Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

If there is a silver lining in this tragedy ripping apart what was the grain basket of Europe (and potentially the workshop of Europe) it is that ordinary white Americans might be a little less likely to opt for military enlistment to fight ridiculous brother wars.

If our army was 90 percent vibrancy think of how easily it would get crushed. Now we have the new commercials where the young light skinned black girl is dreaming of jointing the marines. I say why get it in the way of the new recruits! It’s completely ridiculous but hey yo go girl!!!

Only once we stop fighting these idiotic brother wars that have nothing to do with us can we correct what is wrong w the country.

So the next pro sports event you attend when everyone is kneeling for the flag to fight mythical racism just remember ((who)) you paid when you bought the tickets and consider if it was worth it.

And when they trot out some old veteran and they try to get everyone to cheer before the anthem just remember that old dude was either duped or forced into killing people who were not his actual enemies.

It’s always been the case that poor white folks have been cannon fodder. It was true in all the European wars, the revolutionary war, the civil war the world wars and up to today.

I’ve had family who were in the military and they all said it’s a terrible option. They don’t have a romanticized view of it. So I never leaned too hard towards joining though I considered West Point briefly .

I will always respect the men who have served but I also feel sorry for the needless loss of life and maiming so many endured.
If there is a silver lining in this tragedy ripping apart what was the grain basket of Europe (and potentially the workshop of Europe) it is that ordinary white Americans might be a little less likely to opt for military enlistment to fight ridiculous brother wars.

If our army was 90 percent vibrancy think of how easily it would get crushed. Now we have the new commercials where the young light skinned black girl is dreaming of jointing the marines. I say why get it in the way of the new recruits! It’s completely ridiculous but hey yo go girl!!!

Only once we stop fighting these idiotic brother wars that have nothing to do with us can we correct what is wrong w the country.

So the next pro sports event you attend when everyone is kneeling for the flag to fight mythical racism just remember ((who)) you paid when you bought the tickets and consider if it was worth it.

And when they trot out some old veteran and they try to get everyone to cheer before the anthem just remember that old dude was either duped or forced into killing people who were not his actual enemies.

It’s always been the case that poor white folks have been cannon fodder. It was true in all the European wars, the revolutionary war, the civil war the world wars and up to today.

I’ve had family who were in the military and they all said it’s a terrible option. They don’t have a romanticized view of it. So I never leaned too hard towards joining though I considered West Point briefly .

I will always respect the men who have served but I also feel sorry for the needless loss of life and maiming so many endured.
Well said brother!
Yes the brother wars need to end but so does globalism and the coummunist takeover of the world. The only way to stop it is for more
normies to wake up but I'm not holding my breath. I still see people wearing masks in alot of places. That is how brainwashed with the
propaganda they are. They believe in Climate Change and every other lie the establishment tells them. They literally are so far gone that
most of them are beyond saving. I gave up debating with these people as they will not listen to common sense.

Here is how I think it's going to go down. I hope I'm wrong but most tv, movies, cartoons and video games are all what they call
predictive programming. The september 11th attacks over twenty years ago where shown in hundreds of places for those with the
eyes to see it. They have to tell you what they are going to do before they do it. It's sick & evil but that is how the operate. The problem
is that most people don't see the clues. Only independent thinkers even have a chance to read them. That is why they push group think and
to never question authority.

Here is my very sad prediction. The powers that be will stage a false flag nuclear missle attack on New York City. Why there? Several
reasons. One there are over 20 million people at the minimum in the 6 parts that make up the city. Two it's where the stock market is
and they want to crash all currencies. To do that they must crash the stock market which will collapse the dollar. Once the dollar dies
all currency dies as it's the world reserve currency. Not for much longer . The china digital yuan will be the new world brics digital currency.

They of course as always will blame it on Russia. Think of the Rocky Movies, Red Dawn, etc. etc . It will not be Russia but they will take the
blame for it maybe possibly along with China. It will be an inside job. These sick rulers will kill way more people than the twin towers
ever did. This is just my theory and I hope and pray I'm wrong but I feel it very strongly. They even run nuclear attack drills commercials in NY and NJ
the last year of so. Why is that? Because they want people to not be suprised when it happens.
Hey there WL,

Good points. I agree especially about the group think aspect. It is also referred to as "hive mind mentality". I think that is especially fitting when it comes to people who are emotionally unstable in one form or another.

