London of the Apes!!!! more black violence and rioting

Werewolf, I love your messages but more weapons for cops only hurts us. Look at the English cops--how many black rioters have destroyed the future for individual whites? So far as I know, ZERO have been shot by cops. Supposedly, the shooting ostensibly beginning this riot was because a cop murdered a black, but I don't believe either of these groups of pathological liars. If it were whites rioting, cops would have begun murdering them as soon as the cops reached the scene.

DWF - You're right. The way things stand now the only people the occupational government's police will be ordered to shoot down How free they were with their artillery at Waco, all those goofy innocents and babies, and Randy Weaver and his family who only wanted to be left alone on their mountain, not to mention millions of poor people on the far corners of the world upon whom they amuse themselves by bombing, mass murdering, torturing, real life remote control computer game drone killing...

But when it comes to Negroes robbing, raping, looting, burning down their own cities, then it's, "Ooh! Water canon might mess up their woolly hair do's! We mustn't hurt the precious babies! They've had unhappy childhoods and they're victims of white racism. Maybe we can bribe them with more welfare and reparations or something."

There's been more rioting in London and they've started in Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool. They should have the army out there gunning these scumbags down instead of having police standing around with shields spectating and arresting a person here and there. The police should be out on the attack with batons cracking skulls at the very least.

This is the absolute answer short term!

Events are building to a head. The deadbeats are rising/ rioting becuase they feel the free ride to their pathetic lives are being threaten or are scum of opportunity(really no difference).

It is a life struggle for law and order and civilized society to hold the line and beat these street urchin minorities in the streets. Its a telling tme.

Already, in America, alot of Americans see this perverse experiment with BO, democrats and their dysfunctional system of kaysian economics have failed at every turn. No matter the Jew cheerleading. As Rush stated, Barark is a dead man walking.

Now, its up to US to fund and support the TEA Party and enforce the conter revolution. Interesting times, indeed. Can't wait for 2012.
"Hello Norway? Yes, this is the UK calling. We're wondering if we can borrow a certain someone for a few days."
"Hello Norway? Yes, this is the UK calling. We're wondering if we can borrow a certain someone for a few days."

Ni**ga you crazy? We have our own imported negros to deal with. Call the UN, we are busy! :high5:
Remember that the UK is not the usa, there are plenty of white "youths" involved in this too. It's not a clear black/white issue like it would be here in amerika. If the cops start shooting it will be white kids killed as well as black. and maybe more white as mentioned above.
Remember that the UK is not the usa, there are plenty of white "youths" involved in this too. It's not a clear black/white issue like it would be here in amerika. If the cops start shooting it will be white kids killed as well as black. and maybe more white as mentioned above.

This is a serious question, as I've only met one Englishman in my entire life. Are the white kids there identifying so strongly with blacks that they actually riot with them? Or is there some other reason they'd do this?

It's mostly N's rioting and burning and looting, as usual, as always, everyplace, always. The controlled media is trying to conceal that fact, highlighting white faces, some of whom may well be victims or people trying to defend against the rioters.

Three Moslems murdered by the rioters while trying to defend their community:

I'd like to see the Moslems go to war with the N's.

Before the UK "won" WW2 the UK was all white. No race problem whatsoever. Policemen never even routinely carried guns. Violent crime was very rare. Now they're celebrating diversity. Having fun yet?

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Just googled up this post. Tells ya what's really going on - as if I didn't know already.


Plymouth, UK

6 hrs ago

I live in Enfield which has been troubled by looters who are mostly black. Nobody here wants racism or racial tension in our city but unfortunately that went out the window when they started their disorderly conduct.

Many white youths and business owners took to the streets to try and defend our city and they were all cordened off and arrested, whilst the black youths were allowed to carry on looting while the police just stood there and watched.

It's the same old story and it's been like this for the last 5 years, the police won't do anything for fears of racial accusations."

I'd like to see the Moslems go to war with the N's.


