Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is Tied to Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, and Other Global Elites

Let's say I own a home next to you.
I say that I am going to build an extension on my house that is going to block out all the sun to your home.
You say, 'you'd better not do that!'
I say, 'I might just do it, and that's my business.'
You say, 'if you do, you'll be sorry!'
I say, 'I still might do it.'.

You then burn down my existing home and kill me.
You justify it by saying, 'I told him not to build that extension. And even though he hasn't done it yet, I couldn't take the chance that he might.'

That's basically what is happening in Ukraine.

Trudeau, Merkel, Zelensky all take their orders from this fat,old, pervert. Who also happens to be a Nation Wrecker.
Schwab is a total reprobate. He belongs in an insane asylum. And to think this psychopath has a lot of influence and control in world affairs.

It may be very insensitive and politically incorrect on an off the charts scale, but I will go on record that I thoroughly believe that the world would be much better off if these people were all no longer among the living. We have the scriptures that essentially say the same thing. Leftists and their ilk can disagree all they want but common sense speaks for itself.
Schwab is a total reprobate. He belongs in an insane asylum. And to think this psychopath has a lot of influence and control in world affairs.

It may be very insensitive and politically incorrect on an off the charts scale, but I will go on record that I thoroughly believe that the world would be much better off if these people were all no longer among the living. We have the scriptures that essentially say the same thing. Leftists and their ilk can disagree all they want but common sense speaks for itself.

Insensitive and politically incorrect is necessary these days. I concur, Schwab is obsessed with population control. He should start with himself.
"In February 1938, Hitler emphasised to Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg the need for Germany to secure its frontiers. Schuschnigg scheduled a plebiscite regarding Austrian independence for 13 March, but Hitler sent an ultimatum to Schuschnigg on 11 March demanding that he hand over all power to the Austrian Nazi Party or face an invasion. German troops entered Austria the next day to be greeted with enthusiasm by the populace."

Very similar to Russia and Ukraine except for the part about being greeted with enthusiasm by the populace.

I just want to offer the suggestion that you need to seriously look at who the elements are that are totally against Putin and Russia, then understand why.

Look at our mass media and the fact that it is totally controlled top to bottom by evil, Christ-hating, Christian-despising, anti-White, pro-abort, Leftists that hate all that makes a country free and not under their dictates, influences, ideologies, mindsets and not to mention draconian laws and enforcements in a multitude of forms that shape public opinion (often by fear) and have literally ruined the Western world and corrupted it to the core. Do you honestly think they all just got "moral" and want to help those White European Ukrainians all of a sudden? These are the most evil people in the world and now they are fighting and standing against evil? Please. Russia and China are about the only two nations remaining standing in their way for world domination. Think about it.
Let's say I own a home next to you.
I say that I am going to build an extension on my house that is going to block out all the sun to your home.
You say, 'you'd better not do that!'
I say, 'I might just do it, and that's my business.'
You say, 'if you do, you'll be sorry!'
I say, 'I still might do it.'.

You then burn down my existing home and kill me.
You justify it by saying, 'I told him not to build that extension. And even though he hasn't done it yet, I couldn't take the chance that he might.'

That's basically what is happening in Ukraine.

How about: I let a guy build a house next to me on what used to be my property, some thugs come and kick out the guy I let it to, and make it clear that I’m next.

I say “Hell no” and kick his ass out before he can get to me and put the original guy back in charge. No house gets burned down and I don’t have to worry about the thugs next door.
How about: I let a guy build a house next to me on what used to be my property, some thugs come and kick out the guy I let it to, and make it clear that I’m next.

I say “Hell no” and kick his ass out before he can get to me and put the original guy back in charge. No house gets burned down and I don’t have to worry about the thugs next door.
So Joe Six Pack Uki has no say in the matter because the sure seem to want to have a say in defending their country. Even moneyed athletes and middle age coaches are flying back to at least be reservists(even if it's for show). I would think that the people have the right to determine their government.

By the way joining the EU doesn't mean you are globo homo as others have called it. Hungary is considered a bad actor in Europe and they told the African and Asian refugees to keep on marching and have a shabby history of treating their own ethnic native born minority the Roma(gypsies), Romania has a history of treating the Roma terrible too and Poland has been accused of being homophobic, racist and sexist under their new government. They are all part of the EU.

