Is Bolt on Drugs?


Focus! your on the track forum. take that pool sh*t to its proper place.
Ipostedit here tocorrectwhat Maple Leaf posted here. Hadhe not seen it he would have continuedfalsely claimingdeeper pools affecting times was "bull" and had "nothing to do with swim times". You did follow that portion of our convo,didn't you?Surely it did make sense to postthose links here, no?

Anyway, when someone says"evolution", they're not necessarily referring to 1000 years over 1000 years. Itcan also refer to much shorter timeframes.

In 1976, there wasn't a single 300 poundplayer in the NFL on the opening day roster. Not 1. In 1986, there were 18. By the mid 90's, there were almost 300 300 pounders. By opening day 2007, there were 570. There are gonna be about 600 this fall. From zeroto 600 in 33 years isastonishing acceleration/evolution (i.e. evolving) of size, girth, andmuscle.

This type of decade over decade change in physiology and bodytype phenomenais present across the athletic sprectum.Bodies and capabilities, from genre to genre,have changedas well. They say 30's the new 20, 40's the new 30, and 50's the new 40 for a reason.Edited by: ArizState03
albinosprint said:

I don't won't to come across as a wise ass, but how about you cluster my balls in your mouth.

Also, I'm curious. Why would you ask another man to perform a sex act on you?
why not? I really don't think you would want my big hairy nuts in your mouth. therefore it is meant to be derogatory. your not to swift are you? sarcasm goes right over your head doesn't it. how does this sound, how about you cluster Blots balls in your mouth. is that better? and as for your 300 lbs football players, I'm, sure that's a mix of steroids and fat. the human body has limits. do you think 100 years from now we will be running sub 9? I don't think so. drug cheat Ben Johnson said it best, "no man can run under 9.8 without the help of drugs". so go suck your own balls!
Wow, and to think that I have been reprimanded in the past for some of my language...

Incidentally, should anyone scan this thread and happen upon your dialogue, they may surmise that at least one of us is gay and or a contortionist.
Your fascination with gay sex, and it's being the underlying theme of your posts ispeculiar and disturbing. Most straight men don't revel in such perverse machinations. But, I realize a man can't help his compulsions,sovogue on, boyfriend!

LOLOL, quoting Ben Johnson. That's rich!When did hebecome God in your eyes?Since when did he becomethebeacon of truth and virtue?Ben Johnson did what's called transference. He chose 9.80 because *HE*couldn't run that fast without drugs. Therefore, as jealous, shamedmen are apt to do,he'stransferred hisincapabilities onto others. Just because *HE* couldn't do it 21 years ago, doesn't mean *OTHER PEOPLE* can't do it now.

We won't know how low the record can go until it's reached.

Edited by: ArizState03
Wow, and to think that I have been reprimanded in the past for some of my language...

Incidentally, should anyone scan this thread and happen upon your dialogue, they may surmise that at least one of us is gay and or a contortionist.

It's unfortunate, but some people are simply incapable of civil discord.
Jamaica uses steroids. You have to be insane to not see that. Carl Lewis also said 9.8 is unbreakable clean. Even the friggin Jamaican coach Charlie Francis said PEDs are the only way to make athletes competitive nowadays. Jamaica, the US, and any athletes that were born or trained there are as dirty as the East. Germans were, only they have better drugs.
StarWars said:
Jamaica uses steroids. You have to be insane to not see that. Carl Lewis also said 9.8 is unbreakable clean. Even the friggin Jamaican coach Charlie Francis said PEDs are the only way to make athletes competitive nowadays. Jamaica, the US, and any athletes that were born or trained there are as dirty as the East. Germans were, only they have better drugs.

Again, anyone can say anything.. but withoutone STITCHof proof, they'll just be words. I'm not evensaying Bolt and Powell are clean. I'm just saying I need proof that they're dirty, that's all. Fast times simply aren't proof.

Charlie Francis was never aJamaican coach. He was a disgraced Canadian coach who later came to the US to train Balco athletes.Again.. transference.

