Lesean McCoy is an idiot


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Lesean McCoy has stated that Chip Kelly got rid of all the good black players from the Eagles over the past offseason. This comes only days after the historically blackest draft in NFL history as whites are being systematically eliminated from the game. He is the microcosm of what is wrong with society -just another black racist crying wolf - just like in Ferguson, Baltimore and with St. Trayvon. I hope white people begin to wake up and make the link between the anti-white racist agenda in greater society and the same issue in sports.


Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
Whatever black players Kelly got rid of he replaced with other black players.

McCoy was replaced by Murray and Maclin is being replaced by a black draft pick.

Kelly also got rid of a good white player in Nick Foles.

Lesean McCoy is, indeed, an idiot.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Negros are going to forever cry "racism" about anything, and everything. What a tiny, pathetic, spoiled, and stupid race of people they are.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I can only imagine what white coaches have to deal with on a daily basis, or for that matter white supervisors owners in companies with large a black employe base. If you replace a single black with a white you can be called a racist. Blacks are just little pussies who feel threatened anytime a team gets a little lighter.

Then we have affirmative action professors like this buffoon. http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/03/v...lls-for-massive-surveillance-of-white-people/


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Race is clearly a very important issue to LeSean McCoy. Back in the summer of 2013, after it was revealed that Riley Cooper was caught uttering a certain “unthinkableâ€￾ slur at a Kenny Chesney concert whilst inebriated, various Eagles players were interviewed and players such as Michael Vick and Jason Avant stated that Cooper was a good friend and that they completed forgave him for his mistake. McCoy was interviewed and was whining like a little bitch, acting “holier than thou,â€￾ and avowing to never be friendly with Cooper again…

LeSean McCoy said he forgave Riley Cooper, but the Pro Bowl running back isn’t yet ready to forget.

McCoy on Thursday wondered whether the racial slur screamed by Cooper in a video that went viral Wednesday reflected the true feelings inside of a teammate who he thought was a close friend, and he questioned whether the friendship could be preserved.

“I definitely think it will be different,â€￾ McCoy said after Thursday’s practice indoors. “That’s somebody that I’ve known for a couple of years. So it’s like, once somebody shows you who they really are, leave it.

“I’m thinking like, I think I know him very well and then you do something like that, when you don’t think no cameras are around, you don’t think nobody’s around, everything is in closed doors, you show who you really are. I just think I know him a little better than I thought I did.â€￾

Cooper apologized to the team Wednesday night in a meeting and several players, including Michael Vick and Jason Avant, afterward echoed a sentiment of forgiveness.

McCoy, who saw the video, said it was “terribleâ€￾ and seemed to be conflicted with his emotions toward the fourth-year wideout.

“Ain’t nothing to prove. He said how he felt,â€￾ McCoy said. “He’s still a teammate. I’m still going to block for him. I’m still gonna show great effort. Just on a friendship level, and as a person, I can’t really respect somebody like that. I think as a team, we need to move past it. There are some things that are going to be hard to work with, to be honest.â€￾

McCoy said he’s not the only teammate appalled by Cooper’s epithet. Other teammates had conflicting emotions about Cooper.
"It’s a tough pill to swallow because you had this perception of a guy and I don’t know if it necessarily changed the perception of him, but it definitely puts a damper to my spirits at least to what kind of person he is," cornerback Cary Williams said. "I’m more cautious now to approach him. I don’t know what he does in his free time because I haven’t hung out with him. But as far as in the locker room, he seemed like a pretty cool dude. He didn’t seem like a racist. I think he just made a mistake."

“I just take the attitude of a lot of players on the team,â€￾ McCoy added. “The last couple of days has been tough for everybody. You don’t just say something like that and then it’s just normal. It’s hard for a lot of players like myself, because I’m good friends with him.

“And then we’ve been playing for three years, and something like this comes out, I think where a person thinks that the cameras are off and nobody is really watching, you let your true side come out, and I think that’s what happened. I think it’s a matter of him actually getting caught.

