Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

Protect his border?!
He is taking the entire country! Troops are headed to Kyiv and the city is expected to fall within a day.

Weren't a sovereign government?!
What does that mean?
Don't believe the propaganda you see on the (((news from CNN and the other MSM))).

They are not taking Kiev or any of the cities in Central and Western Ukraine. They are not attacking or occupying any residential areas.

They will hit the military bases and airports though, since Ukraine's planes are attacking Donbass targets from those bases.

Russians aren't seizing your bank account, censoring the news, forcing you to take questionable vaccines, getting your fired, attacking you in the street, replacing you with foreigners, and making you feel like second-class citizens.

The people who want war with Russia are doing all that.
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Don't believe the propaganda you see on the (((news from CNN and the other MSM))).

They are not taking Kiev or any of the cities in Central and Western Ukraine. They are not attacking or occupying any residential areas.

They will hit the military bases and airports though, since Ukraine's planes are attacking Donbass targets from those bases.
The (((media))) here in ZOG Amerika will paint Putin as the eternal Bogey Man until the end of time. They will lie about him and Russia as easy as you and I breathe. He is not a saint but the "elites" will always hate him, slander him, lie about his actions AND motives.
Paris got lucky twice as it was surrendered (relatively) peacefully in both '40 and '44. The two heroes who saved the city and preserved its history and culture were French Marshal Philippe Petain the first time and German General Dietrich von Choltitz the second time.
Yes I forgot about the Wehrmacht general who respected the cultural losses that could occur if the historic buildings in the city center would get destroyed needlessly as his position was hopeless. Yes we need a hero like that to save Kiev, maybe Vitali will be that type of courageous leader that could save hundreds of lives and preserve the unique architecture of Kiev.
So where do you suggest we can accurate news about what is happening in Ukraine?
Because I've watched the German, French, and Japanese news outlets, and they all are reporting the same things.
Let’s see how this plays out. If Putin wants all of Ukraine or only those pro Russia territories. Putin was making a decision based on his country’s security.

My life is much more threatened and affected by the globalist elites - there is a conflict in our country going on that seems to be much more important than something happening halfway around the world.

What he said. Faux news had a headline some nonsense about "the world feels Putin's rage." LOL. But a lot of people will lap it up.
Ukraine was always a symbol of western kleptocratic gynocracy. It was always a joke; the leadership was literally installed by a western-backed coup; Victoria Nuland was recorded on phone bragging about installing members of parliament.

This is a humiliation for the GAE (Global American Empire). Bizarre American propaganda about mulatto child soldiers, lesbian 40 year old HR "combat training," bellicose rhetoric backed by shrill screams of female "defense ministers" all over the west. This is utterly humiliating. It's the road to delegitimizing every western regime.

Every single LGBT promoting, white-genocide advocating insane European leader has been put on watch here; your bullsh*t is effete, pathetic and completely based in a society and culture that prevents men from asserting their natural dominance.

Wait hold on, I apologize if I'm misunderstanding, but ... you're saying a war with Russia would be LESS likely under Trump than Biden? Trump, the guy who withheld $400 million dollars of military aid from Ukraine (which was already promised to them by Congress) unless they helped him to dig up dirt on the Bidens?

Not that I'm at all a fan of how Biden has handled this crisis, at least so far, but to say Trump would have been any better seems delusional to me.

Thanks for that. Everyone should read it because it's written by a Russian white nationalist who's actually there and knows what's really going on in Putin's Russia much better than the Cheeto-eating guys in the West who sit at their desks and watch RT all day. They're no better than the Cheeto-eating libtards who sit on their couches and watch CNN all day.

Putin is trying to justify this invasion by claiming he's "denazifying" Ukraine. He's painting himself as a liberal savior who's going to remove a wicked, rayciss, anti-Semitic, conservative regime from power. Both Putin and NATO are claiming to be heroic progressive warriors for social justice and are accusing the other of being evil rayciss right-wingers. Neither side in this pathetic clown show deserves our support.

No one who calls themselves "pro-white" should ever be happy that there's a brother war. White people killing White people just ain't right. At the end of the day the only true good guys in this whole sh*tshow are the innocent White Ukrainians caught in the crossfire.
Wait hold on, I apologize if I'm misunderstanding, but ... you're saying a war with Russia would be LESS likely under Trump than Biden? Trump, the guy who withheld $400 million dollars of military aid from Ukraine (which was already promised to them by Congress) unless they helped him to dig up dirt on the Bidens?

