Israel/Gaza Conflict

Kaptain Poop said:
If you side with Hamas you must fight or you're a coward? But if you fight you're a terrorist?

Jews, who believe they are the chosen people and will ascend directly to heaven no matter what they do on Earth. There they can re-rape a thousand gentile women and their God will applaud them.

Jews and neocons: ready to talk tough and fight to the last drop of someone else's blood!

As usual you are spot on, KP. But I think we have been making some inroads lately. People are getting sick and tired of the hypocrisy of the tribe...I wouldn't want to be a member right now--rich neo-con or senile old ADL supporter.Edited by: DWFan
<DIV =ds>Page last updated at 13:34 GMT, Thursday, 19 March 2009
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<H1>Israel troops admit Gaza abuses </H1></TD></TR>
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<DIV =cap>Israel frequently claims to possess the most moral army in the world</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
An Israeli military college has printed damning soldiers' accounts of the killing of civilians and vandalism during recent operations in Gaza.

One account tells of a sniper killing a mother and children at close range whom troops had told to leave their home.

Another speaker at the seminar described what he saw as the "cold blooded murder" of a Palestinian woman.

The army has defended its conduct during the Gaza offensive but said it would investigate the testimonies.

The Israeli army has said it will investigate the soldiers' accounts.

The testimonies were published by the military academy at Oranim College. Graduates of the academy, who had served in Gaza, were speaking to new recruits at a seminar. </TD></TR></T></TABLE>
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"[The testimonies] conveyed an atmosphere in which one feels entitled to use unrestricted force against Palestinians," academy director Dany Zamir told public radio.

Heavy civilian casualties during the three-week operation which ended in the blockaded coastal strip on 18 January provoked an international outcry.

Correspondents say the testimonies undermine Israel's claims that troops took care to protect non-combatants and accusations that Hamas militants were responsible for putting civilians into harm's way.

'Less important'

The Palestinian woman and two of her children were allegedly shot after they misunderstood instructions about which way to walk having been ordered out of their home by troops.

"The climate in general... I don't know how to describe it.... the lives of Palestinians, let's say, are much, much less important than the lives of our soldiers," an infantry squad leader is quoted saying.

In another cited case, a commander ordered troops to kill an elderly woman walking on a road, even though she was easily identifiable and clearly not a threat.

Testimonies, which were given by combat pilots and infantry soldiers, also included allegations of unnecessary destruction of Palestinian property.

"We would throw everything out of the windows to make room and order. Everything... Refrigerators, plates, furniture. The order was to throw all of the house's contents outside," a soldier said.

One non-commissioned officer related at the seminar that an old woman crossing a main road was shot by soldiers.

"I don't know whether she was suspicious, not suspicious, I don't know her story... I do know that my officer sent people to the roof in order to take her out... It was cold-blooded murder," he said.

The transcript of the session for the college's Yitzhak Rabin pre-military course, which was held last month, appeared in a newsletter published by the academy.

Israeli human rights groups have criticised the military for failing to properly investigate violations of the laws of war in Gaza despite plenty of evidence of possible war crimes.

'Moral army'

The soldiers' testimonies also reportedly told of an unusually high intervention by military and non-military rabbis, who circulated pamphlets describing the war in religious terminology.
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<DIV =cap>Palestinian civilians paid a heavy price during the three-week Israeli operation</TD></TR></T></TABLE>

"All the articles had one clear message," one soldier said. "We are the people of Israel, we arrived in the country almost by miracle, now we need to fight to uproot the gentiles who interfere with re-conquering the Holy Land."

"Many soldiers' feelings were that this was a war of religion," he added.

Defence Minister Ehud Barak told Israel Radio that the findings would be examined seriously.

"I still say we have the most moral army in the world. Of course there may be exceptions but I have absolutely no doubt this will be inspected on a case-by-case basis," he said.

Medical authorities say more than 1,300 Palestinians were killed during Israel's 22-day operation, including some 440 children, 110 women, and dozens of elderly people.

