Justin Trudeau

People such as Justin Trudeau are evil.
agreed that Canada is screwed, was just a matter of time before the sihks took over government, they have been been breeding like rabbits all over Canada, they own most farms in British Columbia and the ones they dont own are owned by Chinese, they also have a stranglehold on trucking in Canada. The Indians from India are a very violent people as well. Vancouver is Chinese mostly now, how sad.
I've repeatedly had trouble with South Asians, especially Punjabis (Sikhs). They are very rude and arrogant, with a lot of hostility toward against White people, especially toward the British. But they also seem to have little respect for each other. Much of the organized crime in BC is run by Punjabi gangs.

There were always quite a few South Asians in metro Vancouver and Toronto, but during the past few years their numbers seems to have doubled, and they are everywhere now, in smaller cities too.

Chinese are generally polite and tend to be law-abiding, but some will quietly discriminate against White people when they are in a position to do so. They seem to be more intelligent and have better self-control than South Asians, and East Asian women do like White men.
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Canada's choices in 2019: a Jew, a cuckold, or a Sikh.

I think the cuckold will lose most of his non-White voters to the Sikh. There's a lot of South Asians in Canada, and they will virtually ALL vote NDP. Lesbians and gays will vote for the soft male feminist Trudeau.


Scheer isn't a religious Jew as he was raised Roman Catholic, if he is Jewish it could be on his mother's side as she is Romanian which to the PC media means any Romanian national as Gypsy/Roma petty criminals to hardcore gangsters are always called Romanian even if they look like a clean shaven version of the NDP leader.

As for Justin he has might have his own "Pussy Gate". Back in his single life it seems he was at a music festival in 2000 and was sloppy drunk and made a pass at a reporter. So far his" I can't remember the incident" excuse is passing the mustard but all it takes is one anonymous witness and this thing could go blow up like the Billy Bush incident with Trump....
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I wonder if Canadian hockey fans go for this cucking and Leftist Jew crap or do they hate it and are just out-numbered and out voted? Anyone have any firsthand knowledge?
They don't like it, but reasonably intelligent heterosexual White men are a minority in Canada.

Simpletons, feminists, homosexuals, weak men, and non-Whites are all for it.
When there is enough throat-slitting from Muzzies will those detestable groups wake up from the coma? Probably not, I would bet.
Trudeau belongs in an asylum, locked away from society.

If Hillary had won we'd be facing the same Leftist demonic lunacy. The power the ruling elite hold is only being held back by those of us with a functioning brain and the Constitution. If and when the Left rule by majority, look out. It'll be the end of any and all semblance of America...
Trudeau belongs in an asylum, locked away from society.

If Hillary had won we'd be facing the same Leftist demonic lunacy. The power the ruling elite hold is only being held back by those of us with a functioning brain and the Constitution. If and when the Left rule by majority, look out. It'll be the end of any and all semblance of America...

Well stated & spot on. “Justine Trubleau” is more worthless than a dung hill. He’s one of the most wicked individuals on the planet.
Well stated & spot on. “Justine Trubleau” is more worthless than a dung hill. He’s one of the most wicked individuals on the planet.

For sure.

It wouldn't be so bad if Leftists and flamers were on the fringes and in the closets, but having one of both stripes in high public office is a travesty!
It wouldn't be so bad if Leftists and flamers were on the fringes and in the closets, but having one of both stripes in high public office is a travesty!

Closets are too good for such verminous scourge. They all should be locked in asylums, internment camps...or outhouses! ;)
He apparently did alot of coke in high school, got some buds who's kids went to school with him.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did. His behavior makes him seem to be bisexual.

Bi?? You’re too ‘kind’. That creampuff comes off as queer as a $3 bill! :gey:
I know we don't officially allow condoning violence here, but Trudeau's face is becoming very punchable with every ludicrous, politically-correct, staged, public appearance makes. Just sayin'.
I know we don't officially allow condoning violence here, but Trudeau's face is becoming very punchable with every ludicrous, politically-correct, staged, public appearance makes. Just sayin'.

Any real man would surely love to slap the taste outta his filthy sewer. He’s a prissy little cupcake on top of being an arch Marxist, globalist stooge.
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