Is Bolt on Drugs?

When we assume, that Bolt is on drugs .... when did he start taking drugs ?
2007/2008 ?

There ya go Lactaking. You saw it all on your own. There is an obvious 3+ year plateau in his times followed by an incredible drop that just "coincidently" happened to fall on an olympic year. I would love to believe that he is a once-in-a-century athlete naturally. I once did. But, I no longer believe so. He showed early promise, he plateaued for 3 consecutive years and then gained muscle, power, and speed like no one has ever seen before (until blake got on the juice with him). Blake's progression has been even more ridiculous.
in reply to fobar ,

he is no more a freak than you or i ,
he wins like he does ,simply due to height compared to all other affletes ,
the expression a good big man will usually beat a good small man NOW applies
to sprinting due to sarms , the stride length . NEVER APPLIED BEFORE .
he would be injured and hormones burnt out long time ago in natural setting , with
roids would only be 9.80 maybe if body could cope with stress of event which possible but need to be careful and now very much beatable , the difference is said mentioned above .
see where times for 100m of all other fannys on it from that area are topping out
at same time 9.70-9.80 for realtive height and stride . 200m is alittle different and equal
as think speed endurance favours more average height athlete .
why is blake so content with losing , as knows cant make up height deficit .

so i put it to you that with same methods could very much replicate times with
european origin athlete ,if there was the will .
find some lanky streak of piss that running 10.30 and get as young as can for mature height and
do exactly the same .

question .
how can an island like trinidad suddenly produce 5/6 world class sprinters ,
similarly happening in other islands for small population .
reason above mentioned ped , get athlete that running 10.50-10.80 and can find one in every
town if start young enough with enough means why dont need big population ,then when think reached adult height , commence doping .
just look at gemmilli and lemaitre ,shabencov all on it , is not that hard a process just need to start early enough , be patient and need quality training over afew seasons to change as much muscle over to correct fibre type for sprinting .

previously trinidad for by similar means and with steroids wud be finding only 1 ,2 sprinters per head population that world class very 5-10 year or so and still not easy or gauranteed , now nearly every year .
like jamican population in canada produced afew roided sprinters in 1990s would be comparible.
sarms bubble will it burst , so far athletes have there countrys and own legacy to protect
,so could be alittle longer before get disgruntilled athlete willing to speak
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once you know how it is done , so called black supremiscy wilts away .
it all boils down to the androgen receptor , so far anyway .
in reply to fobar ,

he is no more a freak than you or i ,
he wins like he does ,simply due to height compared to all other affletes ,
the expression a good big man will usually beat a good small man NOW applies
to sprinting due to sarms , the stride length . NEVER APPLIED BEFORE .
he would be injured and hormones burnt out long time ago in natural setting , with
roids would only be 9.80 maybe if body could cope with stress of event and not for long , the difference is said mentioned above .
see where times for 100m of all other fannys on it from that area are topping out
at same time 9.70-9.80 for realtive height and stride . 200m is alittle different and equal
as think speed endurance favours more average height athlete .
why is blake so content with losing , as knows cant make up height deficit .

so i put it to you that with same methods could very much replicate times with
european origin athlete ,if there was the will .
find some lanky streak of piss that running 10.30 and get as young as can for mature height and
do exactly the same .

question .
how can an island like trinidad suddenly produce 5/6 world class sprinters ,
similarly happening in other islands for small population .
reason above mentioned ped , get athlete that running 10.50-10.80 and can find one in every
town if start young enough with enough means why dont need big population ,then when think reached adult height , commence .
just look at gemmilli and lemaitre ,shabencov , it is not that hard a process just need to start early enough , be patient and need quality training over afew seasons to change as much muscle over to correct fibre type for sprinting .