The stated aim was to curb rocket and mortar fire by militants from Gaza. Thirteen Israelis, including three civilians were killed.
To Aussieaussie31: I looked it up- Rahm emmanual did volunteer to work in an Isreali motor pool. I have this image of Sargent Bilko ....
Good morning Gentlemen,

I've got a gut feeling that Israel's days are numbered. It seems the more they "win" the farther back they fall. The criticism of the Jewish state is increasing everywhere.

They're confused and in reaction, they elected a reactionary leadership that is only going to make matters worse. The only thing such leaders can do is attack in order to seem strong. When they attack whoever they're going to attack, the world reaction is going to be deafening.

It is said that about a million Israelis have dual citizenship with some other country. That doesn't sound to me like they have such confidence in the stating power of the Jewish state. Also, many Israelis actually live in the U. S. or Europe and commute only in times of difficulty such as the Gaza invasion. Don't think their sons or daughters are going to feel the same love of Israel their parents do.

As Fred Reed said in his great article, nobody ever thought the Soviet Union would end, but one day, it just was all over. I very much believe the same thing is going to happen to the Jewish state.

Tom Iron...
I want the Jewish state in *my* nation to be dismantled. If King Edward I rises from the grave, he's got my vote in 2012. We'll figure out a way to get him US citizenship.
Israel is in trouble because her "bitch" the USA is in trouble. Jews have spent their lifetime trying to screw the US all the while sucking her dry and making it do her dirty work. Now that their efforts to ruin america are paying off, they are going to find themselves very alone in a hostile world. HA HA.
jaxvid said:
Israel is in trouble because her "bitch" the USA is in trouble. Jews have spent their lifetime trying to screw the US all the while sucking her dry and making it do her dirty work. Now that their efforts to ruin america are paying off, they are going to find themselves very alone in a hostile world. HA HA.

Yes, they are truly insane.

They cannot prosper without the white goyim, yet they've done everything they can to weaken and undermine our white Christian culture and reduce our numbers.

They need to come up with some new protocols, because when the US becomes too weak to support Israel, their Muslim enemies will get the best of them.

Only mindless viruses kill their host, and thereby destroy themselves. Aren't the Chosen Ones supposed to be intelligent people?
Yes, because of the internet, alternative media, and people just refusing to watch network news, the people have a much more negative view of israel than before.

plus, even the establishment media allows anti-israel opinions now. the only reliable all-pro-israel types are fox, aipac, and both political parties.

what shocks and pleases me is the fact that israel and zionists in america have been trying to launch a war on Iran for five years and have failed. there is hope.

re; death of israel---wasn't there an intelligence estimate by either the brits or us that the state of israel will be gone in 20 years?

an interesting thing to see: the reaction of all those dual citizenship types (living both in israel and the us) if/when the next major war rolls around. I bet 90% of them will leave israel immediately.
Solomon Kane said:
re; death of israel---wasn't there an intelligence estimate by either the brits or us that the state of israel will be gone in 20 years? 

an interesting thing to see: the reaction of all those dual citizenship types (living both in israel and the us) if/when the next major war rolls around.  I bet 90% of them will leave israel immediately.

Please say they won't come here. I have enough trouble with our allowing the diaspora tribe to live in the US. I can't even imagine having to endure the gangsters, pornographers, macho-man wannabes, and plain worthless freaks that comprise the state of Israel.
More proof that Israel is completely out of control. In all of Nazi Germanys rule, never was the propaganda so blatantly dehumanizing. And notice how our press completely ignored this appalling story - it took an Israeli paper to print it:

Jewish IDF Pigs
the Israeli war machine rolls on... Iran, Syria, and Lebanon are targeted for destruction.
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<TD>Commander confirms Netanyahu war plans
Mon, 23 Mar 2009 13:36:18 GMT
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<DIV style="PADDING-LEFT: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px">The last Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip claimed the lives of at least 1,350 Palestinians.</TD></TR></T></TABLE>Israel is preparing for all-out war on multiple fronts that include Iran, Syria and Lebanon, a senior military commander claims.

