Predictably it looks they are preparing to "Tebow" Manziel. More proof that the agenda has more to do with Manziel and Tebow being phenomenally gifted white athletes than it does with Tebow's Christianity. Already lots people are talking about Manziel not being NFL caliber. Unbelievable.
Are we to believe that Manziel has more off the field problems than your average black college player? Cam Newton was the toast of ESPN even during his "Play for Pay" scandal and after he was busted stealing a labtop and then throwing it out his window when cops arrived. He didn't have to take therapy, restitution, or even so much as a mia culpa admission of guilt. It was simply forgotten and largely unpublicized anyways.
So what has Johnny Football done? He drank - like about 1/2 of college kids. And then he went to party. Now don't tell Cam Newton and Geno Smith were never photographed attending a party. How come we haven't seen their pictures? Just the other day my wife's friends on facebook were showing off pictures of themselves partying with Adrian Peterson drink in hand, drunk, and hitting on white women. Not a even a local story.
Apparently the allegation is that Manziel got a few thousand dollars for signing autographs, but no evidence ever surfaced. Cam, on the other hand, was asking for over a hundred thousand dollars and who knows what he got. I know he was driving an expensive sports car in college. But a suspension was immediately dismissed.
Now Manziel is being criticized for taunting. An act that blacks pretty much invented and are revered for - they are colorful, competitive, exciting, confident etc. Apparently involved two incidences. One after Manziel got hit hard and another after he threw a td pass. When the Rice player asked after the game what Manziel said, he answered "nice hit." The incident appeared to involve to black defensive backs jawing with Manziel after a TD. Manziel got a flag for pointing to the score board. What's more is that Rice had been taunting Manziel from the bench all first half. Apparently gesturing the autograph sign repeatedly. Now ESPN is having a national discussion on Manziel's behavior and some reporters even suggesting that he should be benched. How absurd.
Trust me he will get screwed in the NFL draft. I predict a suspension or a drafting lower than what he should get allowing for him to sit behind an established qb and rot..