London of the Apes!!!! more black violence and rioting

Ill just stick to the sports posts for now on. Some of the posters here are clearly, very intelligent. Unfortunately once again it is highly illogical to say most things the MSM tells us are lies ( though I do agree with most posters they probably lie about a few things ) but there are reasons many intelligent people who dont agree with you wind up calling you crackpots. I do recall saying that there are some 911 things that bother me but when a few posters here start calling the entire Holocaust a lie as well you clearly, in MY, repeat MY humble opinion ( maybe not others ) are barking up the wrong tree. I dont beleive that majority wins out but logic should.
Rebajlo said:
Of course, these arse-end-of-the-White-race types have taken to black “hip-hop gangsta” culture like the proverbial fly to **** and a large chunk of them are quite possibly the world’s greatest wiggers. One can encounter urban White kids speaking in hybrid English-Jamaican accents (“Dat’s fokin’ wikid, innit bruv?”). The following clip of three little toerags gives You an idea of what I’m talking about:

Perhaps so…but I can utter with great confidence that the “Wigger Championship of the World” may still linger securely in the hands of whites inhabiting the United States of Western Israel.

This polluted and inoculated variety of invasive “humans” can be observed multiplying in a fungus-like manner within the oversized Petri dishes of “Little Afrika, USA.”

The most prominent variety of the Wiggerus Americanus species has fair-skin, a gangly build, heavily tattooed arm and neck areas, is universally-uneducated, sporting a diamond-encrusted necklace, a diamond-encrusted watch, a diamond-encrusted pair of square-shaped earrings, a straight-brimmed baseball hat featuring the corporate logo of the home-town sports franchise perched either askew or merely worm on the temple portion of the skull (partially-obstructing one ear), a matching oversized replica athletic jersey (veiling a gigantic white t-shirt) featuring the nameplate of a black athlete, with matching shoes, matching shoelaces, and are strongly lacking in general hygiene, interpersonal, motor, and oratory skills.

Their natural habitat includes, but is not limited to, riding in “tricked out” Negro-mobiles whilst listening to high-decibel rap albums, pushing a baby-stroller while listening to a rap album through blaring headphones, waiting for public transportation while listening to a rap album in the same manner, assembling on porches while listening to a rap album with like-minded white colleagues and Negros, permanently-inhabiting the basement of a “parent,” ingesting, selling, and purchasing illegal drugs alongside street Negroes, etc.





Rebajlo, as always, has produced an astute and sophisticated post. It’s fascinating to hear the opinion of a like-minded white man who (I presume) has lived or at least visited the location of race-related occurrences such as the London Riots. Thanks for sharing your unique perspective.
The London riots simply one of the "Rivers of Blood" the great English statesman Enoch Powell warned the country about back in 1968. He was savaged for it and his political career ruined. It brings to mind H.L. Mencken's observation "The men people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most are those who try to tell them the truth."

From Pat Buchanan:

What were the British thinking when they threw open their doors to mass immigration from the Third World?

Over centuries, they had failed to assimilate a few million Irish, who were European Christians. So, having failed to assimilate the Irish, they decided to invite in millions of Hindus and Muslims from South Asia, Arabs from the Middle East, Africans from the sub-Sahara, black folks from the Caribbean.

But with no common faith or culture to hold the nation together, Britain is coming apart. Multiculturalism has "utterly failed," said Germany's Angela Merkel, only to be echoed by Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron.

Is multiculturalism a success here? Or does the sudden eruption of flash mobs suggest that the curtain has begun to be pulled back on diversity's dark side here in America?



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The London riots simply one of the "Rivers of Blood" the great English statesman Enoch Powell warned the country about back in 1968. He was savaged for it and his political career ruined. It brings to mind H.L. Mencken's observation "The men people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most are those who try to tell them the truth."

From Pat Buchanan:

What were the British thinking when they threw open their doors to mass immigration from the Third World?

Over centuries, they had failed to assimilate a few million Irish, who were European Christians. So, having failed to assimilate the Irish, they decided to invite in millions of Hindus and Muslims from South Asia, Arabs from the Middle East, Africans from the sub-Sahara, black folks from the Caribbean.

But with no common faith or culture to hold the nation together, Britain is coming apart. Multiculturalism has "utterly failed," said Germany's Angela Merkel, only to be echoed by Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron.

Is multiculturalism a success here? Or does the sudden eruption of flash mobs suggest that the curtain has begun to be pulled back on diversity's dark side here in America?

HOLD ON ONE SECOND!!! Angela Merkel, Sarkozy, and Cameron actually admitted multiculturalism Is a FAILURE. Though it is true, I don't believe for one second they have admitted it. I am calling B***sh**on this. Please cite your source.
HOLD ON ONE SECOND!!! Angela Merkel, Sarkozy, and Cameron actually admitted multiculturalism Is a FAILURE. Though it is true, I don't believe for one second they have admitted it. I am calling B***sh**on this. Please cite your source.

