Islamic Terrorist Attacks

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
43 dead, over 100 injured in ISIS bombings at 2 churches in Egypt

Perhaps instead of creating new threads, we can put the Islamic terrorist attacks into this one thread, like we put dindu nuffins in the crime thread.
I have just been on the CNN front page news of the day and this has yet to appear. This qualifies as a major terrorist attack wake up CNN. If it was a white guy killing blacks it would be STOP THE PRESS!!
I have just been on the CNN front page news of the day and this has yet to appear. This qualifies as a major terrorist attack wake up CNN. If it was a white guy killing blacks it would be STOP THE PRESS!!
It took them some time to figure out how to put an anti-White spin on the story.
I have to say, Fox News covered this story heavily last night, with all the headlines reading "The Suspect Told Police That He Hates White People." Tucker Carlson, who always mentions the racial angle, did so once again. I think times are changing and the Dinosaur news networks are trying to stay "hip" and attract racially-conscious Trump-voters and members of the alt-right.
3 dead, 1 injured in downtown Fresno shooting spree, suspect in custody

The suspect is Kori Ali Muhammad, 39. He reportedly yelled, "Allahu akbar" during his arrest. All three victims are white.


This killing is similar to that white creep who killed the blacks in the South Carolina church. These are horrific heinous racially charged slaughters. CNN was not only slow on the draw on this latest killing wave they terribly underplayed it especially when you compare their coverage over the past few years of cops killing blacks. The latter was covered in so much detail it featured all night gab sessions and handwringing galore not to mention blow by blow coverage of the riots that ensued. And a deep well of sympathy for black thugs started playing out every night on CNN. But as we know in most of these cop cases the cop was in imminent danger plus the suspects DID NOT OBEY the cops and whether you are white or black you are looking for trouble if you resist them. It turned out in most of the cases the cops were following standard procedures and the media was far too involved. But as a result this Black Lives Matter movement springs up and implied with the BLM group is this idea that white lives DON'T matter. The media like CNN better start looking hard at themselves because they are creating an environment where in the not too distant future it will be sort of ok for blacks to kill white people. Selective justice is a pox and needs to be remedied in order for our society to stabilize.
This killing is similar to that white creep who killed the blacks in the South Carolina church. These are horrific heinous racially charged slaughters. CNN was not only slow on the draw on this latest killing wave they terribly underplayed it especially when you compare their coverage over the past few years of cops killing blacks. The latter was covered in so much detail it featured all night gab sessions and handwringing galore not to mention blow by blow coverage of the riots that ensued. And a deep well of sympathy for black thugs started playing out every night on CNN. But as we know in most of these cop cases the cop was in imminent danger plus the suspects DID NOT OBEY the cops and whether you are white or black you are looking for trouble if you resist them. It turned out in most of the cases the cops were following standard procedures and the media was far too involved. But as a result this Black Lives Matter movement springs up and implied with the BLM group is this idea that white lives DON'T matter. The media like CNN better start looking hard at themselves because they are creating an environment where in the not too distant future it will be sort of ok for blacks to kill white people. Selective justice is a pox and needs to be remedied in order for our society to stabilize.
It was on CNN for a couple of hours, then disappeared.

Had it been a White person killing Negroes, they would have had in on for days.

