Jeremy Wariner

Don Wassall said:
Black Guy wrote: "You say this site is sanctuary as if black people own 99% of america and have kept white people down. When in acuality it is just the opposite. The one thing I dont get about this site is that even if white athletes are being discriminated against that is NOTHING compared to what black people have gone through. But if black people mention that they are accussed of playing the race card but all people on this site talk about is race when it has been shown the white athletes have been clearly andfairly out performed on the atheltic fields of play."

Black Guy, I'll say again you conduct yourself very well and I have no doubt that you're a quality person who truly believes what you write, but youstill don't have the first clue about what this site is saying. The Caste System is white-created and white-promoted, just as most of the rest of the power structure in America is white-owned. The elites (mostly but not all white) play all races and groups off against each other, and the Caste System is just another example of it. To those in charge, we're all (insert n-word or your favorite racial epithet). Just look at how this nation is being plundered economically and manipulated in other ways from the top down to know that's true.

Whites are responsible for the Caste System, not blacks. Races have assigned roles, and some of us don't like the one that whites have been assigned in football and basketball, among other sports. Believe me, I understand that blacks are at the bottom of the totem pole and have been grossly mistreated throughout most of American history, and being dominant in the NFL and NBA doesn't change that. We would most likely disagree on why that is still the case 40 years after the dawn of affirmative action and the civil rights movement, especially when non-white groups such as various Asian nationalities come here and are prosperingwithin a generation, but that is beyond the scope of this site.

I think all the viewpoints you and other opponents haveexpressed have been very well defended multiple times by multiple people.

The problem I'mseeing right now is that as we're growing we'repicking up a fair amount of opponents and lukewarm at best supporters.I don't want half the posts on this board to be arguing the (same) black supremacist point of view and the other halfbe endless refutations Check the old thread in boxing that has lots of posts to see how ridiculous and counterproductive that quickly becomes. The reality is that there are tens of thousands of others out there posting on other boards who share the same point of view as the opponents on the Caste Football board. Should they all be welcomed here? The board is supposed to be about sharing information and views with supporters of the site, who by definition understand the Caste System and are opposed to it. I'm notagainst having opponents and want to be fair but if we're going to have opponents here it has to be an appropriate number and an appropriate number of posts, and I'm not sure yet what that is, if any, but it's a bit out of whack right now.

I get what your saying. Thats why I dont post all over the place its obvious that I would just be inciting things. I also agree with many things this site says. One being I think Eric Crouch got screwed over because he should have been able to bea QB. I understand what you are trying to get across to the public.

Also I do get what the site is about but even you have to see that my arguements are not against the site but against some of things people post that are ludicrous. Like the comment on Micheal Johnson sabotaging Wariners career,that was just ludicrous.

I do admit that I do seem to be attracting a fair bit of attention. I respect your feeling that the site is getting out of whack because of it. But from what I have seen I am the only person that seems to be posting against the viewpoints and like I mentioned I only come on here twice a day. The reason I have so many posts is because I get so many responses. I am not trying to disprupt the purpose of your well organized board.

Plus you have to admit that even though many people here present sound arguements others here just use this forum as place to vent their dislike of anything involving black people. I dothink sites like this are good because they give people a chance to say what they really feel without the confines of being politcally correct which is why I post here.
I dont want to disagree with both Don and Bguy but I think that Crouch had an opportunity to play at StLouis. He could have gone in and made a contribution.. but to ask to play a specific position that you have never really played is asking alot.. lets face it the NFL QB position is definitely not the Nebraska QB position of 2000. That would have taken alot of work on his part.... think about it.. how many 6'3" studs that throw the ball like its a dart are out there.. (this year it was alex smith and the other guy... oh I forget his name.. ) every year there are a few guys that just have so many tools to play the QB position.. Crouch was a great college QB for that Nebraska option running game... but that offense is ancient history in the NFL... it is the Bradys,the Rosthbergers, the Leftwiches thatmakeit at QB in the NFL....

Crouch could have been a successin the NFL.. but he would have had to run his brians outtoready himself... I think he didnt want to do that.. he was used to just beingone of thequickest guys on the field naturally.. but the next level takes alot of work and hedidnt seem to be willing to do what it took tomake it in the NFL...

You may recall a former Nebraska QB..he ledNebraska to a national championship in 97 I think it was... .he was quick as a cat, tough as nails and he made up his mind that he was going to play in the NFL... I forget his name but he is stillplaying in the NFL today as a free safety.. now that was one talentedguy.
Your talking about Scott Frost but he wasn't half the
qb that Crouch is.I will agree with most by saying that
Eric Crouch was absolutely screwed over.At least give
the kid a chance.He won the Heisman and can throw the
ball good.Jake Plummer's arm is no stronger than Crouches
but he has had a ok career.Then add Crouch's ability
to run and bingo,you might have a star.
OK... it would have taken some work .. but just realize that give him a shot and you are denying it to the next Garcia or Brady... those second and third and 4th round type guys that really have been throwing the ball alot.

