Jewish or not Jewish?

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Loomer says, "We give gifts to two people who are less fortunate or struggling at this point in their lives". So, I guess that takes in just about, oh, everybody.
Man, those replies to her post are brutal. Just brutal.
Dang those posts were brutal. “Go f*ck a wood chipper”. That’s harsh. Anyway she will have plenty of sympathy at the next jew get together and can talk about the hate she faces for merely being jewish.
Dang those posts were brutal. “Go f*ck a wood chipper”. That’s harsh. Anyway she will have plenty of sympathy at the next jew get together and can talk about the hate she faces for merely being jewish.
Yeah, reminds me of some of the posters here, whose main interest seems to be to demonize all Jews, anonymously of course, which merely advertises that they are politically impotent hobbyists with no interest in engaging in constructive real life activism.
It's not a matter of being edgy, it's that it's so obviously counterproductive. I always wonder what hard-core posters (self-appointed propagandists really, and not just on CF so much but all over the internet where they can still post) think they're accomplishing by relentlessly demonizing all Jews (and often all Blacks as well). Serious question -- just what exactly do they expect those who reading their posts to do? Run to their toolshed and grab a pitchfork. . . and then what? Or join some tiny NS organization, half of whose members are feds whose job it is to compromise and entrap the half who aren't? At most, one or two more people will join their echo chamber circle jerk of impotence.

There's no "White community" because almost all of those who claim online to be pro-White won't lift a finger to help their fellow Whites, and never will. The situation in East Palestine is a great example. Biden and Buttigieg have been roundly condemned and rightly so, but did any normal White people go there to offer what assistance they could? And I don't mean some group with a ridiculous name like "Midwest Aryan Brigade" or some such title that automatically guarantees negative publicity for the town and its inhabitants. If that derailment had happened in an Amish area or a rural Mormon town, they wouldn't have been waiting around for help from the Feds. The folks in those areas -- and many others from surrounding areas -- would have instantly been there offering what help they could. Not under some ridiculous "Aryan" name, but just as concerned Americans.

"The Jews" love nothing more than the echo chambers of anonymous do-nothings who demand that others do what they have no intention of doing themselves, not to mention it makes continued censorship and oppression that much easier to enact. America's online Nazis are a pathetic joke.
Eliminating dual citizenship in congress would be a great start, but as you’ve said. We have zero representation to do so. :smash2:

So I guess we just enjoy the ride while it lasts. Politicians can’t even mention Whites as a group unless they are condemning us as Notsees.
It's not a matter of being edgy, it's that it's so obviously counterproductive. I always wonder what hard-core posters (self-appointed propagandists really, and not just on CF so much but all over the internet where they can still post) think they're accomplishing by relentlessly demonizing all Jews (and often all Blacks as well). Serious question -- just what exactly do they expect those who reading their posts to do? Run to their toolshed and grab a pitchfork. . . and then what? Or join some tiny NS organization, half of whose members are feds whose job it is to compromise and entrap the half who aren't? At most, one or two more people will join their echo chamber circle jerk of impotence.

There's no "White community" because almost all of those who claim online to be pro-White won't lift a finger to help their fellow Whites, and never will. The situation in East Palestine is a great example. Biden and Buttigieg have been roundly condemned and rightly so, but did any normal White people go there to offer what assistance they could? And I don't mean some group with a ridiculous name like "Midwest Aryan Brigade" or some such title that automatically guarantees negative publicity for the town and its inhabitants. If that derailment had happened in an Amish area or a rural Mormon town, they wouldn't have been waiting around for help from the Feds. The folks in those areas -- and many others from surrounding areas -- would have instantly been there offering what help they could. Not under some ridiculous "Aryan" name, but just as concerned Americans.

"The Jews" love nothing more than the echo chambers of anonymous do-nothings who demand that others do what they have no intention of doing themselves, not to mention it makes continued censorship and oppression that much easier to enact. America's online Nazis are a pathetic joke.

I saw the White people who hate White people trope begin some 50 years ago. Most of these have always been not Jewish.

I believe it was Don who came up with the term "DWF." These types will almost always be "normal" White people, subconsciously status-seeking in a way.
I saw the White people who hate White people trope begin some 50 years ago. Most of these have always been not Jewish.

