Joshua-Wladimir Klitschko April 29 London Wembley Stadium

Good post, Rebajlo. I can't disagree with anything you said. David Price says he KO'd Joshua while sparring, and here is the roided up (don't worry, Doc Goodman won't find traces of anything on him) ha ha "Brit" getting KO'd in the amateurs by a Romanian feller. I think Wlad's pile driver jab will set him up for the KO and then all the drunken white English negro-lovers can go and cry in their beer.

werewolf -


Everything depends on which version of Klitschko turns up in April. If he steps into the ring with a genuine desire to put the necessary brutal beating on Joshua and his timing is on song then a win is in the bag - barring, of course, the potential disaster lurking behind every proverbial “lucky” punch. Given he’s challenging a 27-year old “British” champion at Wembley it must surely have dawned on Klitschkho and his team that simply coasting to a low-intensity points victory isn't feasible…

My primary concern is that the Ukrainian may choose to adopt the same attitude as he did in the Fury fight - a borderline token effort characterised by minimal risk and scrupulous avoidance of injury in a final big-money outing.

I sincerely hope Klitschko doesn’t opt for such an approach because - like I said earlier in the thread - his entire popular legacy is on the line…
werewolf -


Everything depends on which version of Klitschko turns up in April. If he steps into the ring with a genuine desire to put the necessary brutal beating on Joshua and his timing is on song then a win is in the bag - barring, of course, the potential disaster lurking behind every proverbial “lucky” punch. Given he’s challenging a 27-year old “British” champion at Wembley it must surely have dawned on Klitschkho and his team that simply coasting to a low-intensity points victory isn't feasible…

My primary concern is that the Ukrainian may choose to adopt the same attitude as he did in the Fury fight - a borderline token effort characterised by minimal risk and scrupulous avoidance of injury in a final big-money outing.

I sincerely hope Klitschko doesn’t opt for such an approach because - like I said earlier in the thread - his entire popular legacy is on the line…

You may be disappointed as Wladimir will be cautious and will without doubt box Joshua. When openings come, and surely they will, he'll throw hard. He's likely hoping for a late round stoppage.

Fury was too tall, too much reach, too fast, and too skilled for him. Fury is no bum, when he's in shape there is no other to compare him with.
You may be disappointed as Wladimir will be cautious and will without doubt box Joshua. When openings come, and surely they will, he'll throw hard. He's likely hoping for a late round stoppage.

Fury was too tall, too much reach, too fast, and too skilled for him. Fury is no bum, when he's in shape there is no other to compare him with.

Ambrose -

Of course I expect Klitschko to box Joshua. ;) I’m not saying he should plough in like some bald, no-neck bouncer but am merely drawing attention to the realities of the judging in a contest on English soil between a 27 year old “British” Negro champion and a 41 year old White challenger (no matter how storied…) who was unambiguously beaten in his last fight.

We are definitely in agreement that Fury was too good for Klitschko. I am, however, of the opinion that Klitschko approached the fight far too tentatively. But I reckon the Ukrainian would have ultimately lost no matter how he fought because he was simply too old to be able to genuinely compete with a fellow of Fury’s ability and size.

Let's hope Klitschko disposes of Joshua...
Joshua a Jihadi:
Anthony Joshua receives torrent of Islamophobic abuse after sharing photo of him praying at mosque

Klitschko a European.

Mayor of London a Dirka-Dirka/Jihadi, approves 90,000 seating at stadium.

This is turned into a Jihadi versus Infidel fight.

If Klitschko wins the Jihadis will riot in the streets. Be prepared Londoners.
Joshua a Jihadi:
Anthony Joshua receives torrent of Islamophobic abuse after sharing photo of him praying at mosque

Klitschko a European.

Mayor of London a Dirka-Dirka/Jihadi, approves 90,000 seating at stadium.

This is turned into a Jihadi versus Infidel fight.

