Jamarcus Russell

The issue is that there are 5 black starting quarterbacks in the league. There isn't one starting white runningback in the league nor has there been for years except when a black got injured. Edited by: whiteathlete33
DauMarcus down, Toby UP! Hopefully these two individuals will cause new trends in the NFL.
Russel gets to be seen in NY this week. I bet there are some unhappy campers in the NFL office over this.

Tom Iron...
This is going to be great. Having Russell on the national stage rifling wobbly balls in every direction except the guys called recievers on his team. I can't wait for him to stink up the field and have the Jets DWFs hammer him.

Seriously, if he has another terrible game, this will be the trigger to bench him permanently. I think the Raiders coach will pull him after the second half for his lack of intelligence and display of affeletic skills.
The worst part of this is after DaLardass gets benched and/or cut we will inevitably be treated to the story of him cutting weight and re-dedicating himself to playing football (actually just cutting weight and needing money and attention). If he gets cut then numerous teams flock to sign him and either way the media will call for him to start somewhere: too much talent to pass up (nevermind that his weight has nothing to do with the fact that he has no idea where to throw the ball and couldn't hit it if he did).
Welcome aboard Paleocon!!!
They a forced to play him only because they paid him somuch. I think they should just wave him and see if the can get some of his salery back. Next year the Raiders will be way over the salery cap with the addition a Richard Seymor.
Don, that is hilarious! I've got to send that out to some folks, via email.
whiteathlete33 said:
As bad as Russell is I expect Pryor to be even worse.

How could he be worse?
I noticed a DWF post in the (rag) AJC's online "Vent" today...saying they are a die-hard Cowboys fan, but admit Romo is "overrated". I was thinking...that castrated DWF has no clue what overrated really is! Duhmarcus & Vince YOung epitomize that!

I still relish the idea that this bum, j.r. is going to be seen in the Metroplitan area. I bet the bums running the nfl aren't too happy to know this bum will basically be seen by so many people. It's one thing to be playing in TB or Denver or some other smaller market, but quite another to be in the ny, nj, conn. area. There is always the possibilty that some of the fans might not be so drunk that they can't see this big black bum out there stinking up the field.

Tom Iron...
Raidas: 7Giants: 44. Russell: 8/13, 100 yds, 3 fumbles. What an electrifying performance!!! He displayed great poise and affeletic skills. On the fumbles, oh everyone fumbles. Yards, oh everyone has a bad day. Stats thus far, oh everyone has a challenging year. Football IQ, oh we have to get players who match his skill set. What about that huge salary we gave him, oh, he has trememdous "upside." When is going to have a breakout season, oh, we have to have patience....and on and on and on.... What a disaster, and I am enjoying ever minute of it.
Maybe the NFL and the Raiders are waiting for him to have a meltdown, Vince Young style. If they continue to let him f..k up the field, that moment will come, especially with the mean DWFs of Oakland are unleashed on him next home game. Man, I would not wish his predictament on anyone. But kinda glad it is happening to him....LOL
I believe they are waiting for his "superior" affletic abilities to kick in. After all they did waste a ton of money on him and he was the first overall pick. So much for the afflete with the strong arm. Al Davis is crying a river right now.

I watched the Giant - Oakland game today. It's been a long time since I've watched a game, but I wanted to see with my own eyes what you guys were talking about. The interesting thing is that any coach would leave such a person as Russell in for so long. I think it's obvious the coach isn't allowed to take Russell out. I wonder what the Raiders are like without him in at QB? They might not be such a bad team if they even had a mediocre QB.

I would guess that at some point the second string guy will get a shot. The league might even put some quiet pressure on Davis to make a change. I can't see this type of thing going on much longer. It's embarassing.

Tom Iron...
Next game I think, and "think" is the operative word that Al Davis will will cut his loses and bench the affelet, if Russell puts up "prolific" numbers like we saw today.

Or let him he rumble, stumble and fumble his way on to being the biggest joke the NFL has ever seen since, well, Vince Young. I am loving it.
the fact that DuhMarcus Russell has a job in the NFL is absolute proof that the notion "the best players are in the NFL and the best of those players are the ones that play" is a HUGE lie.

this one player proves the Caste System existsto anyone who has the ears to hear.
No doubt if Jamarcus was white he would have been yanked. I know they say it takes a few years to evaluate a draft pick, but come on! What signs has Jamarcus shown of improvement? accuracy? or ability to hold onto the ball? Man he finally had a day of an over 50% completion rate, but for a mere 100 yards, with 3 fumbles and it was almost a career day..lol. Yeah they lost 7-44.

My new name for him is Ja"FARC"us Hustle or Ja"FARC"us Hussle whichever you prefer, lol.
How do you throw only 13 passes in a game you are losing by more than 30 points? How much longer can this joke go on! I wonder if the Raiders will try to pull off a trade for Brady Quinn or Matt Leinart.
it needs to be said: Gradkowski would be a huge (HUGE) improvement over Russell, and i am not even his fan at all. there's probably about 90 QBs in the league right now that would be improvement over thi big fat baby.
I wonder if there are any blacks on the Raiders who want a change at QB, or are they all so obsessed with having a black QB, they're willing to go out there each week and look like the horse's butt?

Have they no pride at all?

Very sad.

Tom Iron...