Is Bolt on Drugs?

As for peds that using ,could be all that are mentioned in article that jamaicans using but
obvoiusly newer ones that enable times in sprints that see nowadays
and for me you can take all the growth ,igf, insulin , and steroids want but rarely run
these times, the differences is SARMS ,SARMS , SARMS .
For alot of people growth and igf just not worth effort .

That with them can nearly gaurantee that if take a good sprinter in 10.20-10.40
range can get him into sub 9.90 with afew years and if look at yohann blake
the younger use when reach maturation the more potent are .
, sarms will not nessarily bulk you up as see with lemaitre ,need others for that,
and the biggest enhancement can be had in 200m as increases glycation or whatever called which leads to increased sprint endurance and as see with guys nowadays
keeeping top in speed for alot longer , also can lead to that hard cut look of muscles
see depending if hormones high enough or using AAS with them also .

can buy crude first generation sarms online already , and can be toxic and not very strong
and can read about use and effects on bodybuilding sites but no widespread use there
to date when already using steroids and interest is in building muscle .

biggest factor 4 sprinting ability for me comes down to the action at the androgen receptor , and AAS will only enhance the various facets happening at receptor so much
what really need is a more direct enhancement in conjuction
with high hormone levels .
lemaitre needs to go as far as he can naturally
when we will look at this period in a few years, we will know that he was the best sprinter, because bolt and the others won't get caught, but maybe we will have proof that they are juicing (like maurice greene) or just because it is obvious that they are not clean (because of the high number of athletes caught in the same area, and their incredible performances, that shows there is a doping program there)

even if lemaitre goes to the "dark side", i will still suport him
like i suported kenteris
I have said this before but usually when sprinters start steroids it's after plateauing in their career, he hasn't yet. Bolt turned pro at 18 and had 2 injury plagued years where his times were slower than when he was 17 and did his junior record 19.9X. I think the only possibility of him doing a PED routine is if the dangers are less than the Ben Johnson era. I know in that era you could get badly sick if you weren't monitored by a doctor after taking steroids. There were some deaths directly attributed to steroid usage in track at the time.
Lemaitre probably already took it as far as he could naturally when he hit the Pickering/LeBlanc peak of the mid 10.10's. To believe that he's naturally .2-.3 faster than every other elite white sprinter today, including the dirtiest of the dirty ones, is absurd.

Heredia clearly said anyone who runs multiple sub-10's in one season is dirty. Unless one revels in being duplicitous, endorsing this claim means they believe Lemaitre uses. Period. If you believe Bolt is juicing because he's faster than the dirtiest of the dirty, that same standard must be applied to Lemaitre.. and even moreso due to the uniqueness of what he's doing relative to his race.

Also, as far as athletes in the same area, and guilt by association is concerned, Euro EPO-indulging cyclists are the dirtiest drugsters on the planet. You honestly don't think their ne'er-do-well chemists have slithered over to the track and field side?
He is clearly faster than both sprinters as he ran faster times than them as a junior. Also Shrivington ran faster times than them too, that said drug teams in cycling seem to be at the fore in PED innovations, Balco showed that track gurus copied cycling PED routines.
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9,92 isn't out of the white range.I looked at dutch all time sub 10.9 100 meters knowing that 1 standard derrivation is like 0.7 seconds it looks that 9.79 -0.1 is 9.69 or so for which could take some centurys, for the fastest to run his best race at the same time with 2.0 wind( alltrough lemaitre is consistent ).But I think most sprinters do far to less hill training so if that training will change of majority of sprinters then the white limit could be a few % lower then this.I think there are around 50-100(at the moment so of the in their twenties) white male in their twenties that could run sub 10 if they now trained for it.takin in 1/300 white train for it but taking in like that someone who is fast is more likely to train athletics then someone who is not athletic( not encouraged) it is not that crazy to believe lemaitre could be clean.
Lemaitre probably already took it as far as he could naturally when he hit the Pickering/LeBlanc peak of the mid 10.10's. To believe that he's naturally .2-.3 faster than every other elite white sprinter today, including the dirtiest of the dirty ones, is absurd.

he ran 10.04 at 18-19 years old, and he was far from his peak physically
remember he only started athletics 3-4 years before, so obviously he was perfectible also

he is not that faster than the dirtiest white sprinters

kenteris, even if it has never been proven, was probably the dirtiest, and he was faster than lemaitre
first, he once was the best in the world, something lemaitre probably will never be
and look at his 19.85 in 2002, with negative wind
he could run a lot faster than that, if needed, and he was pretty old

