Joe Biden's America

Tucker Carlson's bug-eating segment that was shown here was actually part of a "Let Them Eat Bugs" (parodying Marie Antionette's infamous "let them eat cake") show he was doing to attack the elites and their desire to make us peasants eat bugs while they eat steak and lobster. In other words, it was taken completely out of context and twisted to try to slander Tucker and make it look like he was advocating the opposite of what he was really saying.
Typical California limousine liberal. Her and Soros are a real pair to draw to. They can't last much longer. Can they?
Never fear, Soros has a son in his 30s who's already carrying on the family "business":

Joe Biden went to a HBCU to blabber on about how White Supremacy is the greatest terrorist threat to this country. I would think blacks should be more worried about getting murdered by their neighbors. But blacks aren't stupid enough to believe Biden's drivel, only white people are.

As if on cue some group called the Patriot Front had a protest in DC. The group all wore masks and dressed in the same blue jackets and khakis. Joe Rogan pointed out that it had to be an FBI psy-op as none of the protesters were fat. More people have noticed how phoney the whole thing looks. Seems like the regime is having a hard time with their propaganda.

Oh no White Men that are fit and wear Khakis! FEDS! That’s pretty pathetic that’s how far American society has fallen…

Some interesting takes on this thread..

This is like the 10th time I’ve heard Joe blabber on about White Supremacists. His 80 percent small hat cabinet really wants to sway the public of muh nazis. But anyone who has ever been to a city 50k+ with a “minority” population knows the deal and where the danger lies. White Flight didn’t occur because of Nazis! Haha.
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Oh no White Men that are fit and wear Khakis! FEDS! That’s pretty pathetic that’s how far American society has fallen…

Some interesting takes on this thread..

This is like the 10th time I’ve heard Joe blabber on about White Supremacists. His 80 percent small hat cabinet really wants to sway the public of muh nazis. But anyone who has ever been to a city 50k+ with a “minority” population knows the deal and where the danger lies. White Flight didn’t occur because of Nazis! Haha.

Is Joe Rogan really that clueless not to understand the necessity of wearing masks so as not to have their lives messed up by being easily identified.

Maybe there's a few feds mixed in -- they seem to infiltrate everything to the right of AOC these days -- but to claim it's a parade of a hundred feds is ridiculous barring some actual evidence. Maybe being a fit White man who dresses well will be the next surefire identifier that he must be a "White supremacist."

Is Joe Rogan really that clueless not to understand the necessity of wearing masks so as not to have their lives messed up by being easily identified.

Maybe there's a few feds mixed in -- they seem to infiltrate everything to the right of AOC these days -- but to claim it's a parade of a hundred feds is ridiculous barring some actual evidence. Maybe being a fit White man who dresses well will be the next surefire identifier that he must be a "White supremacist."
Agreed. I wouldn’t doubt that, but I believe the PF movement is genuine. It’s a dangerous precedent that now, any fit White Man protesting is a FED! The dehumanization of White’s is nearly complete.

As for Rogan. No way he’s clueless. Rather playing his part.

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This Patriot Front does look very contrived. Remember, Homeland Security has thousands of agents with literally nothing to do. So, they invent threats to the homeland to fit a narrative and justify their budget.

Is Joe Rogan really that clueless not to understand the necessity of wearing masks so as not to have their lives messed up by being easily identified.

Maybe there's a few feds mixed in -- they seem to infiltrate everything to the right of AOC these days -- but to claim it's a parade of a hundred feds is ridiculous barring some actual evidence. Maybe being a fit White man who dresses well will be the next surefire identifier that he must be a "White supremacist."
Don, what do you think about this group and the insinuation of it being a Fed psy-op? I don't know anything about the group and the whole rally seemed suspicious. If you look at the on line reporting, the rally was carefully guarded by the police up to the point of them all being escorted to the subway station. There was no counter-rally, which always happens in these things.

Police support? No rabid antifa to goad them into altercations. It just didn't seem like other protests of this type.
Now the guy's family is coming out of the woodwork looking for a payout and doing the usual "he was a good boy" routine. Where were they when he was alive?
This clown had been arrested 40 times! Including four for assault I believe.

Good riddance.