It's funny that you mention this. I just read some Englishmen on Majority Rights saying that the Pakistanis and blacks are getting into *serious* confrontations in these riots right now.
I note that these rioters are destroying their own community. Within a year they will complain about their area being "food Deserts>' They will blame this on "racism," not the fact that their violence drove the businesses out of their community. That is my prediction if Britain still exists.

Typical cult-marx response to the non-white starters of the England riots. [h=1]Soul searching lies ahead as riots cool in Britain[/h] [h=2]Prime Minister Cameron will face pressure to soften austerity plans[/h]LONDON — British Prime Minister David Cameron will face pressure Thursday to soften his austerity plans, toughen up policing and do more to help inner-city communities after days of riots and looting laid bare deep social tensions in a depressed economy.
Remember that the UK is not the usa, there are plenty of white "youths" involved in this too. It's not a clear black/white issue like it would be here in amerika. .

The (controlled) "mainstream" media cherry picks photos w/ some of the (vast minority) White rioters & plasters them on their websites so the populace doesn't draw the (correct) conclusion that 85%+ of the looters are "turd world" untermenschen...and thus have NO business in Europe (or the U.S. or Canada).
Which would be a better self defense weapon for people who are not allowed firearms, Baseball bats or cricket bats?
I need some opinion, for I may have to fedex thrm for people in need in a certain foreign country.
Theres an AP article surrfacing everywhere that 3 Pakistani youths were guarding there stores when a car ran into them at full speed and killed all 3. The Moslem response was swift. They claimed all the men in the car were black and were starting to throw around chants that they are going to behead any looters they catch. Its nice to see some people stand up against these scumbags. While are blacks pretty much as****** no matter what country they frequent?
Im sorry Ive been absent from the forum but I was busy taking a thrashwere.

How does this post in any way pertain to the London Race Riots? What was the purpose of making such a statement in this thread?

Also, you have no reason to be “sorry,†as your absence from non-football threads is much appreciated. It’s not as if you provide any evidence, articles, facts, quotes, pictures, data, statistics, or anecdotes to support your “positionâ€â€¦well, aside from impolitely referring to fellow posters as “paranoid morons†(which you also did under your former handle, “MattHarperâ€).
If you think you can get away with it, nothing IMO beats an Axe. I actually seen a man hit with one once!

One has to have the build and strength of Thor to properly wield an axe, either offensively or in some scenerios defensively. A bat is alot lighter and more conducive to swinging quickly and in different directions.

Space Hillbilly what was the final deposition of the miscreant that was so unfortuneate to cross your path?:biggrin:
One has to have the build and strength of Thor to properly wield an axe, either offensively or in some scenerios defensively. A bat is alot lighter and more conducive to swinging quickly and in different directions.

Space Hillbilly what was the final deposition of the miscreant that was so unfortuneate to cross your path?:biggrin:
He "was" unfortuneate!
How does this post in any way pertain to the London Race Riots? What was the purpose of making such a statement in this thread?

Also, you have no reason to be “sorry,†as your absence from non-football threads is much appreciated. It’s not as if you provide any evidence, articles, facts, quotes, pictures, data, statistics, or anecdotes to support your “positionâ€â€¦well, aside from impolitely referring to fellow posters as “paranoid morons†(which you also did under your former handle, “MattHarperâ€).

What's a thrashwere? I don't get it?:noidea:
This is a serious question, as I've only met one Englishman in my entire life. Are the white kids there identifying so strongly with blacks that they actually riot with them? Or is there some other reason they'd do this?
It's possible the poorest of White children have been brainwashed into becoming wiggers. Ie the the children living in counsel housing as Blacks would be significant percentage of the people in subsidized housing in London. But Blacks are only about 10 percent of London's population so they can't cause mayhem across the city alone. They are also a tiny part of the rest of the country, so any rioting in other cities is because of Whites or Indians(Asians). The poor do have grievances with the government but this is not anything but an attempt to get free shoes and free designer clothes.
Behold the consequences of six decades of “cultural enrichment” by “black and Asian people”.

