Is Bolt on Drugs?

What type of Ped's is the modern sprinter on .

I personally dont think it is steroids as far to easy to get caught with testing they have nowadays ,as f**ks body chemistry up for weeks afterwards.

Somebody said genetic type peds , i dont think that is possible as techniques not that advanced or ever be for decades.

I think obviously hgh is been used to aid recovery and train more often but not that great a ped to really enhance performance and strength.

Personally I think it is some of the new drugs based on hormone receptor cell technology ,

these would do everything that steroids would do but instead of using synthetic hormones ,you would use your own hormones and increase there effect at the receptor sites in muscles ,nervous system ,adrenals ,etc
I just personally think none of these drugs explain the performances of the jamaicans or some other athletes ,

as basic steroids like anavar ,winstrol been around for years and athletes of 70's and 80's used them and were'nt running as fast.

i know these oral steroids are out of system very fast, but i dont think athletes will risk using them ,as risks outweigh benefits.

Obviously epo ,cera ,insulin all can be tested now, yes only need to take epo for 1 week and then effects last for afew months but still think would get caught out, dont know how long metabolites stay in system

yes igf1 and hgh will help , let you train harder , recover faster and no reliable test for them but i just dont think that they will make you much faster , only for building muscle for bodybuilders , and from what read on bodybuilding forums some people dont rate them much at all.

so for me that only leaves some newer form of drug
regargless of my personal views ,i'm sure can agree on some things like that bolt obviously on something .
I guess wondering the type of drug is pointless. so i guess i will put that one to rest .
yeah, 9.79 in cold, rainy, head wind conditions and his 19 year old training partner runs 9.93. and the showboating today was crazy! I watched the meet tonight on TV and all I could think about before the race was "welcome to the freak fest boys get your PEDs and on your mark, get set, GO!" come on! its more blatant the Ben Johnson. Jamaica has become the dominant sprint force and no one questions it because the media says this is how it's always been. if you go back in this post you'll see the data I found speaks a different truth. the truth is Jamaica didn't really show up on the map till the mid 90's when HGH was everywhere. Marion Jones & Michael Johnson know what I'm talking about! really who did Jamaica have before then, Raymond Stewart & Marlene Ottey? this sprint capitol of the world sh*t is just that, B.S.!
I didn't know that Daniel Bailey of Antigua who took 2nd today in a PB of 9.91 was also Bolts training partner. wow! they have become more impressive then Greene & Bolden. way to go boys, thats how you keep a low profile.
Whatever they are taking, it cannot be good for their longterm health. Eventually it is going to eat them alive. Also, eventually Jamaica is going to get caught as someone is going to talk and tell what they are doing. Once we know what they are doing it will be possible to fing a way to test for it.
Before the latest drug cheating techniques. Tiny countries like Jamaica produced a great sprinter once a generation. Ie in the 70's they had Quarrie and Trinidad had Crawford(I think he did drugs in Montreal). Now these two nations produce runners, similar to the US with one 1/15th to 1/30th the West African population and 1/100th to 1/200th the overall population. The figures make no sense. Yet nobody will address the 1000 pound elephant in the room.
I really think it right we should wait (for however long it takes) before pronouncing judgement, guys!

"Innocent till found guilty" is one of the cornerstones of a just society.
I can have my opinion on dirty sprinters. This is no trial, and track brought this on itself.

Gay (questionable)
sure you can, but if it's aired often enough don't you think it sounds less than sporting and more like sour grapes?

The fact remains that the top tier black 100 metre runners are a cut above the best whites at present and speculating whether they are dirty or clean doesn't alter matters.

I'm just content to wait and see how young Ramil (for example) can improve white sprinting stocks in the near future
mastermulti said:
The fact remains that the top tier black 100 metre runners are a cut above the best whites at present and speculating whether they are dirty or clean doesn't alter matters.

Be clear:

The top tier black 100m sprinters are a cut above every other top sprinter on the planet including other blacks. This is not a black vs white issue.

Since training methods are essentially the same as they were 30 years ago, why the plunging of sub 10 times? What miracle exercise makes the few, not a bit better than the rest, but meters better than all the rest?

One cannot just lay out the same old "innocent until proven guilty" mantra. One may know a subject is guilty without having witnessed the offence.
The same "doubts" have been recently levelled at Williamson (not yet "top tier")so why is this?

There have been "top tier" black sprinters for as long as I can remember and I've been watching with interest since 1968. Hayes, Lewis, Calvin Smith to name but a few have been significantly ahead of the pack.
Since many people of west african sub saharan descent have the right tools to run fast why wouldn't they use them with the prizes on offer these days. Sure, some have been and others will be found guilty of illegal assistance, such are the rewards on offer.
This still doesn't make it right to cast doubt on every one who proves to be better than the rest. They will simply run themselves into a corner one day if they are cheats.

I have the patience to wait till that time. If nothing eventuates then I've witnessed the best sprinter in history plying his trade.

