Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

All these weapons being sent to Ukraine: naturally their soldiers are experts in using it all? Seems to me it's like sending a fleet of Messerschmitts to a horde of chimps, for all the use they'll get out of them.
Yes. The result will just be to prolong the war for awhile longer and more people will die.
I think all these weapon giveaways is just a cover to move Western troops in. With the weapons there will have to be trainers, then mechanics, suppliers, then special forces to guard them, etc. etc. until a bunch of US troops get killed and it’s time to send in the marines.

C’mon this routine has been used over and over by the nuts that run our government.
Do you think Putin is going to install a government that is going act in the best interests of the Ukrainians?

Yes, without any doubt he would and will, those who aren’t anti-Russian at least will be as before the war. Nationalist nazis aren't recognized as true Ukrainians. The reality may be that most Americans don't know what Ukrainians are and what land is actually Ukrainian.

No disrespect intended btw. I have lived in Eastern Europe for a long time and majored in history, Slavic European has been my primary focus study since 2004. Some of my ancestors are Slavic.
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FTR I would fight the evil Russians lead by the most evil man on Earth Vlad Putler to the last Democratic voter and FOX news Goobercon Gay American Empire stooge and hold a candle light vigil in their honor, I promise this.

Give them what they ask for, and no no matter what we do or say they won't listen and frankly speaking they do the opposite of what we want.
FTR I would fight the evil Russians lead by the most evil man on Earth Vlad Putler to the last Democratic voter and FOX news Goobercon Gay American Empire stooge and hold a candle light vigil in their honor, I promise this.

Give them what they ask for, and no no matter what we do or say they won't listen and frankly speaking they do the opposite of what we want.
Could you have someone translate your blabber into English? Thanks in advance.
Nice try Lucas, as I said I will fight the Russians to the last Democratic voter and Goobercon.

New Poll: US Support For Ukraine Continues To Evaporate​

Don’t tell that to Fox News watchers. They think the Ukrainian resistance is heroically beating back the evil Russians. Just ask colonel <insert name here of some boomer who probably has never had to actually fight> that they have on daily. It’s truly amazing I haven’t watched fox consistently for years and after seeing it at the office this week I was astounded by how ridiculous it was in total
FTR I think the deep state of the USA is outright evil and they bear the blame for this war.
For some reason, Brandon's ZioCorp handlers are sending him to Poland on Tuesday the 20th to meet with Zelenskyyy. Putin will be addressing his nation on Feb 21 to mark the one year anniversary and lay out future objectives. He will also summarize the lies and crimes of the West, including but not limited to violations of Minsk agreements, Nordstream pipeline sabotage, and various false flag "massacre" hoaxes.

Among the dissident-right internet press, I've read projections that Putin will be scaling down Russia's 'Special Military Operation' into a 'Counter Terrorism Operation' in the Ukraine. This would be Russia's side of negotiations with the West to eventually end conflict. The pro-Russian interpretation is that this would be stopping well short of concessions Russia could win with further action, but allows them to declare some form of victory. There is no "pro-Ukraine" interpretation that is not delusional, but the US/NATO rationale for ending this conflict would be to start another one with China instead. If all this is the case, Biden and Zelenskyyyy will get their photo op.

Other parts of the dissident-right internet press suspect that Putin will give a rousing speech before implementing massive hellfire and brimstone. ZioCorp, or US/NATO if you prefer, will false-flag a bombing and get rid of their two weirdo talisman presidents in an attempt to rally the proles into WW3. This seems like more of a stretch but certainly isn't implausible. Why are we shipping Chief Geriatric around the world at this point anyway?

The most fun "fringe" theory I've come across though is that the pomp and excitement around last month's shipment of 'Panther' tanks to the Ukraine was because those were designed explicitly to launch depleted uranium into Russian territory. Upon hearing this, Putin deployed an undetectable Poseidon submarine into the Atlantic Ocean which can produce a 1500 ft. tidal wave onto our eastern seaboard with non-nuclear charges. ZioCorp learned this and decided the stakes were too rich at this table, and thus they will pivot their war machine to China.

While I like to stay informed in general, I'm not sure how productive it's been to soak this stuff up. Whatever does happen, I keep in mind that it's not what anybody voted for, and the outcomes pursued are not meant to "help the economy" or "keep us safe" (in fact quite the opposite in most cases).
The fact that the two leading nuclear powers remain this close to Armageddon after a year shows what a delusional time we live in. There is not another President in history that would have moved so close to the end of the world for a useless country that was part of Russia's circle of influence since before there was a United States.

And the damage done to those poor people that could have been avoided so easily is such a tragedy. They will need generations to get over it.
I found out today that the Ukrainian presient Zelensky didn’t know how to speak Ukrainian until recently, taking a crash course a couple of years ago. He had only spoken Russian his whole life!
King George I of England didn’t speak a word of English (he was a German prince who had spoken German all his life and got the British throne because he was the closest living relative to a dynasty that had run out of heirs). Many actual English people regarded their king as a joke.
And like King George, Zelensky was installed as head of state with very little input from his subjects.
I agree that Putin does not want war. The west and NATO are trying to force his hand. I can see a huge false flag to start World War III.

I also agree with Putins Speech yesterday how the West is destroying it's people & culture from the inside out. They are anti marraige and
family. Also anti religion.
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