Jerry Falwell

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
What did you see in my post that you interpret as "social gospel?"

Col. Reb, nobody, well at least I'm not, is threatened by your beliefs. We're merely having a religious discussion on an internet forum, a discussion that has been very civil and friendly, particularly for a religious discussion!
I don't mean any offense, and think no less of you because of your beliefs. I hope the feeling is mutual.

Christianity transcends denominations. Man cannot change Christianity, period.

I understand what you mean, but from my view of history, man has changed the church and it's doctrines many times over.

Science changes all the time. God never does.
God may not change, but man's understanding and perspective certainly has. IMO, man's view of God is on less certain ground than his view of the world itself, as nothing about God is replicable or provable.

And finally..
I think ya'll are just scared that God may get a hold of you one day. I pray that He does.
Hey, this wasn't a polite way of telling me to go to Hell was it?? LOL !!
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Shogun: yes, man has altered the Faith in some, often many, ways but the essential core of Christianity (as expressed in the Apostles' Creed) remains unchanged. Quite frankly, much of the differences between Protestants of all stripes, Catholics and Orthodox are petty.

Think about how the Apostles died for the faith, often after enduring much torture to renounce their words as lies:

Andrew: Martyrdom by crucifixion (bound, not nailed, to a cross).

Bartholomew (Often identified with Nathaniel in the New Testament): Martyrdom by being either 1. Beheaded, or 2. Flayed alive and crucified, head downward.

James the Greater: Martyrdom by being beheaded or stabbed with a sword.

James the Lesser: Martyrdom by being thrown from a pinnacle of the Temple at Jerusalem , then stoned and beaten with clubs.

Jude (Often identified with Thaddeus in the New Testament): Martyrdom by being beaten to death with a club.

Matthew: Martyrdom by being burned, stoned, or beheaded.1

Peter: Martyrdom by crucifixion at Rome with his head downwards.

Philip: Martyrdom.

Simon: Martyrdom by crucifixion.1 or being sawn in half.

Thomas: Martyrdom by being stabbed with a spear.

They endured these horrible fates and never renouced their Faith because they were witnesses to the life of Christ and KNEW he was the son of God. Peter asked that he be crucified with his head down because he felt unworthy to die as Jesus did. That is a powerful testament - and evidence - to and for Christ as the Son of God.
Kay Arthur is one of the many Christian apologists for the Jews.She is more loyal to Israel than to America. Read this eye-opening article.

One of the leading American TV evangelists, Kay Arthur, recently announced at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in California that she was more loyal to Israel than to the United States of America, and that "God has chosen Israel above all the other nations of the earth."

Here is a direct quote from the Haaretz newspaper in Israel from May 27, 2005:

At the National Religious Broadcasters convention in California earlier this year, Christian Zionist leader Kay Arthur declared in a since memorable speech that despite her love for the United States, "if I had to choose between America and Israel, I would choose Israel."</BLOCKQUOTE>Edited by: Bart
She should try to immigrate to Israel. She would find out that she's not allowed to because she's not a Jew.
Thanks for the kind wishes, Reb.

God is the most real thing in this world, if you would take the time to look. He has done many things in my life that would make a believer out of anyone who knew about it. Things that science can't explain. I wonder why it is that evolutionists can't agree on anything, and how the "accepted" theory changes every decade or so? I already proved my point on Jesus' resurrection. I didn't even mention the rest of the Old Testament prophecies that came true.

Personal experience isn't enough to prove or disprove the existence of the supernatural. Plenty of people have seen ghosts, spoke with the dead, been abducted by aliens, etc. I'm not doubting your personal experience in and of itself, its just that your experience and your faith is just that: yours. It can't be used as proof of God, anymore than the buzzing in somebody's ears means the CIA is listening in on their conversations. (Not that your experience is on that level!)

Its ironic that you'll note the difference of opinion among evolutionists, but do not recognize the internal strife and doctrinal warfare that has been extant in the Christian religion for the last two centuries. And continues today, I might add.

IMO, you didn't prove your point about Jesus' resurrection. Its mentioned in no other historical text outside of the Bible. The New Testament also says that the dead rose from the grave and the people of Jerusalem wondered. Don't you think if there was a mass resurrection, SOMEONE would have noticed and written it down, outside of Jesus' followers? Its akin to the midnight ride of Paul Revere and George Washington chopping down the cherry tree, neither of which happened, despite how they were taught and remembered.