previously trinidad for by similar means and with steroids wud be finding only 1 ,2 sprinters per head population that world class very 5-10 year or so and still not easy or gauranteed , now nearly every year .
like jamican population in canada produced afew roided sprinters in 1990s would be comparible.
sarms bubble will it burst , so far athletes have there countrys and own legacy to protect
,so could be alittle longer before get disgruntilled athlete willing to speak
This!!!!!!!!! I have DWF friend who believes that Jamaicans are god's chosen people in sprinting. He knows little of the history of track and field and how Jamaica and to a lesser extent Trinidad only produced 1 or 2 elite sprinters every 10 years or so. They really could never have elite relay teams because the 2-4th runners were generally fringe world class to club level runners who negated the advantage of the 1 world class runner. So these teams generally lost to teams like the Soviet Union or East Germany who generally had a weaker elite sprinter but better 2-4 runners. Now Jamaica is as deep as the US with 1/10th the Black population and Trinidad is at the level that the Soviets used to be.
There ya go Lactaking. You saw it all on your own. There is an obvious 3+ year plateau in his times followed by an incredible drop that just "coincidently" happened to fall on an olympic year. I would love to believe that he is a once-in-a-century athlete naturally. I once did. But, I no longer believe so. He showed early promise, he plateaued for 3 consecutive years and then gained muscle, power, and speed like no one has ever seen before (until blake got on the juice with him). Blake's progression has been even more ridiculous.
I knew he was on a PED program when Bolt showed a plateau and looked like he was going to fade away like many promising prospects. He also went from a dark Reggie Miller type build to this jacked robotic build in the parts of the body he needs to be developed for sprinting. Many people don't know this but there is a medical campus for the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, it's quite easy for a graduate student or a professor to work with a coach to design a PED program to work with various sprint groups. If the stories about Heredia working as a strength coach with Bolt are true then you have a guy with the knowledge to help Bolt build the right muscles to run crazy times too.
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i selected his junior years, where he was probably relatively natural
here are gulyev's junior years:

200920.04 0.1 Beograd10/07/2009
200820.660.3Beijing (National Stadium)18/08/2008
it's pretty similar except that bolt achieved his 19.93 a little bit earlier than gulyiev because blacks mature earlier
guliev did 20.04 with no wind and bolt 19.93 with 1.4 wind at the same age

so they are pretty similar

when guliyev will look like this:


and when he will run under 19.20 it will be time to be very suspicious

but blacks mature earlier than whites so actually gulyiev having an impressive progression after his junior years wouldn't be as incredible as bolt having these progress
look how he looked like when he ran 20.04:


bolt was probably a lot lighter than he is now when he ran 19.93 (and with shoulder than pop out less, that doesn't seem to push out his skin, aka HGH shoulders) but i guess that he was looking more mature than this
People also forget Blake's progression was similar to Lemaitre's progression. Early in 2011 there pb's were similar in the century and then by the middle of the season Blake was running video game times and Lemaitre was running natural progression times. Now Lemaitre looks like his career is stalled at best and potentially going down hill at worst.
People also forget Blake's progression was similar to Lemaitre's progression. Early in 2011 there pb's were similar in the century and then by the middle of the season Blake was running video game times and Lemaitre was running natural progression times. Now Lemaitre looks like his career is stalled at best and potentially going down hill at worst.

Yeah I think the turning point in 2011 was the race Blake ran 9.95 and Christophe nearly caught him at the line with a 9.96. Blake progression from that race forward took leaps and bounds. Perhaps that race served as a wake up call for Blake to start juicing and assure that it's never that close again. If any jamaican gets caught for PEDs it be Blake
nice little article , good starting point .
from 2008 .

ignore all disgusting links to affletes on right though .

Infinite Number of Undetectable Designer Steroids with Combinatorial - Similar
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
22 Aug 2008 – Thomas describes a powerful tool that has the potential to create an infinite number of undetectable, designer anabolic steroids. Onc


trinidad javelin thrower ,is deinitely using what all other sprinters in flaming country are .
no surprise that javelin throwing is one field throwing event that relies on alot of athletism
compared to others , so translate nicely to javelin .

as for javelin regressing alot at moment ,and talent seems to be trying up in europe , for various reasons , since the last non european
the american cy young ,same name like baseballer , won it at 1952 games .
could be temporary. never been an olympic champion throwing under 85m since 1956 melborne games .
none of the europeans were at races , as title was there for there the taking .