Pat Buchanan (as I stated in the post) is the author of that assertion (, however, if you search the phrase "the failure of multiculturalism" you can find the statements.

The expression of this failure by European leaders has strirred very little debate in the United States and tip-toed by the major news outlets with hardly a word of notice.
Axes would be better, but how common are they in an urban area?
Another good improvised weapon are table legs, but you would have to smash a table to get one. Then again, the riotors might smash the table for you!
Before the election Cameron actually said Britain should have less immigration, in the 10's of thousands per year, but I don't think he's followed through on that pledge of course.
The London riots simply one of the "Rivers of Blood" the great English statesman Enoch Powell warned the country about back in 1968. He was savaged for it and his political career ruined. It brings to mind H.L. Mencken's observation "The men people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most are those who try to tell them the truth."

From Pat Buchanan:

What were the British thinking when they threw open their doors to mass immigration from the Third World?

Over centuries, they had failed to assimilate a few million Irish, who were European Christians. So, having failed to assimilate the Irish, they decided to invite in millions of Hindus and Muslims from South Asia, Arabs from the Middle East, Africans from the sub-Sahara, black folks from the Caribbean.

But with no common faith or culture to hold the nation together, Britain is coming apart. Multiculturalism has "utterly failed," said Germany's Angela Merkel, only to be echoed by Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron.

Is multiculturalism a success here? Or does the sudden eruption of flash mobs suggest that the curtain has begun to be pulled back on diversity's dark side here in America?

Good post and excellent Mencken quote. Enoch Powell saw it coming as did many wise men. Same for integration and open borders here in the USA. Jean Raspail saw it coming to France:

All of western Europe and north America, celebrating diversity, as ordered by the lords and masters, the winners of WW2. How's the celebration going? Having fun yet?

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An article entitled "Statistics released on London riots."

Once again we find that the media grossly exaggerated the participation of whites in the riots. Fewer than 30% of the rioters were white. Blacks, who make up about 11% of London accounted for over 50% of rioters.

Race, not income or employment rates, was the strongest indicator of where riots took place.
Thrashen - Thanks for the kind words, mate.

The “World Wigger Championship†remains firmly in the fake gold-ring bedecked paws of such “white Americans†as those halfwits whose photos You posted :first:. What a collection of dross. That second fellow in particular is simply begging for a steel-capper in the face (the first arsehole sprawled in the “ride†looks like he has already copped one in the mouth, given the state of his teeth).

But when it comes to being drugged-up, lagered-up, obnoxiously mouthy and aggressive scum with zero class who are actually up for a fight I’d give the nod to the Wiggerus brittanicus, commonly referred to by naturalists and social commentators as the chav. Allow me to present a number of fine representatives of both sexes - note the differences in garb from Your North American variety. Let's begin with this strikingly handsome product of some baffling chromosomal deficiency (sporting a characteristic Burberry cap):




We cannot forget the "fairer sex":


On that digestion-upsetting note, it's time to return to the original topic, don't You think?

The media’s customary “politically correct†inversion of facts is in torrential flow, with all of the hackneyed personages voicing their platitudinous phrases ad nauseum...

Last Sunday I watched a report in which the leader of the Labour opposition, Ed Miliband (You guessed it - a Jew) was shown ambling about the debris of Tottenham, accompanied by the local Labour MP, the black David Lammy (more about this ******* supra-genius later).

Of course, given Tottenham’s “demographicsâ€, one wouldn’t exactly expect the local member to be White. There wasn’t a single White face to be seen among the casual passersby or the misshapen figures loitering about in the background, many of whom were bearded Paki flea farmers wearing pyjamas or blubbery, burger-fed blacks (the latter doubtlessly on the verge of springing into some form of superhumanly affletic world-record shattering action - mind You, it must have been their day off from performing sporting heroics because all of the genetically superior ebony giants on show simply stood there in a slack-jawed stupor, gaping at the camera). Yes, that’s modern Britain, thinks I, and the Bard’s immortal words rose unbidden to my snarling lips: This royal throne of kings, this sceptr’d isle...

