Is Bolt on Drugs?

referring to hgh and sprinting article.

interesting that the performancing enhancement comes from

unexpected place as how much energy muscles can store

like says in article .

so start to think like someone said earlier in thread about
and many other threads
can someone not come up with new training techniques
to explain the better times in sprinting and thought .

well why in 80,s,1990,s ,why werent sprinters not
doing all this longer sprint endurance work with
all winter 400 metre runs at high intensity.
to me seems like to be only of negglible benefit
for short sprints , lactic threshold , aerobic benefits
are only of negigible benefit to short sprints
even take away from it if do to much long distances

why not put time into other things like weights
where know gains in power will translate in to
faster times

what has changed physiologiclly with body
of sprinter from like 2004 /2005
with powell then bolt and now gay
all regularly having potential to
dipp under the 9.80s in good conditions
regularly or even crap conditions

what has changed for the addition of this
to training regime that previous sprinters
in 70,s 80,s 90,s didnt do
would they have not tryed every possible
type of method and stayed with what
works especially with whole countrys
behind them like with old soviet states

well what has changed in 10 years .

well if throw ped that increases energy storage in muscles
into mix
then all these 400 metres at full intensity make sense
to get muscle and mitrocondria to be able to store as much
glucose as possible and equate to max performance
enhancement from this particular facet of you sprinting
make-up , besides power , strength and technique ,so on .

and maybe if muscles can hold more energy then
especially good for longer legged athlete as have
more energy to move legs faster or nervous system has
more energy to do so.
i know not very scientific but just throwing out there

and were not powell , followed by bolt one of first
sprinters to start this trend in mid 2000's
doing lots of 400 metre sprints , can someone tell me
( if they even do 800 metre lengths and how can that be
of any advagetage to sprinter as now starting to change some
of those hard earned fast twitchers into slower type due to
training over to long distance)

now gay as added this to his training regime , circa 2010

let us know what think , as knowledge of subject could be better

just throwing ideas out there .

also thought it so going to say it , what times would lamitre have to
run for in afew years time for you personally to accept he is using ped.s
obviously anthing under 9.80's

as there is a certain amount of similarity's between him and bolt , the height
been the obvious one and question why havnt i seen any athletes
of his height and ectomorph phyisique running such times before from europe and such progression .
maybe started with same sort of regime over here , guess time will tell .

all previously being more of the stockier mesomorph , power dependant sprinter like
pickering and even if not as muscled as him like wells or pietro minnea
they were still power type sprinters and not as tall
i think i do remember some tall long legged sprinters in 80's but never
near as fast as him and that was with questionable use of steroids,eastern block.

I don't think LeMaitre is juicing, and I don't think I'm in denial either. If you read Radomski's book about supplying steroids to MLB players, he mentions that, even if he wasn't a guy's supplier, he could take one look and tell exactly what the guy was using--winstrol, deca, whatever--because they all had slightly different effects. In essence, there's no need for blood tests, when the experts can tell just using their eyeballs. Well, I'm no expert, but I can tell you that LeMaitre looks like a perfectly ordinary unjuiced college kid. There's 500 guys on every campus that look like that, and they don't need to be athletes. In fact, for a guy that claims to lift a lot of weights, I'd consider him underdeveloped.

Bolt on the other hand is your classic (if elongated) juicer, with the bulging traps, the zero bodyfat, the prominent veins, etc
jayo1980 said:
well if throw ped that increases energy storage in muscles
into mix
then all these 400 metres at full intensity make sense
to get muscle and mitrocondria to be able to store as much
glucose as possible and equate to max performance
enhancement from this particular facet of you sprinting
make-up , besides power , strength and technique ,so on .
and maybe if muscles can hold more energy then
especially good for longer legged athlete as have
more energy to move legs faster or nervous system has
more energy to do so.
i know not very scientific but just throwing out there
Very interesting thoughts about energy storage, sprinting, and training techniques. Is that how HGH helps sprinting -- by energy storage and release?
jayo1980 said:
but if as others said ,if a good height , build , strength ,young
athletic, basically a biochemistry for sprinting know how to train for it (being most important)and stick with
it for long enough as in at least afew years , gains in speed obviuosly
are slow once have technique pretty honed.

then in my opinion 11 seconds is still a barrier
but should be on ,under or just above it at very least
if anyway serious about it.

