Johnny Manziel


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
I can't wait until Manziel gets to the NFL and shows why he's the best QB in this black quarterback laden draft coming up. This would be a huge blow to the caste system to see a white athletic QB tear it up in the league. I just hope he doesn't end up becoming "Tebowed" by having the rub pulled out from underneath him. I wouldn't put it past the racist NFL to do something like that. Its obvious they're not interested in having the best players play.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
what will the msm do if more White players come to say stuff like this?\

Joe Flacco says Manziel is quickly becoming favorite player.

“Being hated is not a bad thing. … I don’t know if I’ll be too popular after (saying) this: I (didn’t) know how I really felt about Johnny Manziel. But I feel like now that everybody hates him, he’s quickly becoming my favorite player in college football.”

maybe he should check the media outlets and message boards to see just how hated so many White players are.


Oct 21, 2004
It's good (and surprising) that Manziel has Flacco in his corner, but he doesn't have many other people. I was on a fantasy message board earlier, and tried to talk some sense to these DWF idiots about Manziel. They are really walking stereotypes, much like most of the affletes they worship are.

They were really offended at the notion Manziel is a freak athlete, cut down his arm strength, his size, and of course they all think he's "stupid." When you see where the pea brains of these sports fans are, you understand how hard it will be to ever turn things around.

Flacco or not, it's clear to me that there is a campaign afoot to crush Manziel's chances in the NFL. They are already claiming he's not a top prospect, when we all know if he was black, he'd be the unquestioned first pick in the draft.


Sep 2, 2012
New England
It's good (and surprising) that Manziel has Flacco in his corner, but he doesn't have many other people. I was on a fantasy message board earlier, and tried to talk some sense to these DWF idiots about Manziel. They are really walking stereotypes, much like most of the affletes they worship are.

They were really offended at the notion Manziel is a freak athlete, cut down his arm strength, his size, and of course they all think he's "stupid." When you see where the pea brains of these sports fans are, you understand how hard it will be to ever turn things around.

Flacco or not, it's clear to me that there is a campaign afoot to crush Manziel's chances in the NFL. They are already claiming he's not a top prospect, when we all know if he was black, he'd be the unquestioned first pick in the draft.

It is hilarious how half these DWFs suddenly become moralizing Puritans when a guy like Manziel makes a few missteps and yet never breath a peep about the innumerable black degenerates in the league whenever they commit real crimes with actual victims. I am guessing another source of irritation here is class. Apparently the kid comes from money.


Nov 25, 2004
Predictably it looks like they are preparing to "Tebow" Manziel. More proof that the agenda has more to do with Manziel and Tebow being phenomenally gifted white athletes than it does with Tebow's Christianity. Already lots people are talking about Manziel not being NFL caliber. Unbelievable.

Are we to believe that Manziel has more off the field problems than your average black college player? Cam Newton was the toast of ESPN even during his "Play for Pay" scandal and after he was busted stealing a labtop and then throwing it out his window when cops arrived. He didn't have to take therapy, restitution, or even so much as a mia culpa admission of guilt. It was simply forgotten and largely unpublicized anyways.

So what has Johnny Football done? He drank - like about 1/2 of college kids. And then he went to a party. Now don't tell me Cam Newton and Geno Smith were never photographed attending a party. How come we haven't seen their pictures? Just the other day my wife's friends on facebook were showing off pictures of themselves partying with Adrian Peterson drink in hand, drunk, and hitting on white women. Not a even a local story.

Apparently the allegation is that Manziel got a few thousand dollars for signing autographs, but no evidence ever surfaced. Cam, on the other hand, was asking for over a hundred thousand dollars and who knows what he got. I know he was driving an expensive sports car in college. But a suspension was immediately dismissed.

Now Manziel is being criticized for taunting - an act that blacks pretty much invented and are revered for - they are colorful, competitive, exciting, confident etc. Apparently the taunting involved two incidences. One after Manziel got hit hard and another after he threw a td pass. When the Rice player was asked after the game what Manziel said, he answered "nice hit." The other incident appeared to involve to black defensive backs jawing with Manziel after a TD. Manziel got a flag for pointing to the score board. What's more is that many Rice players had been taunting Manziel from the bench all first half. Apparently gesturing the autograph sign repeatedly. Now ESPN is having a national discussion on Manziel's behavior and some reporters are even suggesting that he should be benched. How absurd.

