Jewish or not Jewish?

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Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
The following people are not Jewish, although some think they are:

Ringo Starr
Charles Bronson
Yul Brynner
John Goodman
Rupert Murdoch (has had many in his company though)
Joseph Stalin (his advisors were Jewish though)
Tim Roth
Alexander Kerensky
George Steinbrenner
Ed Sullivan (his wife was though)
Charlie Chaplin
Marie Skłodowska Curie
Bruce Springsteen

The following people have Jewish heritage:

Vladimir Lenin (bolshevik)
Lev Davidovich Bronstein aka Leon Trotsky (bolshevik)
Adolf Abramovich Joffe (bolshevik)
Iona Yakir (bolshevik)
Yakov Sverdlov (bolshevik, ordered the murder of the Russian royal family)
Yakov Yurovsky (bolshevik, murdered the Russian royal family)
Gregory Zinoviev (bolshevik)
Lev Kamenev (bolshevik)
Grigori Sokolnikov (bolshevik)
Jakub Fürstenberg aka Yakov Hanecki (bolshevik)
Lazar Kaganovich (architect of the holodomor)
Genrikh Yagoda (another bolshevik mass murderer)
Béla Kun (Red Terror in Hungary)
Rosa Luxemburg (communist agitator in Poland)
Adolf Hitler (proven by DNA testing of his relatives)
John Wilkes Booth (assassin)
Josephine Marcus (Wyatt Earp's common-law wife)
Stan Polley (swindled the rock group Badfinger, the lead singer became broke and committed suicide)
Henry Kissinger (Nixon's handler)
Robert Oppenheimer (directed the development of the first nuclear bombs)
Nostradamus (fraud)
Samuel Byck (murderer, planned to assassinate Nixon by flying a plane into the White House)
Jack Rubenstein aka Jack Ruby (criminal)
Meyer Lansky (crime lord)
Mickey Cohen (criminal)
Dutch Shultz (criminal)

Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel (criminal)
Bernie Madoff (con man)
Jeffrey Epstein (billionaire pedophile)
David Berkowitz (serial killer)
George Soros
Bernie Sanders
Sigmund Freud
Jussie Smollett (Jewish father)
Adam Schiff

Sometimes they change their surnames to something people like or respect:

Mel Brooks
Lorne Greene
Larry King
William Castle

Or simply alter their names to hide being Jewish:

Stan Lee (Leiber)
Steve Wynn (Weinberg)
Jerry Lewis (Levitch)
Alan Greenspan (Grünspan)
Linda Eastman (Epstein)
Kirk Douglas (Issur Danielovitch)
Harry Houdini (Erik Weisz)
Walker Wheeler Jr. (Benjamin Isaac Hoffman)
Bob Dylan (Robert Zimmerman)
Ruth Fischer (Elfriede Eisler)
Karl Radek (Karl Sobelsohn, communist agitator in Poland and Germany)

Most anti-White activists and writers are Jewish:

Noel Ignatiev
Jesse Benn
Tim Wise
Sally Kohn
Matthew Yglesias

Jewish multi-billionaires include:

Sheldon Adelson
Steve Ballmer
Larry Ellison
George Soros
Howard Schultz
Michael Dell
Michael Bloomberg
Mark Zuckerberg
Carl Icahn
Sergey Brin
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Sigmund Freud can be added to the list of famous Jewish people. Another destructive force, posthumously in vast far-reaching ways...
Sigmund Freud can be added to the list of famous Jewish people. Another destructive force, posthumously in vast far-reaching ways...

“Sickman Fraud” was a deviant quack...just like (goy) Alfred Kinsey.

Louis Fine. Married heiresses and killed them; at
least six victims

George Sack. Murdered for life insurance - five known

Alfred Leonard Cline. Claimed at least nine victims: 1
Christian clergyman, 8 women.

Louis Neu. Two known victims, both male; he is suspected to
have killed more.

Ralph Jerome Selz. Was a con-man suspected of five murders.

Edward Simon Wein. Began as a serial rapist marking
Passover and New Moons; released from prison, he started killing.

Harvey Murray Glatman. Three known victims; he twice marked
the Fast of Av.