“I forgive him because he’s a teammate, but some things [don’t] fit well with myself and other teammates at all.â€￾

Cooper practiced with the team Thursday and spoke to reporters after. He insinuated that none of his teammates had shown him the cold shoulder or reacted negatively toward him.

McCoy said he hadn’t spoken personally to Cooper and didn’t see many teammates interacting with Cooper during practice.

“That’s what’s expected,â€￾ he said. “I don’t think he’ll get the same treatment and people talking to him as he did before the incident happened. Which is expected, though. I don’t think you say things like that and think that everything will be the same. He’s looked at differently.

“Not only just him, but anybody. It’s like, ‘Are you the same person?’ [There isn’t] a point where I’m pissed off at a person where I’ll just say something racial. It’s more anger at the person.

“It is what it is. We’re here to play football as a team. We’re definitely trying to move past it, but reality is reality.â€￾

Like most blacks, McCoy is truly infantile and his ultra-privileged, millionaire life is still saturated with victimhood. I wonder how many times Riley Cooper was called a “white boy,â€￾ a “redneck,â€￾ a “cracker,â€￾ a “hillbilly,â€￾ a “honky,â€￾ or a “peckerwoodâ€￾ by his own teammates or by other teams? Probably thousands, but did he ever complain? Did those videos “go viralâ€￾ and the blacks who uttered those slurs made into race pariahs?


His recent comments are in the similar vein. He says that Chip Kelly was jealous of the “black starsâ€￾ on the Eagles and wanted the credit for himself. Yeah, right. Did McCoy ever think that Kelly didn’t like LeSean McCoy and DeSean Jackson because they’re not good guys and he didn’t want to work with them despite their talents?


Oct 12, 2008
Most of the comments were predictably against McCoy for sour grapes and pointing out that blacks were replaced with blacks. I threw in a wrinkle comment that "the NFL is supposedly a copycat league, and since the Whitest team just won the Super Bowl, then maybe Chip Kelly is onto something." Some douche replied "a black player won the game for the Pats."


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I can only imagine what white coaches have to deal with on a daily basis, or for that matter white supervisors owners in companies with large a black employe base. If you replace a single black with a white you can be called a racist. Blacks are just little pussies who feel threatened anytime a team gets a little lighter.

Then we have affirmative action professors like this buffoon. http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/03/v...lls-for-massive-surveillance-of-white-people/

White privilege has been a hot buzz word for the multi-cultural cult in this country over the past year. It's a fake social construct born out of 60s leftist movement in its assault on traditional America. It's the Easter Bunny, Toothfairy and Santa Clause of the lefts bogus claim to racism and prejudice against black and brown people. **** that black racist pig - he doesn't mention the thousands of white lives taken by blacks, the billions dumped into the welfare and social programs by white tax payers over the past 50 years.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Some douche replied "a black player won the game for the Pats."

THats true. THat black player was Russel Wilson for cracking under pressure.
Nov 28, 2011
I seen this story earlier and my first thought was "what a idiot".I hate how nfl.com takes down comments on any story thats "controversial",i would be willing to bet that is where we would actually get a good gauge of how sick people are of this crap.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
White privilege has been a hot buzz word for the multi-cultural cult in this country over the past year. It's a fake social construct born out of 60s leftist movement in its assault on traditional America. It's the Easter Bunny, Toothfairy and Santa Clause of the lefts bogus claim to racism and prejudice against black and brown people.

"White privilege" is a term that was invented as a political weapon to be used to attack white people.

For various reasons white people are often successful in life. Rather than give them credit for working hard and using their intelligence to succeed their success is used against them and credited to "racism."

"White privilege" is a political, anti-white term and those who support its use are racists.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
THats true. THat black player was Russel Wilson for cracking under pressure.

Lol. That's true. Wilson lost the game for them.

