunman who killed the dean, a teacher and
student at the Appalachian School of Law, was a Nigerian.

Hesham Hadayet, who shot up the El Al counter at LAX, killing two and
wounding four, was an Egyptian immigrant. Gamil al-Batouti, the copilot
who yelled, "I put my faith in Allah's hands," as he crashed his
into the Atlantic after departing JFK Airport, killing 217, was an

Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, the UNC graduate who ran his SUV over nine
people on Chapel Hill campus and said he was "thankful for the
opportunity to spread the will of Allah," was an Iranian.

Juan Corona, who murdered 25 people in California to be ranked with the
likes of Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, was a Mexican.

Where does one find such facts? On, a website that covers the
dark side of diversity covered up by a politically correct media, which
seem to believe it is socially unhealthy for us Americans to see any
correlation at all between mass migrations and mass murder.

"In our diversity is our strength!" So we are endlessly lectured.

But are we really a better, safer, freer, happier, more united and
caring country than we were before, against our will, we became what
Theodore Roosevelt called "a polyglot boarding house for the
Wow! A great article by Pat. We just need more people like that who can do something about it.
American Freedom News