Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
A weak puppet president like Biden is more dangerous than a strong leader with a mind of his own.

I was never a fan of Trump, but there was less of a chance of WW III with Trump as president than there is now with Biden, who is advised by terrible people.

Is an all-out Russia-Ukraine war about to break out?

Biden threatens Putin with sanctions ‘he's never seen’ before

Biden must give Putin ‘bloody nose’ if Russia invades Ukraine – Biden's handlers

As a former US intelligence officer, I see a red flag in the CIA’s latest anti-Russia playbook
It's hard to stomach all the lies concocted by the Biden regime.

The media is really pushing for a conflict here. Much like last week when an invasion was imminent and apparently scheduled by the mainstream media there are reports today of an imminent invasion per US disinformation…I mean intel.

I think Putin is just playing the globalists and their propogandized globohomo media conglomerates to seed more distrust between the population and the powers in charge.
Almost everything we are watching is a diversion. Constant false flags and psychological operations to keep us distracted while they destroy all the economies of
the world on purpose. They stole our money. Then pensions, soc. security, etc. The United Nations is the end game police army for martial law world wide if they
succeed. I'm glad more people are waking up. Can it be stopped? Hard to say but we will fight to the end. The main problem is if the supply chain is destroyed it will
wipe out most of the populations around the world as most people can only survive from the govt. benefits and grocery stores. You take away that and it's gonna be
ugly. Billions could die of starvation which will lead to crime everywhere as people will do anything to survive.

I think the best thing people can do is to be more self sustainable. Get to know your farmers markets and local farmers and food stands. Grow a garden. Get chickens. Have
lots of extra water and food. Have a water filtration, solar generators and a duel fuel generator. Get to know your neighbors and who you can trust.
Almost everything we are watching is a diversion. Constant false flags and psychological operations to keep us distracted while they destroy all the economies of
the world on purpose. They stole our money. Then pensions, soc. security, etc. The United Nations is the end game police army for martial law world wide if they
succeed. I'm glad more people are waking up. Can it be stopped? Hard to say but we will fight to the end. The main problem is if the supply chain is destroyed it will
wipe out most of the populations around the world as most people can only survive from the govt. benefits and grocery stores. You take away that and it's gonna be
ugly. Billions could die of starvation which will lead to crime everywhere as people will do anything to survive.

I think the best thing people can do is to be more self sustainable. Get to know your farmers markets and local farmers and food stands. Grow a garden. Get chickens. Have
lots of extra water and food. Have a water filtration, solar generators and a duel fuel generator. Get to know your neighbors and who you can trust.

Great post Lightening! That's how to do it. Some of us are already there :). Gentlemen, there is cheap property accross this land in every state. Some states more than others. Stay out of big bad blue and if you must live in the city at least buy a second property, a rural property, near us farmers/ranchers. Everyone should have a place to "bug out" if times get really hard. And, if that never really comes, at least you'll have a second home to take a vacation to.
No, there will be no war between NATO and the Russian Federation and her allies. The republics of the Donbas region are going to hold a plebescite within the next few months and the peoples will vote by 90% or more in favor of federating with the Russian Federation. Like Arthur Morgan wrote: NATO can pound sound.
Russia launches a more widespread attack on Ukraine. My guess it is to eradicate the government that was installed by the CIA and NGOs.
Yes, the puppet (((President))) of Ukraine was installed by Obama and Biden during that glow-op “color revolution”. The real power broker in the operation was the jewish Victoria Nuland. Since this is a foreign and illegitimate government, I would consider it a good thing if Putin topples it. Also, Russia is the one being aggressed upon. Setting up a US / NATO regime at their border was a hostile act. The Global American Empire (GAE as Zman calls it), is the bad actor here no matter how many times the kosher media says otherwise.

At the end off all this, I only see Russia annexing those eastern regions and Odessa. They are not going to fully occupy Ukraine or go on to invade Poland or Germany. That is just absurd propaganda.
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Russian forces started taking control over key Ukrainian military points of power last night. Rockets have hit targets at Kiev airport (to ground flights out of the country). Mass exodus out of Kiev presently underway. Freeways, ATMs, Gas Stations, Stores, etc. have long line ups. The Ukrainian peoples are not a target. Ukrainian navy has surrendered. Ukrainian troops are deserting. Looks like RF will take out foreign occupying government of Ukraine. Videos of all on line including rats fleeing government offices.
Good things happening and as Ambrose stated, the Ukrainian citizens are not a target. Hopefully there will be very little collateral damage to ordinary citizens that had no part in the foreign occupying forces that were installed. The illegitimate ZOG government is the problem and it's an age old problem our own ZOG creates far too often. Heck, once is too many times.