The Marine will not get a fair trial in NYC as Trump has said there and DC have no fair trials.
This Patriot Front does look very contrived. Remember, Homeland Security has thousands of agents with literally nothing to do. So, they invent threats to the homeland to fit a narrative and justify their budget.
Don, what do you think about this group and the insinuation of it being a Fed psy-op? I don't know anything about the group and the whole rally seemed suspicious. If you look at the on line reporting, the rally was carefully guarded by the police up to the point of them all being escorted to the subway station. There was no counter-rally, which always happens in these things.

Police support? No rabid antifa to goad them into altercations. It just didn't seem like other protests of this type.
I already answered your question in my post above that you quoted.

From what I know of them, which is second hand from news reports both favorable and unfavorable, they like to form a type of hit and run flash mob. Show up, do their thing for a short period of time and then leave. That way antifa or any other would-be counter-protesters don't have time to prepare to confront them. The police generally protect all groups on the far left and far right.

They dress well and are mostly physically fit. I agree with Bucky that so many automatically assume they're feds because of that, as if young and fit White men are incapable of organizing discretely and efficiently. I guess it's easier to believe that a hundred young feds spent several months exercising to Jack LaLanne tapes and then followed orders from Chris Wray on where and when to go.

It's possible it was a hundred feds doing this just for show, but to what end? A hundred well-dressed, disciplined and physically fit White men carrying American flags? If that's "White supremacy" in action then many normals will wonder what's so terrible about it, it's a vast upgrade over the types of hideous bipeds that used to appear on Jerry Springer who supposedly represented the White race. The instant condemnation of the Patriot Front from so many couch potatoes on the keyboard right without doing even a modicum of investigation shows what a clown show the internet has turned almost everything into.
I guess I’ve yet to hear what was accomplished by the Patriot Front, other than a photo op
at the Washington Monument. Why would a hundred, fit White men dress up, mask up, and make their own shields for a meaningless march? It’s more plausible to me that a bunch of Feds would waste their time on a pointless march, rather than any intelligent, legitimate White patriots. The way the mainstream media reveled in the “chilling” display of White supremacy, it just looked stupid. My humble opinion, these types of displays are fodder for the press to hype racism. Either way, it’s not helpful.
I guess I’ve yet to hear what was accomplished by the Patriot Front, other than a photo op
at the Washington Monument. Why would a hundred, fit White men dress up, mask up, and make their own shields for a meaningless march? It’s more plausible to me that a bunch of Feds would waste their time on a pointless march, rather than any intelligent, legitimate White patriots. The way the mainstream media reveled in the “chilling” display of White supremacy, it just looked stupid. My humble opinion, these types of displays are fodder for the press to hype racism. Either way, it’s not helpful.
What do you expect to "hear"? Not anything good from the fake news media. Certainly they accomplished some national coverage.

Maybe they were just "showing the flag," letting White Americans know they're out there and that they're normal looking, fit young men with courage and that they're opposed to The Great Replacement and all the other poisons taking place.

What are the millions of White Americans who do nothing but sit on their asses and watch their country being destroyed in real time accomplishing? And not just doing nothing but knee-jerk rejecting everyone who does try to do something. Having a march with a hundred supporters in the world capital of Globohomo while a short distance away the President is demonizing all Whites as terrorists or potential terrorists is accomplishing quite a bit.
What do you expect to "hear"? Not anything good from the fake news media. Certainly they accomplished some national coverage.

Maybe they were just "showing the flag," letting White Americans know they're out there and that they're normal looking, fit young men with courage and that they're opposed to The Great Replacement and all the other poisons taking place.

What are the millions of White Americans who do nothing but sit on their asses and watch their country being destroyed in real time accomplishing? And not just doing nothing but knee-jerk rejecting everyone who does try to do something. Having a march with a hundred supporters in the world capital of Globohomo while a short distance away the President is demonizing all Whites as terrorists or potential terrorists is accomplishing quite a bit.
My concern would be that if they are real they’d end up getting arrested which does whitey no good. If they are fake well then who cares really.

It’s a tough situation. On the one hand visible pushback against globohomo is admirable, but in another sense it seems like most protests by whites end up hurting those personally involved a lot.

Difficult times. So hard to know what to believe and what to dismiss.

I think there’s more to lose than gain from protest, but that’s just because I’m old and cynical. Haha
31 Patriot Front members were arrested for protesting a drag show in Idaho last year. None were feds and all were doxed.
Don’t think we can vote our way out of this. The endgame will not be pretty
Agreed going to get worse before it gets better. No politician will even dare mention Whites as a group, unless in a negative way.
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