Trust me he will get screwed in the NFL draft. I predict a suspension or a drafting lower than what he should get allowing for him to sit behind an established qb and rot..
Last edited:


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
the thing about Manziel is that he is a dual threat to the caste system (no pun intended).

Number 1, he is a mobile qb that can run the read option, and really doesn't even need the read option to gain huge chunks of yards with his legs, he is like Barry Sanders out there running it, and has a great arm. Yesterday looked like it came so easy to him. They don't want fans to think that a White guy can do that on the highest level, and I believe he can.

Number 2, he isn't acting like the typical boy scout, and even worse to them, he isn't apologizing about any of his behavior, he is basically saying a big f*ck you to the NCAA, NFL Scouts and all of the people who hate him (at least in their eyes). His actions suggest that he won't change. If he would have said he was sorry, typical apologies with nothing but good behavior they would be talking better about him, but with his attitude of not caring what they think or say, what would happen if he did know about the caste system? I really think Manziel would be the athlete to talk about the double standards that exist between White and black athletes and everything else in the book if he knew about it, I am sure he has to be at least aware of the double standards right now, and believe it or not, info about the caste system isn't that hard to find so I wouldn't be surprised if he came to know more about it in the future, being friends with Swope helps this because something fishy happened there. His family has a ton of money, so he has nothing to lose, and he doesn't have the character of an Andrew Luck. Matt Jones should have said something because it appears he is making money just fine without the NFL, but appears to be too laid back.

they might Tebow him, but they are scared to death, because he isn't going to keep his mouth shut like Tebow, so they are trying sabotage his character any way they can right now so it looks like he is just upset that he couldn't hack it in the pros.


Oct 21, 2004
A campaign is most definitely on the way already, to "Tebow" Manziel. And way ahead of schedule; the mantra that Tebow "cain't play!" didn't really begin in earnest until after his senior year. They are really, really afraid of Manziel.

As noted, Manziel's personality is the polar opposite of Tebow's. While he may indeed not keep quiet in the face of criticism, without a single defender in the msm (well, maybe they'll assign Skippy Bayless to him- see "ineffectiveness" in the dictionary next to his picture), he'll have to an intellectual giant and courageous beyond belief to withstand the media and DWF onslaught.

I brought up the same things mentioned above, especially about Cam Newton, when I tried to debate the DWFs on a fantasy message board. Not a single one of them got it. There is no reasoning with DWFs, and obviously the "journalists" in the media have a "job" to do, and their assignment to smear and ruin Manziel's NFL chances has begun in earnest.

Manziel is already being talked down, and the clear inference is that there is "no way" he'd be a high draft pick, even without all the "character" concerns. This is the tactic they employed with Tebow, simply ignoring his dominating college career, where he destroyed all those magical afflete defenders who were "dynamic" first round picks.

A black player like Manziel would be discussed as a freak of nature, a once in a generation talent. No matter when he came out of college (and the "journalists" would be urging him to exit early), he'd be the first pick in the draft. No "journalist" or DWF would question any aspect of his game (yes, one DWF actually regurgitated the oft-used nonsense, usually with white basketball players, that Manziel's "game doesn't translate to the pros").

I saw the alleged "taunting" Manziel engaged in. EVERY black player in the NFL has done things worse than that, and for most of them Manziel's behavior would be considered exemplary. If Manziel is the wild card he appears to be, perhaps he will be the one to speak out boldly against this corruption.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Predictably it looks they are preparing to "Tebow" Manziel. More proof that the agenda has more to do with Manziel and Tebow being phenomenally gifted white athletes than it does with Tebow's Christianity. Already lots people are talking about Manziel not being NFL caliber. Unbelievable.

Are we to believe that Manziel has more off the field problems than your average black college player? Cam Newton was the toast of ESPN even during his "Play for Pay" scandal and after he was busted stealing a labtop and then throwing it out his window when cops arrived. He didn't have to take therapy, restitution, or even so much as a mia culpa admission of guilt. It was simply forgotten and largely unpublicized anyways.