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I can't believe this is even controversial at this point

Doesn't the presence of Angel Heredia in Bolt's career pretty much seal the deal on this? Maybe Bolt will show up at the blocks one day with a syringe hanging out of his butt cheek so whatever doubt that remains can be removed. Bolt and just about every other elite sprinter are more muscular than Ben Johnson was at the height of his juicing.

DWFs never ever want to believe that PEDs are a part of sports. I've had angry exchanges with them for suggesting that lot of college football players are roided up. It usually starts with "he can easily add 20lbs in the offseason and move inside to DT..." When you question just how all this muscle is going to be added in 6 mos., you get told that "these guys work out like 8 hours a day, every day." Adding even 10 lbs of actual muscle in six months for somebody already in shape is not an easy task without some "help".
Doesn't the presence of Angel Heredia in Bolt's career pretty much seal the deal on this? Maybe Bolt will show up at the blocks one day with a syringe hanging out of his butt cheek so whatever doubt that remains can be removed. Bolt and just about every other elite sprinter are more muscular than Ben Johnson was at the height of his juicing.

DWFs never ever want to believe that PEDs are a part of sports. I've had angry exchanges with them for suggesting that lot of college football players are roided up. It usually starts with "he can easily add 20lbs in the offseason and move inside to DT..." When you question just how all this muscle is going to be added in 6 mos., you get told that "these guys work out like 8 hours a day, every day." Adding even 10 lbs of actual muscle in six months for somebody already in shape is not an easy task without some "help".

I get flack from DWF's too when I point out the probability of various affaletes on some kind of PED. It's not like they haven't seen it a million times from guys "they never thought" would use them. It's really kind of irratating when you can point out such damning evidence and people STILL won't listen. Remember when Tiger Woods doctor was busted for distributing roids?? But just bring up that Woods might be on the juice and watch the DWF's howl!

"Winnie V" Johnson...


...vs. HGH/designer PED Bolt....

I get flack from DWF's too when I point out the probability of various affaletes on some kind of PED. It's not like they haven't seen it a million times from guys "they never thought" would use them. It's really kind of irratating when you can point out such damning evidence and people STILL won't listen. Remember when Tiger Woods doctor was busted for distributing roids?? But just bring up that Woods might be on the juice and watch the DWF's howl!

:amen: My favorites are "how can steroids help you hit a baseball? You can either hit it, or you can't"; and "what good does extra muscle do you in basketball?" or "Getting big muscles would just make you run slower." Our local DWF call in show hosts were adamant for years that PEDs gave no advantage at all in baseball. The DWFs see roided up guys, and assume that it is just nature's blessing of the afflete, plus hard work. Meanwhile, a large percentage of the blacks at the gym are juicing. How do I know this? They freaking talk about it at my gym, very openly. I doubt it's out of the ordinary, as it's not a particularly meat-head-infested gym, and really not very black.

Woods was obviously juicing there for a while, and the side effects had some unintended consequences for him. His physique isn't nearly what it was 4-5 years ago, and I would bet some of his other activities have tapered off as well.
analysis on Bolt from MuscleWeek