Thinking of Scott Frost.. I remember that bowl game against UMiami... and he totally dominated that game... he was quick as a cat... maybe not as fast as Crouch but goodness was he quick... great option QB one of the best.
Jeremey Wariner won the 400 at the Modesto Relays today
in a time of 45.16. He is slowly starting to get back
to his form of last year but he doesn't want to peak
until the summer time with the world championships
coming up later this year.
You all might already know this but ESPN is having coverage of the Carson meet on Sunday afternoon from 3-5. (central time)
What a track meet.Jeremy Wariner showed everyone that
he is still the man to beat.He won the Home Depot Meet
400 Meters in a blazing time of 44.53.The fastest time
in the world this year.He actually slowed down and
coasted the last 10-15 meters or he could have been close
to a 44 flat.Andrew Rock challenged him but came up a
little short in a 44.83.What a race with Wariner and
Rock going 1-2!The future of the 400 looks very bright
in the US.I belive Mitch Potter finished 5th in the race.
The 400 was a blast to watch, but little else that I saw flipping between the meet and the Spurs-Suns game. Kenyans and Ethiopians dominating white Americans in the 1500 meters and up. There was a white in the mens 110 meter hurdles, didn't catch his name, he came in 7th or 8th. A white girl won the high jump and Shayne Culpepper had a great finish to win the women's 3000 meters over an Ethiopian. Other than that pretty thin gruel.
In this article,Wariner predicts he will not only break
Micheal Johnson's world record of 43.18 seconds in the
400 meters,but he will shatter it within 2 years.He also
predicts he can get down to the 42 seconds flat range.
I think it it impossible to run that fast but I would
love to see him break the w.record and go beyond that.I
love his confidence.Look out world,here comes Wariner!!
Wariner is set to a run a 300 on Sunday in Lille, France. For post-race comparison purposes, Michael Johnson has the best 300 meter time at 30.85.
Wariner won his first 400 meter race in Europe today.
He is looking like the man to beat this year.The only
thing about Wariner is that he doesn't seem to run all
out unless he has to.He is so relaxed and doesn't worry
about putting up good times unless it's in a big race!
Wariner torn it up in that 400m Professional race in Europe. When he starts to master the 200m he will be the best all around spritner in the world.
any info or a link on the Wariner 300 race.. or a link where the info that he was to run a 300 came from?
Apparently, Wariner felt some tightness in warm-ups and decided to withdraw from the 300 in Lille. Disappointing but he can't risk injury with the World Championships coming up.

2 BROWN, Christopher BAH


4 BREW, Derrick USA

5 CLARKE, Davian JAM

6 MERRITT, Lashawn USA



The results from the Luasanne meet today.
1Benjamin Timothy GBR 44.75
2Wariner Jeremy USA 44.86
3Williamson Darold USA 45.23
4Ayre Sanjay JAM 45.37
5Washington Tyree USA 45.38
6Blackwood Michael JAM 45.68
7Tobin Robert GBR 45.81
8Clarke Davian JAM 45.90

These results are from London meet at the Crystal Palace. Benjamin gets his first sub 45, beats Wariner and all from lane 7. Could be a threat at the World Championships.
This is such great news.Benjamin used to be a champion
junior 200 meter man a few years ago.I had hoped that they
would keep him at the 100/200 distance but they saw more
potential in the 400.I think they gave up on him too
quickly at the shorter distances.He had really good
potential.Especially at the 200.Who knows,maybe he would
have kept progressing like C.Pickering has.That is the
problem,they give up on white sprinters way too soon at
the 100 and 200 distances because of the stereotype.
It is exciting that he is finally in the 44 second range!
This kid is amazing.Benjamin will be another one to watch.
You have to love it,a world class field and a 1-2 finish.
If only Andrew Rock was there,it would have been a
clean sweep!Keep it up guys.
Wariner won again today in a time of 44.90.He coasted for
the last 20 meters or so.He is in excellent shape and
should be ready to win the gold at the World Champs in
two weeks.I really can't see anyone beating him.The race
will be for the silver and the bronze medals.I would love
to see Wariner break into the high 43 second range.It is
very rare indeed.Good luck to him.
44.00 seconds flat by Wariner at the Olympics last
August when he won the gold medal.Jeremey will break
that barrier soon.The world record is 43.18 by M.Johnson.
I watched the interview again and I'm so excited to have
a kid this young & talented running for the US.We need
him to help continue to break the myths that just won't
die.He is such a classy kid and being from Texas kind of
makes him like the all american guy.I can't wait for him
to run down the Gatlins & Crawfords of the world.He has
proved without a doubt that he is the best 400 meter
sprinter in the world at only 21.Now if he can just
duplicate that feat over 200 meters,he could becaome one
of the greatest sprinters that ever lived.I truley belive
he will go above & beyond what Kevin Little did.Kids
everywhere will idolize him.Huge props to Wariner!!
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