Joe Biden's America

Seeing these "protests" at colleges and universities throughout the country is pretty comical as it's the Jewish Frankfurt School coming full circle with Jews/Zionists being the targets now. Shame on all the stupid White kids caught up in these protests but just like the Ukraine they would rather stay here and complain about it instead of join up and go fight. Israel is certainly committing genocide against Palestinians and this is a land grab as well.

I will say the wider push back in that regard is promising but at the same time the Jewish owned politicians in power pushing out all of this Anti-Semitic legislation along with boomers blindly supporting Israel just goes to show the compromised nation of this country as it pertains to Zionism. Anyone with a logical brain should be able to take a step back and realize that yes Jews have full control of our country and for generations US Citizens have been conditioned to believe that Israel is our greatest ally (this is probably the most bizarre pro-Israel argument because it is nothing but a parasitic relationship). At least the "noticing" is marching on.
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Seeing these "protests" at colleges and universities throughout the country is pretty comical as it's the Jewish Frankfurt School coming full circle with Jews/Zionists being the targets now. Shame on all the stupid White kids caught up in these protests but just like the Ukraine they would rather stay here and complain about it instead of join up and go fight. Israel is certainly committing genocide against Palestinians and this is a land grab as well.

I will say the wider push back in that regard is promising but at the same time the Jewish owned politicians in power pushing out all of this Anti-Semitic legislation along with boomers blindly supporting Israel just goes to show the compromised nation of this country as it pertains to Zionism. Anyone with a logical brain should be able to take a step back and realize that yes Jews have full control of our country and for generations US Citizens have been conditioned to believe that Israel is our greatest ally (this is probably the most bizarre pro-Israel argument because it is nothing but a parasitic relationship). At least the "noticing" is marching on.
Yep, the chickens have come home to roost. The boomer neocon contigent of the Republican party is dwindling rapidly and is the only unabashedly pro Israel segment of the population left.

The damage control strategy appears to be appealing to the left by lumping anti-semitism in with racism (see the black kid and Jewish kid together at the draft, plus countless commercials), while appealing to the right by painting the protestors as crazed woke leftists (which they mostly are). And you see these narratives being coordinated across the media, which they definitely don't own, by the way.

The big problem is, nothing appears to be working. The Free Palestine movement is the first left wing mob I'm entirely indifferent to. Every part of me is conditioned to react with disdain the these types of protests, but I truly don't care. A lot of the right seems to be in a similar boat, where there is agreement that the protests themselves are out of hand but the underlying debate is met with indifference. You know things are bad when Trump supporters are chanting Genocide Joe at rallies.
Yep, the chickens have come home to roost. The boomer neocon contigent of the Republican party is dwindling rapidly and is the only unabashedly pro Israel segment of the population left.

The damage control strategy appears to be appealing to the left by lumping anti-semitism in with racism (see the black kid and Jewish kid together at the draft, plus countless commercials), while appealing to the right by painting the protestors as crazed woke leftists (which they mostly are). And you see these narratives being coordinated across the media, which they definitely don't own, by the way.

The big problem is, nothing appears to be working. The Free Palestine movement is the first left wing mob I'm entirely indifferent to. Every part of me is conditioned to react with disdain the these types of protests, but I truly don't care. A lot of the right seems to be in a similar boat, where there is agreement that the protests themselves are out of hand but the underlying debate is met with indifference. You know things are bad when Trump supporters are chanting Genocide Joe at rallies.
Well said. The kids protesting are probably mostly loathsome weirdos but I just can’t bring myself to care
Well said. The kids protesting are probably mostly loathsome weirdos but I just can’t bring myself to care
Agreed, I wouldn’t mind taking fire hoses and billy clubs to those freaks but as long as they are protesting Israel and destroying liberal institutions the right should stay the hell out of it.

It was cool seeing those Frat boys defending the American flag. Sent them some bucks for a rager on go fund me. They’ve raised over $400,000
Agreed, I wouldn’t mind taking fire hoses and billy clubs to those freaks but as long as they are protesting Israel and destroying liberal institutions the right should stay the hell out of it.

It was cool seeing those Frat boys defending the American flag. Sent them some bucks for a rager on go fund me. They’ve raised over $400,000
those frat boys are jews and no friends of our country, the one on Fox News mentioned he is fighting for his country "Israel"
those frat boys are jews and no friends of our country, the one on Fox News mentioned he is fighting for his country "Israel"

I don’t watch Fox News or any news for that matter so I guess I’m out of the loop. It looked like a bunch of white dudes defending the flag which I thought was cool.
I have kids in college so I don’t want them affected by this.
It if the cops storm a building and beat up some blue haired weirdos it’s a win win.

On the one hand weirdos get beat up but it also promotes war within the left .

I say, make some popcorn and let em battle
I don’t watch Fox News or any news for that matter so I guess I’m out of the loop. It looked like a bunch of white dudes defending the flag which I thought was cool.
most if not all were jews and they want you to believe they are standing up for USA, one of those clowns was wrapped in Tefillin

video connects all the dots
The Trumpster had LT, Lawrence Taylor on the campaign trail in interesting to see if any further retired athletes follow suit.
most if not all were jews and they want you to believe they are standing up for USA, one of those clowns was wrapped in Tefillin

video connects all the dots

Always ask yourself who you can never criticize? It's not just them but many groups that work in lock step with them. Good video.
Tucker Carlson interviews Aaron Rodgers for two hours.

“This Guy Who Can’t Even Walk Over Here – And Sh*ts His Pants Every Now and Then?” – Aaron Rodgers Destroys Old Joe Biden in His Must-See Interview with Tucker Carlson (VIDEO)​

Tucker Carlson interviews Aaron Rodgers for two hours.