Robert Zarinsky. Seven known victims: 1 cop, 6 teenage girls; the dates reveal his true loyalty.

James Koedatich. Killed at least four young girls and then a
fellow prisoner.

Ralph Nuss. Three known victims.

Gloria Tannenbaum. Shot a professor of Russian history and
poisoned two other people.

Milton Niport. “Jewish taxi-driver”, confessed to six murders.

Bertram Greenberg. Killed at least three, including a
13-year-old girl.

Joseph Kallinger. At least three victims.

David Berkowitz, the "Son of Sam". Converted to Christianity in prison.

William Rothstein. Linked to at least four suspicious

Joseph Fischer. Shared Son of Sam's fondness for 11ths and
29ths of the Jewish months.

Brian Kevin Rosenfeld. Murderous nurse; he pled guilty on
three specimen charges of murder, but is suspected of at least

Robert Durst. He was a heir to a billion dollar property empire, but
also a serial-killer with three known victims.

Steven Oken. Tortured, raped and murdered at least three

Nathan Trupp. Killed a total of five people in two separate

Charles Mark Cohen. His nomadic lifestyle means his total of
five victims could easily be an underestimate.

Jeffrey Feltner. Dying of AIDs, dispatched eight or more
Florida nursing-home patients.

Joel Rifkin. New York State’s most prolific serial-killer with
more than twenty victims. Gentile parents, but adopted by Jews and raised Jewish.

Philip Carl Jablonski. At least five female victims.

Edward Isadore Savitz. Homosexual who deliberately spread
AIDs virus among gentile boys.

Robert Shulman. Confessed to five prostitute murders; his
brother helped dispose of at least one body.

Eyal Shachar. A doctor engaged in life-insurance swindles;
at least two female victims.
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I watched the movie The Wizard of Lies last night, then did some reading on Bernie Madoff. The movie was directed by a Jew, and the screenwriting was done by two Jews. However, the book the movie is based on was written by a Gentile woman.

The movie made Madoff's relatives and other Jews out to be sympathetic characters, while portraying Bernie Madoff himself as a con man who didn't care about other people, and his Italian-American assistant Frank DiPascali out to be an absolute scumbag.
Israeli Lawmaker: Our Race Is Superior To All Others

Epstein could take down some very powerful people with him including a current and former President, which is why I expect he won't be allowed to "name names" even if he somehow gets a lengthy prison sentence.
How could anyone possibly be against the death penalty for this type of demonic scum?? This piece of lower filth undoubtedly sees nothing wrong with the abominable sins he's committed. After all, they were just shiksa goyim, for the use and disposal of the synagogue of satan...
There is nothing not permitted by the Talmud.
There is nothing not permitted by the Talmud.
The gloves are off as far as I'm concerned. I don't have many reasons to hold back nowadays. I'd rather go out exposing them, fighting the system and throw societal norms and the impositions against free speech and most all caution to the wind. I'm done. I consider this a time of war. If I disappear you guys will understand why. I no longer give a rat's behind...
I told a friend the other day, that the US is in a civil war without weapons killing each other. To me, it looks like the Dems are shooting themselves in the foot with their outrageous domestic policies. Even the ppl who hate Trump have to see how destructive the Democrats have become. It should be night and day.
I told a friend the other day, that the US is in a civil war without weapons killing each other. To me, it looks like the Dems are shooting themselves in the foot with their outrageous domestic policies. Even the ppl who hate Trump have to see how destructive the Democrats have become. It should be night and day.

Good to see you Westside. I was wondering just yesterday where some of our veterans have been. I also have some "away" time here and there.

The key words in your last sentence are "should be". One would think so, but I have seen the brainwashing permeate even our fellow Whites we presumed wouldn't ever fall for the lunacy. However, when our people start using their language, terminology, etc then I think the enemies get the upper hand just by default. Yes, it should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. But the idiot box, 24/7 media propaganda, and the like, the obvious to us is blurred through their lens now.

It's crazy and sad all at once.
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Good to see you Westside. I was wondering just yesterday where some of our veterans have been. I also have some "away" time here and there.

