Madonna's S0d0mite Superbowl?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
How many times has this mudshark been married? I am tired of hearing about her!
When I heard she was performing the halftime, I thought- "how is this possible". I don't know anybody that likes football, that likes this whore. All the GH she is taking to keep her arms and legs in shape is causing acromegaly in her face. She now looks like a transvestite. The NFL is the only reason I still have my cable T.V. If she brings a pro-homo, Fagg0t infested theme to the halftime show, it will give me a good incentive to pull the plug on my cable.
This is the U.S. of Gay after all. Nothing suprises me anymore when it comes to promoting the militant homosexual agenda, the goal of which is nothing short of replacing heterosexuality with homosexuality as the dominant "lifestyle" in American society.
How many times has this mudshark been married? I am tired of hearing about her!
She has slowed down since A-Fraud. As her steroid intake has become more noticeable the "quality" of male suitors has declined. At this point she is probably back to dumpster diving for PR mulattos...:tongue::thumbdown:
By 1984 (oddly enough?, even though her persona is more typical of a character in "Brave New World"), Madonna was really the torchbearer for what is considered "gender-raunch" feminism that permeates Western societies today. I'm sure she is a heroine of all of the hard-working "slut-walkers" out there.

God-forbid the Cultural Marxist media and the organizers of the halftime show would actually showcase a relevant, contemporary, female singer with some "Middle American" values and talent like Taylor Swift, but, like Don mentioned, they are in their final 40+ year battle against normalcy and tradition and by replacing heterosexuality with homosexuality they can put that final feather in their cap, raise their freak flag high, and enjoy the ticker-tape parade.
How many times has this mudshark been married? I am tired of hearing about her!
Twice. To 2 alapha males , albeit misguided ones. 1st, Sean "I like Hugo Chavez and BO" Penn and Guy "I make terrible British movies" Ritchie.

Her mudsharkdom was on parttime basis, but was epic when she swam "wiff" them. Remember Dennis Rodman!:spit:
When I heard she was performing the halftime, I thought- "how is this possible". I don't know anybody that likes football, that likes this whore. All the GH she is taking to keep her arms and legs in shape is causing acromegaly in her face. She now looks like a transvestite. The NFL is the only reason I still have my cable T.V. If she brings a pro-homo, Fagg0t infested theme to the halftime show, it will give me a good incentive to pull the plug on my cable.

The Super Bowl isn't about football, not anymore. It's an all-purpose spectacle. Football is just the excuse for staging it.

Welcome to the post-modernist sesspool.
It's interesting as many/most of these beautiful famous women, such as Shirley McLaine, Liz Taylor, Madonna, Demi Moore, Judy Garland, etc. at some point go stark raving mad in my opinion when their beauty fades.

When that happens, they become prey to all the absolute worst people who only want to make money from being associated with them. Very Sad.

Tom Iron...
Homosexuality and miscegenation are on the jewsmedia fasttrack. The supermarket tabloids all have headlines about how the "fairy tale romance" between some blond Hollywood prostitute and a coal black negro is ending, so tragic. And The People of Walmart crowd soak it right in. Just look at the comments on the Hollywood gossip websites - "O Im so sad for them! They were such a beautiful couple!" and "O Im so prowd of Madonna! Shes so brave!"

Heidi Klum to file for divorce from Seal: Fairytale romance has ended

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Highlander said:
By 1984 (oddly enough?, even though her persona is more typical of a character in "Brave New World"), Madonna was really the torchbearer for what is considered "gender-raunch" feminism that permeates Western societies today. I'm sure she is a heroine of all of the hard-working "slut-walkers" out there.

Prior to my torrent of acid-tongued disparagement for this utter ignominy currently being passed-off as a “human being,” let alone a “white person,” let alone a “women,” let alone a “mother,” I thought I’d open my remarks by providing some encouraging artistic contrast within the entertainment industry.

The young woman featured in the pictures and videos below is Swiss Volkmusik superstar, Melanie Oesch, the lead signer of her family’s Jodel-group, Oesch's die Dritten (which means “Oesch’s The Third,” probably referring to several generation of Volkmusik within this family)…


CAPTION: Beautiful, Sweet, Wholesome, Traditional, and Feminine


“Yodel Time”

“We Are a Yodeling Family”

“Swiss Girl of the Alps”

“A Yodel For the Christ Child”
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Then, regrettably, we are forced to behold the digital jezebel, the gap-toothed granny, a gaunt, unsexy, masculine, reptilian “material girl” (an aproper moniker), the cone-breasted, crotch-flashing, woman-kissing, militant homosexual/female supremacist activist, an elitist snob, an African-adopting, negro-fornicating, singing prostitute and Kabbalah-devotee, Madonna

Acts of Public Lesbianism...




Assorted Negro-Loving &Beastiality...









Kabbalah, Jewry, Etc...




Thus, with baited breath I await the Superbowl performance of theravishing “Sex Icon” [vomits] come Sunday.

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The last photo of her looking like Linda Hamilton from TII is the scariest one yet. She looks like she is an extra from Night of the Living Dead II.....:tongue: Also did anybody think anything was going on when she was on a "date" with Michael Jackson...:biggrin:
She/it's the quinessential example of the complete moral bankruptcy of the vermin in the sheepletainment industry. The fact that such a vile, disgusting h@rl0t is "lauded" & showcased on a mega-venue like the proof positive that "modern" society is a downward spiral to hell.
The celebrities that try the hardest to defeat the natural and inevitable aging process through obsessive exercising, plastic surgeries, and who knows what kinds of drugs and treatments, often end up looking the most freakish.
Corporations will also be promoting the homosexual agenda during the Super Bowl, as tens of millions of DWFs enjoy watching the commercials as much as the game.

