Jewish or not Jewish?

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It was quite an awakening for me as I grew up to realize that there are so many evil Jews in control of so many of our institutions. I grew up believing in the Christian worship of the false idol of Jews. But these are people who have specifically rejected Christ and we know that:
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. So why are Christians worshipping those who have rejected Christ?

The real awakening for me was my disgust over the filth being pushed out by Hollywood, and the shocking realization that almost every Hollywood executive was Jewish. Then that led into realizing that so many other institutions like banks and coroporations are run by Jews. 2% of the population (if that) controls almost everything?

I like to call them "those who don't believe in Jesus". I think that is a lot more effective to the masses than just calling them Jews, because the word "Jew" is an instant turnoff for the unenlightened. But you frame it in true terms - "people who don't believe in Jesus" and your average white Christian can grasp the fact that these people aren't playing by the same rules or belief system as they are. I think it's much more effective in exposing them.
He'll push for hate crimes against any higher ups in the Police force that are White. He'll put forth that Whites trained the Black cops to be rayciss against their bruthas.
I know whackos like this want to blame Bull Connor types on this beating but Whites are a distinct minority in Memphis. Similar to Baltimore and Camden, Memphis is a hot mess that is Black run. The chief of police is Black female that's all you have to know about Memphis...
It was quite an awakening for me as I grew up to realize that there are so many evil Jews in control of so many of our institutions. I grew up believing in the Christian worship of the false idol of Jews. But these are people who have specifically rejected Christ and we know that:
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. So why are Christians worshipping those who have rejected Christ?

The real awakening for me was my disgust over the filth being pushed out by Hollywood, and the shocking realization that almost every Hollywood executive was Jewish. Then that led into realizing that so many other institutions like banks and coroporations are run by Jews. 2% of the population (if that) controls almost everything?

I like to call them "those who don't believe in Jesus". I think that is a lot more effective to the masses than just calling them Jews, because the word "Jew" is an instant turnoff for the unenlightened. But you frame it in true terms - "people who don't believe in Jesus" and your average white Christian can grasp the fact that these people aren't playing by the same rules or belief system as they are. I think it's much more effective in exposing them.
Good points. The uninitiated and unenlightened are constantly from womb to tomb bombarded with a pro-Jew agenda and that is especially pushed in most churches. Sad but true. I would just add that not only do they not believe in Jesus but we need to make a point of letting certain people know that most in this group actually hate Christ. There are plenty of quotes you can find online that are from their own mouths and writings of what they really think about Jesus Christ. I let people know of my personal interactions with Jews have been most enlightening regarding their true feelings, saying things about Christ even knowing I was a Christian. I can only imagine what Jews say to each other when we're not around. Christians need to see they are the biggest enemies of them before they will ever wake up. My awakening was much like yours. Stay strong.
So why are Christians worshipping those who have rejected Christ?
I don't understand what you mean by this statement? Christians don't worship a group of people! Christians worship Jesus Christ who we believe is God in human form.
But God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.
There's not one group of people who are evil. Jews are not the only evil people in this world. Plenty of evil gentiles out there as well. In fact WE are all evil compared to God.
The Bible says there are none righteous, no, not one. There is none who understands: There is none who seeks after God. There is none that does good, no, not one. Romans 3:10-12
Every person on this site has either, lied, stolen something, committed adultery, took the Lords name in vain. We've all broken The 10 Commandments, the Law.
Only one was perfect and didn't sin and that was Jesus Christ. God made him who had NO SIN to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of GOD. II Corinthinas 5:21.
Because the Law has been broken, God demands justice. Just like we demand justice when someone rapes or murders.
But God in his Love for us sent us Jesus to be the sacrifice for our sins. Romans 5:8.

As I've said so many times here. Christianity is the only Religion, I don't like calling Christianity a Religion, it's a relationship, the says what God did for you, not what you have to do. In every other Religion in the world you have to earn salvation. Jesus Christ paid for your sin on the cross, but you have to believe and repent of your sins. "Then Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. Acts 2:38
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16.
I don't understand why people focus on a certain group of people, Jews, blacks, etc. and point out their wrong doings. We have all sinned and broken God's law. Get your eyes off of people and on Jesus Christ. He will Save you if you ask.
BTW, Jesus has both Jew and Gentile blood in him.
The Mormons who worship Jews and "Christians" who support the so-called "chosen" and Israel are naïve fools and are on the path that leads to hellfire and eternal damnation.

