Joe Biden's America

Karen Kwiatkowski is always worth a read:

Brace for Impact


Tucker Carlson: For the Third Time in Three Consecutive Cycles, Secretive Federal Agencies are Trying to Rig Our Presidential Election – This Is What They Call ‘Democracy’​

I’m not so sure democracy is a good idea in a racially heterogeneous environment where there a huge number of eligible low is voters .

I think democracy is deader than disco.
What a bitch! Mellencamp made some good songs 40 years ago but now he's another washed-up angry leftist. Neil Young comes to mind.

When Mellencamp was in his early 40s he married a blonde supermodel then in her early 20s. Nothing wrong with that, but several years later he was advocating that Americans be forced to marry outside their race. Seriously.

A single audience member yelled out to Mellencamp to play music instead of preaching the liberal gospel and the old fart handled it like a spoiled child, abruptly ending his show because a single person dared to affront him. I wonder how much money the audience had to cough up to see him only to have this happen.

"Show Is Over": Angry Biden Supporter John Mellencamp Throws Tantrum On Stage​

The Leftists Woke Commies have become a false religion. They will do anything to obtain and to retain power. If you would have told me
a decade or two ago that we would be in this twilight zone clown world so quickly even I would have probably not believed it. I always knew
that they wanted to overthrow American & the world but the speed it's being implemented just shows the inside job on both sides and also
within all of these woke companies. May God help us because we are going to need it. The only bright side is that hard times create tough men!
What a bitch! Mellencamp made some good songs 40 years ago but now he's another washed-up angry leftist. Neil Young comes to mind.

When Mellencamp was in his early 40s he married a blonde supermodel then in her early 20s. Nothing wrong with that, but several years later he was advocating that Americans be forced to marry outside their race. Seriously.

A single audience member yelled out to Mellencamp to play music instead of preaching the liberal gospel and the old fart handled it like a spoiled child, abruptly ending his show because a single person dared to affront him. I wonder how much money the audience had to cough up to see him only to have this happen.

"Show Is Over": Angry Biden Supporter John Mellencamp Throws Tantrum On Stage​

Trouble is… whoever yelled out also put money in mellencamps pocket that night. Why anyone pays to see this clown is beyond me .
"Conservative" so-called "leaders" are so gutless and compromised that it's people like Bill Maher who are speaking at least a little truth about the mass agenda of perverting and warping children taking place:

Agreed on the typical Republican shills.

Maher can be quite funny when he’s dishing it out to both sides. However, I think his recent couple year “campaign of reason” is clearly pragmatism. He’s seeing that this “woke” stuff is election poison and making it hard for “his team” to win elections fairly. At the end of his closing monologue, he’s basically admits it. “…but maybe we should think about giving kids a break from our culture wars for a minute or at least until the election is over.” If democrats were polling well he’d be perfectly happy with all the “queerness”, tranny nonsense, drag queens, child grooming, etc.
Agreed on the typical Republican shills.

Maher can be quite funny when he’s dishing it out to both sides. However, I think his recent couple year “campaign of reason” is clearly pragmatism. He’s seeing that this “woke” stuff is election poison and making it hard for “his team” to win elections fairly. At the end of his closing monologue, he’s basically admits it. “…but maybe we should think about giving kids a break from our culture wars for a minute or at least until the election is over.” If democrats were polling well he’d be perfectly happy with all the “queerness”, tranny nonsense, drag queens, child grooming, etc.
Republican shills are either blackmailed or paid for by jews, simple as that. Jews have all the power in our government and until we are run by Christians again we will continue to fall into the abyss
There are some conservative media personalities who call out this insidious agenda. Carlson, Walsh, Jones, Dice, and even centrists like Pool have been sounding the alarm for everyday folks for years.

The problem is none of them are ok main-stream news channels. Those legacy media corporations are run by small hats.

I had many fond memories of Sheetz back in my college days. The Biden admin is targeting Sheetz because they reserve the right to not hire people with a criminal record - many of them being non-White. It's another funny admission that minorities are indeed the root of a majority of the crime in this country. Anyways it's just another example of the attack on Whitey. I would say Sheetz hiring people with a non-criminal background is a very good thing but we all know common sense does not exist. It's only pandering to the black/brown victim classes in Amerika 2.0. The same groups that are accelerating the countries demise behind jews and moronic white liberals.

The noticing continues. This nearly 3 minute video really is a nice summation of what is going on in the world.

The noticing continues. This nearly 3 minute video really is a nice summation of what is going on in the world.

Harrison Smith (great name!) is spot on here. I've heard him in some interviews over the last few years. He is by far the most based and awake employee that Infowars has. Alex Jones gets alot of criticism, much of which is deserved, but he should be credited for giving Smith a platform and allowing his unchecked free speech.
Harrison Smith (great name!) is spot on here. I've heard him in some interviews over the last few years. He is by far the most based and awake employee that Infowars has. Alex Jones gets alot of criticism, much of which is deserved, but he should be credited for giving Smith a platform and allowing his unchecked free speech.
Alex Jones knows everything, he just plays good cop bad cop and lets his personalities do the dirty work (Nick Fuentes, Stew Peters, David Duke, Brother Nathanael, Harrison Smith). Alex is backed by jewish money so he can only take things so far personally.
Good to see our politicians can agree on something! When it comes to ews and or Israel they always know the correct decision!

Meanwhile Outkick "sports" has about 4 articles highlighting the manufactured ew V Palestine "riots" across Communist, I mean college campuses.

Tug job Kraft throwing around His shekels

Another one

Another one.

To cap it off. The ol switcheroo. Muslims are bad! But let's flood more goy countries with em!

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American Freedom News