I believe it was Don who came up with the term "DWF." These types will almost always be "normal" White people, subconsciously status-seeking in a way.
Or aliens. From another planet seeking to overthrow the world.
I saw the White people who hate White people trope begin some 50 years ago. Most of these have always been not Jewish.

I believe it was Don who came up with the term "DWF." These types will almost always be "normal" White people, subconsciously status-seeking in a way.
Most people who hate White people are not White. There are definitely some brainwashed fools, but they have been taught to hate themselves by the Jewish-controlled media, and are trying to be in compliance with what they feel they are supposed to think and say. Others work for Jews, and are saying what they feel they need to say to keep their jobs.

I was somewhat brainwashed myself as a youth, but as I got older I became wiser. And I have a very good "Jewdar", every time I read an article or a tweet by a Jew, I think "that person must be a Jew" - and time and time again, it turns out I was right!

Fifteen years ago, most people were much less aware of Jewish media control and influence than they now are. This site has no doubt helped enlighten some people, but there are now other mainstream media sites that have more freedom of speech, such as gab and now twitter.

There has been a Jew here at since I started posting. He doesn't realize how obvious he is to some of us here. He's quick to agree with Don like an ass-kissing employee always agrees with the boss, but will try to prove most of the rest of us are are wrong. He absolutely hates this thread. There have been a few other Jews briefly posting here over the past 15 years, but they were soon banned, or simply stopped posting before too long. There's only one who has been here a long time.

Anyway, my time posting here has run it's course, and so (((sport historian))) can rest assured that I will no longer be posting facts in this thread or any other thread here. Adieu.
I've said it before. There's a reason this group has been kicked out of over 100 countries. LIes, lies, lies until enough people
wake up. Both the left and right in D.C. are majortiy zionists. You can't say that though or you get the Ye Treatment.
I believe this thread has run its course and will thus lock it. As Charles Martel noted, there are still plenty of websites and social media places where this topic can be discussed, including here within reasonable limits.

I've been aware of the "Jewish Question" for over 40 years. Anyone who's not braindead knows they're very influential and powerful. But I've never been a National Socialist and did not start Caste Football in order to specialize in it or become semi-obsessed with it as some posters are. This is a sports site, ideally a place where sports fans can freely discuss affirmative action in sports, aka the Caste System, among many other topics.

What I've noticed is that current pro-NSers never talk about the positive economic and social programs that were taking place in Germany and which are what the Third Reich was really about rather than mindless Jew hatred, or about what they have to offer now; instead all they want to do is make it clear that they have an obsessive intense dislike of all Jews that they want to express over and over. It's become purely and pathetically negative, exactly like "the Jews" claim Nazis are.

So I see nothing productive or beneficial in Caste Football being seen as a "pro-Nazi" site. I don't care what anyone's personal beliefs are, as many can pull their punches and adapt to CF's style and mission, while others seem more intent on pushing their ideology. There are a number of posters here who are undoubtedly hard-core, but they "get it" and know what to write and not write. I would again encourage everyone to periodically re-read the very basic, streamlined posting guidelines we have here, which were first posted back in 2005 and have never been updated since and which includes this:

"No racial or ethnic slurs or attacks on White nationalities, and no religious slurs. An honest dialogue about sports and race by definition will include negative observations about an individual or race, but if your objective is simply to attack a group of people go elsewhere."

As I make obvious repeatedly, I am not impressed in the least by tough talkers. I've been around a long time, in fact I go back to well before the internet when, believe it or not, like-minded people actually met and tried to work together. I know the basic personality types, and the most common one has always been the big talker who doesn't have the slightest intention of actually sacrificing any of his time or money on behalf of what he claims to believe in. This has only gotten worse given the anonymity of the internet, and I have no doubt that just as in "real life," at least some of those who pose as NS types are trolls, paid or otherwise, as Nazis are powerless, have nothing positive to offer anymore, and by their always negative presence only help bring about more censorship. It's also highly disrespectful given the times we are now in, as posting the hard-core stuff anonymously is done without accountability -- except if there is blowback or other consequences guess who it's going to fall on. All I know is that from the beginning I've always asked for posters to "keep posts productive" and that's never changed.
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