Major Virgina Tech Shooting, 22 dead

No. We both support white athletes. White Shogun, if someone believes in and practices carry and conceal, then they are "gun toting." Freedom told me about Caste Football a while ago. I was surprised to see that a lot of people felt the same way I did about white athletes getting gipped. I'm more into playing sports than watching them, but what really annoys me is that the media tells girls that blacks are more attractive and that they should give themselves to them whenever possible.

Freedom told me to post for him on this thread and had homework to do. We're sitting in opposite dorm rooms right now actually.

Starship Troopers was actually a very good book. You guys would like it. Freedom is obsessed with it and the American Fascist Movement.

If I know speedster, he never identified himself as that. Edited by: lightfire
I think that what is being lost here is the absolute failure of Va. Tech's administration to notify the students that shootings had taken place and the killer had not been apprehended, as well as the typically pathetic performance of the huge police force assembled there. From what I've read, there were over 300 law enforcement officers on the campus prior to the second round of shootings. No "journalist" is questioning where the killer was for over two hours between the shootings, and how he was able to travel unmolested amongst all those police officers. If he was wearing any of his killer getup, the failure to notice him would be particularly inexcusable. I've seen a lot of pictures of the brave officers hiding behind trees with their weapons drawn, but apparently they didn't react at all to the over 100 shots that the killer fired in his second deadly round of shooting- no storming into the building, the SWAT team standing idly by, while many innocent people needlessly died. This incident proves once again just how worthless all law enforcement officers are. While SWAT teams have no hesitation in bursting down the doors of the wrong house, or roughing up otherwise innocent citizens who have a marijuana plant in their back yard, they were gutless in this case (where they were sorely needed), much like their total lack of response in the Columbine tragedy (until they belatedly broke in, shot some of the students, and lied about it). Considering that virtually everyone worships the police these days, I doubt that anyone with a public forum will even broach the subject of a lone gunman being able to fire over 100 rounds with two handguns, with over 300 law enforcement officers in the immediate vicinity. It's almost as ridiculous as Ruby shooting Oswald in the midst of over 70 police officers.

One other point that no one in the mainstream media will mention; how did someone described as the stereotypical "loner," who apparently was so withdrawn and uncommunicative that he didn't even greet people who said hello to him, get such a good-looking girlfriend? His first victim was said to be his girlfriend, and the pictures I've seen of her reveal a very good-looking young woman. I'm sorry, but that doesn't add up. Socially, that just doesn't happen with young people. Don't look for Katie or Greta or Geraldo or anyone else to think about that, however. There are a lot of holes in this official story, much like there are lots of holes in seemingly all official stories. Nevertheless, the media and our pathetic political leaders will turn this into a debate on gun control, and use it as a further excuse to "secure" all college campuses, thereby curtailing all of our dwindling civil liberties. Edited by: bigunreal
Culture of Passivity

From the article:
It is a poor reflection on us that, in those first critical seconds where one has to make a decision, only an elderly Holocaust survivor, Professor Librescu, understood instinctively the obligation to act.
Guest301,your questions are old and boring.I'll keep this short since whatever I say will not do.As far as me getting here my parents went at it one day and I'm the by-product of that how it all started I don't know.When it comes to morality it's just common sense.Atheism deals with reality and the burden of proof is on the believer,okay I'm bored.
We all deal with reality, speedster. You are a believer yourself, so you have the burden of proving how we got here by something other than supernatural events. You are a believer in something just as much as anyone is of God. The problem is, the consensus over what happened changes all the time, so it is hard to do. The whole idea of consensus in science seems ludicrous anyway.
Bigunreal, as usual your post is very articulate & informative...backed by solid logic. This whole fiasco reeks of (another) black op IMO.

[url] lp_kill_32_students_claims_furious_blogger.htm [/url]

Lightfire & Freedom, welcome to the board. It's good to know younger folks are looking/seeing beyond the facade of the "Caste System" and it's proponents in the (Globalist Elite controlled) "mainstream" media. Help spread the word about Caste Football!

***Folks, here's exactly what the Globalist hoped to leverage this tragedy for...

Second Amendment In Danger Under Anti-Gun Bush
Gun control advocates should love the President

Steve Watson
Thursday, April 19, 2007

In the wake of the tragic shooting massacre in Virginia this week gun control advocates have once again come crawling out of the woodwork to capitalize on the ill informed and automated response of blaming the destructiveness of a mentally ill person's rampage on the second amendment.