Heredia clearly said anyone who runs multiple sub-10's in one season is dirty. Unless one revels in being duplicitous, endorsing this claim means they believe Lemaitre uses. Period. If you believe Bolt is juicing because he's faster than the dirtiest of the dirty, that same standard must be applied to Lemaitre.. and even moreso due to the uniqueness of what he's doing relative to his race.

i don't really care about what heredia has to say about human's natural limit

what is interesting about his interview is that he brings proof, and he knows a lot are juicing, because he worked with them
that's it
heredia is just a dealer
so i didn't pay attention to this quote

Also, as far as athletes in the same area, and guilt by association is concerned, Euro EPO-indulging cyclists are the dirtiest drugsters on the planet. You honestly don't think their ne'er-do-well chemists have slithered over to the track and field side?

there is no reason to think so, since no french athlete, black or white, is amongst the best in the world (except lemaitre)
some are juicing, but they are not cutting edge, and a lot of them go to USA to have better doping programs (marie josé perec for example)
maybe because "tour de france" is so important compared to sprinting, it's the most watched sporting event in the world i think
a lot of french blacks train or used to train in the US...why do so if we have the better drugs in europe? (mbandjock now for example)

if tomorow another dude from the french alps comes out of nowhere and runs incredible times (like the jamaicans after bolt) there will be a good reason to be suspicious
but so far, lemaitre is the only one

also, savoie is far from being miami, you know...i live very close, and i can imagine them using steroids, maybe GH from china or, better, from yugoslavia, but it's not the first place you would think of when you think about drugs...
Lemaitre probably already took it as far as he could naturally when he hit the Pickering/LeBlanc peak of the mid 10.10's. To believe that he's naturally .2-.3 faster than every other elite white sprinter today, including the dirtiest of the dirty ones, is absurd.

Heredia clearly said anyone who runs multiple sub-10's in one season is dirty. Unless one revels in being duplicitous, endorsing this claim means they believe Lemaitre uses. Period. If you believe Bolt is juicing because he's faster than the dirtiest of the dirty, that same standard must be applied to Lemaitre.. and even moreso due to the uniqueness of what he's doing relative to his race.

Also, as far as athletes in the same area, and guilt by association is concerned, Euro EPO-indulging cyclists are the dirtiest drugsters on the planet. You honestly don't think their ne'er-do-well chemists have slithered over to the track and field side?

What exactly is your and TwistedRepeats agenda here? To claim that Lemaitre is on the sauce.
The logic that Lemaitre's performances must be compared to the historical performance of White sprinters is utterly flawed. It is predicated upon the assumption that Whites are somehow biologically inferior. Whereas all of the data seems to point to social or cultural differences. It is therefore all in the mind combined with the statistical probability of the talented White guy breaking out of the stereotype.
There is no reason why the fastest clean sprinter should not be White; indeed there is a high probability that the fastest clean sprinter would be White if the majority of talented Black sprinters chose to go dirty.
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So how did Bolt learn to run like an ostrich and channel his inner caveman? The ostrich study didn't come out until 2010. You post these links but don't offer any of your insight as to what you think. Without discussing what you have posted, the randomness of links you have provided makes it look like you are grasping straws as to why Bolt isn't using PEDS.
There is no question Bolt is doing PED's. Just like the cavemen 20,000-years before him.

Yes you posted that link already. Maybe you forgot. You didn't really respond to my post or white is right.

white is right
Originally Posted by TwistedRepeats.
Were these guys on roids too?. 154

Scientists have stated early Hominids had stronger jaws and more powerful limbs. It would make sense if the evolutionary theory is scientific fact. Supposedly Neanderthal man was more powerful than a bodybuilder on the latest designer steroid ****tail.

