Many claim that Gods Laws are Eternal and Unchanging, (many times these claims come up against 'situational ethics') but if one observes them they will see that they change them all the time.
That couldnt be farther from the truth, the bible says in Mal. 3-6 "For I am the lord thy god, and I changeth not". Mr Uberserker, all your examples you listed, were of men and there ideas changing, not gods. You then ask the question "And how do we know that what they are doing NOW is actually wrong and what they did in the past is what is right?!?!?!?"The answer to that is simple, by knowing the word and what it says. As a matter of fact the bible specifically warnsabout false prophets.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com


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White Shogun said More over, I don't think the Bible addresses war, abortion, tax rates, the welfare system, or any of the other modern, present day ills that dominate religious discussion. In the Bible, there were saved men who were soldiers and pacifists, celibates, married men, polygamous men, tax collectors, prostitutes, holy men, you name it - none were excluded, and if you ask me, it seems as though the Bible goes out of its way to AVOID making any points related to politics, other than -
White Shogun you are absolutely correct when you say there were saved men of all types, prostitutes etc... and that none were excluded. That is the message of the new testament. "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god" but through his grace and redemption in Jesus Christ all can be saved.
As far as the bible not addressing points related to politics that is incorrect.
As for the bible addressing war- read the old testament, there are numerous examples of god directing variousleaders into war.
The bibles stance on abortion? Jeremiah 1:5 "Before Iformed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you"
The welfare system? 2 Thessalonians 3:10 "If anyone will not work, let him not eat"