The problem is that the gun control advocates are preaching to the converted when they clamor and claw at the government to restrict gun ownership in America.

Gun control advocates should applaud Bush for what he has done for their cause, instead they reveal the enormity of the false left/right paradigm that exists in US politics by berating him and his ilk as right wing gun nuts.

Many point to the fact that Bush allowed the assault weapons ban to expire in 2004 as an indication that he caved in to the NRA. John Kerry even accused Bush of conspiring to "chose his powerful friends in the gun lobby over the police officers and families that he promised to protect."

In Reality Bush wanted to renew the assault weapons ban but was forced to let it expire when it became clear that he may not retain office in 2004 should he alienate core Republican voters.

At the time Bush was applauded by Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer for his stance.

The assault weapons ban is just one of the numerous anti-gun positions taken by the Bush Administration. Additional examples include disarming airline pilots, forfeiting gun rights for misdemeanors, and arguing that the total DC gun ban is a reasonable restriction on the 2nd Amendment.

Speaking in late 2005 on the topic of the second amendment, former Republican Congressman, CIA official and board member on the NRA Bob Barr said that his position had enabled him to judge the difference between how the Clinton and Bush administration's approached the issue of gun control. Barr echoed the sentiments of many other prominent conservatives in expressing his frustration about how the Bush administration was even more anti-second amendment than the Clinton office.

"it's my impression to be honest with you, and this is confirmed by a lot of folks who are involved very heavily in regulatory matters involving firearms, that it is more difficult dealing with this administration than it was dealing with the prior administration."

In the past another Republican Congressman, and now Presidential candidate, Ron Paul has accused the Bush administration of attempting to set in motion a militarized police state in America by enacting gun confiscation martial law provisions in the event of emergencies such as an avian flu pandemic or natural disasters.

"I think they're concerned about the remnant, the remnant of those individuals who don't buy into stuff and think that they should take care of themselves on their own, that they should have their own guns and their own provisions and they don't want to depend on the government at all and I think that is a threat to those who want to hold power. They don't want any resistance to their authoritarian rule."

Paul, a staunch gun-rights supporter, has previously blasted the administration's position on so-called "assault weapons" while claiming it is gun-rights oriented as hypocritical.

In making his point, Paul quoted Georgetown University professor Robert Levy, who recently offered this comparison: "Suppose the Second Amendment said, 'A well-educated electorate being necessary for self-governance in a free state, the right of the people to keep and read books shall not be infringed.' Is there anyone who would suggest that means only registered voters have a right to read?"

"Tortured interpretations of the Second Amendment cannot change the fact that both the letter of the amendment itself and the legislative history conclusively show that the Founders intended ordinary citizens to be armed," said Paul.
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
speedster said:
Guest301,your questions are old and boring.I'll keep this short since whatever I say will not do.As far as me getting here my parents went at it one day and I'm the by-product of that how it all started I don't know.When it comes to morality it's just common sense.Atheism deals with reality and the burden of proof is on the believer,okay I'm bored.

Sorry that some of the most interesting questions about life bores you. Is there a God? Why are we here? What's our purpose? Why don't you go watch a basketball game or something, much more interesting.
I was struck by a weird couple of coincidences this past week, in terms of the media coverage. CBS fires Imus on the day a suicide bomber attacks in what is to be one of the most secure areas in Iraq where the parliament is located, knocking Iraq from the top story of the day. NBC shows no restraint and releases the video of the VT killer on what is the bloodiest day in Iraq since the recent surge, leading to wall to wall coverage of Cho. That's some strange happenstance there, two networks actually being able to create and be part of the news on these two particular days.Edited by: Quiet Speed
I've been reading about the Korean shooter. Hiswas really messed up. He didn't speak with people, was autistic as a child and was severely imbalanced. Did he warrant being in college? I wonder how he tested throughout his life.
Freedom said:
The 2nd Amendment predates multi shot weapons, at least good ones.
When the 2nd Amendment was passed:

Very few people had single shot rifles, and most just had muskets when the law was passed. The population of the US was about 4 million people and most people lived on small farms.

Jeez, you make so much sense, Freedom. Really, it's like talking to Ted himself. He would be proud of you.

And you know, come to think of it, the First Amendment
predates the telegraph, radio, television, and the internet. Back then all they had were creaky old printing presses and the town crier. So freedom of speech, and all the incorrect thought that comes with it, wasn't all that big a threat.