The key words in your last sentence are "should be". One would think so, but I have seen the brainwashing permeate even our fellow Whites we presumed wouldn't ever fall for the lunacy. However, when our people start using their language, terminology, etc then I think the enemies get the upper hand just by default. Yes, it should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. But the idiot box, 24/7 media propaganda, and the like, the obvious to us is blurred through their lens now.

It's crazy and sad all at once.
Thanks, BFU. I was gone for several months due to my computer being hacked. I have installed better protection, therefore, I am back. The other day in Simi Valley Ca, a conservative city in CA while pumping gas at a Costco, I saw a White man, around 603, 250 and apparently straight, I saw his wife in the car. He got out of his pick up truck. Once out I observed him be wearing a Bootyedge 2020 tee shirt! WTF! :yikes:
The only edge jews have is their past masters at trickery. Also, since they have no moral code to live by. Any dirty rotten thing you can think of a person doing is AOKAY with them.
The only edge jews have is their past masters at trickery. Also, since they have no moral code to live by. Any dirty rotten thing you can think of a person doing is AOKAY with them.
Their main advantage is they work together as a unit. They assist each other in obtaining positions of power in the media and also in business.

Most of them have a moral code toward each other, but they don't believe it should apply to non-Jews.

Only very rarely will a Jew harm another Jew, but they have no regard for Gentiles whatsoever, and especially despise White Gentiles.
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That's one moral code all whites should have. Work together and stop having guilt feelings for other races. I have absolutely no feelings about what happens to any other race of people.
The following people are not Jewish, although some think they are:

Ringo Starr
Charles Bronson
Yul Brynner
John Goodman
Rupert Murdoch (has had many in his company though)
Joseph Stalin (his advisors were Jewish though)
Tim Roth
George Steinbrenner
Ed Sullivan (his wife was though)
Charlie Chaplin
Bruce Springsteen

The following people have Jewish heritage:

Adolf Hitler (proven by DNA testing of his relatives)
John Wilkes Booth (assassin)
Josephine Marcus (Wyatt Earp's common-law wife)
Stan Polley (swindled the group Badfinger, the lead singer became broke and committed suicide)
Henry Kissinger (Nixon's handler, he ordered the bombing of residential areas of Hanoi)
Robert Oppenheimer (directed the development of the first nuclear bombs)
Nostradamus (fraud)
Samuel Byck (murderer, planned to assassinate Nixon by flying a plane into the White House)
Vladimir Lenin (bolshevik)
Gregory Zinoviev (bolshevik)
Lev Kamenev (bolshevik)
Grigori Sokolnikov (bolshevik)
Leon Trotsky (bolshevik)
Adolf Abramovich Joffe (bolshevik)
Yakov Sverdlov (bolshevik, ordered the murder of the Russian royal family)
Yakov Yurovsky (bolshevik, murdered the Russian royal family)
Lazar Kaganovich (architect of the holodomor)
Genrikh Yagoda (another bolshevik mass murderer)
Jack Ruby (criminal)
Meyer Lansky (crime lord)
Mickey Cohen (criminal)
Dutch Shultz (criminal)

Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel (criminal)
Bernie Madoff (con man)
Jeffrey Epstein (billionaire pedophile)
David Berkowitz (serial killer)
George Soros
Bernie Sanders
Sigmund Freud
Jussie Smollett

Sometimes they change their surnames to something people like or respect:

Mel Brooks
Lorne Greene
Larry King
William Castle

Or simply alter their names to hide being Jewish:

Stan Lee (Leiber)
Steve Wynn (Weinberg)
Jerry Lewis (Levitch)
Alan Greenspan (Grünspan)
Linda Eastman (Epstein)
Kirk Douglas (Issur Danielovitch)
Harry Houdini (Erik Weisz)
Walker Wheeler Jr. (Benjamin Isaac Hoffman)
Bob Dylan (Robert Zimmerman)

Most anti-White activists and writers are Jewish:

Noel Ignatiev
Jesse Benn
Tim Wise
Sally Kohn
Matthew Yglesias

Jewish multi-billionaires include:

Sheldon Adelson
Steve Ballmer
Larry Ellison
George Soros
Howard Schultz
Michael Dell
Michael Bloomberg
Mark Zuckerberg
Carl Icahn
Sergey Brin

Martel, I have looked into this and there is zero evidence that Hitler had any Jewish ancestry. All of those claims have been thoroughly debunked, and rank with the similar claims that he was secretly gay or had a micro penis.

