Colonel Reb:
All Christians are against who, whites? That's BS. I won't deny that some are, but nowhere near all.
Actually I said 99%. You are in the 1,% Colonel.
Christians haven't backed down from everything, and not all Christians are like the ones that have backed down on some issues.
Just the PC diversity-lovers and Israel-lovers like Falwell.
The world is becoming more sinful and worldly, and has turned away from God.
We've also turned away from common sense. For whites to be ethnocentric is a totally rational and reasonable thing, and everybody- right, left, Republican, Democrat, Christian, atheist, is making it impossible for us to be ethnocentric in mainstream society.
A little devils advocate here: When you have atheists and others demanding that any mention of God and Christianity be removed from society and the media proclaiming it to be the right thing to do, and with no non-religious whites standing up to protect Christians, why would they stand up with those who are constantly attacking and persecuting them?
99% of non-religious whites are against us, too. I agree that they despise Christianity, but I think that the bigger picture is that they despise classical/ traditional European/ Western civilization, traditions, values, communities, etc. Christianity is a part of those traditions and values, but I think that it goes beyond any particular religion. It's about us, our race, our people, our minds, our souls. 99% of the people out there are working against the good of our people.
Think about it, 1% of 300 million- the population of America- is 3 million. I doubt that we even have that many people in America who are supportive of our cause. So it may actually be more than 99%. Scary.
Christians haven't been in power for years in this country.
What about all those Republicans in power? What about our Born Again President? Are they just pretending? These Republicans/ conservatives/ mainstream Christians are perhaps our worst enemies right now, because real, old-fashioned white conservatives have been deceived into thinking that they are representing us, when they're really not. Again, we can fully and openly oppose the liberals because we all know they're out to get us. The liberals are wolves, and the Republican mainstream religious conservatives are wolves in sheep's clothing. That makes them more dangerous, in my opinion.
How do you propose they reverse the trend, which is not totally different from the Caste trend?
They can't or they'll be ruined. We're the only ones who are free to speak our minds- here in relatively anonymous cyberspace. But I'll tell you what the rest of us should do: stop supporting these Republican conservatives who are working against us, who are warmongers and war profiteers, who are corporate shills, who are shipping our jobs overseas, who are opening up our borders, who are intruding on our civil liberties, who love diversity, who love big government. F*ck them.
See, you can't have it both ways. If Christians are all hypocrits, then why would they stand up for race?
I believe you have made it clear that they can't stand up for race.Christianity is a univeralist ideology. It doesn't consider race, as you've pointed out. That's why I think that Christianity is ultimately ill-suited for our movement. We need an ethnocentric ideology, not a universalist one.
If they were all Godly, they would be viewed by many whites as the enemy. Goes back to the "in the world but not of the world" that I mentioned earlier.
And they should be free to do their thing. Go to church, read the Bible, proselytize, convert, baptize, whatever they want. That's fine with me. But unfortunately, Colonel, so long as Christianity is a universalist ideology, most Christians will be working against us. Not you, Colonel, but most of them. Sorry if that offends you. I have nothing against Christianity per se, just universalist ideologies in general that really aren't helping us in the long run.
Anti-racist Christians are a dime a dozen, are they not?