When all of this kicked off I was so enraged that I felt like jumping aboard the first flight to London, buying a baseball bat, hammer and a bag of nails immediately upon arrival, utilising these three purchases to hastily construct a “crowd control device”, then getting out there and caving in some black skulls (i.e. doing the job of the police).

As it happens, I shall be in the UK from mid-September to early November. The once-great city, now “multi-ethnic” ****-hole that is London is unsurprisingly not on my list of favourite English destinations, but my lady and I had nevertheless pencilled in four nights in the nicely affluent surrounds of Kensington (being a plush area, the sitting “Conservative” MP is, of course, a Jew, ex-Foreign Secretary “Sir” Malcolm Rifkind). Kensington is only about 10 km east of Ealing and about the same distance south-west of Chalk Farm, both of which experienced rioting, while another “hot-spot”, Clapham, is south of the river. Deadset brilliant, that is.

Too bad that all of this didn’t occur some 16 months earlier as it would have fallen about a month before the last general election, meaning that the British National Party (BNP) would have received a lot more than the circa 560,000 votes that they polled.

This mess highlights the utter helplessness of Western police forces (sorry, my mistake - police “services”) in the face of any potential large-scale disturbances. Such shrivelled-nuts helplessness stems from decades of politically correct blanket denial of society’s wholesale negative transformation, which is largely (though not entirely) the result of non-White immigration.

At least You lads in the United States have the constitutional right to bear arms and hence be sufficiently tooled up to defend Your families, homes and properties in the instance of a similar breakdown of so-called law and order (or simply to deal with an intruder). In the United Kingdom and Australia, however, the population is thoroughly bereft of firearms. Hell, at least our coppers carry pistols, whereas the British bobbies walk about empty handed (apart from a dinky telescopic baton and a small canister of capsicum spray), having to call in specialised armed backup units as required - which obviously happened in the case of this prick noir Mark Duggan (at least that’s one worthless banana-eater who shan’t be committing any further crimes although, even after death, he’ll be costing the taxpayer dearly).

The British police are a joke - it’s all about “getting to know your community”, “inter-racial harmony”, “appreciating cultural differences”, understanding the “poverty”, “frustration” and “social exclusion” which leads “youth” into crime, plus youth liaison officers, youth workers, youth centres and all that kind of crabbed bollocks. When things really explode, they are at a loss, as mobs of criminals hurling half-bricks, paving stones and beer bottles don’t generally respond to polite requests to “move along, please”. Just like here in Australia, the police only become heavy handed when dealing with White “racists”, who are the only group of people not protected by the “human rights and legal aid” industry.

That useless nonce David Cameron continues to masquerade as a “conservative” (incidentally, if he is a “conservative”, what the **** does that make me?), mouthing his platitudes and holding dangerously dynamic-sounding “Cobra” (Cabinet Office Briefing Room) meetings, which involve fat, wheezing politicians and bureaucrats taking a short break from their rent-boys to piss their collective pants, formulate plans to cover things up and conveniently blame Whites while enacting measures to scrape together even more taxpayers’ money to hand over to the drunken proles in the form of additional welfare appeasement. Oh, yes, they are really “getting on top of things”...

In stark contrast to the ultra-leftist BBC, the Polish television news is describing the rioters as “predominantly African and Afro-Caribbean immigrants”. The British media, of course, makes no mention of blacks, instead using the word “youths”, that well-worn colour-neutral descriptor so beloved by wool-over-the-eyes politicians and their media lackeys / masters.

Most of the CCTV stills released by the police just happen to feature White faces, while TV reports focus on those three Pakis run down in Birmingham (who bloody well cares - that’s three less of the greasy bastards), with the obvious implication that the perpetrators may have been White, and on black victims of looting. Everything is carefully edited and scripted, from the footage of white chavs breaking into shopfronts to the stolid black policeman standing guard in the background outside Number 10 while David Cameron assures the public that the government is about to save the world (and all within budget).