So what has Johnny Football done? He drank - like about 1/2 of college kids. And then he went to party. Now don't tell Cam Newton and Geno Smith were never photographed attending a party. How come we haven't seen their pictures? Just the other day my wife's friends on facebook were showing off pictures of themselves partying with Adrian Peterson drink in hand, drunk, and hitting on white women. Not a even a local story.

Apparently the allegation is that Manziel got a few thousand dollars for signing autographs, but no evidence ever surfaced. Cam, on the other hand, was asking for over a hundred thousand dollars and who knows what he got. I know he was driving an expensive sports car in college. But a suspension was immediately dismissed.

Now Manziel is being criticized for taunting. An act that blacks pretty much invented and are revered for - they are colorful, competitive, exciting, confident etc. Apparently involved two incidences. One after Manziel got hit hard and another after he threw a td pass. When the Rice player asked after the game what Manziel said, he answered "nice hit." The incident appeared to involve to black defensive backs jawing with Manziel after a TD. Manziel got a flag for pointing to the score board. What's more is that Rice had been taunting Manziel from the bench all first half. Apparently gesturing the autograph sign repeatedly. Now ESPN is having a national discussion on Manziel's behavior and some reporters even suggesting that he should be benched. How absurd.

Trust me he will get screwed in the NFL draft. I predict a suspension or a drafting lower than what he should get allowing for him to sit behind an established qb and rot..

Peterson and some friends were accused of starting a fight late at night in a strip club last offseason, I think it was in Houston. But then, as so often happens when black athletes are involved in crimes or altercations, it "miraculously" turned out to be the bouncers' fault with Peterson innocent of any wrongdoing. Within a day or two the incident was put into the memory hole and Peterson's "angelic" reputation was quickly restored.

It's a shame someone doesn't track not only all the crimes black college and pro athletes are involved in, but also the number of times charges end up being dropped. It's got to be at least 90%.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Manziel is the best college QB ive seen up to this point. Theres never been a negro that comes close. He has all the attributes we hear the propaganda pushers rave about. His hips really do swivel, and he really can throw the ball like a laser with a flick of his wrist. Hes very fast, and there is no denying he is the most athletic guy on the field no matter who they play against. All anybody has to do is watch his highlights, and the only thing you can say is that hes clearly way better than any other player in NCAA football.

Im putting my last hopes on Manziel to be honest. I mean if he gets screwed then we are passed the point of no return, and its just senseless to continue giving a rats ass about football. If this guy isnt allowed to get the same opportunities as Griffen, Newton, Vick, or Young then we must all admit that the antiwhite powers in the NFL is too strong.

If the DWFs, and negro worshipers fail to see whats going on then they are a lost cause. The brainwashing is too deep. Until I see how it all plays out I will cling to the thread of hope I still have that someday the idiots will begin to wake up.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Manziel is the best college QB ive seen up to this point. Theres never been a negro that comes close. He has all the attributes we hear the propaganda pushers rave about. His hips really do swivel, and he really can throw the ball like a laser with a flick of his wrist. Hes very fast, and there is no denying he is the most athletic guy on the field no matter who they play against. All anybody has to do is watch his highlights, and the only thing you can say is that hes clearly way better than any other player in NCAA football.

Im putting my last hopes on Manziel to be honest. I mean if he gets screwed then we are passed the point of no return, and its just senseless to continue giving a rats ass about football. If this guy isnt allowed to get the same opportunities as Griffen, Newton, Vick, or Young then we must all admit that the antiwhite powers in the NFL is too strong.

If the DWFs, and negro worshipers fail to see whats going on then they are a lost cause. The brainwashing is too deep. Until I see how it all plays out I will cling to the thread of hope I still have that someday the idiots will begin to wake up.

Great post Wes. I am with you. If Manziel is screwed over, I am done. The DWFs and Negro-worshipping clowns are way too many and they are way to dumb/ignorant to pick up on anything.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Some jerk named Paul Finebaum(ESPN radio host) was on 'Mike & Mike' yesterday and he called Johnny Football "America's favorite punk". He went on to blame the media for enabling his behavior. So an insult and a blatant lie about how the media is treating Manziel. Then Herman Edwards comes on and says he would bench Manziel for the next game as well. All this over a little jawing with an opponent. Something that happens hundreds of times a game. Last years Super Bowl had tons of jawing and fighting. All game long it seemed.