Super Bowl ads, now with more beefcake

The Super Bowl is all about tradition. The chili and beer-soaked parties. The interminable, annoying half-time show. The parade of sexed-up, flesh-flaunting ads. But this year, there’s a twist. This Super Bowl comes with a slice of beefcake. In a surprising move toward righting the gender scales, two of the most already-buzzed about Super Bowl ads feature dudes who are not pouring Doritos down their gullets or smirking as they speed around a racetrack. They’re being sex objects.

For starters, there’s Mr. Posh Spice, aka David Beckham, promoting his new line of bodywear for H&M. He flexes his numerous tattooed muscles to the tune of "Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood," glowers in an "I mean business here" way that’s remarkably persuasive, and uh, I forget what I was talking about. To quote Emma Stone in "Crazy Stupid Love," SERIOUSLY? Just watch.
“Yodel Timeâ€￾

thanks for this lovely singer, the place looks exactly like where i come from
it shows that it could be a great place without all the inmigrants
often i wonder why my ancestors chose to live there, because it looks ugly now, but this shows it can be a beautiful place , without all the ugly buildings and freeways
The celebrities that try the hardest to defeat the natural and inevitable aging process through obsessive exercising, plastic surgeries, and who knows what kinds of drugs and treatments, often end up looking the most freakish.
Absolutely. I've thought of this many times myself. To name just a few that I've noticed over the past few years are Steven Tyler, Barry Manilow, and Bruce Jenner. They end up looking like transvestites or manicans. Maybe getting a facelift once in your late 40's or 50's is OK if you can afford it, but then leave it at that.

I hadn't seen Manilow in a long time but was watching some Ron Paul videos on Youtube and there was one about him talking about how much he likes and supports Paul. He looked like a manican and should be working at Macy's part time or something. Contrast that to someone like Sean Connery where even an 18 year-old female I knew several years ago commented on how much she was attracted to him and had to watch anything he was in.
Prior to my torrent of acid-tongued disparagement for this utter ignominy currently being passed-off as a “human being,†let alone a “white person,†let alone a “women,†let alone a “mother,†I thought I’d open my remarks by providing some encouraging artistic contrast within the entertainment industry.

The young woman featured in the pictures and videos below is Swiss Volkmusik superstar, Melanie Oesch, the lead signer of her family’s Jodel-group, Oesch's die Dritten (which means “Oesch’s The Third,†probably referring to several generation of Volkmusik within this family)…


CAPTION: Beautiful, Sweet, Wholesome, Traditional, and Feminine


“Yodel Timeâ€

“We Are a Yodeling Familyâ€

“Swiss Girl of the Alpsâ€

“A Yodel For the Christ Childâ€

She's hot, But I'll bet she's been pretty slutty too.
Absolutely. I've thought of this many times myself. To name just a few that I've noticed over the past few years are Steven Tyler, Barry Manilow, and Bruce Jenner. They end up looking like transvestites or manicans. Maybe getting a facelift once in your late 40's or 50's is OK if you can afford it, but then leave it at that.

I hadn't seen Manilow in a long time but was watching some Ron Paul videos on Youtube and there was one about him talking about how much he likes and supports Paul. He looked like a manican and should be working at Macy's part time or something. Contrast that to someone like Sean Connery where even an 18 year-old female I knew several years ago commented on how much she was attracted to him and had to watch anything he was in.
Yes they all look like that while Connery, Paul Newman(before he died) have aged well because they let their bodies age naturally. Just exercise and don't take steroids and that's the best you can look at whatever age you are. I wonder what Sly Stallone will look like when he has to get off steroids....
Yes they all look like that while Connery, Paul Newman(before he died) have aged well because they let their bodies age naturally. Just exercise and don't take steroids and that's the best you can look at whatever age you are. I wonder what Sly Stallone will look like when he has to get off steroids....
Yeah, Newman too and he smoked cigarettes until he was 80, I believe. I remember reading some women saying that he still looked "gorgeous" at 81. If you're a male, there's lessons to be learned from both Connery and Newman...that being attractive to women is much more than about looks. It's more about demeanor, authenticity, masculinity, confidence, and a bit of ruggedness without being slovenly than it is about trying to look like a 35 year-old at age 65.

Thrashen, thanks for posting about that girl singer. I could stare at that first picture (of her lying in the hay) for hours, hehe. Of course her femininity comes from more than just her pleasant physical appearance, but from her feminine demeanor as well. A rare find these days.

Geez, Europe, I thought I was a pessimist, hehe. Personally, I consider her to be more "pretty" than "hot". Being "pretty" (to me) usually requires a pleasant and feminine personality and demeanor, while being "hot" doesn't. Paris Hilton is "hot" but not "pretty" (to me).
Geez, Europe, I thought I was a pessimist, hehe. Personally, I consider her to be more "pretty" than "hot". Being "pretty" (to me) usually requires a pleasant and feminine personality and demeanor, while being "hot" doesn't. Paris Hilton is "hot" but not "pretty" (to me).

I guess I don't split hairs as much as you between hot and pretty. You are probably right though. What about Jennifer Garner? Hot, cute or pretty? Depending on the picture, all 3.

I have to admit I think Madonna does look hot in the picture that has the other woman kneeling by her. She still has some meet on her bones there.
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