Is Bolt on Drugs?

Not true. Look how long it took to catch Marion Jones. Also currently it took a decade to catch Jamaicas World and Olympic Champion Veronica Campbell Brown. Never assume because there is always a doubt. I know many sprinters who never got caught but were obviously on peds most of their careers. It's called the eyeball test. Some athletes get away with it and never get caught.
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Not true. Look how long it took to catch Marion Jones. Also currently it took a decade to catch Jamaicas World and Olympic Champion Veronica Campbell Brown. Never assume because there is always a doubt. I know many sprinters who never got caught but were obviously on peds most of their careers. It's called the eyeball test. Some athletes if not many get away with it and never get caught.
Mo Green never failed a test and was testified against during the Balco investigation. Many cheats have gotten away with their cheating. Sadly Green is an ambassador for the sport and does ceremonial functions at various IAAF events. It's like give Jesse James an honorary sheriffs badge........:dizzy:
Also currently it took a decade to catch Jamaicas World and Olympic Champion Veronica Campbell Brown. Never assume because there is always a doubt. I know many sprinters who never got caught but were obviously on peds most of their careers. It's called the eyeball test. Some athletes if not many get away with it and never get caught.

VCB: They have found diuretics, IAAF says it's a minor infraction.
The cream was prescribed and she wasn't aware the prescription product contained the banned substance.
VCB: They have found diuretics, IAAF says it's a minor infraction.
The cream was prescribed and she wasn't aware the prescription product contained the banned substance.

yeah, and just like all the NFL players that were caught with diuretics known as star caps, it must have just been to lose weight! sure, even though they help pass drug tests. I know people who have gone through drug court in America, where you have to piss clean every week for 2 years, if you get caught with diuretics then it counts the same as taking a drug, and you go to jail for a little while. If your piss is watered down (and it takes a lot to get it watered down) then it counts as a failed drug test and you go to jail. Yes I can get a prescription for testosterone and claim ignorance. Brian Bosworth got a prescription for steroids but he never got to live that down for the failed test in college.
VCB: They have found diuretics, IAAF says it's a minor infraction.
The cream was prescribed and she wasn't aware the prescription product contained the banned substance.
Diuretics are used as masking agents. They make your body release(or piss out) water, which helps to clear out traces of whatever steroid you were taking. Any elite athlete that gets caught taking a diuretic and then states they "didn't know" is lying through their teeth. Besides, a doctor prescribing a cream containing a diuretic to someone who doesn't need a diuretic is horribly negligent.
Bolt was 15 years old when he ran 20,58 S. and he was 17 when he ran 19,93 S.
He has developed his starting technique, he has developed his sprinting technique and he spend hours and hours in the weight room.
I don't know if he is doping but I think it's possible for him to run this times clean.

Armin Hary ran 1960 10,16 S. and about 30 minutes later 10,25 S. on a cinder track (Zurich, Swiss) .
His 10,16 S. was later annulled/cancelled because of false start.
This time is to be compared to 10,00 S. nowadays on tartan tracks.
At this time nobody knows about sleds, plyos, the important muscles and the different sprinting technique.
If Armin Hary would run today, his best time would be 9,8x.
These last two posts failed to mention the most important thing for Bolt and Blake: Yams! Yams are the secret ingredient that have made the Jamaicans surge onto the sprinting scene. Angel Heredia is a master chef, who specializes in preparing yams for athletes. When you work INCREDIBLY hard in the weight room, yams help you recover faster. They also give you a physique that couldn't be attained by the most ripped bodybuilders prior to the advent of steroids (pure coincidence). You see, yams only began to be widely used by athletes in the last 40 years, and that's also when athletes started to train really hard. Ben Johnson stupidly only used steroids in the 80s. He gained some muscle, but would have been far more muscular and fast if he had eaten yams and worked hard like Bolt and Blake.

All I can say is Marion Jones never tested positive, but she eventually admitted (under oath) she doped for a years. so testing clean don't mean ****. every year a few more Jamaicans test positive. one of these days Bolt will have to come clean. just like Lance Armstrong.