If you have evidence that HItler was Jewish I would like to see it.
Here's a question. Why is it the Germans have had the Jew's number going way, way back, long before Hitler was ever born? Even before Martin Luther. Meister Eachart (12 century Dominican Monk tried for Heresy but died before verdict was rendered) knew the Jews weren't any good.
Martel, I have looked into this and there is zero evidence that Hitler had any Jewish ancestry. All of those claims have been thoroughly debunked, and rank with the similar claims that he was secretly gay or had a micro penis.

If you have evidence that HItler was Jewish I would like to see it.
Here are some links:

Adolf Hitler caused the deaths of millions of White Gentiles - German, Russian, Slovakian, Polish, French, British, etc. He must have wanted the Soviets to kill German civilians, when in late 1944 he sent his tanks and troops that were slowing the Soviets advance, to the west for the Battle of the Bulge. They needed those tanks and troops on the eastern front, the Bolsheviks were killing everybody in the part of East Prussia they had already occupied in the late fall of 1944.

Adolf Hitler was one of the worst enemies the white race ever had. After WW II, the weakened UK and France lost their colonies. The Jewish supremacists had less difficulty in taking over the Western media because so many of the bravest and best of us died in that senseless slaughter.
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The consensus of historians agree that there is absolutely no proof that Hitler was Jewish. This is a stupid conspiracy theory that stupid publications peddle from time to time for clicks. It's actually a very old theory, for which there's never been any proof.
The underlying assumptions that make this idiocy are stupid and Freudian as well: that Hitler must have hated himself, thus his anti-Jew crusade. It's no different than the common trope that all homophobes are secretly self-hating queers.

Re: haplogroups, I am not a biologist but I understand that those have very little correlation to your raw genetic composition. You could be .0001% African and have that haplogroup, for example. The article even says that the haplogroup is relatively rare in Western Europe, not that it is only associated with jews. I looked it up and it is associated with many other groups as well including Greeks, Italians etc. Hitler was from Austria, not Prussia. It stands to reason he would have some Southern DNA.

As for your text body, that is all post-hoc reasoning. Was Hitler's war and the consequences devastating for White people, Europeans of all sides? Of course. But the idea that he was a cynical actor who was plotting the death and dispossession of his people is absurd to the point of hilarity. Have you read anything of Hitler's life? Any of his writings from when political power was not even on the horizon? He was a true believer. And what did he stand to gain from Germany's destruction? He killed himself in a bunker because they lost. Your armchair general analysis of his war strategy does not offer proof that he was a cynical actor bent on destroying his Reich and people, sorry.

I'm trying to be respectful but this is exceedingly dumb.
As for your text body, that is all post-hoc reasoning. Was Hitler's war and the consequences devastating for White people, Europeans of all sides? Of course. But the idea that he was a cynical actor who was plotting the death and dispossession of his people is absurd to the point of hilarity. Have you read anything of Hitler's life? Any of his writings from when political power was not even on the horizon? He was a true believer. And what did he stand to gain from Germany's destruction? He killed himself in a bunker because they lost. Your armchair general analysis of his war strategy does not offer proof that he was a cynical actor bent on destroying his Reich and people, sorry.

I'm trying to be respectful but this is exceedingly dumb.
I never said he was a "cynical actor", and I don't think his Bavarian father ever told him he (Alois) was the bastard son of a Jewish hotel owner (Alois probably didn't even know himself who his father was). But although Adolf probably didn't know about his own Jewish heritage, I think he couldn't care less about White Gentile lives.

Come on, trying to take Moscow in November and December 1941 against the advice of his top generals after winning all the major battles up until October was pure lunacy, he needlessly sacrificed the lives of many thousands of the bravest and the best German men, many of whom froze to death.

And trying to hold Stalingrad the next year with winter approaching was foolish - once again, several hundred thousand of the best German (also many Hungarian and Romanian) men died needlessly. After that there was really no hope of Germany winning.

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