So, why don't you offer some insight? How did Bolt find the secret to become genetically similar to a caveman? mankind has changed over time. Are you implying that blacks haven't evolved since cavemen? And how exactly did Bolt learn how to run just as effeciently as an ostrich? did he spend his childhood studying them and decided to mimic their running technique? because the study was published in 2010. What exactly are you contributing to the site besides random links with nothing to say to back them up? If you would like to debate that is fine, but I don't need you to post the same link over and over. I read it the first time. From what I have been taught, I believe as humans evolved, more nutrition went to brain functioning and less to muscles, which would make the accomplishments of a caveman irrelevant to whatever Bolt is doing.
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From what I have been taught, I believe as humans evolved, more nutrition went to brain functioning and less to muscles, which would make the accomplishments of a caveman irrelevant to whatever Bolt is doing.

yes, and more precisely:
Humans may lack the strength of chimps — our closest relatives on the tree of evolution — because our nervous systems exert more control over our muscles, says evolutionary biologist Alan Walker, a professor at Penn State University. Our fine motor control prevents great feats of strength, but allows us to perform delicate and uniquely human tasks, Walker writes in the April issue of the journal Current Anthropology.

This article has a lot of interesting points, (and a few factual errors), but regardless, it still leaves me with some questions.

1. If Bolt is taking PEDs, but still managing to keep his blood levels within the allowed maximum, then to me, he's just gaming a system that is not functioning properly. He's using every available means to become as fast as he can. So, technically, this keeps him "clean".

2. What is stopping Lemaitre and other white sprinters from the doing the exact same thing? In fact, it would be pretty dumb of them not to. Why not level the playing field?

3. If all 8 finalists in this year's 100m race were on drugs, 7 of them were still smoked by Bolt. So, either Bolt and his team are much better at this PED thing than everyone else, or on top of all that, Bolt has some natural ability that puts him over the edge.

I think bottom line, they are all on something, to one degree or another. Bolt himself is a bit of a freak, and without any PEDs, his natural ability and strength/training would still allow him to run at least in the 9.80s, but to run these video game times, he needs a little artificial help.

If Lemaitre doesn't get onboard himself, then he'll forever remain a 9.90-10s sprinter, and then slowly fade away. In some ways, it's a bummer that we finally get our man, but he's a shy, laid-back Frenchman who seems to perhaps not have that hunger and motivation that some of these black sprinters have.
Bolts developement

One thing must not be forgotten:
With 15 years Bolt run 20.61 sec. and at this age he wasn't doped with high probability (99,99%)

With proper training he must now run clearly under 20 seconds also without doping .... possibly even under 19 seconds.
One thing must not be forgotten:
With 15 years Bolt run 20.61 sec. and at this age he wasn't doped with high probability (99,99%)

that's because blacks mature earlier than whites

ramil gulyev ran 20.04 as a junior, i guess that he should run under 19s soon according to you
In his junior years Bolt was 200/400 runner. At the 2004 Olympics as a skinny 18 year old (think Lemaitre) he got nowhere (running 21.05 in the first round) and his amazing junior career had definitely stalled. He then went off the radar for 3 years only improving his 200 time by just 0.18. He never really competed at 100 - I think his PB was 10.03 in early 2008 (at the age of Lemaitre today who's PB is 9.92). He then reappeared in 2008, significantly more muscular, and then smashed the world records in both events. This type of history is typical of drug takers, including great juniors (think Marion Jones) - they find that their early promise does not necessarily mean they will be champions in the senior ranks so they panic and take to PEDs.
Bolts developement

Here is Bolts developement (look at

200 Metres 201219.320.4London (OS)09/08/2012


201019.56-0.8Kingston (NS), JAM01/05/2010


200819.30-0.9Beijing (National Stadium)20/08/2008

200719.750.2Kingston (NS), JAM24/06/2007


200519.991.8London (CP)22/07/2005



200220.581.4Kingston, JAM18/07/2002

Here is Bolts developement (look at
200519.991.8London (CP)22/07/2005
200220.581.4Kingston, JAM18/07/2002

i selected his junior years, where he was probably relatively natural
here are gulyev's junior years:

200920.04 0.1 Beograd10/07/2009
200820.660.3Beijing (National Stadium)18/08/2008
it's pretty similar except that bolt achieved his 19.93 a little bit earlier than gulyiev because blacks mature earlier
guliev did 20.04 with no wind and bolt 19.93 with 1.4 wind at the same age

so they are pretty similar

when guliyev will look like this:


and when he will run under 19.20 it will be time to be very suspicious

but blacks mature earlier than whites so actually gulyiev having an impressive progression after his junior years wouldn't be as incredible as bolt having these progress
look how he looked like when he ran 20.04:


bolt was probably a lot lighter than he is now when he ran 19.93 (and with shoulder than pop out less, that doesn't seem to push out his skin, aka HGH shoulders) but i guess that he was looking more mature than this
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