All I can say is Marion Jones never tested positive, but she eventually admitted (under oath) she doped for a years. so testing clean don't mean ****. every year a few more Jamaicans test positive. one of these days Bolt will have to come clean. just like Lance Armstrong.
totally agree with you albinosprint .... also kim collins pbs at 37 yrs 9.97 ...for **** sake , does he think the intelligent athletic observers are stupid...even johnathan edwards of the bbc raised eyebrows at that one bull****
you definitely cant be a troll ,mister postman ..
return to whatever hole ya came out off!!
please stop entertaining this fanny .

the only thing working hard for you saintly yamicans is indeed that ,there chosen peds.
taller / longer stride length can mean faster sprinter !!! ya dont say .
but still all thanks to said androgen receptor drugs .
oh would they ever find a test for these UNKNOWN peds!!!!!

taller sprinters have always on average been slower than the previous ideal average height sprinter until said peds came about .
and all these fast times by ever younger sprinters is beyond suspect .
The Russian Federation and the main coach deny any of this. Just like in all countries, I'm sure some of the athletes are cheating but there is no way on earth that they would be having the 2013 World Championships of Track & Field in Moscow, Russia if the majoirity of their athletes were doping. Complete lies yet countries like Jamaica always are assumed innocent. More anti white b.s. Nothing to see here! Whom ever started this story should not be a journalist as the World Champs and Olympics are the only few times that most people watch athletics.
Asafa Powel is confirmed as one of the Jamacian Sprinters and he will be suspended. Ok so now we have Veronica Campbell Brown and Asafa Powell. There are others including Simpson.

This is not fair. It's all because of those magical yams! Don't worry. Bolt and others will be protected no matter how many positive tests he has. He probably has cases of backup urine to keep him coverd. Haha.
With today's news here is the IAAF top twenty all-time 100m sprinter list edited in RED with those who, to my knowledge, have been tested positive or very strongly implicated. Could someone with more knowledge edit this further. It makes Bolt's performance even more suspect. LeMaitre's 9.92 looks better and better.

19.58Usain BOLTJAM2009
29.69Tyson GAYUSA2009
2=9.69Yohan BLAKEJAM2012
49.72Asafa POWELLJAM2008
59.78Nesta CARTERJAM2010
69.79Maurice GREENEUSA1999
6=9.79Justin GATLINUSA2012
89.80Steve MULLINGSJAM2011
99.84Donovan BAILEYCAN1996
9=9.84Bruny SURINCAN1999
119.85Leroy BURRELLUSA1994
11=9.85Olusoji A. Fasuba***2006
11=9.85Richard ThompsonTRI2011
149.86Carl LewisUSA1991
14=9.86Fran FredericksNAM1996
14=9.86Ato BoldonTRI1998
14=9.86Francis OBIKWELUPOR2004
14=9.86Keston BLEDMANTRI2012
209.87Linford ChristieUK1993
I'm pretty sure Fredricks, Bailey, and Surin all tested positive late in their lives.
I'm pretty sure Fredricks, Bailey, and Surin all tested positive late in their lives.

I've never heard that Fredericks had been caught. Can you tell us more? If it's true you should provide a link about that.

About Nesta Carter, it's only a rumor for the moment, which has to be confirmed. Yes there is a big suspicion on jamaican athletes but we can't tell that they have been caught if it's not true.
I'll do some digging, maybe White lightning can help shed some light.
I'll do some digging, maybe White lightning can help shed some light.
I found this video from roughly ten years ago. Bolt is a skinny 17 year old and looks like a normal teenager. Even his coach at the time stated he didn't want to do heavy weightlifting as this could cause injuries due to his growing body. Now look at the transformation with the PED program he is most likely on.....
He looks like a very tall ethiopian. Very skinny and look at the difference! No doubt about it! Great find my friend. We can only hope that
WADA has the courage to find and report what is really going on.
I found this video from roughly ten years ago. Bolt is a skinny 17 year old and looks like a normal teenager. Even his coach at the time stated he didn't want to do heavy weightlifting as this could cause injuries due to his growing body. Now look at the transformation with the PED program he is most likely on.....