The Hebrews lost their "chosen" status when they got the Romans to crucify their Messiah.

There is no hatred deeper or stronger than the hatred the Jews have for Jesus Christ. Do people realize that during the Kitos War in 117 AD the Jews killed every Christian they could find? That was a genocide that's rarely talked about.

To this day, they are still trying to eradicate Christianity.
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Anyone ever see the 1994 movie " Higher Learning " ? Decent movie but there are 5 skinheads portrayed in the movie if no ones seen it. The top 2 parts are played by actors Michael Rappaport and Cole Houser. Two Jewish guys. Not sure if the late director John Singleton knew this but I find it funny 2 Jewish actors are portraying white supremacists.
That's exactly quite common. They insert Jewish actors into White roles to further erode White identity.

The same is done on reverse. Many Jewish roles are played by actors of European descent such as Brad Pitt which serves to increase the attractiveness in the public's eye.
I rewatched Braveheart and looked up Edward Longshanks and the actual king was based af in real life. He fought in the crusades and issued the Edict of Expulsion expelling jews from England! This was after banning usury which completely destroyed their wealth and influence. I was rooting for him by the end of the movie lol
I rewatched Braveheart and looked up Edward Longshanks and the actual king was based af in real life. He fought in the crusades and issued the Edict of Expulsion expelling jews from England! This was after banning usury which completely destroyed their wealth and influence. I was rooting for him by the end of the movie lol
Braveheart is the most historically inaccurate movie ever made. Edward I was a great king, a devout Christian and devoted husband. He led a crusade before becoming king, and upon returning, rescued his deeply religious father Henry III after he had been imprisoned by rebellious barons.

England without Jews became one of the most powerful countries in the world, despite it's small size. However, since the first half of the 20th century during which many European Jews arrived in England and took over the media, England has been in a sad decline.
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The psychologist who played a key role in legalizing homosexuality in the USA has died. He was jewish:
The psychologist who played a key role in legalizing homosexuality in the USA has died. He was jewish:
Of course it was a tribesman. I mean when talking psychology it’s an easy guess as that whole field is basically jewish from inception to modern day.
I don't agree with E. Michael Jones on some things but the first ten minutes of this is more truthful than 50 years of anything you'd hear on any msm:
I never said he was a "cynical actor", and I don't think his Bavarian father ever told him he (Alois) was the bastard son of a Jewish hotel owner (Alois probably didn't even know himself who his father was). But although Adolf probably didn't know about his own Jewish heritage, I think he couldn't care less about White Gentile lives.

Come on, trying to take Moscow in November and December 1941 against the advice of his top generals after winning all the major battles up until October was pure lunacy, he needlessly sacrificed the lives of many thousands of the bravest and the best German men, many of whom froze to death.

And trying to hold Stalingrad the next year with winter approaching was foolish - once again, several hundred thousand of the best German (also many Hungarian and Romanian) men died needlessly. After that there was really no hope of Germany winning.


In addidton to that Hitler was warned about the Allied Invasion for Dday. When the Americans, English, etc. used inflatable balloon tanks
and other weapson to make him think they were gonna attack on the opposite side from where Normandy is. Hitlers Top Generals warned
him to not put too many troops and tanks there incase it wasn't the location. He didn't listen. The guy went from a great military leader to
making one bad move after another. Why didn't he attack Britain instead of Russia. Would have been far easier. Maybe it was the meth and
speed he took as he almost never sleeped. It caused impaired judgement and he wouldn't listen to other leaders. His orders were not to
be questioned.
Sorry boys, but WWII ended 80 years ago. You can rehash it all you want but it does absolutely nothing as far as the problems normal Americans face today. Americans will never have any interest in what took place in a faraway country nearly a century ago. I see today's American nazis as little different than the neo-cons who think the year 1945 has any relevance to today. Wake up, move forward
Sorry boys, but WWII ended 80 years ago. You can rehash it all you want but it does absolutely nothing as far as the problems normal Americans face today. Americans will never have any interest in what took place in a faraway country nearly a century ago. I see today's American nazis as little different than the neo-cons who think the year 1945 has any relevance to today. Wake up, move forward