As far as a false flag attack I think it's very possible. Nothing is beyond the narcissists who control our world.
This video talks a little about the New York Public Service Announcements. There are many of them that have
aired over the last 6 months or so.

america is starting to look very weak, not many allies left most countries are either with russia, china or both
looks like communism is about to win
america is starting to look very weak, not many allies left most countries are either with russia, china or both
looks like communism is about to win
China and Russia of today are not typical, traditional, historical Communism. Especially Russia. In fact, what the current "USA" has become and is heading towards is much more philosophically aligned with the Bolshevik Revolution which was antichristian, atheist and an elitist group ruling over and often killing the peasantry, just as they think of us common folk now. Russia is way more Christian now than the USA has been in 50 years. They're not perfect but I'm cheering them on.
China and Russia of today are not typical, traditional, historical Communism. Especially Russia. In fact, what the current "USA" has become and is heading towards is much more philosophically aligned with the Bolshevik Revolution which was antichristian, atheist and an elitist group ruling over and often killing the peasantry, just as they think of us common folk now. Russia is way more Christian now than the USA has been in 50 years. They're not perfect but I'm cheering them on.

i made a new thread adressing this
This is a chilling article, precisely because it seems so plausible:

It seems all too likely. With the endless stream of our money being poured in there, and who it goes to and where nobody knows, there will be no end soon. They want their new Tel Aviv and they are all power-mad and it's obvious. Human lives and civilization don't matter.
the good news in this article are he doesn't believe NATO will enter the war, because the germans an french will not accept it
hungary will also be against despite being a smaller country
france and probably germany are much more pro-russia and pro-china than it currently appears (many politicians were forced to change their tune once the war started)
Douglas Macgregor's views concerning the Russia-Ukraine are something all people should be aware of. The video below covers the latest assessments of his. But I start the video at the point where he really gets to the simple truth of the ongoing plan by the Bolsheviks.

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I found out today that the Ukrainian presient Zelensky didn’t know how to speak Ukrainian until recently, taking a crash course a couple of years ago. He had only spoken Russian his whole life!
I started following the situation a couple months ago. I've come to see the whole thing as Putin fighting a proxy war for me against the despicable globalists who are backing corrupted NATO. I was in NATO for three and one half years when Russia was the bad guy. Now Russia is the good guy. Kind of. NATO is for sure the bad guy though.

And most of our good friends the DWFs are cheering on Ukraine as if they have a chance. The lying ass dinosaur media has them convinced the Ukrainians are winning. But Russia has cranked up their artillery machine and the poor Ukrainians are paying the price for Zelensky's bravery.

Oh but did you know the Russians are so desperate that they are combing the woman's prisons now to use them in human wave attacks. LOL
I started following the situation a couple months ago. I've come to see the whole thing as Putin fighting a proxy war for me against the despicable globalists who are backing corrupted NATO. I was in NATO for three and one half years when Russia was the bad guy. Now Russia is the good guy. Kind of. NATO is for sure the bad guy though.

And most of our good friends the DWFs are cheering on Ukraine as if they have a chance. The lying ass dinosaur media has them convinced the Ukrainians are winning. But Russia has cranked up their artillery machine and the poor Ukrainians are paying the price for Zelensky's bravery.

Oh but did you know the Russians are so desperate that they are combing the woman's prisons now to use them in human wave attacks. LOL
I hope you are joking. Putin is a sick f$$k who is killing innocent white Ukrainians and destroying their country. His ally even said he wants to attack my home country of Poland next. How dare you!
I hope you are joking. Putin is a sick f$$k who is killing innocent white Ukrainians and destroying their country. His ally even said he wants to attack my home country of Poland next. How dare you!
Ya Putin is literally next Hitler. The Jewish media told me so. He’s replaced Trump as boogeyman in West. I try not to pay attention to this “war”.

I’m no fan of brother wars but I literally want to kick people in the nuts that fly Ukraine signs. Virtue signaling dullards.
The majority of people flying Ukrainian flags neither know any Ukrainians or could pick the country out on a map.

One thing is for certain though, there are going to be a lot more young Ukrainian women in strip bars and as prostitutes in Western Europe for survival.

Who benefits from that outcome?? No one has spoken much about it yet but I guess the powers that be will view that as nice collateral benefit for them.

Setting the Record Straight; Stuff You Should Know About Ukraine

By Mike Whitney

They told us this invasion was unprovoked. They lie. This article is pro truth. Special Operation was pro liberation.
The us, England and Germany are sending approximately 200 tanks to the Ukraine over the course of the next year supposedly. Given That the Russians have already destroyed 1500-2000 tanks already it’s hard to see what difference this could possibly make militarily.

It does allow the powers that be to try to say they did their best.

The endgame is approaching and the Russians can just sit back and let them come

The people of the Ukraine are just collateral damage in this completely unrealistic attempt to defeat Russia by proxy.

Utterly tragic. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad
All these weapons being sent to Ukraine: naturally their soldiers are experts in using it all? Seems to me it's like sending a fleet of Messerschmitts to a horde of chimps, for all the use they'll get out of them.
Yep. The Russians have already crushed much of their regular army and can afford to air back and wait. These are complex maintenance intensive machines that will get torn to shreds
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