“This Guy Who Can’t Even Walk Over Here – And Sh*ts His Pants Every Now and Then?” – Aaron Rodgers Destroys Old Joe Biden in His Must-See Interview with Tucker Carlson (VIDEO)​

However much he might get destroyed in an interview he can still send your sons to fight and die for the glory of Israel. Something to think about
However much he might get destroyed in an interview he can still send your sons to fight and die for the glory of Israel. Something to think about
I could have posted the Carlson-Rodgers interview in one of several different threads as I'm not particularly interested in Aaron Rodgers' opinion of Biden; what's pertinent is that Rodgers chatted amicably with the much despised (by the left and the establishment in general) Tucker Carlson for two hours.

This further solidifies Rodgers as one of the more important independent-minded free thinkers in this ultra-conformist age who is willing to publicly speak his mind in ways that offend the "gatekeepers," "censors," "totalitarians," etc., along with Carlson himself, Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Col. Douglas MacGregor, Jason Whitlock and others who are challenging the PTB, not from the "extreme right" but from a common sense, populist perspective and who as a result are making a lot of headway in the "information war" which the establishment is losing despite its best efforts at censorship, cancellation and other forms of punishment and control.
we should all applaud Elon for unbanning Nick Fuentes, the guy is a walking encyclopedia on jewish power and the middle east. He has red pilled me more than anyone other than Dr David Duke who is the godfather of jewish supremacism. The way i see it now, if we are not addressing what level of jewish influence has on each issue then we are asking the wrong questions. Glad this has been brought to light with the genocide of the Palestinians.
I could have posted the Carlson-Rodgers interview in one of several different threads as I'm not particularly interested in Aaron Rodgers' opinion of Biden; what's pertinent is that Rodgers chatted amicably with the much despised (by the left and the establishment in general) Tucker Carlson for two hours.

This further solidifies Rodgers as one of the more important independent-minded free thinkers in this ultra-conformist age who is willing to publicly speak his mind in ways that offend the "gatekeepers," "censors," "totalitarians," etc., along with Carlson himself, Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Col. Douglas MacGregor, Jason Whitlock and others who are challenging the PTB, not from the "extreme right" but from a common sense, populist perspective and who as a result are making a lot of headway in the "information war" which the establishment is losing despite its best efforts at censorship, cancellation and other forms of punishment and control.
Well said. It was a great discussion. I found it all very interesting and they only spoke on politics for a fraction of the 2 hours.

As it pertains to the NFL, Rodgers did pull back the curtain a bit on their policies during COVID. He mentioned that The League sent “stooges” to come speak to each team and push the vaxxx on players. He mentions how he asked questions and brought up informed consent and they basically stonewalled him. He also mentioned a lot of players (without naming names) getting fake vaxxx cards. This all confirms what I and many others speculated was happening at the time. The NFL really is an evil corporation in every facet. Extreme racial discrimination and also heavy handed pushing of an experimental and dangerous jab.
we should all applaud Elon for unbanning Nick Fuentes, the guy is a walking encyclopedia on jewish power and the middle east. He has red pilled me more than anyone other than Dr David Duke who is the godfather of jewish supremacism. The way i see it now, if we are not addressing what level of jewish influence has on each issue then we are asking the wrong questions. Glad this has been brought to light with the genocide of the Palestinians.
I would take this dude with a grain of salt. His personal life doesn't necessarily impact his message, but he's also not a guy I would prop up as a great voice for any cause.
I would take this dude with a grain of salt. His personal life doesn't necessarily impact his message, but he's also not a guy I would prop up as a great voice for any cause.
.. While Fuentes may be awakening a portion of the normies, it is very prudent to be skeptical of his motivations and personal life..
I would take this dude with a grain of salt. His personal life doesn't necessarily impact his message, but he's also not a guy I would prop up as a great voice for any cause.
what in his personal life contradicts his message? waiting until marriage before having sex? Tebow did the same thing
Seeing these "protests" at colleges and universities throughout the country is pretty comical as it's the Jewish Frankfurt School coming full circle with Jews/Zionists being the targets now. Shame on all the stupid White kids caught up in these protests but just like the Ukraine they would rather stay here and complain about it instead of join up and go fight. Israel is certainly committing genocide against Palestinians and this is a land grab as well.

I will say the wider push back in that regard is promising but at the same time the Jewish owned politicians in power pushing out all of this Anti-Semitic legislation along with boomers blindly supporting Israel just goes to show the compromised nation of this country as it pertains to Zionism. Anyone with a logical brain should be able to take a step back and realize that yes Jews have full control of our country and for generations US Citizens have been conditioned to believe that Israel is our greatest ally (this is probably the most bizarre pro-Israel argument because it is nothing but a parasitic relationship). At least the "noticing" is marching on.
We have talked about it before but Jews are the only White ethnic group that gets triggered very easily these days. The fist fights on the UCLA campus between pro Israeli supporters and Palestinian supporters were triggered by Beastie Boy wanna bees who charged the barricades and let their fists fly without provocation.

If there was any justice in this world "Beebie" would be rotting in jail cell in the Hague besides other war criminals but the UN is a paper tiger without any jurisdiction if the war criminal is protected by the US.
what in his personal life contradicts his message? waiting until marriage before having sex? Tebow did the same thing
Nah. It's more the grifters he keeps around him and the homo sexual rumours that seem to follow his circle. Pays to be skeptical..
Nah. It's more the grifters he keeps around him and the homo sexual rumours that seem to follow his circle. Pays to be skeptical..
have not seen ANY evidence whatsoever the he is a homo and what grifters does he keep around him that are a bad look sort of speak? If you don't agree with his views then i can understand that and respect everyones opinion but to throw out rumors that have no basis are juvenile.
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