Unfortunately, the participation of many young Whites in these sprees makes it so much easier for the authorities and media to avoid any discussions about the glaringly obvious leading role played by blacks in both everyday street crime and these events in particular. Why is the behaviour of so many young British Whites almost identical to that of the mindless black thugs we all know so well? Permit me to explain...

The United Kingdom is the El Dorado of welfare. The tax dollars of responsible Britons have not only funded the education-and-work-free “lifestyle” of blacks for decades - they have also provided the same for the very worst elements of White society. Several generations of the most dysgenic White material in the UK have been permitted to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without ever having to acquire an education or do a day of work, which has spawned a culture of ignorance, laziness, arrogance, class hatred and the expectation of receiving everything for “free”, as society “owes them” because they are “poor” (despite receiving housing and acres of money from the taxpayer via a succession of incompetent governments).

Such scum are allowed to breed like bacteria in a septic tank in summer without the slightest hint of responsibility and, quite naturally, each generation is progressively worse than that of its feckless begetters (parents is a wholly inappropriate term). The end products are the charming specimens we have seen in action over the last few days - the chav generation.

Chavs (that’s “council housed and violent”, in case any of You were wondering) are uneducated, uncouth, loud-mouthed vermin without an ounce of respect for anyone or anything. They generally (but, as in the case of any popular “criminal” subculture, not always) grow up on taxpayer-funded council estates amid an atmosphere of absolute indolence, alcoholism, drug abuse, domestic violence, gangs, street crime and a virulent hatred of the “rich” (i.e. anyone who actually works for a living), all fuelled by their own complete lack of character and resultant crippling inferiority complexes.

Of course, these arse-end-of-the-White-race types have taken to black “hip-hop gangsta” culture like the proverbial fly to **** and a large chunk of them are quite possibly the world’s greatest wiggers. One can encounter urban White kids speaking in hybrid English-Jamaican accents (“Dat’s fokin’ wikid, innit bruv?”). The following clip of three little toerags gives You an idea of what I’m talking about:


Such an exceedingly generous welfare system has led to a population explosion among the chav types and has in turn created an ever greater burden upon the taxpayer - a burden that is essentially unsustainable. Yet now more than ever, welfare payments are seen by many as a form of “protection money” which forestalls exactly this type of collective violence by the “underclass” (what’s left of the old “working class” is rapidly vanishing). This patently spineless attitude was expressed by some pudgy White wimp who spoke to Liberal Democrats leader Nick Clegg (who I’d call a ****-stick, but I doubt that he possesses one) while the heroic deputy PM strolled about “affected areas” (once the rioters had left, that is) a couple of days ago. The soft little slob asked Clegg the following question: “Deputy Prime Minister, is this the kind of violence we shall continue to see if the government keeps cutting welfare?” I felt like kicking the TV through the wall...

The British “judicial system” is in full swing, handing out slaps on the wrist all round. As usual, the criminals can do as they please, laugh at the police and stick two fingers up as they leave the court, collect their dole money and stroll down to the bottle shop. I can already imagine various politicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, clergymen, “youth workers” and community activists - many in the latter two categories consisting of unbelievably naive and frighteningly repulsive White “women” sporting lesbian bowl cuts - formulating “plans of action” to combat the “root causes” of “poverty”, “disillusionment”, “disenfranchisement” and “boredom” among “young people who are unable to find work” (Unable? That’s a laugh). The answers, of course, shall involve spending more money provided by the eternally-milked taxpayer to build additional council housing estates, skate parks and youth centres and to hand out free tickets to Premier League matches and concerts. Dat’s fokin’ awright, fokin’ innit?

Following the necessary, er, “excision” of non-Whites, the sad fact is that if Britain is to remain a “democracy” based on universal suffrage one would have to “dispose” of about 10 to 15% of Whites before one could expect to create a functioning society of responsible people who are willing to work for their living and adhere to the word of the law. The same template could easily be applied to my own country...
What's a thrashwere? I don't get it?:noidea:

Its a combination of Thrashen and Werewolf tag team, and your getting your ass handed to you.:boxing:
American Freedom News