That's basically what I am saying.
Van_Slyke_CF said:
Is Usain Bolt on drugs?




I with Van Slyke, let get this back to bolt being on drugs.
that hgh and sprinting article.
can find on youtube , just put in search under hgh and sprinting.

from what saw the guy was only sprinting on an exercise bike
and dont know how this translates to actual sprinting on terra ferma
but maybe just comes from ability to generally move limbs quicker.

i'm not going to pretend to understand this energy storing thing
and how increases sprinting performance .

but is very interesting and something i have rarely heard of
when read various books on how to train for sprinting and all
related to it.

always focuses on strength , power ,fitness, flexibility ,technique,
nervous system ,diet, , etc
but never on this aspect of sprinting.
obviously explains basics of anaerbic energy process for sprints
and becomes more aerbic the longer distance becomes but thats it
never says anything more on.

and again when talk of peds and increasing performance ,only ever
talk about increaseing these aspects of it ,
guess books i'm reading need an update ,or to basic which dought.

so why is this ,
does anybody know and is it possible to do
said energy increase in muscles by natural process
is it the same as speed endurance ,which i dont think so
as sprinters have always used this in training and as a
general aspect of sprinting should be same now as 10 years ago
no matter how many extra 400 metres do in training.

or as i'd guess is it always limited by ones genetics
and only way is by certain peds to change this.
and is it a aspect that varies much between people naturally
anyway, for it never to be consider worth a mention .

also does this explain again the recent phenomenon of
the few top sprinters that they say can now acclerate nearly all
the way to finish in 100m .
because in the books on sprinting i have been reading
always says that from 60 to 70 metres deaccleration
will occur and the sprinter that pulls away is one
that can deacclerate the least ,good speed endurance.
so maybe with this extra stored energy in muscles this is now posible
to acclerate for majority of race.

why does a 200m specialist who never competed over 100 m suddenly
start to and then break w.r
and regards you wud know if someone is takin this stuff by looking.
i personally dont think so , not if done correctly ,should be little
visible signs ,if only using this and not stacked with others.
obviously ped use has evolved beyond just plain old steroids .
hgh i think is what they call a peptide , a long chain of amino acids.
the spinter that pulls away in the last 30 meters of a 100 meter, doesn't have to be always the sprinter that decelerate te least, it can also that he just comes from a higher topspeed, but the topspeed was not enough to pull away from the other spritner earlier in the race. for example sprinter 1 is 0.3 seconds faster over the first 30 meters then sprinter 2 we has faster 0.05 s topspeed /10 meters ( 0.05 s he needs less to sprint every 10 meter) he decelerates the same as spinter 1, after 90 meters he pulls away from sprtiner 1 and wins with 0.05 seconds and the commentator says, what a good decelration pace has sprinter 2. It's also possible the pull away from your opponent on the end when you decelerate more then the other.
californiabill said:
ignorance is the root of bigotry and there seems to be an abundance of this around here.

Well thank you for informing me I shall take that into consideration.
californiabill said:
ignorance is the root of bigotry and there seems to be an abundance of this around here.
And what "ignorance" and "bigotry" are you referring to, Mr. Bill? Being in California, I'm sure that you get to watch some of the most talented and athletic white running backs, cornerbacks, safeties, and wide receivers in the country, dominating at the high school level while winning championships. Now take a look at how they are ignored by major college programs simply because of their skin color........ It's not a joke, and it's not bigotry on our part to point out the glaring racial injustice. It IS ignorance on your part to have your head in the sand and latch on to your myth of black athletic superiority. As for Usain Bolt, read this article by the esteemed J.B. Cash and you give me a better explanation.
That article is filled with stereotypes. i doubt if that guy ever visited jamaica. i doubt many people on this board ever visited jamaica. i doubt any one on this board ever had a jamaican friend. when people lack understanding of something immediately they get suspicious and as a result come to the worst conclusion. That is what bigotry is all about, not understanding someones culture and therefore just hating the people in that culture for no need to stop this black vs. white thing, we are all human beings and as long as we continue to fail to treat other humans humanely we will just become like animals in the jungle where we kill each other to survive.

I bet that you enjoy your people's "tolerance" of others. Such a superior culture they certainly possess!

