Jeremy Wariner

It is so funny to see people argue about Wariner on different track boards.He is the best in the world by far and they still are having a hard time excepting him.How can this be they ask?Ha.ha.ha.Wariner will take the 200 by storm very soon.This will really help to shut up the critics even more.Nothing would be better than him winning a 200/400 gold medals at the next Olympics.I want to see him dominate both events!
And if he didn't get a double how about him in the 200 and Rock or Benjamin in the 400? That would open even more eyes. If Wariner were to continue his domination in the 400(as I hope he does) and then add the 200 as his own people would say that he is just a once in a lifetime freak sprinting accident. Whereas, if two events were won by different whites sprinters what we have been saying here at Caste would be proven in spades(or not).
Benjamin Tim GBR
Brown Christopher BAH
Christopher Tyler CAN
Francique Alleyne GRN
Rock Andrew USA WM 4x400
Simpson Brandon JAM
Wariner Jeremy USA OS, WM (400, 4x400), JWB
Williamson Darold USA WM 4x400

The tentative start list for the Weltklasse on Friday.
That will be able to be seen live on the internet on that
same station that carried the World Championships.They do a good job with the brodcast.I'm hoping for good weather because I would like to see Wariner take his world leading time down a few more notches closer to MJ's World Record.
It would be great if Andrew Rock could approach a 44 flat.
Benjamin will be a huge force next season.What if all of
these guys chose to double at certain meets?That would be cool.Anyways,Friday should be fun.Thanks for the list surfsider.You the man!
Results from Weltklasse 400:

1Wariner Jeremy USA 44.67
2Christopher Tyler CAN 44.96
3Brown Christopher BAH 44.97
4Rock Andrew USA 45.04
5Francique Alleyne GRN 45.26
6Williamson Darold USA 45.40
7Benjamin Timothy GBR 45.45
8Simpson Brandon JAM 45.50
Surfsider, how many of the those listed are white? Any beside the obvious?
Jeremy competed against the college kids this past weekend at the Baylor invitational as a little tuneup for the outdoor season. He ran an easy 200m in 20.59 into a -1.0 wind. Holy crap!! He wasn't even pushed as second place was way behind at 20.95 sec. IMO, he is on track to compete this summer in the 200m. Go Jeremy Go!!

[url] 3/26/20060326wacwarinertrack.html [/url]Edited by: SteveB
There may be a new British 400 Meter star to challenge Tim Benjamin ( 4th in World champs behind Wariner and Rock.) Eighteen year old Martyn Rooney of England ran 45.17 to qualify for commonwealth games final, and was 5th in the final. He was the best British performer despite only just making the team (Benjamin was injured)
Props to both Jeremy and Rooney.Man oh man would I love to see Wariner racing Gatlin & Crawford over 200 meters.I really belive that he needs to work more on that distance in order for him to challenge Michael Johnsons World Record in the 400 meters.I would like to see him get into the very low 20 second range this season while gaining some confidence.Can you imagine him trying to pull a double sprint win at the Olympics in 2008!That would be incredible.
From the results of this race, Wariner looks to be in 20.3-20.4 condition. Not bad for early in the season. Low 20 sec by the end of the summer doesn't seem to be far fetched.
Who would have ever thunk it besides a White Lightning and a few others that frequent the track and field site on this board. A American White, Jeremy Wariner may actually be the best 200 meter runner in the United States. I just wish this guy was more popular in the country and doing commercials and such so white youths can see this guy and know who he is. Everybody knew who Michael Johnson was.
Thanks for the good words Aragorn.You are a great asset to this board.I really enjoy reading your posts.We need to change the mentality of the Average American and it's not going to be easy.There are so many people fighting to keep us down and don't they don't want us to have pride in our heritage like others do.

Wariner could be one of the most important athletes in all of the US.If he can continue to dominate,win additional world championships and olympics,he will attract a whole new audience to the sport.He has a chance to be a two time world champion and a two time olympic gold medalist by the age of 24.That would be a historic acheivment.Let's root him on as he continues his brilliant career.He hasn't even scratched the surface to what he is really capable of.People all around the world are in awe of Wariner!
Thanks White Lightning. I think if Americans start seeing him dominating the 400 and eventually the 200 at the major track events like the Olympics and World Championships then that will start even more of a floodgate of white youths in the sprinting events. If you never see one of your own kind excelling at a particular sport then you have a hard time identifying with that sport. The other black athletes seem to be very respectful to Wariner right now, how could they not be when they are ussually looking at his backside at the end of a race, but I wonder if that changes if he starts to dominate the 200 as well as the 400.
white lightning said:
Props to both Jeremy and Rooney.Man oh man would I love to see Wariner racing Gatlin & Crawford over 200 meters.I really belive that he needs to work more on that distance in order for him to challenge Michael Johnsons World Record in the 400 meters.I would like to see him get into the very low 20 second range this season while gaining some confidence.Can you imagine him trying to pull a double sprint win at the Olympics in 2008!That would be incredible.

LOL, white lightning.

While i have nothing but respect for wariner, i doubt he'll ever come close to M.Jonson's record. He might have the potential, but ultimately i dont see him surpassing that bench mark....never

And come on ,lets face it here. Justin Gatlin, and Crawford will both make wariner look pathetic in the 200m, I think thats why he never competes in it. He knows he'll get his ass handed to him.