As for all those Old Testament prophecies that came true - the men who wrote the letters and books of the New Testament were well aware of the many prophecies that the Messiah should fulfill when he came. Isn't it just a little possible that the details were filled in so that Jesus would meet some of the requirements? Not to mention that some of those prophecies were fulfilled before Jesus' time and others weren't always applicable to the Messiah in the first place.

And to Bronk:

People are martyred all the time for their beliefs, without proof that they are true. Look no farther than the idiot Islamicists who blow themselves up on buses and crash planes into towers to see that man will martyr himself for any cause, be it true or not.

Guys, I enjoy debating religion and theology, but I want to make sure that its not personal for any of you. I know I won't convince you of anything, nor is that my desire, but neither will you convince me that Christianity is true, either. Only one I'd come close to believing anymore is akin to the Christian Identity movement, like Herbert Armstrong's British=Israel theories.

If any of you are of that ideology, feel free to PM me or start another thread here about that.
Wow, that was a long post!

Sorry bout that!
Shogun: No, no I'm not even sparring with you on this topic. I'm just adding my thoughts.

As for martyrs, yes, you are absoloutely correct about the Muslims who are blowing themselves to bits for their cause. I also think of the many communists who wasted their lives -- quite courageously I might add -- for a rotten lie of an idea that was bogus from the start. MY point was that Christians have some solid evidence for their faith, better evidence than either the Muslims or the reds ever had.
First, I'd like to say that while every human may need a belief in the Divine, one doesn't nessecarily have to go with Judaic hand-me-downs to fill this void. White men had their own beliefs, their own ways, their own Holy Powers, for 40,000 years or so before Christianity
, much more suited to our inborn temperments, our race-soul, than any alien religion can be. Look at home before you seek among foreigners. Some Gods are White, which to me is all you need to know.

My Father is a devout Christian. I have lived my life immersed in good old fashioned Southern Baptist Christianity all my life, and you know, I LIKE most Christians that I know. But I am not one, I feel like if there was really some sort of supernatural power to it, I would have felt it. In fact in the philosophical realm, though not the interpersonal or pragmatic realm, I object to the religion vehemently, (all the while stoutly defending the rights of Christians against the NWO).

Perhaps it's the fact that when I speak to many Christians on issues like the fight for our race, they are either deaf to the matter or believe the world won't last long enough anyway.

But what if the White race becomes extinct, Western civilization falls into darkness, and the world DOESN'T end? What if Earth abides in savagery and barbarism till the sun goes nova, because too many put too much faith in a world beyond instead of the only world we can really see?

Reversing the proposition, what if it is 100% true? What if soon mankind fails? What if we prove fit to be nothing but pampered sheep grazing in our Creator's pasture for eternity, those of us who aren't being tormented for eternity for our putative sins anyway? What if all the things we could accomplish don't come to pass, what if no blue-eyed human with my DNA in him ever stands on a world circling a distant star? When I ponder the possibility of this "rapture", of this end, it doesn't fill me with fills me with despair.

Better that I had never been, that nothing had ever been, than to come to this end.

Earlier this month was the Day of Remembrance for Radbod of Frisia. Radbod was a King who was looking to convert his lands to Christianity. But when the priest told him that he would not see his noble ancestors, that they were burning in hell, he ejected them from his lands, saying he would rather live in Hell with his warrior ancestors than in Heaven with priests and monks. It's a sentiment I can understand full well.

They destroyed the Radbods of that time of course, all who defied the "New World Order" that rose out of Rome, with coercion economic and physical, tortures and brutalities that would be smiled upon by our modern totalitarians, they destroyed them. Am I to forget these facts of history, or to forgive them, even though they stand as fresh in my mind as any murder done by the ******* on the street today?

And what if, as I say, the Book is 100% true? Sigurd, Beow, Herman, Cu Chulain, Perseus, etc, do all these men who personified greatness as we Euro-Folk know it, do they burn in Hell? Am to believe a scabrous pack of desert Yids really is the "Chosen" and the great Sons of the North are chaff, as the Book says, and forgive this insult?

In the end, for me, it does not matter if the Book is true or not, I am an enemy of Yaweh whether he exists or is a figment. To defy a tyrannical diety might be the height of futility, but that's what we Eurofolk do, from Thermopylae to the Alamo and beyond. To do less would be to shame 40,000 years of Aryans.
Great stuff, guys. I'll make two basic points to keep things in context:

1) Our movement should simply be non-religious, not anti-religious or anti-Christian. We should put these differences aside and stand as one people. People who believe believe, and people who don't don't. We can get past that. There's been quite a bit of strife in the WN movement, and I would hate to see this issue become a barrier between various WN's. Hopefully other WN's can be like us and agree to disagree while being civil and remaining united. (Yeah right!)