Menorah-boy Miliband strolled around in his trademark mincing, limp-wristed manner enquiring about the welfare of these poor, hard-working “Londoners†whose livelihoods were so tragically destroyed by the depredations of rioting and looting “youthsâ€. All of a sudden, the focus moved from Miliband to some corpulent black “localâ€, whose cholesterol and body-fat levels are probably enough to provide both himself and his government-subsidised health professional with aorta-rupturing heart attacks (incidentally, another piece of irrefutable evidence that the evil White man jealously plots to reduce the natch’rally affletic Negro from a gold-medal winning physical thoroughbred to a fat-gutted, flatulent lounge lizard via a racist diet...). When asked about the underlying causes of the riots, this sweating hog reeled off a few typical gems of thinly-veiled justification: a young black man was shot by the police, therefore some in the “community†wanted “answers†and “justiceâ€. But the fundamental triggers were government spending cuts which have closed the local “youff ce’nnersâ€, so the “youngsters†have nowhere to “hang out†and are consequently “boredâ€. As there “ain’t no jobsâ€, the “youff†is frustrated and angry and - once you take away the “youff ce’nners†- there’s gonna be trouble...

Right on cue, the comically-bespectacled David Lammy MP popped up and began to run his thick-lipped gob about the problems besetting “his†constituency. He informed curious viewers that, despite it not being an excuse for such “unacceptable†violence, Tottenham has one of the highest rates of unemployment in Britain, with all of the associated “issues†of anger and discontent among “young peopleâ€. He repeated the media’s trusty current catchphrases about a class of disadvantaged youth who, in this precarious economic climate, feel that they have no “stake†in the future of the nation.

No stake, eh? Well, the nation (i.e. the taxpayer) unfortunately has a compulsory stake in the lives of these bludgers, having to pay their dole and fund the building of their council houses, et cetera. To complete the circle, the unemployed masses receive so many payments and perquisites associated with their status as an “impoverished underclass†(allowing them to purchase booze and drugs by the bucketful, huge stereos, TVs, the latest electronic gadgets, plus the “high fashion†- s****** - tracksuits, trainers, “bling†and tattoos they so much desire) that they don’t need to work. This is, of course, the ideal life for congenitally lazy scum who have no desire to work. Yes, it sure is tough being part of the “oppressed black minorityâ€...

Funnily enough, wherever one finds a “black communityâ€, one also finds near-universal unemployment, gangs, street crime, drug use, rapes et cetera. Maybe it’s just coincidence or - just like the racist diet responsible for vein-clogging black obesity - it’s all the White man’s fault... (yeah, dat be da troof).

Now, back to David Lammy, who is the poster boy for the artificial advancement of talentless Negroes (in the UK, at least) and always comes in handy for a hearty laugh. This intellectual behemoth was elected to Parliament in 2000, just before turning 28 and held the post of Minister for Higher Education. Check out the razor-sharp intelligence in this face:


Here comes the really funny part. In 2008, Lammy infamously appeared in an episode of Celebrity Mastermind, where he displayed his Afro-Caribbean brain power to advantage on national TV. The black dunce chose “Muhammad Ali†as his specialist subject (which is hardly bloody demanding), yet only managed to correctly answer eight out of fifteen quite simple questions (this should provide dempseyfire and Westside with a good wheeze). Anyway, once Lammy got into the general knowledge phase, he managed to prove beyond a measure of doubt that he is even dumber than he looks (which, given his dopey boat, is quite a feat...). This daft prick (I mean, Minister for Higher Education) needs to be seen to be believed:


:lol: :afro:
Lammy actually missed one of the Ali questions when he said "Madison Avenue" instead of Madison Square Garden.

Also, how does Henry VII follow Henry VIII?
Lammy actually missed one of the Ali questions when he said "Madison Avenue" instead of Madison Square Garden.

Also, how does Henry VII follow Henry VIII?

Funny stuff, Bronk!
Bronk, Colonel Reb - Pretty smooth, isn't he? I also particularly enjoyed "Antoinette" in place of "Curie" and "Versailles" instead of "Bastille" - but one definitely cannot top Henry VII following Henry VIII... :biggrin:
Looks like one of the never-ending, minion of "AA hires", that is no more qualified for "his" job than is a sack of gravel. Let's bottom-line it....that usurper (like thousands more of his ilk) is NOT English or European and thus, has NO business on the lands of our kinsmen & forefathers. :angry:
Looks like one of the never-ending, minion of "AA hires", that is no more qualified for "his" job than is a sack of gravel. Let's bottom-line it....that usurper (like thousands more of his ilk) is NOT English or European and thus, has NO business on the lands of our kinsmen & forefathers. :angry:
However, Lammy speaks with a charming English accent, which makes him "appear" to be distinguished and intellectual to knuckleheads worldwide. I'm not sure if he would garner the same attention if he spoke like, say, Allen Iverson.
I've read a lot of people talking about Starkey, and my understanding is that he is only talking about culture, without acknowledging any racial input to the creation of culture.
I saw British MP Rory Stewart interviewed the other day and he mentioned that Lammy was his friend. I almost spit my coffee out laughing. Two days before I hadn't even heard of this sorry milksop and now I've already had a chuckle at his expense. That's one reason I love the Caste boards!
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