Joe Biden's America

Not sure I understand your post but anyway this is unprecedented for a president to be indicted and I feel more charges are coming. While I don’t believe Trump is an honest man he certainly is nowhere near what they make him out to be. Meanwhile they are teaching kids crt, allowing black lies matter to make threats with zero repercussions, and letting murderers back on the street. Very sick indeed,
I mean I doubt he’ll sit in a cell for 2 years like his supporters still are after the “insurrection”. Trump has lawyers to battle it compared to the masses.
Excellent I’m going to read the rest on my work break!
It’s so depressing thinking about what happened to Italian Newark or for that matter, German Newark, or Irish Newark.

Italians eventually figured out that the Anglo descended culture was the key to being an American. It took a few generations but like all the rest we assimilated.

I still root against the Irish if I can, but more often than not I find myself rooting for them.

Especially when u see nonsense like this.
That's all these people have to show for it, tearing down Columbus for Tubman? The analogy would be the New World colonists tearing down every totem pole and raising up a flag pole, with the flag of their choice, and that would be the extent of all their accomplishments. Just live the so-called teepee life but with flag poles rather than totem poles. Usually statues depict some kind of merit or notoriety. They aren't the entire accomplishment and merit unto themselves.
That's all these people have to show for it, tearing down Columbus for Tubman? The analogy would be the New World colonists tearing down every totem pole and raising up a flag pole, with the flag of their choice, and that would be the extent of all their accomplishments. Just live the so-called teepee life but with flag poles rather than totem poles. Usually statues depict some kind of merit or notoriety. They aren't the entire accomplishment and merit unto themselves.
Instead of creating their own accomplishments that they can be proud of, they take great joy in tearing down our ancestors' accomplishments and memories. And what do they replace them with? Statues to ghetto goblins like george floyd? I'll give tubman her due - she seems to have been a pretty tough bird, but 'fighting whitey' seems to be all the "heroes" that they can muster - from MLK, rosa parks, and on and on. It's not about anything they accomplished. It's all about celebrating people that fought whitey. We all know we aren't going to see a statue to clarence thomas anytime soon.
I mean I doubt he’ll sit in a cell for 2 years like his supporters still are after the “insurrection”. Trump has lawyers to battle it compared to the masses.
What is insane is everyone prosecuting Trump is black, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Letitia James. Coincidence ?
I would like to know why Fox News stopped Tucker Carlson from showing only 3 videos out of 40000 hours of video. I know he had to have a video of Ashley Babbit being murdered. Why didn't he show the video of her being ambushed? The only answer that I can think of is that the Murdocks told him to stop or lose his job. It's well-known that the old man hated Trump. I think Carlson had to cave or be working for CNN again. Three videos?
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Apparently, Alex Baldwin is not the only bat-****-crazy Baldwin brother. Billy Baldwin said there would be more Ashley Babbits killed if there are protests if Trump is arrested. He is a low class piece of human garbage. Maybe, Alec will shoot his wife next time.

I would like to know why Fox News stopped Tucker Carlson from showing only 3 videos out of 40000 hours of video. I know he had to have a video of Ashley Babbit being murdered. Why didn't he show the video of her being ambushed? The only answer that I can think of is that the Murdocks told him to stop or lose his job. It's well-known that the old man hated Trump. I think Carlson had to cave or be working for CNN again. Three videos?
Carlson is popular enough that he has options if he's fired or quits. Joe Rogan's audience per episode on Spotify is estimated at 11 million listeners, far higher than Carlson's numbers on Fox. Tucker could also go that route. However, it's better that he stay with Fox as he reaches far more older "normies" than he would on Spotify or any other alternative to the traditional TV networks that many Americans still watch. Other than Tucker they never hear anyone who dares to speak truth to power.
This biggest problems we are going to face will be when they demonetize the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. We could lose at
minimum 30 percent of the dollars purchasing power. Then add in the social credit score and the carbon credits crap and we will all
be on the verge of starving. Alternatives systems have to be available to avoid their digital prison.