If any lurkers want to know who to root for in any given situation, just see who our (((media))) is rooting for and who they bad-mouth. It's an easy call then.
Good things happening and as Ambrose stated, the Ukrainian citizens are not a target. Hopefully there will be very little collateral damage to ordinary citizens that had no part in the foreign occupying forces that were installed. The illegitimate ZOG government is the problem and it's an age old problem our own ZOG creates far too often. Heck, once is too many times.

If any lurkers want to know who to root for in any given situation, just see who our (((media))) is rooting for and who they bad-mouth. It's an easy call then.
Yes. (((Zelensky))) doesn't care about the people of Ukraine, he just wants to cause as much destruction and chaos as possible. Sadly, Biden is surrounded by many of the same kind of people.

Zelensky is cut from the same cloth as Lazar Kaganovich, who caused millions of Ukrainian deaths.

Russia is only going after military bases and airports, they are not attacking residential areas. There are few casualties so far.
I don't understand how any of you can support this action by Russia.
Ukraine is an independent country since the break-up of the Soviet Union, with their own people and language.
I don't understand how any of you can support this action by Russia.
Ukraine is an independent country since the break-up of the Soviet Union, with their own people and language.

The republics that broke away from Ukraine and declared independence have a Russian-speaking majority. And nearly half the people in the rest of Ukraine speak Russian. Even the Ukrainian language itself is a Russian dialect.

Eastern Ukraine was part of Russia for hundreds of years. It was included in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic because the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic was to big to administer.

The Jewish Supremacists like Zelensky and Vindmann and those in the Biden administration just want as many of us white goyim to kill each other off as possible.

Zelensky started this mess, by declaring the 2014 agreement between Ukraine and the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk invalid.

Putin is going after all of Ukraine, not just the eastern regions.
People speak Russian because they were under the Soviet Union.
Yes, there are some Russians living in the east and throughout Ukraine, but that doesn't mean anything.
The US installed a puppet govt - they weren’t a sovereign govt acting in the best interest of the Ukrainians citizens. Putin is operating to protect his border and stop the globohomo west from gaining a foothold.

Everyone needs to move away from the Cold War mentality of Russia. They aren’t our enemies. Our enemies are the globalist elite overlords.
Protect his border?!
He is taking the entire country! Troops are headed to Kyiv and the city is expected to fall within a day.

Weren't a sovereign government?!
What does that mean?
Protect his border?!
He is taking the entire country! Troops are headed to Kyiv and the city is expected to fall within a day.

Weren't a sovereign government?!
What does that mean?

it means the government was installed by a color revolution 5 or 6 years ago. A pro western globohomo corporate Marxist govt. Why do we even care? What impact does this have on us? Why isn’t our country worried about our borders?
Protect his border?!
He is taking the entire country! Troops are headed to Kyiv and the city is expected to fall within a day.

Weren't a sovereign government?!
What does that mean?
I hope a peaceful surrender of the capital will happen similar to Paris in 40', historical buildings could be destroyed and how many people will needlessly die. This is sheer madness.
Why isn't our country worried about our own borders is a different question and a different situation.

I care because I know Ukrainians here and in Ukraine, and because it threatens long standing peace in the west, and Europe specifically.
Also because Ukraine may only be the first stop in Putin's attack.
You could also care because thousands and thousands of white people are going to die unnecessarily.
And from a sports perspective, many of the great Soviet athletes were actually Ukrainian. And Ukraine continues to have better athletes than Russia.
I hope a peaceful surrender of the capital will happen similar to Paris in 40', historical buildings could be destroyed and how many people will needlessly die. This is sheer madness.

Paris got lucky twice as it was surrendered (relatively) peacefully in both '40 and '44. The two heroes who saved the city and preserved its history and culture were French Marshal Philippe Petain the first time and German General Dietrich von Choltitz the second time.
The US installed a puppet govt - they weren’t a sovereign govt acting in the best interest of the Ukrainians citizens.

Everyone needs to move away from the Cold War mentality of Russia. They aren’t our enemies. Our enemies are the globalist elite overlords.

Do you think Putin is going to install a government that is going act in the best interests of the Ukrainians?!

Neither can be trusted. I would say both are enemies.
Do you think Putin is going to install a government that is going act in the best interests of the Ukrainians?!

Neither can be trusted. I would say both are enemies.

Let’s see how this plays out. If Putin wants all of Ukraine or only those pro Russia territories. Putin was making a decision based on his country’s security.

My life is much more threatened and affected by the globalist elites - there is a conflict in our country going on that seems to be much more important than something happening halfway around the world.
Ukraine govenment and key industries are completely taken over by the big internationalist J--. And, it is they who are the target here not Ukrainians. The Donbas region is always was almost 100% Russian. The internationalist J-- and its police state thugs will be removed.

NATO has not only threatened RF with encirclement, but US + EU are now attacking the RF economy by attacking its gas/oil trade. This is a banksters war as usual.
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