Is Bolt on Drugs?

jayo1980, good observation. the boy must have got hold of some really good sh*t. should be interesting to see how these 5 positives play out.

The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has confirmed that five athletes had failed dope tests but refused to reveal names.

However, the Gazzetta named Blake, 100m Commonwealth champion Sheri-Ann Brooks, 200m runner Marvin Anderson, as well as 400m runners Allodin Fothergrill and Lansford Spence.

Blake, who finished second to Bolt in the 100m at the Super Grand Prix in London Friday night, claimed he knew nothing of a positive test.

According to reports from Jamaica, the drug is believed to be a minor substance, meaning the athletes could get off with a reprimand if they can provide a valid explanation.
This could be bureaucratic bs or a sign of the entire club not cycling their drug regiment properly. In time when the smoke clears we will find the truth.
Great news(not) Powell has been reinstated. The ruling body has overridden the JAA. Here is the wire story....Reprieve for Jamaica's Powell and Fraser

FORMER world record holder Asafa Powell and women's 100m Olympic champion Shelly-Ann Fraser will now be allowed to run at the world athletics championships after a dramatic U-turn by Jamaican officials on Wednesday.

The pair, along with four other team-mates, were re-instated to run after the Jamaican Amateur Athletic Association (JAAA) had earlier barred them from competing at the championships from August 15-23 at Berlin's Olympic Stadium.

The JAAA had written to the sport's governing body, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), insisting the six were barred, but the IAAF then intervened forcing the Jamaicans into an embarrassing change of mind.

"We wanted to protect the quality of the world champinships,"Â￾ said IAAF secretary president Pierre Weiss.

"That was an unnecessary action by the Jamaican delegation, we didn't like that at all. We would rather these matters were resolved by conversation."Â￾

Powell and Fraser, as well as Olympic 400m hurdle champion Melaine Walker, hurdlers Kaliese Spencer and Brigitte Foster-Hylton and 400m sprinter Shericka Williams, will now be allowed to race.

The group, who are all part of the Maximising Velocity Power (MVP) training group, had been punished by the team directors because they refused to train with the main body of the team in Nuremberg, Germany.

Instead they stayed with their coach Stephen Francis at their Italian training camp in Lignano Sabbiadoro.

"We did not know that we were obliged to join the training camp,"Â￾ said Powell's manager Paul Doyle earlier.

The episode has added to the turbulent build-up to the championships for the Jamaicans whose sprinters virtually swept all before them at last year's Olympic Games.

Five athletes failed a dope test but were subsequently cleared by their national anti-doping commission. â€" AFP
Here's a little more about "the 'fastest' young sprinter ever", Yohan Blake:
Wikipedia said:
Yohan Blake... with a 10-second barrier-breaking run of 9.96 seconds, becoming the youngest ever athlete ever to do so. He improved to 9.93 seconds shortly after, taking third place behind training partners Bolt and Daniel Bailey...

Prior to the 2009 World Championships, Blake (along with Marvin Anderson and Sheri-Ann Brooks) tested positive for the stimulant methylxanthine. A disciplinary panel organised by the Jamaican Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) cleared him of a doping infraction on the grounds that the drug was not on the World Anti-Doping Agency's banned list. However, JADCO appealed their own panel's ruling, stating that the athlete should be disciplined as the drug was similar in structure to the banned substance tuaminoheptane.
Jamaica (actually, most of the Carribean) has lax testing policies. Can we also infer from the above that Jamaica has an advanced drug program using non-banned substances?
There is NO WAY this mug is not on PEDs...that 9.58 is outrageous.
Almost lost in the shuffle... Bolt's 9.58 is 3% faster than his time in the Jamaican national championships. That would be like someone of the caliber of Darius Kuc or Pickering suddenly throwing down a time in the 9.85-9.92 range.
Good point Observer. I can't belive how many people just are clueless. If Bolt were white, the whole world would swear he was on roids. They would bet every penny they had. No matter how many blacks get busted for roids, 99% of them still get a free pass. The stupid public just continues to belive that they are all supermen.
The latest rumour is that Daniel Bailey is the positive of the eight finalists. Yes banned substances will make you do impromptu celebrations at the 90 meter mark....
If this is true the trail is getting closer to the Lightening Bolt....
Bolt is on roids for 1000 percent. While our guys can't crack the 10 second barrier(although we are close) this guy is just getting faster. What is he going to run next a 9.4?
I guarantee you that they will not allow Bolt or Powell to be busted. It will be another huge coverup. Everyone knows that athletics popularity over the last several years is at an all time low. Bolt fills up stadiums. He has a outgoing personality that alot of people love. He will get more people watching track. I still hate seeing it. His act doesn't bother me that much. It's just that the competition is over. Who wants to watch races when they are already decided before anyone steps on the track. It's like racing a robot on wheels. It takes all of the fun out of it. Look how many guys pulled out of the 200 meters. They know they don't have a chance. Bolt may help track in some ways but hurt it in other ways. Jamaica is dominating. They have elite athletes that are virtually unbeatable. It's only obvious what is going on.