It never made Yahoo, MSNBC, or the Huffington Post as far as I know.
So we had Fox News putting some emphasis on it and CNN their brief bit. All three major nightly news did cover it but the follow up seems to being going nowhere at least for now. I have heard of Huffington Post but have never looked them up but MSNBC, a station I don't watch for various reasons so I shouldn't be shocked but it is still alarming they skipped over it entirely. I did not know that. Too much of a narrative slant by them that distorts their coverage. I will continue NOT watching them.
No time like the present to provide an update of this senseless racially motivated slaughter. Uh, well it happened seven days ago and when you add up the entire scope of the media coverage that day and beyond (what beyond?) the coverage amounts to a BLURB. No late into the night talk fests regarding black racism or existential angst over the fact that whites were shot for simply being white. No White Lives Matters chants. No nothing. Just a black hole.
The USA is losing it's humanity. The BIG story of the day is ******* race baiter OF Adam Jones of the Orioles claims (fans) at Fenway were hurling out the "N" word and someone else threw a bag of peanuts at him. Backstory Jones has been involved in other "racial fan" incidents in the past and has made it a point to slag whites by calling baseball a "white man's sport" and openly criticizing MLB players for not "protesting" the National Anthem, which he thinks symbolizes racism, like some of the dickhead NFL players. Mike Greenberg this morning treated the story as if someone had crashed a plane into one of the new Freedom Towers in NYC and Dan Le Batard described baseball as some ominous enterprise that is ruled by "whiteness" and went on to imply that whiteness is a cancerous disease that needs to be eradicated.
Well you got your wish ******* because the media sure were quiet on who was it that brutally stabbed four innocent students at Texas U, injuring three and killing one. Three whites and one Asian were stabbed and the poor soul that died was white. I am putting this under the terrorist thread because is there that big of a difference? This beast who did the killing was set to graduate in 2018 in Biology and was a member of some black school group. Another brutal racial killing cloaked by the media. And CNN did cover it and so did the major broadcast channels but it seemed to me key details of the crime--a black guy randomly slaughtering white folk, got lost in the translation.
Meanwhile back at the baseball ranch no one in the media condones or uses the "N" word. And whether is was more than one (maybe two?) rowdy crowd members who used it against Jones what is the story?These fans were probably removed from the game and in all my years sitting in baseball stands I have never heard anyone yell out the "N" word and if I did I would say something like knock it off or get an usher. Which makes me wonder about the validity of the story in the first place. And even if a few yelled out the word it is NOT the end of the world or signal anything beyond guys not behaving properly in public. But the media wants to use it as yet another excuse to dehumanize white people. "OMG it happened in Boston and they are all racists up there" is the line the media is feeding us. One guy uses the "N" word after thousands of games and suddenly the entire city is racist? Give me a break. One dead young white male where his family is ruined and one ******* black outfielder feeding the frenzy by having his "feelings" hurt. You have one real news story and another one that doesn't even deserve a blurb.
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London attacks: Witnesses report van swerving into people, rapid gunfire and stabbings

Authorities in London responded late Saturday to reports of attacks on citizens in three locations near the London Bridge, as witnesses report what appeared to be a coordinated attack.

Multiple witnesses reported a vehicle veering off the road and hitting several pedestrians; others also said they saw a man with a knife. Witnesses reported seeing injured people on the ground on the bridge.

One, Holly Jones, told the BBC a white van veered off the road and struck as many as six people. She said she saw at least four or five people on the ground.

“He swerved right round me and then hit about five or six people,” Jones said. “He hit about two people in front of me and then three behind.” Another witness, Will Heaven, said he saw people who appeared to have been hit, and one being put into an ambulance. "We saw injured people on the road, injured people on the pavement," he told Sky News. He added that "it did not look like an accident", saying it was clear that police "thought they were responding to something far more serious than a road traffic accident."

A witness, who only gave his first name, Andrew, said that he was at a nearby bar and heard a “massive bang” that was a van hitting a railing.


“Next 10 seconds later, there was a guy with a big knife, I mean, a big knife,” he told LBC Radio, according to The New York Times. He reportedly said he saw a dead body and he hid for a while. He ended up running “for his life.”

A Borough Market witness identified only as Ben told the BBC: "We saw people running away and then I saw a man in red with a large blade, at a guess 10 inches long, stabbing a man, about three times. He continued, "It looked like the man had been trying to intervene, but there wasn't much he could do. He was being stabbed quite coldly and he slumped to the ground."

Tony Murphy, who is ex-military and lives near the area, was a second witness to tell Sky News of gunfire. He said: "I thought at first it was fireworks then I recognized it was significant gunfire and that was the first instance. "There was rapid fire because that's why I thought it was fireworks."
When will the (real) English rise up & move on those treasonous PMs who allow these heathen wog scourge onto British soil?! Every Englishman should drive those scumbucket muzzies back to their turd world sewers!!! :mad:
Pretty confident these f*cks are NOT Mossad Agents.
Kudos for the Brits in removing themselves from the leftist, globalist, social EU and go it alone a year ago.
No statement yet from the Head Terrorist of London, the Mayor, who doesn't like to "speculate before we know all the facts" after every terrorist attack committed by Muslims. And who wants to ignore the will of the British people expressed in the Brexit vote and bring more foreigners i.e. Muslims into London.
No statement yet from the Head Terrorist of London, the Mayor, who doesn't like to "speculate before we know all the facts" after every terrorist attack committed by Muslims. And who wants to ignore the will of the British people expressed in the Brexit vote and bring more foreigners i.e. Muslims into London.

I'm on my phone so it's a little difficult to search and post right now but I believe Thrashen posted the European response to terrorism - along the lines of attack happens, everyone sends their prayers on social media and express their feelings like idiots, world leaders condemn attacks but state Islam is a religion of peace and do nothing and the cycle just keeps repeating.