Gold, Silver and privacy cryptos like monero, pirate and others are all I can think of for now. They are just hitting us from every angle. You
gotta love Biden. He is such a good puppet doing everything the globalists want.
I would like to know why Fox News stopped Tucker Carlson from showing only 3 videos out of 40000 hours of video. I know he had to have a video of Ashley Babbit being murdered. Why didn't he show the video of her being ambushed? The only answer that I can think of is that the Murdocks told him to stop or lose his job. It's well-known that the old man hated Trump. I think Carlson had to cave or be working for CNN again. Three videos?
More will come. Guarantee it. Especially if Trump is arrested (for a minor charge already dismissed by the feds… who have been after him for years) by a Soros-funded lackey.

Wars have been fought for less. Make no mistake, this is the line in the sand. I wonder if Republicans will do the right thing. Will Texas secede? Who will follow?
I know Fox is under a lot of heat with this Dominion's 1.5. billion-dollar lawsuit against them, but I hope they don't stop Tucker from putting the video out. Good or bad I would like to see it.
Even the Australians have given up on trying to figure out what Biden is trying to say.


Did anyone see this? Another black on white hate crime. Literally every black online is condoning this. Welcom to joey Biden’s America.

I'll make a prediction. There will be a wave of statements denouncing Sportsmanship as "White Supremacy."

Did anyone see this? Another black on white hate crime. Literally every black online is condoning this. Welcom to joey Biden’s America.
There is no right or wrong, moral or immoral, justice or injustice when it comes to Black on White antiWhite incidents whether it be assault, bullying, disparaging comments, threats, murder or anything. This is daily. It's that frequent now. They are a tool of the powers that shouldn't be and they gladly perform that function with hate. And yeah, I know, the "not all" crap, but just like "not all Jews" blather, blah, blah, blah gimme a break. Really, do we even need to preface it that way anymore? Are we that wussified we have to caveat everything while we are being essentially at war against actual enemies collectively? Tell the media to preface everything and end their war on Whites and we'll see how far that goes. Please...
And actual facts on crime tell the story:
There is no right or wrong, moral or immoral, justice or injustice when it comes to Black on White antiWhite incidents whether it be assault, bullying, disparaging comments, threats, murder or anything. This is daily. It's that frequent now. They are a tool of the powers that shouldn't be and they gladly perform that function with hate. And yeah, I know, the "not all" crap, but just like "not all Jews" blather, blah, blah, blah gimme a break. Really, do we even need to preface it that way anymore? Are we that wussified we have to caveat everything while we are being essentially at war against actual enemies collectively? Tell the media to preface everything and end their war on Whites and we'll see how far that goes. Please...
What is even more aggravating is every single black online is saying the white girl deserved it. Scott Adams was 100 percent correct in saying they are a hate group.

Even Elon Musk recently said the media is racist against whites. You would think the richest man in the world saying it would 2ake some people up right. Not really, they are just dismissing him as a right wing nut.
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Perhaps the most important reason besides the experimental "vaccines" that don't work and are harmful, that more and more White Americans are dying at younger ages is the loneliness epidemic. It's hard to believe there's ever been a more isolated, alienated, atomized group of people than today's White Americans.

I'll make a prediction. There will be a wave of statements denouncing Sportsmanship as "White Supremacy."
Same as punctuality, organization, tipping well and not talking loudly in a movie theatre… basic courtesy, and other similar “white supremacist” traits.
Perhaps the most important reason besides the experimental "vaccines" that don't work and are harmful, that more and more White Americans are dying at younger ages is the loneliness epidemic. It's hard to believe there's ever been a more isolated, alienated, atomized group of people than today's White Americans.

I can’t take an article serious from someone who still claims to be a Democrat. They are the antithesis of everything I stand for which is Christianity, nuclear family, our Bill of Rights and Constitution, life begins at conception, rugged individualism, only two genders, etc.

I’m no fan of Republican Inc. (Which is most of them), but at this juncture anyone voting and claiming to be a Democrat is a fool. It is a line in the sand I have drawn.
American Freedom News