Not that I'm at all a fan of how Biden has handled this crisis, at least so far, but to say Trump would have been any better seems delusional to me.

lol you still believe that debunked fake news story from CNN? How could Ukrainians know more "dirt" on the Bidens than intelligence here in the U.S.? And why is a foreign country entitled to $400 million of our tax money to spend on military hardware, especially when our wide-open southern border is being invaded by illegal aliens?

Joe and Hunter Biden are innocent saints who dindu nuffins. LOL. I suppose if you get all your news from fake news CNN, one could end up believing that.
lol you still believe that debunked fake news story from CNN? How could Ukrainians know more "dirt" on the Bidens than intelligence here in the U.S.? And why is a foreign country entitled to $400 million of our tax money to spend on military hardware, especially when our wide-open southern border is being invaded by illegal aliens?

Joe and Hunter Biden are innocent saints who dindu nuffins. LOL. I suppose if you get all your news from fake news CNN, one could end up believing that.
If it is fake, I have yet to find an article that even attempts to debunk it. Methinks they're being buried by Google and all the other search engines. Wouldn't surprise me though, since I've fallen for left-wing fake news before, which takes several times longer to debunk for that exact reason. There are so many liberal websites dedicated to exposing right-wing nonsense (and there's plenty out there) but no real counterparts on our side.
If anyone misunderstood my post from yesterday, I simply meant that "good things are happening" in regards to the USA/NATO/Globohomo/Tranny-worship tyranny and nation-building our ZOG seems to do all the whole world over, it's good to see even someone like Putin tell them to go to hell, basically. However, seeing the evil global empire of Amerika 2.0 on steroids shoving our satanic "western values and morality" down other countries throats and demanding they all worship trannies and feminists like "us" being currently humiliated is a very good thing in my opinion.

Am I rooting against America? No. I'm rooting against the "Amerika" created by the usual suspects that are really nation-wreckers who try to come across as nation-builders. For the record I don't want to see fellow Whites die or suffer though. However, this war is not our problem and if the likes of Ambassador (((Nuland))) who bragged about installing puppets in their Parliament/Cabinet are knocked down a few notches I am more than glad.
Zelensky's Ukrainian government took an image from a video game as posted it as shooting down a Russian plane! And a lot of other false images too.

Here are some of the Zelensky regime's lies, from an unlikely source in BBC. Look at this before they take it down:
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Thanks for that. Everyone should read it because it's written by a Russian white nationalist who's actually there and knows what's really going on in Putin's Russia much better than the Cheeto-eating guys in the West who sit at their desks and watch RT all day. They're no better than the Cheeto-eating libtards who sit on their couches and watch CNN all day.

Putin is trying to justify this invasion by claiming he's "denazifying" Ukraine. He's painting himself as a liberal savior who's going to remove a wicked, rayciss, anti-Semitic, conservative regime from power. Both Putin and NATO are claiming to be heroic progressive warriors for social justice and are accusing the other of being evil rayciss right-wingers. Neither side in this pathetic clown show deserves our support.

No one who calls themselves "pro-white" should ever be happy that there's a brother war. White people killing White people just ain't right. At the end of the day the only true good guys in this whole sh*tshow are the innocent White Ukrainians caught in the crossfire.
No this goes back to operation Barbarosa where Ukrainian nationalists celebrated the Nazi invasion so he is painting this new government in that light. Ukrainian nationalists fought alongside the Wehrmacht to liberate their country which was under 400+ years of Russian/Soviet occupation(similar to the English in Ireland). Putin has gone against Jewish Oligarchs and jailed one for numerous years this man now lives in Germany and speaks out against Putin.

The Soviets were quite harsh against nationalists that wanted independence from the Soviet Union I had an in law in my extended family who's brother died in a Gulag and was accused of being a Nazi collaborator he was a Baltic nationalist and wanted freedom for his country which was an independent country until 41'.