Is Olympic Sprinter Usain Bolt onSteroids?
As weprepare to watch the 2012 Olympic Track and Field events, all eyes are squarelyon Jamaican sprinter and world record holder Usain Bolt to see if he can matchor surpass his blindingly fast times from the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.But does anyone care to investigate whether the world’s greatest sprinter —Usain Bolt is on steroids?
Usain Bolt’s Record Breaking History
In those2008 Games, Bolt shocked the world by smashing the world record in the 100m and200m races, becoming the first sprinter to ever crack the 9.7s barrier byrunning a 9.69s (including the early celebration that began 5m prior to thefinish line) in the 100m and a 19.30s in the 200m. The following year at the2009 World Championships, Bolt lowered his time in the 100m to a seeminglyimpossible 9.58s and in the 200m to a mind-numbing 19.19s.
The Case in Favor of Usain Bolt’s Steroid Use
In thethree years since smashing two of the most famous world records in 2009, wehaven’t heard much from Usain Bolt. Rumors of injuries and relationships kepthim largely out of the public eye until he re-appeared on the scene at the 2011World Championships, where he ran a more modest 19.40s in the 200m beforeanchoring a world record-breaking 400m relay for the Jamaican Team.
Since2009, Bolt hasn’t come close to touching any of his records and his performanceat the 2012 Olympic Trials (in which he ran a mortal 9.86s in the 100m and19.83s in the 200m) seemed to indicate that his best times are well behind him.
But thatwould ignore the entire process of steroid cycling.
Aseveryone who understands steroids knows, athletes utilize Performance EnhancingDrugs (PEDs) pursuant to a cycle that seeks to slowly elevate testosterone andgrowth hormone levels (and corresponding to an increase in performance) to apeak that is concurrent with a competition.
How Usain Bolt and other OlympicSprinters Can Beat Olympic Drug Testing
A typicalPED cycle would begin 12 weeks out from competition with the target date beingthe day prior to or of the competition. Along with the use of undetectablesteroids and daily growth hormone injections, the athlete would also have hisblood drawn on a daily basis to monitor his testosterone and rhGH ratios in aneffort to keep them within Olympic World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) testinglimits. Close monitoring of these ratios allow an Olympic sprinter such as Boltto both use PEDs up to the day of competition while still comfortablysubmitting to multiple drug tests.
Thisisn’t evidence particular to Usain Bolt, as it could just as easily describethe protocol that every Olympic sprinter is using to pass the drug tests.However, it is mentioned simply to point out how easily Olympic athletes areable to pass an Olympic-level drug test, even with the highest levels ofscrutiny. The bottom line is that if an athlete is within the permissibletestosterone and rhGH ratios, he is deemed clean. The reality is that anyathlete who doesn’t maximize his testosterone and rhGH levels to the maximumpermissible level has no chance of breaking a world record.
Forexample, let’s assume that a talented NCAA sprinter has a testosterone ratio(testosterone: epitestosterone) of 1:1 which is considered normal, or average.The current WADAguidelines permit a ratio of up to 4:1. Given the fact that the only wayfor an NCAA sprinter to make any money sprinting is to win international competitionsand garner endorsements, what reason could that NCAA sprinter possibly have forNOT quadrupling his testosterone ratio up to the maximum of 4:1? Using a numberof undetectable steroid compounds, that same athlete would presumably see amajor improvement in his sprint times without ever ‘testing positive’.
And thisis the folly of drug testing: It gives ‘dirty’ athletes all the ammunition theyneed to proclaim themselves ‘clean’ — replete with Olympic level testingresults.
Passing an Olympic Drug Test Does NotMake Usain Bolt ‘Clean’
The worstargument that anyone can make for Usain Bolt being a clean athlete is that hehas yet to fail a steroid or other drug test, despite being subjected torigorous drug testing protocols.