If Klitschko wins the Jihadis will riot in the streets. Be prepared Londoners.
Abuse? lol it was a few messages on twitter and none of the ones in the article even looked insulting. The media just loves to paint muslims as victims.
"Islamophobia". They just love to invent Newspeak words, don't they? Their most successful Newspeak word invention was "racist/racism" which the commies invented in 1933 (re Websters Collegiate).

I hope Wlad KO's this mohamedan ape and then maybe retires. Funny how you don't see Doc Margaret Goodman and her Las Vegas mafia drug testing crew doing their phony drug test thing on their most precious negroes like this one and Wilder. No worries about that. She won't be coming around.
Joshua a Jihadi:
Anthony Joshua receives torrent of Islamophobic abuse after sharing photo of him praying at mosque

Klitschko a European.

Mayor of London a Dirka-Dirka/Jihadi, approves 90,000 seating at stadium.

This is turned into a Jihadi versus Infidel fight.

If Klitschko wins the Jihadis will riot in the streets. Be prepared Londoners.

The giant stadium will be filled up with nigroes and mohamedans and wiggers, all screaming and chanting for their "British" - yeah right - hero. Presumably Wlad has learned his lesson about drinking from stray water bottles and accepting gift cookies from the mohamedan mayor of London, and will be having trusted people carefully watching the negroe's glove taping procedure. What kind of judge and ref are they going to trot out? How about having a Ukrainian drug testing outfit test Joshua, because he's pretty clearly a roided up doper, tho as I said you can be sure Doc Goodman won't find anything - in him - and I hope Wlad has nothing to do with that bitch either, because she'll be sure to plant something on him.
Wlad better not give that pathetic performance like he did against Fury. Over 90K tickets have sold in Wembley Stadium and the fight will be broadcasted around the world. I am hoping for one last great performance from Wlad and his retirement afterward.
The bookies have the mohamedan negro a better than 2-1 favorite.

Re my comment above about Doc Goodman and her VADA drug testing racket planting something on Wlad....No on second thought I don't think they plant drugs on Ukrainians since Ukrainians are with the "in crowd" these days. Am I wrong? Have they found drugs on any Ukrainian boxer?
Joshua has never even fought let alone beat a top ten fighter. The bookies have him a better than 2 - 1 favorite but I'd put it in the reverse. It all depends on the toll that age has taken on Wlad. If he still has it he wins easily.
Obviously, the odds are based on Wlad's pathetic loss to fraud Fury. I hope Wlad can dip from the well one last time, KO this newest black hope and retire.
I have confidence in Wlad - not that I have a clue what is going on at his training camp. I don't think Fury was a fraud. I think he was a one of a kind character, hugae and strong and awkward and deceptively extremely good. I hope that he can come back. Actually I'd rather be seeing him fighting the roided up black moslem than Wlad because of the question of Wlad's age and the fact that it will be a year and a half since his last fight.
Wlad will need to have had excellent sparring if he is to win this. He hasn't had his timing and distance right since he fought Pulev. Wlad will need to start slowly and buy time with his jab. He's still mobile and Joshua is somewhat of a klunker. That Wlad has sparred with Joshua will be of a benefit to him, as there likely won't be many surprises. The 2:1 odds that favor Joshua reflect the reality that Joshua is the home fighter and Wlad is over the hill for a fighter. The fight is Joshua's to lose as Wlad will likely need a knockout to win. Wlad has to slowly claw and tear at Joshua, making him confused, tired, and without method, setting up a late long-gun-all-out-assault for the breakthrough.

