Is the US military getting ready for another war for Israel?

Thanks much for posting that. I was able to copy it and I'll make copies and show them to people. Another thing. Our "pals," the Israelis are distancing themselves from the drone strike that killed the Iranian general saying they had nothing to do with it. Who needs friends like them?
A third US military base at Taji as been hit by Iranian missiles.

#IranvsUSA trending on twitter.

Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer "To the people of Iran, There are millions of Americans who do not want war, who do not hate you, and who respect your nation and its history. After our traitorous elite is brought to justice, we hope to achieve peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness."
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Dicky Spencer lol
Honestly, I believe that since impeachment didn't go anywhere, 0zero and kerry/(((kohn))) set all this in motion with Iran to get Trump in a war for 2020. It's not even hard to believe at this point.
Iran state TV described the strike as revenge for the US attack last Thursday near Baghdad airport that killed Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Oh boy - here we go!
US jets have left their base in the UAE.

Iranian jets have also taken off from their bases.
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US jets have left their base in the UAE.

Iranian jets have taken off from their bases.

Scary stuff. Conventional military wisdom would say that the US can handle the outdated Iranian Air Force aircraft without issue but the fact Iran potentially has both China and Russia on it's side make this a much more serious development.
May God protect the innocent on both sides. This is not what the world ever needs!
May God protect the innocent on both sides. This is not what the world ever needs!
Totally agree. I remember being 10 years old and watching George Bush Sr. address the nation as desert storm was kicking off. I am just sick of the endless wars that we are in.
Totally agree. I remember being 10 years old and watching George Bush Sr. address the nation as desert storm was kicking off. I am just sick of the endless wars that we are in.

I remember that too as a kid. Now as an adult and realizing who pulls the strings to put us in endless meaningless wars in a region of the world we should have no interest in really ticks me off.
No American casualties, just some helicopters damaged.

Iran is even weaker than I thought, looks like they can't harm US forces any more than Iraqi forces did in the two Gulf Wars.
No American casualties, just some helicopters damaged.

Iran is even weaker than I thought, looks like they can't harm US forces any more than Iraqi forces did in the two Gulf Wars.

It could of just been a "message". My real concerns are the Chinese/Russians and proxies that will act on Iran's behalf. I think Iran knows that it does not have a chance in a conventional war (then again the last conventional war we fought was about 30 years ago). They made a statement citing self-defense under a UN Charter and seem intent on de-escalating - now Trump needs to do the same. Israel is already trying to fade into the background now after years of ratcheting up tensions with Iran:

The Neo-cucks on both sides who shill for Israel have no issue sending Americans into harms way under false pretenses. I have already about Lindsey Graham threatening Iran's oil production.

I personally do not want to see anymore US soldiers, sailors or Marines dying under false pretenses in a proxy war for Israel. America really needs to get out of so many places in the world and focus on what is going on in this sick, dying country.
Washington won't fight a conventional war in Iran, that's playing to Iran's perhaps only advantage. Washington will continue to bomb more and more important sites, until the Iranians have no choice but to capitulate. They can't harm the U.S. "homeland" other than through some random and isolated terror attacks if that; meantime the Empire can bomb their ports, cities, refineries, cultural sites, etc., at will. If it escalates, Iran may try to shut down the Strait of Hormuz, which would harm the international oil trade and also the U.S. economy, but unless Russia and/or China intervenes on their behalf they may end up taking a fearsome beating from bombing alone with the U.S. suffering few if any casualties. Hopefully they don't play the martyr role to the point of being nuked.

Paul Craig Roberts wrote earlier today that a formal Russian/Chinese/Iranian alliance is the only thing that can slow down Washington (and Israel), but that doesn't appear to be in the cards. At this point, avoiding the use of nukes should be the main priority as well as not allowing one escalation after another. Iran compared to the U.S. military is like the Palestinians throwing stones at the Israeli military. Even though the U.S. military is over-rated, if push comes to shove it can easily annihilate Iran. There's no need to fight a conventional war when overwhelming technological superiority is all that's needed to avoid mass casualties on the U.S. side.
There supposedly isn't any money to build a Wall or protect the U.S. border. But money is always found to send unlimited military force and weaponry to the Middle East.
There supposedly isn't any money to build a Wall or protect the U.S. border. But money is always found to send unlimited military force and weaponry to the Middle East.
Both party establishments want cheap labor and useful idiot voters.
Well gentlemen, Looks like Pandora's box has been opened and the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse will ride again for awhile. Lord help us all.
Well gentlemen, Looks like Pandora's box has been opened and the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse will ride again for awhile. Lord help us all.

Calm down buddy lol, this is just business as usual, Pandora's box is still shut and the four horseman are still on the Old Town Road.:)
On a sane side I very much doubt China nor Russia want to get into a military fight with the US to help Iran, it would make no sense to either of these countries. China is not as powerful as people are led to believe except in foot soldiers, Russia would be foolish to go to war with the US as well. If these two countries back Iran then the US will call on its allies as well as per NATO treaties. Israel is like the drunk obnoxious chick at a bar who starts a fight then hides behind her man for protection.
There supposedly isn't any money to build a Wall or protect the U.S. border. But money is always found to send unlimited military force and weaponry to the Middle East.
How does ANYONE not see this? Wilful ignorance is the only answer. I despise our political prostitutes in DC. This is a never-ending story. I wrote off any hope for it changing a while ago. Trump doing the bidding of the same string-pullers that his predecessors have done. It's the same ol' song and dance. Disgusting to the core.
How does ANYONE not see this? Wilful ignorance is the only answer. I despise our political prostitutes in DC. This is a never-ending story. I wrote off any hope for it changing a while ago. Trump doing the bidding of the same string-pullers that his predecessors have done. It's the same ol' song and dance. Disgusting to the core.
It's so blatantly obvious....the people who aren't seeing it are the ones who don't want to see it. We burn piles of cash in the process of sending young white males to the middle east to either die or come home with mental problems. It's disgusting.
Here's one of the more obvious and ridiculous examples of fake news and made up war propaganda:

Iran has 'fleet of killer dolphins trained to blow up ships in suicide attacks'
As an old guy I've got something to say about this. We used dolphins in the 60s in numerous ways. One way was defending ships in Cam Rahn Bay, Vietnam during our war there. they did a good job bringing up commie swimmers (they would butt them with their hard snouts) trying to attach bombs to the hulls of our ships there. It was also said that a dolphin got loose from a training exercise with an explosive pack on it down off Fla. during the Cuban Missile crisis and was heading for a submerged Soviet sub when the sub was warned to surface because it was in imminent danger - which it did. So using dolphins goes way back. But I have no idea of the Iranians abilities to use these mammals.
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