Talk about clutching at straws.

Interestingly enough you can build muscle mass via weight training, protein consumption & a good diet.

We can only hope that WADA has the courage to find and report what is really going on.

Yeah, like the sort of courage they needed to drum up to implicate Blake (Jamaica), Powell (Jamaica), Gay, Mullings (Jamaica) etc.

Oh wait a minute...

WADA ARE reporting on what is really going on.
Anybody that has trouble admitting that Bolt is clearly on PEDs cannot be taken seriously on any level.
I'm with Francois on this one. Clearly Bolt is a shining examply of just how superior athletically the Jamaican West African athlete is. Bolt gets up early, eats his magical Jamaican yams and works out harder than anyone else on earth. It's this hard work and dedication alone that made it possible for him to lower his 100M time by almost 1/2 a second in a year. His long stride and fast cadence combined with the power to make it work is truly a result of freak genetics that only his superior race can produce. That Angel Heredia guy was way off base, Bolt is as clean as the wind-driven snow. :whistle:
Well, the short answer to the question posed in the title of the thread is "Yes"... :icon_wink:

I know many sprinters who never got caught but were obviously on peds most of their careers. It's called the eyeball test. Some athletes get away with it and never get caught.

White Lightning -

The problem with the eyeball test is that eyeballs are only as useful as the brains which process the information they impart. What You, our members and I see and what the average beer-gutted, arse-and-bollock-scratching slob thinks he is seeing is something completely different and figuratively about as divergent as Michelangelo's Pieta and a primitive Congolese carving of a bug-eyed fat geezer sucking his own grotesquely oversized ****.

Decades of relentless indoctrination have ensured that the massive majority of Whites believe that blacks have superhuman physiques which permit them to achieve proportionately superhuman sporting feats.

If it wasn't so abominably infuriating and damaging to the White race, listening to people's opinions about the "axioms" of Negro physical superiority would be almost comically surreal. If brainwashed Whites see a hulked-up White athlete / bodybuilder who displays all the signs of PED use they won't hesitate to instantly point a sauce-stained finger and scream that the said bloke is "on roids". Yet if a Negro sports an identical, obviously steroided physique those same stupid White pricks will jack off in admiration and won't even entertain the possibility that the black is using PEDs - for after all, he's black and as everyone knows blacks have "bigger, stronger muscles". The human mind is a wonderful thing...

One of the most salient failures of the "modern eyeball test" is evidenced by the general lack of negative comments about Serena Williams' cantaloupe-sized deltoids, huge arms, et cetera. If Williams was White, the phrase "suspicion of performance enhancing drugs" would accompany every mention of her name and she would have been busted post-haste before she could amass a sackful of Grand Slam titles.

Even many "White Nationalists" buy into the idea of black physical superiority as an obverse to black intellectual inferiority. I know fellows who are "racists" yet are still convinced that blacks "are better at sports - but they aren't worth **** for anything else". Prior to the emergence of eastern European boxers, Stormfront-type simpletons would unquestioningly accept the Jewish-propagated thesis that blacks are "better suited" to boxing (and other sports, particularly track) by conveniently justifying it with pseudo-scientific drivel about Negroes' longer arms, thicker skulls, super-abundance of fast twitch muscles and "animalistic" nature.

Everything in this thread raises another question, namely: what is the lowest possible time in which a non-PED using human can run 100 metres? Bolt's "world - cough -record" stands at an improbably fast 9.58 seconds. Anyone who thinks that such a time is "legitimate" must be some sort of ultra-gullible imbecile who's a snake oil salesman's pop-in-the-pants dream. Oops, hang on - that describes most of "modern" White society... :lightbulb: :icon_wink:

As I've said before, I know nothing of the technicalities of sprinting beyond what I've read in the Caste Football Track & Field forum. I do, however, possess a basic knowledge of kinematics and hence am of the opinion that it's unfeasibly far-fetched for a non-juiced human to cover 100 metres from an inert start in less than 9.9 seconds.
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