But, on CF, we don't suffer from "White guilt" or "ignorance" - to your dismay I know. Don't let the door hit you on your way out!
That's swell, that we all be kumbaya, and stop the black vs. white thing. I, for one, would love the sports world to be a meritocracy, unfortunately that is not reality. White athletes are routinely discriminated against, especially in football and basketball, which is the name-source for this website. Did you know that well over half of the states in this great union have a WHITE running back as the leading rusher in the state? And how many of these excellent rushers have gotten scholarships to play on Saturdays for our favorite college teams? Very few. Why? Because they're not black. When asked if he would ever recruit a white running back, the "great" Bobby Bowden simply laughed. So much for your "stopping this black vs. white thing". What should we do, just shut up and let the blatant racism and profiling continue, or should we stand up for justice??
Just read this HGH and sprinting article everyone at track been talking about and mentioned on here. I've seen the proper study and its comical stuff! Complete bull. Pretty sure they used a wingate test over 30seconds and made an estimate off that to give 0.4 seconds off 100m sprint time HAHAHA. It then also said no improvement in strength, muscle mass or any other perofrmnace indicator etc were not found aswell. The only way to truely test to see if its any good is to do a a study in elite sprinters actually testing there sprinting times and using proper dosages.

I reckon the stuff will be usefull for reducing bodyfat and MAY potentially cause muscle hyperplasia if the dose and "cycle" is long enough and combined with steroids etc. To say low dose and short length cycle can improve 100m time by 0.4 seconds though is hilarious.
more links to Jamaican PEDs abuse. Four time Jamaican Olympian Raymond Stewart has been given a life ban on coaching after acquiring performance enhancing drugs for his athletes! gotta love it!
ask ray stewart
i dont think the jamaicans can hide for much longer, although still think all of the old HSI group were doping injcluding greenne and bolton.
bumped for Zellgadiss
His form this year has been very suspect. Bolt even said if he was ever going to lose, this would be the year to beat him. Why would he say this? I will tell you why. They knew that they were not going to put him on the same peds as the last couple of years. No reason to as there is no major championship to win. Either way, after losing to Gay last week, his season is over with due to a back injury. I won't even comment on that one. by: white lightning
white lightning said:

Don't know why you posted that link? I could only take the black worship for a few paragraphs and that article is a BOOK. As the author sees it the only great sprinters ever, are Jesse Owens, Bob Hayes, Carl Lewis, and now Bolt. Really?

And as he listed each and every other fallen hero (back sprinter busted for steroids) it never occurs to him to suspect Bolt. Bolt is just "super-human" able to run faster times then the previous runners all the time without PED's. Sure.

The fawning coverage of Bolt who is nothing but an attention whore is symbolic of the parasitic relationship between the media and the black prima donnas that dominate our news. He compared him to Ali and Shaq two more pathetic creatures that, in a just world, should be eating dung next to a mud hut. But instead are getting millions of dollars and all of the white women they can handle. geez....
I only posted the article because where there is smoke, there is fire. I would be my house and car that Bolt, Powell, and Carter are all on the juice. The same with the Jamaican Women. They are only doing the same thing the Americans have been doing for decades. The amount of peds in sprinting is a joke. It has made a mockery of the sport that I love. The more sprinters that get caught, the better. I want them to wipe alot of these fake world records from the record books. Just like B.Bonds with his fake career homerun record. It was created in a laboratory.

Anyone who thinks Bolt is clean if very naive in my opinion. You don't run 9.58 and 19.19 clean. He has blown away all of the steroid cheats of history by a mile. Yet people think he is clean. What a joke. We know the truth here and I don't have to see a positive test to confirm it. Most cheats never get caught.
The top sprinters just know how to cycle without getting caught and HGH stays in the bloodstream only a short amount of time. We also don't even know what new peds that have been created to stay ahead of current and future testing. I KNOW that Bolt is on peds but finding out which kind and when he's taking them will be difficult unless a rat gets arrested and flips. Anyone that truly believes a clean sprinter could shatter every great (ped enhanced) sprinters records are ignorant!
Edited by: JReb1
JReb1 said:
The top sprinters just know how to cycle without getting caught and HGH stays in the bloodstream only a short amount of time. We also don't even know what new peds that have been created to stay ahead of current and future testing. I KNOW that Bolt is on peds but finding out which kind and when he's taking them will be difficult unless a rat gets arrested and flips. Anyone that truly believes a clean sprinter could shatter every great (ped enhanced) sprinters records are ignorant!

couldn't have said it better myself
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