Jeff Samardzija

So I ask you what Hip Fluidity is
all these attempts to discredit white athletes are old and busted. they're so tired with their same old contrived criticisms, so give me a break. they should either come up with some new material that explains why white guys are getting screwed or realize the new hotness is the incoming blizzard.

white men are making a big splash, and the "no hip fluidity" crowd can't believe their own eyes. so they're trying everything they can to diminish the deserved glories of our white players.

it's just a matter of time...Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
I have played and watched sports all my life....mainly football and basketball......and still have no clue as to what "hip fluidity" really is supposed to mean, what relevance it has in being able to play any position in any sport or how one could even measure such a thing.....
"hip fluidity" actually is a real thing. it is the ability of a player to change directions without losing speed. usually concerning a defensive player (or in basketball, when the athlete is in a defensive posture), "hip fluidity" means that said athlete can move at his optimum pace when reacting to any move made by the offensive guy and thusly can cover an offensive player more easily. a player who doesn't have said "flexibility" is said to be "stiff" or "stiff in the hips", meaning he can't change direction and maintain adequate speed.

on the offensive side of things, it isn't nearly as important, but it is usually referred to as "wiggle" or "make you miss ability". this, much like speed, is considered non-existent in the white population. while it is possible that blacks have a higher tendency for this trait, again, like speed, there are plenty of white people who possess it but are ignored anyway.

the lack of "fluid hips" is the number one alleged reason no white men can play cornerback.
It's a pile of crap is what it is. You could just say "the skill of changing directions quickly", but that would be admitting it is in fact a SKILL-not the kind of thing their beloved Africoids could have more of genetically than White men...and then they'd have to answer why equally big an fast White players aren't ever allowed to develop this SKILL.
Savage is correct, the ability for a DB to backpedal then turn and run with a receiver (the so called "hip fluidity") is a skill that an athlete can improve upon with practice drills. It is not a genetic trait.
Hip fluidity, having swivel hips, or hip flexibility, are just a few more of the endless terms that mean nothing but the Caste System promoting media has to use to try to make whites look inferior. Anytime you run into something that people have a hard time explaining, you can be fairly sure its either a load of crap or they don't know what they are talking about. In the media's case with white football players, its both.
SteveB said:
Savage is correct, the ability for a DB to backpedal then turn and run with a receiver (the so called "hip fluidity") is a skill that an athlete can improve upon with practice drills. It is not a genetic trait.

I had some of the best "hip fluidity" around. When I was at the Ohio St. senior advanced camp I was the only white DB in the starting secondary. I was the starting free safety while the other 3 DBs were black. I played CB in h.s. and had great coaches there who helped form me into a great back peddler with hip sivival. No doubt I was put into the starting secondary at the OSU camp becuase of my impressive performance during DB drills earlier in the day. A coach from Toledo was there and saw me starting and making plays and even came up to my wanting to get my name. So going back to Steve B "hip fluidity" is not genetic but rather worked upon.
I agree. If in fact, we are measuring the ability to change directions quickly without losing speed, then it should be called exactly that.....not some BS term like "hip fluidity" which implies a genetic advantage given to one particular race of people over another.

I also believe that this can be taught and is not something that you are born with. I played D1 basketball in college and safety and WR in HS and through defensive drills in both sports was able to backpedal and change directions much quicker after repeated practice.........and I doubt my hips became any more fluid in the process.:) Edited by: pt.guard2
don't blow up at me. i didn't say it was genetic. i just said it was an actual term that talks about a certain thing.

of course, it requires talent! any elite individaul possesses talent at the given thing he's good at! but as with everything else, truly special individuals work hard because they know that it mostly involves properly developed technique. "hip flexibility" is just the catch phrase for being able to turn and run with a receiver, etc.

anyone can develop the skill with proper instruction, but some people will inevitably be better at it than other people. that doesn't explain the complete dearth of white defensive backs that we see in college and the NFL, however, which is one of the big reasons we're all here anyway.
Change directions at high speed... hmm, in other words, agility? Why don't the media jerks just say that? I guess it's because there are tests that measure agility to a certain degree, but how can "hip fluidity? be measured? The Caste System has to shroud so-called "superior black athleticism" in mystery, in order to rationalize why white athletes aren't as successful in some areas. Black athleticism has to be perceived as some ineffable, magical trait that white athletes can never come close to attaining.