Michael Johnson said in an article today that no one in the world can beat Bolt. He is probably right. The vitamins in the yams are that good. Lol. This really makes me angry. I hate to see athletics go through the same thing baseball is going through. It is just the nature of the beast. Athletes will go to any level to win now a days. It makes me sick. I prefer the days of Hines, Borzov and Wells.
They've taken the most essential of athletic competition and watered it down to who has the best chemist.
it seems that the "minor stimulant" that the five Jamaicans where on was made by the same chemist that made "the clear" for BALCO. but, since it's in some decongestant, it's ok? hay fever must have been really bad at the trials. sad truth is they are most likely on a half dozen different chemicals all designed for a specific purpose. remember when the 100m dash record was broken by hundredths of a second? those days are gone. with today's technologies you can now shave tenths of a second off your 100m WR. it's just f**king preposterous that people could believe he is clean.
I Hate to disagree with you guys, but I truly believe Bolt is not on drugs. He just happens to be a freak of nature. His turnover and long legs makes the best combo. The difference of Bolt to the other is his turnover is equal to a shorter sprinter, but his super long legs ( I believe he has a 38 inch inseam) covers more ground. Its simple physics. Plus, his strength to body weight ratio is off the chart. Supposedly, as a skinny 15 yr old, he lifted a barbell off the ground to move it. It was 400 pounds. He is just a freak. Though I do believe Powell has probably juiced up.
Arnold Schwarzenegger at 15 couldn't lift 400lbs over his head. what is this guy turning into John Henry? fact is he was fast as a young guy and would is still fast today, but you put him on PEDS and he become a sideshow attraction. Come boys and girls, young and old, and see the lightning Bolt run faster the wind blows! strength to lift 400 pounds over his head and the speed to outrun a cheetah! come on, it's the chemicals.I would go as far to say that 95% of the Jamaican team is on some sort of PED, if not all of them. did any of you see the article about how scientists found the Yams in Jamaica have anabolic effect? that's going to be Bolts defense when he gets nailed.
He didn't lift 400 pounds over his head like a press, LOL! He did a deadlift off the ground.
Sorry Fast Euro but you are probably the only one here that thinks Bolt is clean. The times are from another planet. He would be very fast with out them and he would still go sub 10. There is no way however that anyone can run that fast without alot of help. The human body just doesn't work like that. Even Linford Christie and Carl Lewis who were both very tall took roids. It's so obvious that even a child should be able to see it. No disrespect to you my friend but he is dirty as can be!
FastEuro said:
Its simple physics.
Actually simple physics dictates that a tall man does NOT have the same leg turn-over as a smaller man.

Physics should also dictate that a tall man does not start quickly. Both Bolt and Powell come out of the blocks pretty fast for tall guys.

I don't like to point at any individual as a dope user. Even when there is proof, I still don't like to point because then one individual is singled out as a villain -- while everyone around him is just as guilty, and maybe moreso. Besides that, it's probably a fairly even playing field among the top athletes, and so I don't like to point the finger at that one person just because he excels.

But it's ruining the sport, and so I will write a few thoughts here...

Personally, I think that sports are the gateway to drugs.

I wish Jaxvid would chime in again about his idea of Jamaica as a drug testing ground. It does look scientific. Forget about Bolt. What about the powerhouse Jamaican women?

Jamaicans are all-around doped, not just in sports. The everday girl down there illegally obtains a certain chicken antibiotic because it makes her rear-end big, which supposedly makes her attractive. This is mainstream behavior, from what I've read.

I am beginning to wonder if not only are muscle-building and recovery drugs in scientific use, but even some kind of neuro-stimulants on the day of the big race for selected runners.

Charlie Francis (Ben Johnson's coach) once commented on sprinter's behavior before the race, saying that he was surprised that the sprinters don't hop on top of one another before the race begins -- because they are injected with the same chemical that is given to stallions to incite them to breed with the mare. Helps you run faster on race day, apparently. Also alters behavior, excitability.

Maybe Bolt is less doped than most, and thus doesn't usually get (or need) his race-day "stallion" shot. He ran 3% (.28) slower in the Jamaican championships (not exactly like he could be jogging it with Asafa Powell in the same race), and his World Championship time was 2% (.21) faster than his season best. These margins are huge for an athlete in-form.

I like Bolt. I am thousands of miles away, and thus have no direct evidence to say that he's on dope. It wouldn't surprise me if he's on LESS dope than most. But looking at patterns and probabilities, it would be foolish to assert that he is NOT on dope. The fast sprinters of recent years seem to be on dope. The Jamaican women seem to be on dope.

Bolt without dope could be very, very good; legendarily good. But it would have taken years of consistent and injury-free training. He had stagnated in his progress for three years. He had loads of talent, but just seemed to be one of those tall kids who gain muscle only after years of training and effort.

Why did the "simple physics" only kick-in after stagnating for three years, losing in the World Championships in 2007 to Gay, and promising to do whatever it takes to win the next time around? People sometimes mention how young Bolt is, but physiologically he is about Wariner's age. He has been 6'5" for many years. Should we expect Wariner to suddenly drop down a time in the mid-42's? Should we expect Craig Pickering to be running in the 9.7-9.8 range next year?

I hate writing these things pointing a finger. You can take out Bolt's name, and substitute the name of someone else. Maybe the drugs are probably medically healthy to help recover from difficult training when used properly, I don't know. I don't want to imply an intrinsic moral guilt to the practice - but it is ruining the sport.Edited by: Observer
FastEuro said:
He didn't lift 400 pounds over his head like a press, LOL! He did a deadlift off the ground. 

I know what you mean, and believe me, it's a tall tale. they are given him this super human freak moniker to brain wash the skeptics on his apparent drug use. Guess what? you fell for it!
Your right, but that is what makes Bolt a freak. Actually Tyson Gay has a faster turnover, but Bolts 38 inch inseam makes him cover more ground and helps him maintain his top speed longer. Bolt hits top speed faster (at 35 meters) and maintains it longer; his top speed was recorded at 27.7, which is not the fastest recorded. I Think Carl Lewis, Maurice Greene, Donovan Bailey hit 28 mph, but at only a fraction of a second. Speed maintenance is the key, which is easier for a longer legged sprinter than a shorter.<div>
</div><div>People fail to realize Bolt was running world class times at 15 yrs of age as a 165 pound teen. He is just more developed and has a natural high strength to body-weight ratio.</div>
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