Thereality is that most Olympic athletes have their blood levels so closelymonitored that only an egregious miscalculation in the timing of a steroidinjection or use of a masking agent (i.e. diuretics) to dilute the levels of asteroid within the blood would result in a positive test. This is the onlyreason why we rarely see positive tests for Olympic level athletes.
Internationalsteroid expert Anthony Roberts told Muscleweek: “With regards to fooling theOlympic drug tests, many of the same loopholes that existed ten to twenty yearsago still exist today. Until those loopholes are closed, there will always be ashadow of doubt falling on the Olympics.â€￾
Robertscontinued, “Testosterone, hGH and most of the other highly potent anabolics arevirtually undetectable — when we see a positive test and a tearfully apologeticathlete, he or she probably represents less than 1% of those who are actuallyusing banned substances.â€￾
Olympic Drug Testing is a Joke
UnitedStates Olympic Gold Medalist Marion Jones proudly proclaimed that she passedmore than 160 drug tests in her career. The fact remains that she won threegold medals at the 2000 Olympics while passing the supposedly stringentrequirements of Olympic WADA testing.
And yet,despite breaking world records in the 100m and 200m sprints; despite beingromantically involved with and coached by Olympic shot-putter CJ Hunter whotested positive for steroids four times leading up to the 2000 Olympics and wassubsequently banned by the ITAF; despite being romantically involved with and coachedby Olympic sprinter Tim Montgomery who tested positive for steroids and wassubsequently banned; despite training under track coach Trevor Graham who hasbeen banned for life from track and field; and despite her affiliation withBALCO Labs and the insistence of BALCO president Victor Conte who admitted toinjecting Marion Jones with steroids, the general public and sports‘journalists’ were still gullible enough to believe that Marion Jones was infact, a ‘clean athlete.’
As MarionJones proved, testing ‘clean’ means absolutely nothing.
UsainBolt’s Track ‘Coach’ is a Steroid Expert
Interestingly(and perhaps damningly) in making a case against Usain Bolt, a fact that isoften ignored is that the man who worked with Victor Conte at Balco Labs andlater testified against CJ Hunter, Tim Montgomery, Marion Jones, and yes —current 2012 U.S. Olympic sprinter Justin Gatlin– was a man by the name of AngelHeredia. Prior to working at BALCO, Angel Heredia was a nationaldiscus champion for Mexico. In the case against BALCO and Graham, he isreferred to as ‘Source A’ and his testimony against BALCO athletes in verifyingthe documents that detailed the drug schedules for those athletes was crucialin obtaining convictions or confessions from those individuals.
But BALCOdrug guru Angel Heredia never served a day in prison.
Even moresuspiciously, sometime after 2008, Angel Heredia legally changed his name toAngel Hernandez.
Pop Quiz:Why would Angel Heredia change his name to Angel Hernandez?
Answer:Usain Bolt hired the new incarnation of Angel Heredia to become his track‘coach’ in 2009. Unfortunately for Mr. Heredia, GoogleSearch can be a terrible thing for a man with a past like Angel.
Here is avideo of Usain Bolt’s track coach Angel Heredia (Hernandez) obtaining steroidsin Mexico and injecting growth hormone on camera for a German documentary:
And a small piece of the interview transcript from German publication Der Spiegel’s 2008interview with Angel Hernandez:
SPIEGEL: Mr. Heredia, will you watch the 100 meter final inBeijing?
Heredia: Of course. But the winner will not be clean. Noteven any of the contestants will be clean. (emphasis added)
SPIEGEL: Of eight runners …
Heredia: … eight will be doped.
SPIEGEL: There is no way to prove that.
Heredia: There is no doubt about it. The difference between 10.0and 9.7 seconds is the drugs.
Bolt’s Coach is more of a Chemistthan a Coach
Accordingto the New York Times, Usain Bolt’s track coach Angel Hernandez hasreferred to himself as a chemist, scientist and nutritionist.
Pop Quiz#2: Why would the world’s top ‘natural’ sprinter need the services of achemist affiliated with BALCO and multiple dirty sprinters?
Answer: Alogical response would be that Usain Bolt isn’t any more ‘clean’ than MarionJones, Justin Gatlin, Ben Johnson, Tim Montgomery, or even Jamaican-born U.S.sprinter Debbie Dunn — who bowed out of the 2012 Olympics just days prior tothe opening ceremonies when she tested positive for a testosterone derivative.