2) At that same time, we should fully understand that most people are against us- and that includes Christians, atheists, agnostics, Jews, Muslims, Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, etc., etc., etc. I think that pro-white Christians should understand that most Christians are against us, and pro-white atheists and agnostics should understand that most atheists and agnostics are against us. I think that's something that we can all agree on.

I'm a little bit of a lot of things: agnostic, conservative, ethnocentric, Libertarian, skeptic, populist, nationalist, and I understand that most of the people in those groups oppose what I believe in (even the ethnocentric group because most ethnocentric people are non-white!) That's the cold hard truth of our world. We are an extremely small, unpopular, disliked, fringe minority.
I don't know about all that but I do know that you and White Savage are probably going to hell, and White Shogun too, and while I'm at it Bart also because he's always making jokes when we're trying to be serious.
Good points Jaxvid.

"We are an extremely small, unpopular, disliked, fringe minority."

We are so hated because people instictively know that we are right and it threatens them.
There are some preachers and ministers who do not kow- tow to the Zionists but they aren't television or radio stars.Only those who are Kosher approved, such as Falwell, Robertson, Osteen, Hickey, Brim, Copeland, Roberts, Hagee, Evans, Levitt and the TBN crowd.

Old news: In 1977 the Likud party under Menachem Begin came to power on an expansionist Zionist platform using biblical phraseology to justify the settlement of the West Bank. It was Begin for example who first renamed Israel and the Occupied Territories as Judaea and Samaria. In America the Jewish lobby realised the potential significance of wooing the political endorsement of the powerful 50-60 million Evangelical block vote through their fundamentalist leadership. With this in mind, in 1979, the Israeli government honoured Jerry Falwell with the Jabotinsky Award in appreciation of his support of Israel. They also provided him with a Lear jet to assist in his work on their behalf.
Billye Brim, a Christian Zionest sock puppet, is whining and crying about the removal of God's pets from the Gaza. She reminds us they are God's chosen people, meaning everybody else is dung and we better bow before God'sspecialpeople or suffer his wrath. In fact if we don't joyfully go along with their agenda we are cursed by God. I once had a taped message of Brim, in which she said she believed Jesus would return and to the mount of Olives and set up the kingdom by the year 1988.

That was a year many evangelists and preachers touted as a possible rapture. A book circulated ' 88 Reasons why Christ will return in 88.' It didn't happen of course. Actually, there were many books written with the possibility of many different years. Otheryears considered, 1967, 73, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2004 and a whole slew if others. Y2K was supposed to bring in the ant-Christ and world destruction. and of course everything centers around the Jews.

For all the Christians on this board who feel I am being unduly critical of these Christians, I must confess something to you. I myself was indoctrinated with the same beliefs for many, many years. If anyone would like to further this discussion, without being confrontational, I would gladly oblige.
I myself was indoctrinated with the same beliefs for many, many years. If anyone would like to further this discussion, without being confrontational, I would gladly oblige.

Same here, Bart.

The problem with people in power believing this kind of stuff, is that they are in a position to make it happen. The wrong fundamentalist in office in the White House could easily start WW III in order to start Armageddon and user in the Millenial Reign of Christ.

If there had never been a Biblical belief in the God's Chosen People and where they were from (Israel) then the British would never have had to carve out a homeland in Palestine for them, and the world would thus be a much different place today.
Very well said White Shogun, you have stated the truth clearly and succinctly. When I get my righteous indignation lathered up to a high degree I can get carried away and ride my hobby horse to death. I have to remember this is a forum dedicated to sports and most folks don't wish to get to heavy. Guess I will emotionally ratchet down a few notches until something sets me off again. Ha ha.
Well, I just watchedyet another video of typical Negro behavior taken outside a Seattle night club. It's very disturbing. Many whites have fled from the inner cities to surrounding communities. Having escaped the problems they once again sow the seeds of their own destruction.

Now here's the stupidity of our collective mentallity. Many belong to churches, which are Catholic, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Methodistetc. and will support with tithes and offerings church sponsored activities. These groups in my state have led the way in bringing in Hmong, Africans, Somali's and the such, to happily re-settle them among White people! Are they friggin nuts!? You import 80 spear chuckers into thenorthern partsof Minnesota, Wisconisn and Michigan and what do you suppose will happen? Besides burdening the local tax base, they get govenment jobs, health care, benefits and breed like rats. The once peaceful community is plagued with criminal activity and even slaughtered like cows from Hmong predators likeVang!Do you think the Bantu's will live in a bubble? They will rape or marry your beautiful daughters. As an added bonus, they will get infected with aids, STD's and bring crack babies into your lovely family. God, it's so damn pathetic.