But now, with all of today's communication technologies, and the ever multiplying categories of people who might be offended by some wayward thoughts and ideas, can we really afford freedom of speech? The potential for harm is so much greater now.

So Freedom(?) while we're getting rid of the 2nd Amendment, why don't we do a two-fer and chuck the 1st Amendment while we're at it?
Hold on to your hats, folks. The poop has a desenting view on all this gun control stuff. Frankly, I think gun control debate is all a distraction. On the federal level gun control laws that take away real home protection will never pass. Carrying a concealed weapon only requires a permit and is dictated by state and local governments, which is their right to govern as they see fit.

America has more guns per capita than any other nation on the Earth. Obviously their will always be some sort of weapons/gun control - you can't get permits to own bazookas. There leaves the constant arguement of gun control - what is considered a legal weapon and what is not. Politicians get branded as "wanting to take your guns away" because they oppose the sale of arming piercing bullets - that's ridiculous. Or, because they want a background check and five-day waiting period - that's ridiculous.

The whole thing is orchastrated to get people riled up about a non-issue. Our lack of effective law enforcement as well as an ineffective judical system is no excuse to pass out permits to every fool walking down the street. Really, how many University professors would actually carry a concealed weapon anyway? Probably exactly none.

Sorry to say but no one is coming to get our guns. They can't no matter how many anti-guns laws are passed. They can and have gone after our freedom of speech, legal citizenship and other matters. But, gun control IMHO is a smokescreen.
KP, gun control (eventual total confiscation) is indeed one of the many items on the Globalist Elite's agenda. However, it's a "sub-catagory" of the implementation of a police state. As I've said before, this VaTech incident will be used (by design) to turn Government schools into virtual prisons with checkpoints, metal detactors, cameras everywhere, random searches, armed "security" & kids being expelled for speaking too loudly, etc. That's one of the reasons I suspect it may have been (another) black op/PSYOP.

In order to more smoothly bring about their planned Orwellian police state, the Globalists fund the leftist movement to infrige (as much as they can) on our 2nd Amendment rights. As a hunter, NRA & GAO member and "heeled household defender", I aim to do everything I can to fight legislation such as this....

[url] .htm[/url]Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
KP, gun control (eventual total confiscation) is indeed one of the many items on the Globalist Elite's agenda. However, it's a "sub-catagory" of the implementation of a police state. As I've said before, this VaTech incident will be used (by design) to turn Government schools into virtual prisons with checkpoints, metal detactors, cameras everywhere, random searches, armed "security" & kids being expelled for speaking too loudly, etc. That's one of the reasons I suspect it may have been (another) black op/PSYOP.

In order to more smoothly bring about their planned Orwellian police state, the Globalists fund the leftist movement to infrige (as much as they can) on our 2nd Amendment rights. As a hunter, NRA & GAO member and "heeled household defender", I aim to do everything I can to fight legislation such as this....

[url] .htm[/url]

Freedom said:
When the document was drafted, it didn't make sense for a guy to go on a mass killing spree.

What happens when some guy with a death wish walks in with a machine gun in a crowded area in a major city and starts shooting people. A bunch of people with concealed advanced weapons that they don't know how to use is supposed to stop him?
If gun manufacturing was more confined and gun permits were issued with much more control then the murder rate would drop.
Or, you should have two classes of citizenship. Class A citizens, who wouldn't have serious criminal records and have contributed to the United States either through military/peace corps/other service, positive philanthropy, or other positive contributions, should have easy access to gun possession(and easier airport waits and so on). Class B citizens should have to go through much more thorough checks.

This isn't perfectly fair and has loopholes, but I think the basis is a good idea.

You're getting more loonier as you post on this subject. You started this thread with the typical wailing about automatic weapons and too much firepower in the hands of citizens and it turns out that all the killer had was a couple of pistols. A 9MM and a .22.

Those are the most common handguns in America. The 9MM is the very basis for home defense for millions of Americans. At my gun range we've wondered if you could even kill a man with a .22, I guess so.

Hell even most police departments are switching from the 9MM to the .40 caliber because the 9MM lacks sufficient stopping power. But I guess those tests were on adults not college kids.

As for number of shots, it is vitally important to be able to fire a lot of shots in a defense situation. Even police officers, supposedly the most experienced shooters under stress have a very poor record of hitting a person even at point blank range. Firing at another person is an intense experience and you are at an advantage if you can fire a lot from one clip because you WILL empty a clip in a pressure situation.