Well said.
Banking heir Robi Mendelssohn was Jewish. Fairly deep historical dive for those interested:
Speaking of Jews….a couple of the tv stations (of the little tv that I watch) constantly show commercials begging us good Christians to donate to all these “help the Ukrainian Jews” charities. They parade out a bunch of old pathetic crones that are living on $2 a day and suffering from the war brought against them by the evil Russkies.

Every time I see one of these commercials I think to myself that White Christians have to be the stupidest people on the planet. Here’s a group begging for your money based purely on the religion of the recipients, who are a different religion, a religion that is obviously, blatantly an enemy of your own religion!!

And to top it off the members of that religion are by far the richest people in the world and could take care of all of Ukrainian’s problems by themselves.

It just burns my ass that there are a bunch of rich Jews rubbing their hands with glee as the goyim donate their hard earned cash, probably very little of which will get to the Ukraine. I hope there’s a special place in hell for these leeches.

Seeing as how many of these commercials there are it must be a big money maker for someone. I wish I could knock some sense into the people that donate.
Speaking of Jews….a couple of the tv stations (of the little tv that I watch) constantly show commercials begging us good Christians to donate to all these “help the Ukrainian Jews” charities. They parade out a bunch of old pathetic crones that are living on $2 a day and suffering from the war brought against them by the evil Russkies.

Every time I see one of these commercials I think to myself that White Christians have to be the stupidest people on the planet. Here’s a group begging for your money based purely on the religion of the recipients, who are a different religion, a religion that is obviously, blatantly an enemy of your own religion!!

And to top it off the members of that religion are by far the richest people in the world and could take care of all of Ukrainian’s problems by themselves.

It just burns my ass that there are a bunch of rich Jews rubbing their hands with glee as the goyim donate their hard earned cash, probably very little of which will get to the Ukraine. I hope there’s a special place in hell for these leeches.

Seeing as how many of these commercials there are it must be a big money maker for someone. I wish I could knock some sense into the people that donate.
Excellent post.

I see those commercials and it grinds my gears too. It’s hard for me to believe that there are people out there that gullible, but sadly there is a fool born every minute to quote P.T. Barnum.
Speaking of Jews….a couple of the tv stations (of the little tv that I watch) constantly show commercials begging us good Christians to donate to all these “help the Ukrainian Jews” charities. They parade out a bunch of old pathetic crones that are living on $2 a day and suffering from the war brought against them by the evil Russkies.

Every time I see one of these commercials I think to myself that White Christians have to be the stupidest people on the planet. Here’s a group begging for your money based purely on the religion of the recipients, who are a different religion, a religion that is obviously, blatantly an enemy of your own religion!!

And to top it off the members of that religion are by far the richest people in the world and could take care of all of Ukrainian’s problems by themselves.

It just burns my ass that there are a bunch of rich Jews rubbing their hands with glee as the goyim donate their hard earned cash, probably very little of which will get to the Ukraine. I hope there’s a special place in hell for these leeches.

Seeing as how many of these commercials there are it must be a big money maker for someone. I wish I could knock some sense into the people that donate.
I immediately turn the channel when those commercials come on. I hate them for all the reasons you stated.
Have you ever heard those annoying cars for kids ads? The worst most grating jingle in radio history.

Ever wonder where the money for it really goes?

As Gomer Pyle used to say….
Surprise, surprise!!!!
They don’t call it “getting jewed over” for no reason. Kars4kids should be called Kars 4 another K word I dare not mention….

In all seriousness, thank you for spreading awareness. I had heard this on TDS years ago but it’s a good reminder to speak out if a family member or friend is thinking about donating an old car.
Anyone see Loomer’s Purim post over on gab? Lol.

Man, those replies to her post are brutal. Just brutal.
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