But that wasn't nearly as bad as the ESPN pundits on College Gameday Saturday. They attacked Manziel so harshly that Stephen A. Smith on 'First Take' was uncomfortable with it. As I am typing this Mike Greenberg of 'Mike & Mike' fame is also lamenting the over the top negative treatment of Johnny Football. And again, as I am typing, Mike Greenberg has breaking news, Brian Urlacher of Fox Sports network has just told Manziel to "stop acting like a punk". ESPN's show 'Numbers Never Lie' also asked if ESPN is piling on. I think the nasty attack of Johnny on College Gameday shamed the network and some of their execs, it was that vindictive and disobedient.

ESPN is evil. We must find a way to counter their hate of white athletes that threaten the perception of black athletic supremacy. Perhaps a Youtube video that could go viral.


Oct 21, 2004
Ah, Brian Urlacher. The vile, black woman loving wigger who I'm sure will never, as long as his ridiculous broadcasting career lasts, call any black player a "punk." That's an interesting pejorative term, btw, "punk." In the Ebonics "language," "punk" has many varied meanings, none of them good, and it is often a term directed at "white boys."

We need to face it- even if ESPN and co. lay off the heavy handed attack campaign, and Johnny Football rewrites the record books, the "experts" will be there to assure us that Manziel is not a top prospect, at best perhaps a 3rd round pick, has suspect arm strength, and "his game doesn't translate to the pros." This last "reason" is new to football, but it has been used relentlessly over the past decade or so to keep white Americans out of the NBA. Whatever these "experts" say, the faithful DWFs will mindlessly regurgitate it.

I'm with Wes- if they succeed in keeping Manziel from starting in the NFL, there really is no hope.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Count me in too. I'm done with football if they screw this kid. It's too the point now where one of our guys could run a 3.9 in the 40,have a 50 inch vertical, and bench press 225 50 times but he still wouldn't have the tools necessary that translate to the next level.

I love Manziel and I love that he is ****y. He is talented enough to back it up. He is probably gonna get screwed one way or another but maybe this kid will be the first to stand up to the media, fans and teams and cry racism. It's so clear that even a child could see. Man are so many poeple in a trance. I cannot believe the govt and media tells people what to believe and most actually believe every word. Next they will be saying that Joe Montana was a horrible qb. It would suprise me if the fans believed it. They do as they are told. Crazy times indeed.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
ESPN is evil. We must find a way to counter their hate of white athletes that threaten the perception of black athletic supremacy. Perhaps a Youtube video that could go viral.

Thats why I refer to them as TMZSPN. Their TMZ-esque approach of tearing down white athletes has made college football, the NFL, and the NBA nearly unwatchable. In my opinion they are public enemy #1 in supporting the caste system and is a big reason why so many guys like Tim Tebow, and now Manziel have been screwed over time and time again. Something has to be done about this. In a sane society, the headquarters of ESPN and other media outlets would be bombarded by angry mobs weilding pitchforks. As long as the American sheeple remain asleep at the wheel, expect nothing to change.


Jul 29, 2008
Thats why I refer to them as TMZSPN. Their TMZ-esque approach of tearing down white athletes has made college football, the NFL, and the NBA nearly unwatchable. In my opinion they are public enemy #1 in supporting the caste system and is a big reason why so many guys like Tim Tebow, and now Manziel have been screwed over time and time again. Something has to be done about this. In a sane society, the headquarters of ESPN and other media outlets would be bombarded by angry mobs weilding pitchforks. As long as the American sheeple remain asleep at the wheel, expect nothing to change.

Here's a good article on Manziel, with a lot of valid points, but then the author goes off track towards the end by implying Manziel is a wigger. So, aside from that, glad to see a non-hit piece, finally. And yes, f*** ESPN and this irrational war they are waging on a 20 year old kid.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Count me in too. I'm done with football if they screw this kid. It's too the point now where one of our guys could run a 3.9 in the 40,have a 50 inch vertical, and bench press 225 50 times but he still wouldn't have the tools necessary that translate to the next level.