You guys need to talk to refugees of the old Soviet Union or a real old timer who lived under Nazi Germany or the Tojo regime in Japan and you wouldn't so eager to support Putin. I have had long discussions with the first two and have had first hand stories about both the Soviets and the Nazis.
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white is right,
Out of curiosity, what is your avatar? I don't understand the scene there.
Thank you in advance sir.
So Joe Six Pack Uki has no say in the matter because the sure seem to want to have a say in defending their country. Even moneyed athletes and middle age coaches are flying back to at least be reservists(even if it's for show). I would think that the people have the right to determine their government.

By the way joining the EU doesn't mean you are globo homo as others have called it. Hungary is considered a bad actor in Europe and they told the African and Asian refugees to keep on marching and have a shabby history of treating their own ethnic native born minority the Roma(gypsies), Romania has a history of treating the Roma terrible too and Poland has been accused of being homophobic, racist and sexist under their new government. They are all part of the EU.

You guys need to talk to refugees of the old Soviet Union or a real old timer who lived under Nazi Germany or the Tojo regime in Japan and you wouldn't so eager to support Putin. I have had long discussions with the first two and have had first hand stories about both the Soviets and the Nazis.

Well thank God we helped the communists win WWII! I mean the world is such a better place without the evil mustache man winning, right?
white is right,
Out of curiosity, what is your avatar? I don't understand the scene there.
Thank you in advance sir.
Pinned down Ukrainian soldiers in a street fight with Russian soldiers, one of the guys could be a civilian as he isn't in fatigues.
Well thank God we helped the communists win WWII! I mean the world is such a better place without the evil mustache man winning, right?
If Hitler had conquered Great Britain eventually WWIII would have happened x years later as his aggression would have forced another war at some point.

The Soviets were deemed less of an evil force because of their poor tech, similar to what is holding back the Russians from overrunning the Ukrainian army and irregulars.
But it’s NOT naked aggression. That’s a western talking point. Putin has continuously laid out, in clear detail the reason for the action. This move by the Russian’s is something they feel is necessary for their long term survival. Just because you don’t care to look past the gaslighting and propaganda we are fed on a constant basis does not mean the reasons don’t exist.

And there are plenty more rational reasons behind this move then Desert Storm 1 or 2, the destruction of Libya, the attack on Syria, Serbia, Afghanistan, or even Granada.

What I don’t understand is how people who have seen the profound evil of the current US government and still think that these people that hate you are suddenly defenders of international morality.

Standing ovation!
If these wars involved a nuclear power the world would have cared more. I recall the US gave arms to Saddam to fight Iran, even though he started the war to seize oil fields in a border region. Europe has 4 of the 7 strongest economies in it and a nuclear power that is unstable in this region is worse for world stability than these wars.

This is a poor analog. The USA constantly and wholly backs the land-grabs of Israel, a nuclear power. You could argue that pummeling the ethnic Palestinians “stabilizes” the region, and then I’d say the same about Russia “pummeling” the Ukrainians. Rather, the reality just boils down to “Israel good, Russia bad.”

The US government and media monolith is traditionally dead silent about border clashes between India and Pakistan, two other nuclear powers. While that conflict has not yet escalated into serious casualties or looming war, by your metric, it would also warrant some massive international intervention. Yet, the Global American Empire holds no position (it would wait for China’s reaction before telling us how to think).
But it’s NOT naked aggression. That’s a western talking point. Putin has continuously laid out, in clear detail the reason for the action. This move by the Russian’s is something they feel is necessary for their long term survival. Just because you don’t care to look past the gaslighting and propaganda we are fed on a constant basis does not mean the reasons don’t exist.

And there are plenty more rational reasons behind this move then Desert Storm 1 or 2, the destruction of Libya, the attack on Syria, Serbia, Afghanistan, or even Granada.

What I don’t understand is how people who have seen the profound evil of the current US government and still think that these people that hate you are suddenly defenders of international morality.
Bingo! I especially agree with your 3rd paragraph.
I really don't understand why so many of you support this war.
It's naked aggression, very similar to the Nazis of 1938
No, it's much more complex than that.
and the Russians are targeting and killing civilians.
Actually, what's been slowing down their advance, is that they have been trying to AVOID killing civilians. There are many Russians living in Ukraine.

NATO has left 14,500 dead in Libya. 165,000 dead in Afghanistan, 224,000 dead in Syria, and 1,000,000 dead in Iraq. It didn't shock anyone. None of these countries has been sanctioned.

Russia starts a war in Ukraine and leaves barely 200 mostly military dead so some people are shocked?