Israeli army Home Front Command Major General Yair Golan said Sunday that Tel Aviv is preparing for "all possible scenarios", indicating that one such scenario would be to fight a simultaneous war against Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

The confirmation comes as US President Barack Obama seeks "new beginnings" with its arch-rival Iran. The US offer has been met with world praise but with fury in Tel Aviv.

Israeli media outlets late on Sunday began propagating wild scenarios that Iran is using the Lebanese Hezbollah to recruit Palestinian fighters to carry out terror attacks on Israel.

Citing anonymous sources, the reports began to surface after Tel Aviv countered an alleged bombing attempt outside a shopping mall in the northern city of Haifa.

"We are treating the attempted attack in Haifa with great gravity. A huge disaster was prevented by a miracle," Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told a weekly cabinet meeting after the bomb was defused on Sunday.

Israel has long accused Iran of arming Hezbollah and Palestinian groups via Syria, in an attempt to demonize the two Muslim countries.

Tel Aviv also accuses Tehran of developing nuclear weaponry -- a charge denied by the UN nuclear watchdog.

At a conference held in Tel Aviv, Golan also confirmed the likeliness of Israel staging another military confrontation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Although Israel does not consider rocket attacks from Gaza as a serious threat, there is the possibility of "dangerous" missile attacks by other countries, he said.

He failed to elaborate how such missile attacks would relate to Gaza.

His remarks came as reports claim that the soon-to-be Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has plans for "a major military conflict in the coming months."

The commander also revealed that Tel Aviv will install new warning systems across Israel in preparation for its war plans.

The last Israeli-waged war on the Gaza Strip, which began on December 27, killed at least 1,350 Palestinians and wounded more than 5,450 others in the densely-populated sliver.

The aggression was the last in a series of operations carried out by the Israeli forces against the natives of the land since occupying Palestine in 1948.
</TD></TR></T></TABLE>who will be the next nation whose women and children are targeted for destruction by the "most moral army in the world?"
I will not make any comments until I hear the report from the Hamas War College. They might have commited some war crimes! It is alway best to hear both sides of the story before you pass judgment.
Because the U.S. media can always be counted on to give balanced coverage when it comes to the Middle East.
screamingeagle said:
I will not make any comments until I hear the report from the Hamas War College. They might have commited some war crimes!

this is sarcasm, right?
Watching a great show on the History channel, Battles B.C, It seems the jews have been guilty of ethnic cleansing since the times of Joshua! MAny of you may already know that, but i didn't and usually try to avoid the happy hour talks here at castefootball. It is incredible how accpeting it seems to be in the bible as well.
Someone complained about BBC bias in its reporting of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The results can be seen here

The complaint is that the BBC is biased towards the Palestinian viewpoint, which in my opinion is untrue. It is just another example of the pressure put on the BBC by the Israeli lobby. I would be interested to knowif simillar things happen in the USA?
Personally i dont mind jews and muslims killing each other, Problem is that a lot of white people have suffered too.

Very interesting subject this Zionism stuff. I never knew what I was getting myself into once I started studying it. Whatever happens from here on doesn't matter much. The days of the "Jewish" State are numbered and any thinking person knows it. The whole idea was stillborn tp begin with. It is interesting though how its all played itself out over the years.

Tom Iron...
The bottom line is the U.S. needs to totally steer-clear of the Middle East & get out of the business of funding ANY foreign nations. Let the Jews & Mohammedans fight it out amongst themselves. These foreign entanglements need to end!
I love it when they go after the lawyer too. There's a woman lawyer in the slammer for the same thing now. I don't know whether it's in Germany or Austria. This is going to be the Achilles Tendon of the Zionists I think. This holocaust denial business doesn't seem to be going away quietly. It seems they lock up one guy and ther's always another one. Interesting how questions seem to multiply when they're not answered to peoples satisfation. I think they're warming up to charge that Catholic Bishop with the same thing.

Tom Iron...
American Freedom News