I love Manziel and I love that he is ****y. He is talented enough to back it up. He is probably gonna get screwed one way or another but maybe this kid will be the first to stand up to the media, fans and teams and cry racism. It's so clear that even a child could see. Man are so many poeple in a trance. I cannot believe the govt and media tells people what to believe and most actually believe every word. Next they will be saying that Joe Montana was a horrible qb. It would suprise me if the fans believed it. They do as they are told. Crazy times indeed.

Like they won't screw this kid over. He will most likely drop to the second round because of "character concerns" Funny that didn't affect Scam Newton at all who was drafted first overall. Black skin privilege strikes again. Then he will be thrown into the worst possible scenario with the DWF's and media watching his every move and calling for him to be benched at the slightest sign of struggle. Meanwhile the next batch of black quarterbacks Bridgewater, Boyd, and Morris will be laughing all the way to the bank.


Mar 25, 2013
And yes, f*** ESPN and this irrational war they are waging on a 20 year old kid.

ESPN's fellow tribesman debate the ethics of killing White babies behind closed doors



Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
And yes, f*** ESPN and this irrational war they are waging on a 20 year old kid./QUOTE]

The Jews debate about the ethics of killing White babies. Attacking a 20 year old White athlete is childs game for them.


Everytime I think you can't be more pathetic Matty Gianone you sink a bit lower. Back to your usual nonsense of posting completely irrelevant topics in sports threads huh? If this doesn't prove to the moderators who you really are then I give up.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
One of the best articles I have read. Covered the racial aspect in details.

Agreed. A classic by MSM standards. Don should link to it on the front page if possible.


Oct 21, 2004
When Steven A. Smiff has the fairest take on the Manziel "story," you know how sorry the sports "journalistic" field is. Smiff argued with the latest wimpy self-hating former white player, Danny Kanell, on "First Take" today, demanding to know, quite logically, "What has Johnny Manziel really done?" to warrant all the criticism.

Part of Smiff's take here, clearly, is because Manziel's black coach is coming under a bit of heat himself for not coming down harder on Manziel. So, he is defending the black coach as much as Manziel. But at least he is defending Manziel. Meanwhile, despicable white announcers like Urlacher and now Travor Matich, who called Manziel a "knucklehead," are leading the lynch mob.

Manziel is probably going to do something else, which will be blown out of all proportion. And, even if he rewrites the record book, the campaign is in full swing to label him a lesser prospect, someone whose "game doesn't translate to the pros."

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Thanks foobar for posting a link to that article. That is truly a breath of fresh air. This is the most relevant part in my opinion.

"I worry that Manziel, the most scrutinized athlete in college sports history, might eventually crack. Not because he's teetering on the edge of acceptable behavior, but because he's not able to drown out all the noise and just play. If you're unable to escape everyone's opinion of you, eventually you start to self-analyze to such an extent that paralysis by analysis can ensue. You aren't living your life and embracing your gifts. You're living your life wondering what everyone else will think about you."

Thats a powerful paragraph, and I think thats exactly what happened to Tebow. It dont matter how mentally strong a guy is if the "experts" continue to belittle him. Nobody is immune to this psychological attack. Their are different levels of resistance to it, but nobody is immune. I hope Manziel has a very strong resistance, because its going to get worse.

I wonder if he realizes that hes being hated because he is White, and nothing more. Thats the key to it all. Does the White man understand that all the hate is race based? I dont think Tebow ever understood that. If Manziel does understand that then he needs to speak up. If he dosent understand it he needs to wise up.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I really do not think Manziel will crack thought - honestly this is the first time I can recall seeing a white player talk **** back to the opposing team. The fact he is being ripped apart though about his pro prospects is BS though, I wish and hope that people wake up to what BSPN is trying to do.

That article was pretty good at delving into the racial dynamic (although it just skimmed the surface).


Nov 25, 2004
. But at least he is defending Manziel. Meanwhile, despicable white announcers like Urlacher and now Travor Matich, who called Manziel a "knucklehead," are leading the lynch mob.

Urlacher is one white star football player who I shed no tears for. Good riddance. Could you expect anything less from a guy who was dumb enough to impregnant a black woman? He basically stuck a fork in his own career by expressing love for Lovey Smith and anger at the current management for firing the hapless coach and resentment for the fans for criticizing Lovey. I'd have given him his walking papers too.