Justin Trudeau

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
His father Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a famous cuckold. His wife was a groupie with the Rolling Stones, and when the media asked him about it, he said he didn't care - she could do whatever she wanted.

Justin Trudeau's mother was a notorious promiscuous woman. Here she is exposing her vagina at Studio 54:


A very weird woman!


And her son Justin Trudeau is the very worst Prime Minister Canada has ever had.



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You neglected to mention that there's a 99.9% chance he's the son of Fidel Castro.

He does resemble Castro.

The infamous cuckold Pierre Elliot Trudeau probably didn't father him, his real father might be Castro or it could be someone else.
He does resemble Castro.

The infamous cuckold Pierre Elliot Trudeau probably didn't father him, his real father might be Castro or it could be someone else.

Ol’ Pierre wasn’t man enough to get the job done. ;-)
A massive number of Indians have been admitted into Canada during the past couple of years. The quality of life here is declining because of the thousands of these very rude and often aggressive people, many of whom hate white people, especially the British who conquered them. Numerous times over the past few years I've seen young Indian men bully old white men.

This is the culture Trudeau is bringing here:

Teenaged girl raped, then set on fire, police say


India's rape crisis shows no signs of abating

Rape of eight-year-old girl

Huge amounts of Indians (and Chinese) are being brought into the U.S. as well. While racially aware Whites continue to focus on blacks, and the influx of Mexicans invading through the southern border, H-1B visas are an equally dangerous weapon, being used in this case to quickly replace the jobs of upper-middle class White professionals. There is literally no limit to the number of Indians and Chinese who want to come here, the pool of them who want to do so is likely in the hundreds of millions and various institutions are quietly bringing them here in very large numbers.

I saw this article earlier today, which is just the very tiny tip of a still mostly unrecognized massive iceberg being used to replace Whites in North America:

H-1B Abuse: Bay Area Tech Workers from India Paid a Pittance
you wanna see the effects of chinese immigration into the USA just watch high school track in California, they are almost catching up to hispanics in numbers competing...
White Identity Politics Is Enshrined in Canada's Constitution


Don't let them deceive you. Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) and the Multiculturalism Act of 1988 encourages Euro-Canadians to "preserve" and "enhance" their cultural heritage and ethnic identity.

Section 27 of the Charter clearly states that the "Charter shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement" of the culture of all ethnic groups in Canada, including Euro-Canadians. The Multiculturalism Act clearly states that "all citizens," including Euro-Canadians, "are equal and have the freedom to preserve, enhance and share their cultural heritage." The racial identity of Euro-Canadians is part of this cultural heritage since this heritage was built by them.

Canadian law recognizes the fundamental right of Euro-Canadians to advocate for a Canada that remains majority European in its ethnic and cultural character.

It may seem contradictory to be encouraging White identity politics through the employment of multicultural principles that were intended in their inception to encourage the dominant majority Anglo-European people to "respect" the "human need" of non-European minority groups to cherish and enhance their ethnic and religious identities within the framework of Canada's political system. Is not multiculturalism a call upon the government to provide extra funding for minority cultural programs as well as "special" rights for non-European groups against past "historical wrongs" and "persisting" discrimination by the White majority?

Section 27 and the Multiculturalism Act are indeed viewed by minorities as legal weapons to "enhance" their ethnic interests in Canada against the "privilege" of Whites. Legal historians inform us that Section 27 was "the result of intensive lobbying by Canada' ethno-cultural communities [non-Whites] for... a larger share of power in Canada's political system". They also tell us that Section 27 was meant to afford minorities with "group rights" (in addition to the individual rights Canadians generally enjoy) to protect their cultures and their racial identity from "dominant" Whites.

This is precisely the point. Group rights for Euro-Canadians are implicitly and logically enshrined in Canada's legal system. Insomuch as multiculturalism uses the language of collective rights to guarantee the cultural survival of "minority" groups, it follows that Euro-Canadians have a group right to use multiculturalism to "preserve" their identity as a group in Canada in the face of immigration patterns that are fast reducing them to a minority. Why should minorities growing ever larger through relentless immigration enjoy both individual and group rights at the same time that Euro-Canadian members are excluded from enjoying any group rights as their heritage is destroyed? Why should the majority culture be viewed as the only group that is capable of engaging in discrimination against minority groups, decades after decades, rather than as the one culture that has been singled out as lacking any collective identity at all?

The establishment wants to hide this constitutional reality from Euro-Canadians. The Left wants Euro-Canadians to use multiculturalism to enhance the group rights of "non-Caucasians" in Canada. They want Euro-Canadians to attack their own ancestry, their own history, as they celebrate the ancestry and history of immigrants. Conservatives want Euro-Canadians to acts as "individuals" without group rights while lamely begging masses of immigrants arriving yearly to "embrace" this individualism. They are oblivious to the fact that immigrants come from collectivist cultures. They can't understand the reality of ethnic power politics: that immigrants sense that the Canadian establishment is pathetically weak in its irrational fear of Euro-Canadian identity, and that the impending demographic history of Canada will tilt the balance of ethnic power decisively in their favour in a few years.

As Asians, Blacks, Aboriginals, Indians, Chinese, and non-Whites generally, express in full their constitutional group rights in ethnic voting patterns and through the creation of associations, clubs, churches to advance their own ethnic interests, Euro-Canadians will have no option but to assert their constitutional right to engage in "white identity politics".
Most Canadian non-Whites will vote for the left-wing NDP party in the next federal election, because the leader is non-White (a Sikh).


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Most Canadian non-whites will vote for the left-wing NDP party in the next federal election, because the leader is non-White (a Sikh).