Meanwhile I'll watch with interest to see how the good white guys progress.Edited by: mastermulti
My doubts about Simeon are due to his recent training in Jamaica with Asafa Powell. With Yohan Blake and Daniel Bailey it is due to their training with Usain Bolt this year. Jamaica has found some new drugs, and is spreading the love. This makes other jealous cheats like Carl Lewis mad. I don't target the top tier 100 meter sprinters because they are black, but because they are not just suspicious but blatantly using PEds. I'm not going to wait until a positive test by the IAAF, who would be hurt by positive tests to begin with, to know what is going on. You might as well make drugs legal. The US, Jamaica and other Carribean nations, Breat Britain (with Jamaican athletes), Canada (with Jamaican athletes, and Greece use the PEDs. You can count on that.

As long as the IAAF allows this to continue, I will root for the white cheats like DWFs root Usain Bolt. No wonder Greece chanted "Kenteris, Kenteris," in 2004 after the 200m final. He is one of the few white cheats. Look at Guliyev, Wariner, Lemaitre, and Pickering. They look like normal people. Am I expected to believe that at 6'5" Usain Bolt can be a 100m champion, let alone WR holder? HAHAHA

So many world records belong to blacks because of steroids. Jeremy Wariner's 43.45 should be the WR. Butch Reynolds was caught, and Michael Johnson was left alone just like Usain Bolt will be. Javier Sotomayor used nandralone, yet he still holds his 2.45 WR, when the HJ world record should be 2.42 by Patrik Sjoberg. Now the Cubans are trying to get the decathlon WR.

Track can't ne trusted. But if you had to trust anybody, would it be whites or blacks? Wariner or Merritt? Bolt or Pickering? I thought the answer was clear.
There are some reports on the Jamaican News that 2 Jamaican sprinters have tested positive for something illegal. Don't know who, and actually don't know what they tested positive for, but they did say sprinters.
could that be the opening of the can of worms?
Or could this be a start of a tidal wave of positives. It's rumoured that one of the positives is Yohan Blake. Blake is a former junior champion who magically has gained 15 pounds of muscle and is decidedly looking old for 19 year old. Salt Ackee must age sprinters....
Also now the number is supposedly 5. This could be the Bulgarian weightlifting team all over again.....
Again I repeat, I would be shocked if any big names were released. They will do everything possible to protect Bolt and Powell. Rumors were that Powell tested postive a couple of years ago and they pushed it off on another athlete. I will have to post his name later as it escapes me at the moment. The cycling in Jamaica is just as bad as alot of the guys in the Tour de France. Doping is rampant. Clean up the sport please. I don't need to see people run 9.50 - 9.70's times in the 100! It is a joke and almost any honest sprinter could tell you that. For the first time in a long time, the US is probably cleaner than Jamaica and England when it comes to peds. Although you never know with the history of the United States. It could be all three along with Russia at the moment.
desperation is a stinky cologne! these guys want the record so bad they will do anything to get it.
this just in

KINGSTON, Jamaica (Reuters) â€" Five Jamaican athletes, members of the team for next month's world championships, have tested positive for a banned substance, a Jamaican doping official told Reuters on Friday.

"I can confirm that five athletes tested positive for a minor substance, but a further announcement will be made," an official said on condition of anonymity.

The positive tests were returned during the national athletics championship in Kingston last month, the official said.

The source said none of the athletes were 'stars' at the Beijing Olympic Games last year.

However, the official said that two of the athletes are members of the newly formed Racers Track Club of which double Olympic champion and triple world record sprinter Usain Bolt is a member.

Bolt's coach Glen Mills also works at the club.

"It's frightening, but all five tested positive for the same drug, although the five trained almost under different circumstances," the official said.

"I can tell you that none of the world stars are involved. The drug itself is not an anabolic steroid and is considered a minor drug, meaning that with a good explanation at a hearing, the athlete could get off with a reprimand," the official said.

The five athletes were originally selected in Jamaica's squad for next month's world championships in Berlin.

"minor drug" in my opinion is code for "masking agent"
In 2006 and 2007 you can totally visually see the difference in bolts

leg cadence or frequency , what you might call his natural or within the rules of the game leg speed compared to post p.e.ds takin one.

whatever drug or drugs is takin achieved this increase within 1 year ,
must have some real positive effect on ones power ,training intensity and recovery and nervous system . if look at bolt he is no bigger
,i'd say maybe even tighter looking ,which want .

Can compare it to maybe what Ben johnson took which were simple
oral dht (dihydrotestosterone) based steroids which had simlilar effect but with alot longer and slower progression from 1981 to 1988 which show difference and power! in what takin .

If this increase in power is direct result of drug or being able to train at alot higher intensity or both ,who knows but onces have this
increase can change technique ,
and if notice he doesnt extend back as far up to arse and will result in faster leg speed without effecting stride length much .

osaka 2007 200m world champs

2006 Lausanne (SUI) 200 Meters.
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