Putin is not a liberal at all he is an undeclared dictator and wants a puppet regime installed in the Ukraine, similar to Belarus. In the end he will probably achieve his short term goal but at what cost in terms of human lives lost and his own citizens getting poorer as the ruble will tank when markets are allowed to be open in Moscow.
Does anybody here still believe that Putin is only going after the eastern tip of Ukraine (Donbas region) ?!?!
And is not going after Kyiv or any other cities???
For the non Bible Believers here it says in the endtimes Russia will join with several middle eastern countries and start a huge war. The Battle of Armageddon. The main
purpose is for these countries to jointly attack Israel and wipe them off the face of the earth. God says in the Bible that when they get to Israel, God shall destroy all
of them utterly and they shall be burried there at the battle scene. So let's see what Russia does after this but we know they are friends with China, Iran and many other
middle eastern countries. Just wanted to add that in for the non christians here. We are seeing Biblical Prophecy play out all over the world like never seen before. From
the covid(plagues), famine(food & supply chain shortages), wars & rumors of wars and a move to a cashless society!
Footage of an alleged Ukrainian fighter jet named 'the Ghost of Kyiv' is from a simulation game, fact-checkers report

A clip from the videogame Digital Combat Simulator has been miscaptioned online, with social media users claiming it shows a Ukrainian fighter jet shooting down a Russian plane
When the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War supposedly ended, the Warsaw Pact disbanded. But its counterpart, NATO, not only didn't likewise disband, it began expanding eastward toward Russia despite assurances from Washington that it wouldn't. Ukraine joining NATO would be like Canada and/or Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact along with much of Central and South America if the Warsaw Pact still existed. How do you think Washington would react to having hostile troops and nukes on our borders? Of course there's no way it would have been allowed to get anywhere close to that point. Russia is not the country with a thousand overseas military bases and a military treaty organization encompassing dozens of countries in Europe.

If Washington/NATO had assured Russia that Ukraine would never be allowed to join NATO, a reasonable and responsible position to take, the current conflict would have never happened. Instead Washington has been recruiting Ukraine as a compliant puppet state to use against Russia. Ukraine is not a democracy; it is a failed state and is now basically a corrupt gangster state. Why do you think Joe and Hunter like Ukraine so much?

It looks like Putin's goal is to install a regime that is either neutral or pro-Russia. The U.S. is the longstanding master of regime change, through NGO influence, "color revolutions," and sometimes military action.

The underlying issue is whether there is going to be a multi-polar world, with Russia and China playing influential roles along with the U.S., or whether the U.S. Empire will continue to try to dominate (rule) the world. It's clear that Russia and China have no intention of being subservient to the long-time U.S. hegemon, which has greatly weakened itself through internal and external corruption and decadence mixed with dangerous arrogance and hubris. Donald Trump made some initial steps toward providing a government that concentrates on America First, which is one of the reasons he's so hated by the Deep State. America needs to somehow survive the Biden Cabal and begin fighting back by making the Republican Party a genuine America First opposition before the country is completely destroyed.
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When the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War supposedly ended, the Warsaw Pact disbanded. But its counterpart, NATO, not only didn't likewise disband, it began expanding eastward toward Russia despite assurances from Washington that it wouldn't. Ukraine joining NATO would be like Canada and/or Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact along with much of Central and South America if the Warsaw Pact still existed. How do you think Washington would react to having hostile troops and nukes on our borders? Of course there's no way it would have been allowed to get anywhere close to that point. Russia is not the country with a thousand overseas military bases and a military treaty organization encompassing dozens of countries in Europe.

If Washington/NATO had assured Russia that Ukraine would never be allowed to join NATO, a reasonable and responsible position to take, the current conflict would have never happened. Instead Washington has been recruiting Ukraine as a compliant puppet state to use against Russia. Ukraine is not a democracy; it is a failed state and is now basically a corrupt gangster state. Why do you think Joe and Hunter like Ukraine so much?

It looks like Putin's goal is to install a regime that is either neutral or pro-Russia. The U.S. is the longstanding master of regime change, through NGO influence, "color revolutions," and sometimes military action.

The underlying issue is whether there is going to be a multi-polar world, with Russia and China playing influential roles along with the U.S., or whether the U.S. Empire will continue to try to dominate (rule) the world. It's clear that Russia and China have no intention of being subservient to the long-time U.S. hegemon, which has greatly weakened itself through internal and external corruption and decadence mixed with dangerous arrogance and hubris. Donald Trump made some initial steps toward providing a government that concentrates on America First, which is one of the reasons he's so hated by the Deep State. America needs to somehow survive the Biden Cabal and begin fighting back by making the Republican Party a genuine America First opposition before the country is completely destroyed.
That post ought to be required reading before anyone could have any reporting role in the media or news outlets. Excellent analysis and sheds light on the issues.
For the non Bible Believers here it says in the endtimes Russia will join with several middle eastern countries and start a huge war. The Battle of Armageddon. The main
purpose is for these countries to jointly attack Israel and wipe them off the face of the earth. God says in the Bible that when they get to Israel, God shall destroy all
of them utterly and they shall be burried there at the battle scene. So let's see what Russia does after this but we know they are friends with China, Iran and many other
middle eastern countries. Just wanted to add that in for the non christians here. We are seeing Biblical Prophecy play out all over the world like never seen before. From
the covid(plagues), famine(food & supply chain shortages), wars & rumors of wars and a move to a cashless society!
When the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War supposedly ended, the Warsaw Pact disbanded. But its counterpart, NATO, not only didn't likewise disband, it began expanding eastward toward Russia despite assurances from Washington that it wouldn't. Ukraine joining NATO would be like Canada and/or Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact along with much of Central and South America if the Warsaw Pact still existed. How do you think Washington would react to having hostile troops and nukes on our borders? Of course there's no way it would have been allowed to get anywhere close to that point. Russia is not the country with a thousand overseas military bases and a military treaty organization encompassing dozens of countries in Europe.