For all the lurkers out their who label us as crazy - the insane logic imbedded in so many "liberal" westerners is truly moronic - tolerance and acceptance does not always work -they are killing white westerners and these are acts of genocide by ISIS. How anyone can replace logic and common sense with the false notion of tolerance is beyond me. The whites who preach tolerance and acceptance are the insane ones -not us!
Well put Leo it is genocide of white westerners by ISIS. I would refer everyone here interested to the Daily Mail columnist Katie Hopkins who has a brilliantly searing piece today (June 4th). She is one of the few out there who is expressing the rage that so many UK citizens feel and she has raised awareness to the point that Brit leaders better start taking her reasoned and moral approach to eliminating the enemy. Theresa May is finally starting to talk tougher but will she follow through and she still does not offer the needed concrete steps that are necessary to defeat this demonic army of radical Islamists? Forget that Labour party clown she is running against for the election Thursday because if he gets in office Britain will likely fall which means the future of humankind is in jeopardy.
The London police and Scotland Yard have been praised for their rapid response last night and for sure they get an E for effort. And that idiot mayor of London should be removed from office for his ignorant comments alone. But the battle against the enemy grades out as another blood soaked F last night. It is bad enough there were countless injuries but one death is one death too many and as I write this the number of dead is nine and probably counting. And so once again innocent civilians serve as the first army to hit the beach of Normandy circa WWII and after they get slaughtered and maimed in comes the Calvary. But this is ASS BACKWARDS. What it should be is the Calvary cleans the clocks of the enemy and destroys them to the point that they never resurface again. And there are no injured or killed civilians. THAT is how you win a war!!!
Like Katie Hopkins says first things first and round up those 3,000 plus demons in waiting and lock them up. And then proceed with the real steps to purge this demonic evil out of the UK once and for all.
Kudos for the Brits in removing themselves from the leftist, globalist, social EU and go it alone a year ago.
It's not official yet, and if ultra-cuck Jeremy Corbyn of the Labor Party is elected Prime Minister this coming week, who knows what will happen. The "Conservative" party (currently headed by Theresa May) in the UK is left-of-center and the Labor party is hardcore Marxist at this point.

No mention of limiting or vetting Islamic immigration after this latest incident; instead, May immediately called for an "international agreement" on combating "extremism" and "hate speech" and wants the internet service providers and social media companies to police it or restrict it which makes me question the true motivation of this attack. Currently, the only types of "extremism" and (Orwellian) "hate speech" that gets blocked are so-called "right wing" viewpoints and Christians. Tommy Robinson gets thrown in jail for the mildest of criticism of Islam but Muslims in the UK can groom and rape hundreds or thousands of young British girls and get a slap on the wrist by the court system.

Twitter and Facebook allow posts of and pages that call for the assassination of Trump but block even the mildest criticism of Islam, feminism, BLM, etc. One of the primary topics of this year's Bilderberg meeting was the "war on information", and if Theresa May's "international agreement" is enacted, it would fit that agenda.
Interesting, video shows police changing out of their uniforms into other ones, including that "terrorist" that was shown laying on the sidewalk with camo pants. Beard looks fake, too dark compared to hair on head. There's also a video showing what looks like Carlee Soto (who magically appeared in the Aurora, Nice, and Boston attacks), but now as a bleach blonde.

Theresa May giving speech about rooting out Internet "hate" "safe spaces" right after the attack. Seems like this was a speech that was probably written days before this event took place and appears to be the true control (propaganda) of information.

I have seen some videos on Live Leak that shows first responders attending to victims that does not appear to be fake this time, so...?

People from Denmark saying that the "Internet is down" there today and no one can post information about the London we go...
In response to the latest cowardly, psychotic, anti-civilizational attack by subhuman Muslims on white British citizens, Congressman Clay Higgins of Louisiana has called for a Christian holy war on Islamic radicals and says to "kill them all".

How great to see another white Western leader with real balls and common sense. Now we have at least 3 good people in Congress; Rand Paul, Trey Gowdy, and Clay Higgins. Rep. Steve King (Iowa) and Louis Gohmert (Texas) are pretty good also.
When will the (real) English rise up & move on those treasonous PMs who allow these heathen wog scourge onto British soil?! Every Englishman should drive those scumbucket muzzies back to their turd world sewers!!! :mad:

Looks like Right Wing Nationalism has finally arrived in the U.K.

They were praising Trump today!

Meanwhile the Zionist liberal media gets busted for Fake News!
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In the wake of yet another terror attack in England, it's time for all the self-centered phonies on social media around the globe to "Pray For London (Again)." And the cycle repeats again and again...

The handsome Muslims perpetrators were a Pakistani and a Moroccan/Libyan. Multikulturalismus über alles...

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