Edited by: Bart
Bart, tell us how you really feel!

Just kidding, I'm there with you my white brother.
"80 spear chuckers"

This is a hateful remark. We Whites chuck spears MUCH better than the ********...just watch the Olympic Javelin...I am deeply offended that you think this rabble is deserving of mention in spear-throwing
White Savage, I stand by my statement. I never said they threw them for great distance or accuracy.
Speaking of javelin throwing, an interesting tid bit. Terry Bradshaw held the Louisiana state high school record for the longest javelin throw. Don't know if it still stands.
This story illustrates the incredible stupidity of our so-called government and religious leaders. Lutherans importing Bantu's to Maine of all places. Why not Detroit or Gary or East St. Louis or any of a thousand citieswhere Africans have already destroyed everything in sight?

[url] 50826/REPOSITORY/508260340/1031 [/url]

Mohamed has relied on food stamps to keep his seven children and his pregnant wife fed, but his income has not left enough for staples, like soap and diapers. So Tuesday, against his family's wishes, he will move the brood to Maine. He has no job and no apartment waiting, but he has heard that life there is cheaper and easier for Somali immigrants.

Lutheran Social Services, a federal subcontractor that resettles refugees in New Hampshire, has placed 68 Bantu immigrants in Concord since last October.
Lutherans importing Bantu's to Maine of all places. Why not Detroit or Gary or East St. Louis or any of a thousand cities where Africans have already destroyed everything in sight?

Yeah, Maine is one of the whitest states in the country, if not the whitest. About 97% white according to 2000 numbers I just looked at. Sad. Maybe the liberals up there will learn their lesson once their own neighborhoods become "infiltrated" by these problematic invaders.

Please allow me to make one mild observation about the judeo-Christians (Castefootball isn't really the kind of place for more radical expressions and I respect that, having been heavily influenced by Varg Vikernes I must say it is difficult to hold back both barrels though).

Many claim that Gods Laws are Eternal and Unchanging, (many times these claims come up against 'situational ethics') but if one observes them they will see that they change them all the time.

Lets take a look at Falwell for example: in the 1950s and 1960s he was completely for Segregation, but now is against it.

At Bob Jones University they had a prohibition against inter-racial dating, after Bush gave a speech there and there was an outcry against this Bob Jones University got rid of this prohibition.

Now if these people are living by Gods Law how do they explain these changes? And how do we know that what they are doing NOW is actually wrong and what they did in the past is what is right?!?!?!?

Another good example of this is Slavery. There are some quotes in the Bible that make it clear that the Bible has no issues with slavery and for a long time judeo-Christians did not either. (with the tiny exception of Quakers) After the Civil War though all this changed and now judeo-Christians are against Slavery and even go so far as to accuse muslims of slavery in the Sudan now!! Well now how do we know that what they are doing NOW is actually wrong and what they did in the past is what is right?!?!?!?

Then there is the issue of women as Clergy (really I could go on and on about this topic all night!)

Here is another case: the Mormons used to be hard-core racists believeing in the Hamitic Myth and many of Brigham Youngs writings were very Racial. They were one of the last judeo-Christian denominations to hold out on Integration and didn't go down until the 1970s when all of a sudden they claimed from one of their prophets that they had a revelation that it was alright to have blacks in Clerical Roles! Well was God wrong when he had prohibitied it earlier? Is there anything else that is going to change anytime soon??

I do not want to be a part of something that is changing all the time (sometimes rapidly and unpredictably) and one has no idea what is coming down the pike next and that is exactly what judeo-Christianity has become. And the Irony is many judeo-Christians claim that Gods Laws are Eternal and Unchanging!!! Like another poster noted it is most likely only a matter of time before they cave in on homos as well.

Edited by: Uberberserker
Like another poster noted it is most likely only a matter of time before they cave in on homos as well.

You guys haven't been keeping up with the news. There are any number of denominations that have already ordained gays and lesbians as clergy, and many more that accept homosexuality as another expression of God's creativity. Never mind that homosexuality is roundly and soundly condemned in both the New and Old Testatments.

The only few churches that I can think of who do not accept homosexuals 'officially' are the Catholic church and a few hard-core born again types like Baptists. Edited by: White Shogun
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