That rubynoggin needs to be sent packing back to India. The boy (& his kind) does not on North American soil. These lands were civilized BY & intended FOR the great, superior White man!
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Man sought in alleged sex assault, extortion of senior


This is an example of the kind of people Trudeau is letting into Canada. What kind of disgusting creep rapes (forcibly sodomizes) a 77-year-old man?

Human garbage. The crowning achievement of this slob’s life was crapping in a toilet (for the first time surely when he arrived in Canada).

Justin from Canada is a traitor to his people. He should be run out of office on a rail.

“Justine Trubleau” is an insidious, subhuman, scumbag slimeball...& that’s being “kind”. I utterly detest “his kind” to the core. He’s a total sh1t stain on the political map.
Canadian government welcomes back ISIS militants


How would you describe 21st-century Canada? How would you describe a government so willing to tolerate, accommodate and welcome the worst, most dangerous and most violent of its residents? And how would you describe a population that elected and tolerates or embraces such a government?

Faint of heart. Canada’s current government and its people are faint of heart: uncertain of their own purpose and cause, unwilling to stand up against evil, unable to promote anything but extreme “tolerance.”

Harper wasn't perfect but he was much better than Trudeau.

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Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade



Quoting an excellent comment made in response to the article (see link above):

"Any thinking person should realize, that an LG lifestyle is an extinction level lifestyle. If the whole world became LG overnight, the human race would cease to exist in 2 generations. As for BTQ lifestyles, they are just that persons’ sexual choice and preference. Why do we need to celebrate what they have chosen to live? Why do we even need to know about it?

We all know and understand that life is all choices and consequences. You make good choices and enjoy good results. You make bad choices and suffer bad results.

The Political Correctness issue is a fake idea. The real issue is Biblical correctness, because there are laws in place that govern our lives, whether we believe that or not. For example the Law of Gravity applies to our lives whether we believe it or not.

So, if those who believe in and understand the biblical correctness laws try to warn others of the consequences of breaking those laws, is that HATE or is it LOVE, in it’s purest form? Wanting to warn someone of danger and trying to protect them from it’s consequences, is not hate?

Unfortunately, common sense is not very common anymore and the FAKE NEWS, on our televisions only tries to dumb us down, to believe what they want us to believe, instead of presenting facts, so we can decide for ourselves."

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Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade



Quoting an excellent comment made in response to the article (see link above):

"Any thinking person should realize, that an LG lifestyle is an extinction level lifestyle. If the whole world became LG overnight, the human race would cease to exist in 2 generations. As for BTQ lifestyles, they are just that persons’ sexual choice and preference. Why do we need to celebrate what they have chosen to live? Why do we even need to know about it?

We all know and understand that life is all choices and consequences. You make good choices and enjoy good results. You make bad choices and suffer bad results.

The Political Correctness issue is a fake idea. The real issue is Biblical correctness, because there are laws in place that govern our lives, whether we believe that or not. For example the Law of Gravity applies to our lives whether we believe it or not.

So, if those who believe in and understand the biblical correctness laws try to warn others of the consequences of breaking those laws, is that HATE or is it LOVE, in it’s purest form? Wanting to warn someone of danger and trying to protect them from it’s consequences, is not hate?

Unfortunately, common sense is not very common anymore and the FAKE NEWS, on our televisions only tries to dumb us down, to believe what they want us to believe, instead of presenting facts, so we can decide for ourselves."


God does NOT love unrepentent reprobates! He has given them over to utter wickedness & their sorry souls are earmarked for hell. The Bible is clear that God does not love “everyone”, & (like Esau) there are those that He hates. These misguided do-gooders trying to hand out Gospel tracts to reprobates need to better understand the scriptures, so they can stop wasting their time & efforts on unrepentant scum. Far too many modern “Christians” have very little Biblical literacy & are duped into apostasy very easily. The majority of self proclaiming “Christians”...are not truly saved!
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God does NOT love unrepentent reprobates! He has given them over to utter wickedness & their sorry souls are earmarked for hell. The Bible is clear that God does not love “everyone”, & (like Esau) there are those that He hates. These misguided do-gooders trying to hand out Gospel tracts to reprobates need to better understand the scriptures, so they can stop wasting their time & efforts on unrepentant scum. Far too many modern “Christians” have very little Biblical literacy & by into apostasy very easily.
"They exchanged the Truth of GOD for a lie....they worshipped the created things instead of the CREATOR....Because of this God gave them over to a reprobate mind. Romans 1:25-26.
"Do you not know the wicked WILL NOT inherit the kingdom of God?" I Corinthians 6:9! Hate Speech? The Bible says it, but we can't speak it? Freedom of speech? Right? Soon the Bible will be banned and if you think it's bad now, wait until there is no moral authority left at all. At some point, and no one knows that time or date, Christians will be gone and it will be unexplainable how bad it will be . I'm glad I won't be here to witness it!
Fellow CFer's, there's another side to this:
"Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only do the same things, but also approve of those who practice them."
Romans 1: 32.
Most people instinctively know when they've done something wrong, but if they haven't put their trust in Jesus Christ, they're no better. The Bible says we've all sinned. Christians know this and trusted Christ as their savior. But many people will not accept the free gift of Salvation in Christ Jesus. "
So not only will the reprobates not inherit the kingdom of God, but many people who know right from wrong won't either!
"You, therefore have no excuse, you who pass judgement on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself... Romans 2:1.
If you haven't repented and asked Christ to save you, you will be without excuse!
Some may not like that, but take it up with God and the Bible.
agreed that Canada is screwed, was just a matter of time before the sihks took over government, they have been been breeding like rabbits all over Canada, they own most farms in British Columbia and the ones they dont own are owned by Chinese, they also have a stranglehold on trucking in Canada. The Indians from India are a very violent people as well. Vancouver is Chinese mostly now, how sad.
American Freedom News