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This is a poor analog. The USA constantly and wholly backs the land-grabs of Israel, a nuclear power. You could argue that pummeling the ethnic Palestinians “stabilizes” the region, and then I’d say the same about Russia “pummeling” the Ukrainians. Rather, the reality just boils down to “Israel good, Russia bad.”

The US government and media monolith is traditionally dead silent about border clashes between India and Pakistan, two other nuclear powers. While that conflict has not yet escalated into serious casualties or looming war, by your metric, it would also warrant some massive international intervention. Yet, the Global American Empire holds no position (it would wait for China’s reaction before telling us how to think).
We know why Israel gets away with their bullying it's guilt shaming and bribery. Very few politicians call them out, Jimmy Carter did but that was years after he left the presidency. As for India and Pakistan they have fought two wars and Pakistan had their asses kicked twice. Pakistan had the last war against India in 71' and that was over India supporting the creation of Bangladesh. The border skirmishes between India and Pakistan are over a region that should be in Pakistan but was formally kept in India when the partition happened.

To say both countries are nuclear powers is probably a stretch of the truth as from what I have read they have a few missiles a piece and I wouldn't trust either countries delivery capabilities. Neither country can do anything properly so why would their nuclear arsenal be any different.
No, it's much more complex than that.
Actually, what's been slowing down their advance, is that they have been trying to AVOID killing civilians. There are many Russians living in Ukraine.



I will say this if humanitarian food ships are allowed into encircled cities and civilians are allowed to leave in caravans then this would be quite humane for an aggressor but the targeting of apartments and the power grid is a war crime.
Kiev was escalating its attacks on donbass, prompting Russia to intervene.

The OSCE is a neutral observer in Donbass and in the days preceding the Russian invasion, they reported a massive increase in artillery fire. Who was hitting who? The maps show the impacts were predominantly on the Donbass side, indicating Kiev was escalating the attack on Donbass days before the invasion.

On 2/22 -- two days before the invasion --you see about 2,000 ceasefire violations. A 5X increase from the previous 30 days average.

When you check the map, you can see impacts are primarily on the Donbass side. Daily Report_ENG.pdf?itok=63057

Original article that identifies this:

"The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has an observer mission along the line of control between the government and rebel side in south east Ukraine.

It reports that on Friday [2/20] the number of ceasefire violations around the rebellious Donbas region of Ukraine had again nearly doubled

The concentration of impacts on the left of the above picture is a bit south-east of Svitlodarsk. Artillery rounds landed on both sides of the line of control but the vast majority of them exploded on the Donbas side. The same can be said for the impacts north-east of Luhansk. On Thursday both of these areas were also the aim of artillery concentrations. These are likely crossing points through which the Ukraine military plans to direct its upcoming attack."
The OSCE is a neutral organization in Europe that "works for stability, peace and democracy for more than a billion people, through political dialogue about shared values and through practical work that aims to make a lasting difference."
I will say this if humanitarian food ships are allowed into encircled cities and civilians are allowed to leave in caravans then this would be quite humane for an aggressor but the targeting of apartments and the power grid is a war crime.
The Russians are not targeting apartments. The Ukrainians were targeting residential areas in Donbass, maybe those are the photos you're seeing.

There's been a lot of lies, it's just anti-Russian propaganda and fabrications. Don't believe the MSM.


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I'm not happy we have virtually brother against brother in battle, once again the result unscrupulous (((interlopers))). Too many people around me have their head in the sand about the real causes of this mess. Sad about that. A lot of good post here.
Lots of brave people out there. Two fellows at my local pub told me they would “go in a minute” to Ukraine to fight the filthy commie Soviet Union army.

Does anyone remember nuclear bombs? I thought the idea of a nuclear holocaust was scary. What happened? No one’s worried about it anymore. Not congressmen, not reporters, not average Joe’s.

Yeah let’s just fight the ruskies, impose no fly zones, boots on the ground, who cares about those Russian subs with nuke missiles off our coast. Don’t be a pussy.

Honestly so many of my fellow citizens are so retarded maybe a cleansing erase of humanity is a good idea?
How about: I let a guy build a house next to me on what used to be my property, some thugs come and kick out the guy I let it to, and make it clear that I’m next.

I say “Hell no” and kick his ass out before he can get to me and put the original guy back in charge. No house gets burned down and I don’t have to worry about the thugs next door.

How did Ukraine "make it clear'" that they were going to attack Russia?! Come on. That's ludicrous.
And "No house gets burned down". Obviously the exact opposite has happened.
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