Logicwould seem to dictate that sprinters need sprint coaches, not chemists. But no,Usain Bolt needs a chemist.
Just asthose aforementioned sprinters who have broken track records before have.
Because agreat sprint coach could never help a track athlete as much as a great chemistcan. Here’s more from Usain’s ‘coach’ explaining his precise skill set as itapplies to ‘coaching’ in that 2008 interview:
SPIEGEL: So you became a therapist for the athletes in mattersof drugs?
Heredia: More like a coach. Together we found out what was goodfor which body and what the decomposition times were. I designed schedules for****tails and regimens that depended on the money the athletes offered me.Street drugs for little money, designer drugs for tens of thousands. Usually Isent the drugs by mail, but sometimes the athletes came to me.
Still notconvinced? Consider this New York Timesarticle from 2008 that documented how Angel Heredia (Hernandez) was on thepayroll of no less than 12 Olympic level athletes, including Olympic GoldMedalist Sprinter Maurice Greene (detecting a pattern here, no?):
In recent interviews with The New York Times, Mr. Herediadescribed how and with whom he worked, sharing copies of records that appear tolink him to many of the best sprinters of the last decade. Those recordsinclude e-mail exchanges of doping regimens, canceled checks, telephonerecordings, shipping records, laboratory readings of blood and urine samples,and Justice Department documents.
Among his clients, Mr. Heredia identified 12 athletes who hadwon a combined 26 Olympic medals and 21 world championships. Four of the 12athletes, including Ms. Jones, had been named and barred from competition forillicit drug use. Eight of the 12 — notably, the sprinter Maurice Greene — have neverbeen previously linked to performance-enhancing drugs.
Mr. Greene, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and a five-timeworld champion, has never failed a drug test.
Mr. Heredia showed The Times a copy of a bank transaction formshowing a $10,000 wire transfer from a Maurice Greene to a relative of Mr.Heredia’s; two sets of blood-test lab reports with Mr. Greene’s name and age onthem; and an e-mail message from a close friend and track-club teammate of Mr.Greene’s, attaching one of the lab reports and saying, “Angel, this is mauricesresults sorry it took so long.
Why wouldan athlete’s own ‘coach’, errr, I mean ‘chemist’ be testing his own athlete’sblood?
Well, ifyou believe the ‘coaches’, it’s to analyze the blood and determine if there areany deficits in any areas that may need to be addressed. But a chemist wouldjust tell you that it’s to confirm that the testosterone and ghGH ratios arewithin the legal limits. Who would you believe?
Would youbelieve Usain Bolt’s coach? If so, then you might want to consider this, fromthe same Times Article:
Mr. Heredia, 33, a former Mexican national discus champion, is asecretive figure on the track circuit who describes himself as a chemist,scientist and nutritionist. The son of a chemist, Mr. Heredia received anundergraduate degree in kinesiology from Texas A&M inKingsville, records show.
He said he used family connections to pharmacies and labs inMexico to help his business. For years, Mr. Heredia said, he helped his clientsflout the rules and easily avoided detection. Substances like human growthhormone and the blood booster erythropoietin, or EPO, are still virtually impossibleto detect, and “it is still easy to use testosteroneâ€￾ with fast-acting creams,he said.
“You combine all these things — boom! — you get amazingresults,â€￾ Mr. Heredia said.
Amazing,indeed. Earlier today, Usain Bolt just became the first Olympic athlete torepeat winning Gold in the 100m and 200m sprints. His times of 9.63s in the100m and 19.32 in the 200m are his best times since the 2009 WorldChampionships and after his 200m victory, he boldly declared that he is “thegreatest athlete who ever lived.â€￾
Itprobably doesn’t hurt that he just happens to have “the greatest chemist whoever livedâ€￾ right there in his corner.
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as for last post ,senior troll
heres a joke for ya ,ya cunt .