Furthermore, the term "stiff hips" preys on a racial stereotype about white people. Yes, the Caste System is getting desperate. It's becoming more overtly hostile and racist against white athletes. Jeremy Wariner, Matt Jones, Stefan Holm, Scott Podsednik, Nesterenko, etc., are proving that whites can be highly athletic, and the Caste System is being forced to go to extremes to keep white athletes in their assigned slot.
Edited by: JD074
Hey Jimmy Chitwood....wasn't blowing up at YOU or suggesting you said it was genetic and pretty much agree with everything you said....and I think everyone is just commenting on the ridiculous length that this has been taken to by the powers that be to explain the complete lack of white DB's in college and the NFL.
More on "hip fluidity" and playing CB. All coaches have a belief that the CB position must be played a certain way ala Deion Sanders. This paradigm that the CB must face up to the receiver and backpedal on the snap of the ball works against the white athlete who has the ability to adapt his technique to playing the position.

For example, when I was playing DB in college, I experimented with different techniques of covering receivers in a one-on-one situation. I found that if I turned my body with my back to the sideline (instead of my back to the end zone) and did a side shuffle (instead of a backpedal), I was much more effective at covering the receiver. I could side shuffle faster than the black CBs could backpedal, I only had to turn my body 90 degrees (vs 180 degrees) to run with the receiver upfield, and I could watch the play develop while also watching the receiver (vs only watching the receiver). This particular technique worked very well for me, but when the DB coach saw me doing this, he immediately reprimanded me for not playing the proper (in his mind) technique.

My point is, white athletes with high intelligence have an ability to adapt-to-overcome to win a one-on-one battle. It is not unlike MMA where the white fighter has to use different fighting techniques in order to subdue his opponent. In football, any adaptation from the accepted technique is immediately frowned upon. Black DBs have established a method for playing the CB position in college and the NFL and white DBs, no matter how effective, will have difficulty changing it.
Yeah I used to play WRs with a back to the sideline approach until j.v. when our black DB coach(great guy) thought us the "proper" way which is head up backpedling. Good points Steve becuase I never really gave much thought to why everyone now a days backpeddles. If you watch old NFL films from the black and white tv days you'll see a lot of the side technique.
excellent post Steve! when i read it, i recalled my playing days of just a few years ago and even just the other day playing some pick-up football.

i went to a small school that didn't even have a defensive backs coach. (we were also small, rural, and all-white). i played with the same technique you mentioned, and even now when i'm just playing with the guys, i still utilize it. it is incredibly effective! but, much like a lot of other things in sports, how the black guys do it is of course the "right way." isn't it funny how groupthink works?
Jeff had a good game last week but needs to get above the 100 yard mark every week if the fighting irish are going to go all the way.He will see alot of double teams but he can handle it.Jeff has to stiff arm about as good as any receiver I have ever seen.He has a real mean streak about him and actually intimidates alot of corners belive it or not.I love this kid.Here is to a huge game this weekend.
Jeff was a stud last night.
not only was that video very impressive, Jeff is just incredible. here's to hoping he blows up this weekend...
Some ESPN radio jerkoff named Eric Casillas (sp?) dimissed Samardzija's NFL potential, calling him "the next Drew Bennett." (ESPN radio, Sept. 26)

That's really brave on his part, belittling two white receivers at once, while praising the pro potential of the big Georgia Tech WR (Johnson) and Ted Ginn, Jr. (Maybe the good news is he didn't use the opportunity to also sl*g Ginn's teammate, Anthony Gonzales?)
Are you kidding me? That's not even an insult, but I guess these sports experts forget that Drew Bennett had 80 catches for over 1200 yards with 11 TDs in '04, and would have better production since if not for the unstable QB situation.
no kidding. i would have said, "thank you for the great compliment." jeez! these MSM pukes are just cork soakers!
in first half of game vs Purdue Jeff has only one catch for 19 yards and 1 rush for 6 yards and a TD, his first career rushing TD
Only 3 Receptions for 34 yards and we are well into the 4th quarter...Not going to be one of Sharks better statistical games unfortunately
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