I bet if gatlin can try the 400m out, he might even beat wariner ,who knows?

think about it....if he can run 100m in 9.85

You could calculate (or speculate)his 400m time by multiplying his 100m record by 4.

> 9.85/100 = x/400

So Justin might run the 400 in 39.4 secs

But needless to say, its impossible to maintain a specific velocity in the 400 (atleast i know, i run it every season), unless youre a cyborg. So we could break down his time like this::::

1st 100m = 9.9
2nd 100m = 10
3rd 100m = 10.5
4th 100m = 11.5
>his total 400m time= 41.9

Thus "technically" speaking, not only will Jutin Gatlin beat wariner, but he might be the fastest man to ever run 400m.

take care
mcbride, that has to be one of the dumbest posts i have ever read on this board. EVER.Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
FYI McBride, Michael Johnson ran a 21.3 sec 200m in high school. A good time, but not even in the top 3 of the high schoolers in Texas that year. Jeremy Wariner ran a 20.41 sec 200m in high school and was one of the top 200m high schoolers in the country. My point here is you can't predict what a person is going to do based on past races. No one would've predicted MJ would've shattered the 200m record based on what he did in high school and college.

BTW, if Gatlin could break 42 sec in the 400m, why doesn't he try it? He would be in the record books for eternity, instead of playing second fiddle to Powell.Edited by: SteveB
There is no wqay on this Earth that Gatlin or Crawford could run the 400 in under 45 seconds without devoting a whole lot of training time ot the event. Anyone who thinks that has obviously not tried this distance and known what it feels like when you round the last bend after 300 meteres and wonder where your next breath is coming from or how your legs are still moving. These 100 meter runners just carry too much weight.
On behalf of proud Trolls everywhere, I can only say that McBride's less-than-convincing formalae in deducing Gatlin's cybornetic athleticism in the 400m is nothing if not good for laughs.

McBride said:
> 9.85/100 = x/400

1st 100m = 9.9
2nd 100m = 10
3rd 100m = 10.5
4th 100m = 11.5
>his total 400m time= 41.9

My God, you can't really have much more than a rudimentary understanding of athletics to post hilarious conjecture like that.

McBride said:
But needless to say, its impossible to maintain a specific velocity in the 400 (atleast i know, i run it every season), unless youre a cyborg.

Really, you can't? It's a good thing you're an actual athlete running every season, for your expertise in this field is truly compelling. Then why say it?

McBride said:
And come on ,lets face it here. Justin Gatlin, and Crawford will both make wariner look pathetic in the 200m, I think thats why he never competes in it. He knows he'll get his ass handed to him.

Using derisive verbage like "pathetic" and "get his ass handed to him" only undermines your attempt at authority of understanding. If you really are Black (I still say alot of "Blacks" posting on boards like this are White dudes spouting nonsense in order to slander them) you'd do good to avoid stuff like that. It only reinforces negative stereotypes about Black people being ignorant and socially pathological.
Ok McBride,so your saying Wariner can't compete.Do you know how many others have said this since high school.You have no idea what your talking about.Within the next few years,he will become the man over 200 meters.Who can run with him over 400 meters?Nobody in the world!He dominates like no one has since MJ.What are you going to do when he wins two gold medals in China?
Anywone that doubts him does not know him or what he is capable of.It wouldn't even suprise me to see him run a 100 meters race in a few years just for fun.I can see him being similar to Kenteris,in the 10.10-10.15 range.Not yet,but within a couple of years.

One last thing,do you remember Kevin Little.People doubted him because he was white to.Wariner is even more talented.Just watch and learn!!!
Another note to add.Wariner will be running another 200 meters race this weekend,April 1st,2006 in Arlington.If the weather is right,expect a new p.b. He will also be racing the 200 meters and 400 meters at the Drake Relays later in April.So tell me that he is not serious about working on his 200!The times will come.People forget that he skipped the indoor season.Come this summer,he will be dropping some huge times.Go Wariner!!
Gatlin would have to lose a whole lot of muscle mass and not be weak and tired all day. He would also have to make a genetic leap since the fastest time is 43.18..... Not possible by any man let alone a 100 metre guy..........
white lightning said:
One last thing,do you remember Kevin Little.People doubted him because he was white to.Wariner is even more talented.Just watch and learn!!!

I doubt Wariner is more talented than Little was.. Little trained for the 200 had a few serious injuries over his career and still managed to be a 20.1 guy.. on top of that he ran an early season 44.7 late in his career.. He should have focused on the 400 he would have been a low 44 or high 43 for a decade..
First off,Wariner has won an Olympic Gold Medal and a World Championship Medal as a kid!Kevin Little never acheived that kind of success outdoors although the competition was tougher back then.Second,he ran a 20.41 in the 200 in high school.He has run a 44.00 flat it the 400 meters.No one can touch him for the last couple of years and he hasn't hit his peak yet.Now with him working on the deuce,his times will be scary.He will go sub 20 in the next year or two.He is that talented!Not to take anything away from Kevin Little who was one of my idols growing up.Little deserves respect!
Little was very good but not great. He went to one world outdoor final. Wariner is a two time world/olympic champion. There is no comparison. Little did win a world indoor title but the indoor 200 metre dash resembles a football dash more than a pure sprint so I really don't give that as much weight as an outdoor title.......
Edited by: white is right
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