If Washington/NATO had assured Russia that Ukraine would never be allowed to join NATO, a reasonable and responsible position to take, the current conflict would have never happened. Instead Washington has been recruiting Ukraine as a compliant puppet state to use against Russia. Ukraine is not a democracy; it is a failed state and is now basically a corrupt gangster state. Why do you think Joe and Hunter like Ukraine so much?

It looks like Putin's goal is to install a regime that is either neutral or pro-Russia. The U.S. is the longstanding master of regime change, through NGO influence, "color revolutions," and sometimes military action.

The underlying issue is whether there is going to be a multi-polar world, with Russia and China playing influential roles along with the U.S., or whether the U.S. Empire will continue to try to dominate (rule) the world. It's clear that Russia and China have no intention of being subservient to the long-time U.S. hegemon, which has greatly weakened itself through internal and external corruption and decadence mixed with dangerous arrogance and hubris. Donald Trump made some initial steps toward providing a government that concentrates on America First, which is one of the reasons he's so hated by the Deep State. America needs to somehow survive the Biden Cabal and begin fighting back by making the Republican Party a genuine America First opposition before the country is completely destroyed.
Take it with a grain of salt but Marcio Rubio stated that Putin's mental state is off and he got this information from spies, how he would get this intelligence is beyond me as he is just a lowly senator that isn't part of the cabinet.(Note I looked up he is on the house intelligence committee so this could be plausible)

I suspect if this was obvious a coup would happen, similar to what has happened to various dictators over the years as they physically declined but refused to yield power to a younger generation.

As you stated having Ukraine tilt westward is a stick in the craw of Russia and joining NATO would be waving a red flag in front of a bull. There is a reason why Finland and Sweden have never joined NATO and it's because they feared possible military agression from a post WWII Soviet Union.

Note Finland fought a war with the Soviet Union that wasn't part of WWII during the invasion of the smaller countries that surrounded Germany and the Soviet Union that were formally part of the German and Russian empires before the conclusion of WWI.
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When the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War supposedly ended, the Warsaw Pact disbanded. But its counterpart, NATO, not only didn't likewise disband, it began expanding eastward toward Russia despite assurances from Washington that it wouldn't. Ukraine joining NATO would be like Canada and/or Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact along with much of Central and South America if the Warsaw Pact still existed. How do you think Washington would react to having hostile troops and nukes on our borders? Of course there's no way it would have been allowed to get anywhere close to that point. Russia is not the country with a thousand overseas military bases and a military treaty organization encompassing dozens of countries in Europe.

If Washington/NATO had assured Russia that Ukraine would never be allowed to join NATO, a reasonable and responsible position to take, the current conflict would have never happened. Instead Washington has been recruiting Ukraine as a compliant puppet state to use against Russia. Ukraine is not a democracy; it is a failed state and is now basically a corrupt gangster state. Why do you think Joe and Hunter like Ukraine so much?

It looks like Putin's goal is to install a regime that is either neutral or pro-Russia. The U.S. is the longstanding master of regime change, through NGO influence, "color revolutions," and sometimes military action.

The underlying issue is whether there is going to be a multi-polar world, with Russia and China playing influential roles along with the U.S., or whether the U.S. Empire will continue to try to dominate (rule) the world. It's clear that Russia and China have no intention of being subservient to the long-time U.S. hegemon, which has greatly weakened itself through internal and external corruption and decadence mixed with dangerous arrogance and hubris. Donald Trump made some initial steps toward providing a government that concentrates on America First, which is one of the reasons he's so hated by the Deep State. America needs to somehow survive the Biden Cabal and begin fighting back by making the Republican Party a genuine America First opposition before the country is completely destroyed.
Excellent analysis.
American Freedom News