Fastest postman Three boys are in the schoolyard bragging of how great their fathers are. The first one says: "Well, my father runs the fastest. He can fire an arrow, and start to run, I tell you, he gets there before the arrow". The second one says: "Ha! You think that's fast! My father is a hunter. He can shoot his gun and be there before the bullet". The third one listens to the other two and shakes his head. He then says: "You two know nothing about fast. My father is a postman. He stops working at 4:30 and he is home by 3:45"

as for article ,dont know why mentioned but take it with
massive pinch of salt , more marxist muck like the likes of
author john entine and there simplified dumbed down theories .
obvious demasculated fool saying that we are the sorriest males to ever
walk planet , again very simplifed view and doesnt realise it is no longer just
survival of fittest but also the smartest ,brain power will usually find a way to overcome many obstacles and from your simple peds to weapons OF MASS

these so called aboriginals footprints ,would like to see how measured speed
.if just by stride length then ,not good marker as could of been bounding at time aswell as if running on balls of feet.
.regardless i am sure evolved some since then , and if a certain amount of
physicality is the price for increase in intelligense then easy choice to be made.
thats where peds come in .

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back on topic ,
juan marquez's recent fight against pacquiao
was pretty suspect and had alot of people questioning
the 39 year olds recent change in physique and the middle man is no other
than one Angel heredia.

also like to mention the recent failed tests of afew east european field athletes with
new test going back to 2004.
the fact that it stinks of hyprocrisy and the lengths that they will go to catch a certain type of athlete , and the disgustingly pro black iaaf would never do the same with others,
infact only encourages them .
and and especially will it do the same with recent ones in years to come.
even if could ,i doubt would be able to as peds have changed .

any news on athletes i care for ,in up coming indoor season .
why ,the whore that is ur mother ,off course .
ask the postman , or was it the milkman ,franny ya ****ing fanny balls .

let me see , this is a thread about said subject ya mention , so
what thread should i put it in .
your are one of these brainwashed fannies in awe and amazement that thinks these souped-up
affletes are au-natural ,only to use for your own agenda rather than face the
obvious clear as day truth .
and nowhere is this more "clear as day" than event like 100m/200m .
where the buck stops ,when the clock does .

i will harp on about subject matter aslong as athletes and the likes of iaaf
continue with there bare faced lying to face antics and expected to swallow it .
have you looked at a list of iaaf records lately ,the womens or some of throwing events
go back decades but still expected that legit. what does that tell you about said organisation .
and only getting worse with new age peds ,that pouring out of pharma tech industry .
and more covert ,dishonest and take with little fear of being caught which only enhances the opinion
of the likes of you .
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affletes are au-natural ,only to use for your own agenda rather than face the
obvious clear as day truth .
and nowhere is this more "clear as day" than event like 100m/200m .
where the buck stops ,when the clock does .


Bolt could compete for another 1000 years & never test positive for peds and you would still believe he was doping/avoided detection the whole time.

Houdini eat your heart out.
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Bolt could compete for another 1000 years & never test positive for peds and you would still believe he was doping/avoided detection the whole time.

Houdini eat your heart out.

Conversely, Bolt could compete for 1000 years, and many idiots, and DWFs would never question his legitimacy. After all he is very black which means he is superhuman.
Just a week ago we found out that world and olympic chamion Veronica Campbell Brown has been suspended for using peds. That is almost as big as Bolt going down for the jamaican women.

Now today we find out that 23 year old Yohan Blake will not be running in the world championships. He needs major surgery on his hamstring or something like that. Gee I wonder why? Everyone knows that steroids overloads your tendons and joints eventually. Sometimes sooner than later. Blake went from running video game times up to the 19.60's over 200 meters to a this year not cracking 20.72! Where there is smoke there is fire.

This island is as dirty as they come. They are cheating like crazy and little by little some of the starts are going down but they will keep passing these magical yams around to keep the dream alive. I really hope Bolt doesn't take gold at the world champs but it doesn't seem likely with the super vitamins. Maybe Tyson Gay can pull the upset.
Blake's Manager says not so fast....

Blake not ruled out of world 100m title defence - manager

By Kayon Raynor

KINGSTON | Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:03pm BST

(Reuters) - World 100 metres champion Yohan Blake has not been ruled out of defending his title in Moscow in August because of injury, his manager Cubie Seegobin said on Sunday, knocking down media reports that the Jamaican was to undergo surgery.

"There is absolutely no discussions or plans for any surgery and I don't know where that information is coming from," an upset Seegobin told Reuters by telephone from Edmonton, Canada.

"No decision has been made about Yohan missing the world championships," he added.

"The coach has not yet decided on pulling him from the world championships."
Usain Bolt is starting to be asked more frequently if he is on performance enhancing drugs? In an interview a few days before the Paris Diamond League Race, he says I have never done them but I can't speak for many others from my country. So he admits that some of his teammates have done it but he is totally innocent. Where there is smoke there is usually fire. I already know the truth but he will continue to be protected in my honest opinion. He is bigger than the whole sport for the last 5 or 6 years so the IAAF and WADA probably will do anything to avoid a positive test. I hope I'm wrong but I know how it works. Americans have been protected in the past.

For the good of athletics, I say bust them all. I don't care how big the name and that is even if one of our favorites is caught as well. I don't care if the races are slower. I want to see clean athletes run human times. Not video game times.

To be continued as they say.
American Freedom News