A lunatic like the VT killer could have fired one shot at a time, he was not worried about dying and he had no one firing back.

Your arguments about shotguns instead of pistols is ridiculous. It is much harder to use a shotgun in a home defense situation especially if you have children and have to securely lock the weapon. And a shotgun could be used to lethal effect by a madman also.

You made some strange comment about concealed carry and advanced weapons? WTF? I carry a 6 shot .38 snub nosed revolver and I guarentee you I will put one of those in the torso of a guy at 10-15 feet, might be enough --might not-- but it's something, otherwise, like at VT there is nothing to stop him.

You also mentioned that it's easy to get a carry permit. On what planet?? It took months and hundreds of dollars for me to do it and that was typical. Unless you live in New Hampshire which lets anyone carry, and where SURPRISE there are no mass killings, or much murder of any kind.

But why don't we just ban guns? Then they all go away right? Well they tried that with marijuana I hear, but how long will it take for you "freedom" to walk around your dorm and get enough pot for a joint? About two minutes? And you think a law will keep 9MM's out of the hands of hardened criminals when college age children like yourself have unfettered access to a Class I narcotic that the full weight of the federal government wages a war against?

I like your idea about different classes of citizens though. An upper class with full rights made up of men over the age of 30 and a lower class with severly limited rights made up of guys under 30 for children like yourself who don't have a frickin' clue.
He was able to kill people with a .22 because he lined up everyone and executed them.

One can't complain about 'untrained' shooters spraying indiscriminately into a crowd, and yet at the same time advocate use of a shotgun for self-defense in the home. Unless you're using slugs, anyway, but then you have to worry about them going through walls and killing the neighbors.

We used to have different classes of citizens along time ago, but the lower classes all wanted the right to vote and such, and then everything just went to hell after that.
I don't know how many are aware of the NASA shooting today in Houston, but they haven't yet said what ethnicity he is, just that he was between 50-60. They did release this piece of into that I thought somewhat relevant to our discussion.

"The gun was a snub-nosed revolver, either .38 or .357-caliber, Ready said."

Anyone else hear Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Saturday Night Special" playing in the background?
Did anybody notice in the reports of the VT shooting that he didn't kill any
asians? How is that dismissed? Go onto any engineering campus in America
and you'll see lots of asians. I wonder if the asians were the ones he let go,
and he killed as many whites as possible. Would this have anything to do
with the fact he was made fun of by whites in school? Why isn't this an
He made comments about "rich white kids" and such. I'm sure he was at least somewhat selective in picking his victims. I wonder if we'll get any Columbine like stories form the victim's families later on?
Needed: More Americans with guns

We should conduct a public ad campaign urging the law-abiding public to utilize concealed-carry laws as a bulwark against terrorism...

Lockdowns are for tornados, well-armed good-guys are the solution for bad guys...
I just saw some photos of the victims. Looks like he just shot at random.
I've been trying to avoid this as much as possible the last few days. Time to
give it a rest. Just a major tragedy.
DixieDestroyer said:
...regarding the possibility of a black op at VaTech, checkout the following info...

The problem I have with many of these conspiracy theories is that there is their implication that none of these people are bad enough to do these things by themselves. Even if the US government was behind 9/11, do you think Muslims weren't happy about it and don't want to cause further mayhem?

We don't always need to explain the behavior of murderers and serial killers as victims of magnetic brain manipulation by secret government labs. There are plenty of crazies out there, who are just plain ol' nut jobs. Were the white men who raided the high schools in Colorado and Pennsylvania also victims of top secret government lab experiments?

I suppose anything is possible, but I don't think it's necessary to think so in every case.
What's amazing is that many more people, including white men -- especially white men -- don't flip out and go on rampages. This country has been so corrupted, distorted and pressurized from within that the metaphor of comparing it to a madhouse isn't far off.

The main "alternative theory" concerning the Va. Tech monster is that he is a product of mind control, as the fedgov has a top secret facility under a nearby mountain that supposedly specializes in such stuff.

Typical example: [url] dcontrolled.htm[/url]

Don, your post got me to thinking about Charlton Heston in "Planet of the Apes." It's a madhouse, a madhouse! You are right though. I listen to coast to coast AM sometimes andhear a lot of strange things. Lately I heard them talking about some "low frequency hum" that people all over the US have reported hearing. The guest said the government probably had a bunch of satellites that were emitting it and they were testing it as a form of warfare.