After what has happened in Ukraine I no longer like the Klitschkos much, but obviously here I hope Wlad keeps up the black tradition of heavyweight fighters in Britain losing big when purse is large.
I'm looking forward to this fight. Klitschko will be in tremendous shape and will methodically dominate Joshua on the way to victory. I'd like to see him win by KO, but a convincing win by UD would be fine too.
All the DWFs I've heard talk of the fight have Joshua as their clear favorite... Here's to hoping Wlad has got some left in the tank to defeat the roiding upsider!
I want Wlad to win, i just wish he had pick another trainer after Manny Stewart passed away. Manny instilled confidence in Wlad about his boxing abilities and was not afraid to tell him when he was slacking off during a fight. Jonathon Banks does not light a fire under Klitschko, Freddie Roach or Robert Garcia would have been a better choice. He just needs to let his hands go,power is always the last thing to go in a older fighter.
I have to be honest with you guys. This fight scares the crap out of me. 7 years ago this would have been an easy fight for Klitschko. I would say he was in his prime when he fought Haye. He hasn't looked good in his last fights. He didn't do all that well against Jennings and he did next to nothing against Fury. The last thing I want to see is Klitschko knocked out by the roided up "Englishman" from congo or wherever the hell he is from. Hell he was even doing well in 2o14 but 2015 I have seen a big decline in the Steelhammer.
The bookies have the Congoid a 2 1/2 to 1 favorite now. That's probably because all the pathetic drunken English wiggers are betting on it to win, plus of course whatever they've got rigged up there with the ref and the hired monkeys in the judge suits.
England have the best heavyweights in the world whether they white or black.Tyson Fury who wants to come back this year,Anthony Joshua[black],Dillian Whyte[black],Hughie Fury who's the fleetest footed mover in the division.Everyone of these guys would knock the crap out of any of the American heavyweights.I genuinely believe that and they enjoy doing it too.Fury knocked out Jarell Miller in sparring and i actually rate Miller as a good American prospect reminds me a bit of Riddick Bowe.Fury seemed to have alot of pent up anger towards Joey Abell another American he fought.Joshua enjoyed laying a beatdown to American Dominic Breazelle.When Joshua was once asked who he wants for his next opponent he said he dont care as long as he's American.Dillian Whyte tried to start a streetfight with black American Bryant Jennings.Black people from England like Whyte and Joshua dont like or get on with black Americans socially similar to their white counterparts .Whyte would knock Wilder out within a few rounds.
Is Las Vegas Doctor Margaret Goodman going to be following around the roided up Congo Englishman and testing him over and over with her "special" drug testing kit like she does to Povetkin?
I fully expect Wladimir to win this fight, but of course this expectation is also colored by HOPE that he will win it, because I prefer him to Anthony Joshua. If Wlad loses, I won't be surprised, but not because I think Wlad is not as good a fighter as Joshua, but because Joshua is still in his prime whereas Wlad is not.

But DWFs, true to form, will use a Klitschko loss as further "proof" that he's a loser, paying no attention to the fact that he's going to be 41 on fight night, which is a young man in most cases, but for a professional athlete he's elderly. DWFs' logic is all over the place, though, since if Klitschko is such a bum, wouldn't defeating him be meaningless? DWFs will of course say that they will shatter a Klitschko myth if Joshua wins LOL.

Consider all the Black boxing coons and DWFs who mock 27 year old Marciano's KO of 39 year old Joe Louis. It was a legit victory since Louis was still a top ranked heavyweight, though no one could argue that he wasn't faded.

Klitschko is also probably past his best but he's still top ranked. If he wins, it will be good for his legacy, and if he loses, it won't be so bad because he's an older dude for a boxer, unfortunately DWFs have the mindset of histrionic women or gays, thinking with their emotions rather than logic, and just project their own racism in supposedly fighting imaginary racism. They don't like Klitchko not because he's a crappy fighter, but because he's a White dude, and being White, to a lot of SJW/DWF f@gs, is a crime, even if they themselves are White. Funny how that works.
Im a lifelong fan of Wlads and will always pray for him to win, but after watching some of Joshuas work preparing for this bout I am very worried for Wlad :( I wish he would retire. His legacy is already legendary.
Joshua does have a very intense training program.

My prediction: Wlad by KO in 5.
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I sure as help Wladimir wins but he is 41 now. No longer can he fight like he used to and almost never lose a round. He is fighting an uphill battle this time. If he fights like he did Fury he will lose.
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