But he gets very little criticism because of black privilege. Part of black privilege is that nothing negative is ever said about them.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
DeMarco Murray is just as good if not better. Meanwhile McCoy will be stuck with Fat Rex and a weak offense. We will see how good he does this year when he has to run behind a nearly all sumo line.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
It's easy for "aware" fans to notice the coaches, GMs, and franchises that demonstrate bias in favor of black players. This doesn't apply to the positions from which whites have already been eliminated: some teams reliably fill their racially-ambiguous positions with all-black casts. But there is never a peep from athletes or media when a team expunges a few white players to leap above mean melanin levels. And if it wasn't Chip Kelly, eventually another coach was going to come along and sign a few new white players and get branded 'rayciss' by the usual suspects.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Leloser McCoy says this, because he knows he can and will get away with it. Imagine a White basket ball/baseball player of considerable skill uttering the same crap. The MSM would go 24/7 with it. The player would suspended and never to play again for at least a year. This affelete says it and the disgusting DWFs "wonder" maybe he has a point. Glad in the comment sections of the story there are people who sound like us here at CF.

God, really hope the Eagles go all the way this year.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It's easy for "aware" fans to notice the coaches, GMs, and franchises that demonstrate bias in favor of black players. This doesn't apply to the positions from which whites have already been eliminated: some teams reliably fill their racially-ambiguous positions with all-black casts. But there is never a peep from athletes or media when a team expunges a few white players to leap above mean melanin levels. And if it wasn't Chip Kelly, eventually another coach was going to come along and sign a few new white players and get branded 'rayciss' by the usual suspects.
Jimmy the Greek mentioned this problem 40+years ago. Teams that had racial discord lost points when he surveyed various lines. He had insider knowledge on certain teams that had problems. Back then Blacks were only the majority or near majority in the defensive backfield for most teams. Now it's most units on all teams.


Sep 29, 2011
Myself I am hoping that many more McCoys speak up in such eloquent fashion. Certainly conservatives cannot do much besides play step an fetchit for the anti-white left, the conservatives never seek to disqualify any leftist but instead try and wear them out with facts, as if facts matter.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Ive heard talking heads on ESPN, Fox Sports, CBS sports, and NFL network within the last two hours, discussing if Chip Kelly is a "racist" or not. They are really putting pressure on him to field a mostly black team.
Nov 28, 2011
More power to them Wes because even the fans that claim to be colorblind will resent the thought of a "too white" team in a league thats 70% black.This narrative will either cost the nfl even more fans or actually expose the caste system to a wider audience and cause a big backlash against the nfl.

If this doesn't happen i have truly lost hope that people are more than sheep
Dec 7, 2014
L.A. California, in the Former US of A
White privilege has been a hot buzz word for the multi-cultural cult in this country over the past year. It's a fake social construct born out of 60s leftist movement in its assault on traditional America. It's the Easter Bunny, Toothfairy and Santa Clause of the lefts bogus claim to racism and prejudice against black and brown people. **** that black racist pig - he doesn't mention the thousands of white lives taken by blacks, the billions dumped into the welfare and social programs by white tax payers over the past 50 years.

"White Privilege" is a play on the term "Jewish Privilege" which has been around for decades. The usual suspects, immune to criticism in the MSM which they own, are projecting. Everything they've done or want to do is twisted into something that was done by Whites or something Whites want to do. Take for example the horrors jews inflicted on Whites in the gulags and throughout prisons in the old Eastern Bloc which morphed into fanasty stories of Nazi perpetrated horror from the Holoco$t™®. I have no doubt that scatological, bloviating anti-white pigs like Abe Foxman and Tim Wise may possibly pay twinks to dress up in SS outfits, then they have their jack-booted dates use implements on the flabby frames as they howl for more punishment while trapped in "the camps". Look at every single charge this group of gypsies with laptops makes against Whites, and then look at what they actually do. Every single charge they level at Whites is what they themselves do. They always project.

If Chip Kelly had gotten rid of a bunch of black baggage and replaced them with high caliber White players this would actually be a story of note, something that could be referred to as a good start. But the tribe uses every opportunity they can to create an inference of racism and controversy against Whites. I have no doubt some schlomoid whispered in Lesean's ear to get this story rolling. Our hive-minded enemies have been able to dig in deep because they are hive-minded, while most individualist Whites paid little attention. The collapse of the system in general is not a question of if, more a question of when. When it falls apart in other areas, sports will go right along with it.