I don't recall Carl Lewis ever saying that.I highly,HIGHLY doubt those words would ever come out of his mouth.. ESPECIALLY in light on Tyson Gay's running multiple sub-9.80's under the scrutiny of USADA's rigorous testing regimen.Do you have a link to his quote?Edited by: ArizState03
Google search Carl Lewis skeptical of Bolt. It is an interview and he implies that Bolt is probably dirty because he broke 9.8, and also improved too much. It came out after Beijing.
I know which article you're referring to. He expressed his skepticim that Bolt's 9.69 wasclean because of what he perceives to be lax testing in Jamaica, coupled with his previous high of 10.03 a year earlier. He also referenced 3 out of 6 of thelegal sub-9.80's being run by dirty guys buttressed his point.(It was really 3 out of 7, tho)

While the reasons behind Carl's claims may be valid cause for concern,that's not exactly what you said hesaid. You said"Carl Lewis also said 9.8 is unbreakable clean". He never said that.

Last post for the day. In order for Carl to declare that 9.80 is unbreakable clean, he'd have to call Tyson Gay dirty. He can't say Usain Bolt is suspect because of lax Carribean testing and hishuge year-over-year jump,then turn around and call Tyson dirty after his steady year-over-year progression,and hisvolunteeringfor the USADA's Pilot longitudinal bloodwork testing and mapping program.

Brian Clay said he almost regretted volunteering too because the amount of blood, plasma, and urine they extracted from him almost made him pass out. I've said this before, and I'llsay it again.You don't volunteer for something that intricate and rigorous if there's even the slightest possibility your physiology might skew from anonymous on season & off season test to anonymous on season & off season test.

As long as Tyson's running sub-9.80 under the scrutiny of the most advanced testing regimen in the world,Carl willnever say 9.80 can't be broken clean. Out of transference, he may THINK it.. but he'll never, like you said, say it.Edited by: ArizState03
He implied it and it was obvious. Can someone give a link please I'm on my Ipod. Given the past of America with Tim Montgomery, Maurice Greene, and Justin Gatlin, I doubt Gay is clean. I admit that he is not as likely to be dirty as Bolt. Very weird program. To think Gay is faster than any of the other US drug cheats, and clean is hard to do. A rational thought is that he is dirty too.
I'm in a rush, so without looking this up I think theMaurice Greene/Heredia stuff happened 4or 5years after his sub-9.80 and sub-6.40, and near the end of his active career.However,I'm no shill for Greene, so I'll give Carl that one.

As fas you someone on this board saying Gay might be clean despite his sub-9.80's, I'm kinda shocked. Ithink that might be the fairest thing I've read boardthis board thusfar.
I said I doubt he is clean, but if there is a clean elite sub 10 sprinter it is Gay.

I'll give you a whole list of what I believe to be clean black sprinters, but thats not the topic. I believe most posters here are very fair, and while we praise whites, we don't think all blacks are cheats. and who needs proof to "think" someone is on drugs.

Do you know what an Olympic pool is? Many, many meets are held in pools that were built decades ago and times have also been downing. Your not so clever to miss the entire arguement with quoting that wider, deeper lanes makes some difference. But those are limited. The rest of the swimming has changed almost like night and day since the '60s and '70s. The same CANNOT be said for sprinting. And that is a fact. The only big changes in track for decades have been the drugs. And that is a fact. Most of the very best are still running 10.10s to 10.30s. Same old story.

You are either naive, black, or just full of sh*t. You probably have some of all three in you!
Some very interesting discourse here. I have to say that it seems that ArizState 03 is definitely doing better than those who see fit to post in opposition. If you want to take off after me, please inform me at which universities you did your Masters and Doctorate studies in exercise physiology/sports sciences first. It will give you much needed credibility. Mine were done at the Univ. of Cincinnati and Brigham Young University.
I think ArizState03 might be Blacksimus= Texas Tech.

Zwinggi ran in windy, "cold and rainy" conditions. These conditions affect your foot traction. The article did not say a "stiff wind", it said a wind. And as I said it was also cold and rainy which can effect you just as much- especially psychologically. Zwinggi ran blazing times at H.S combines- like his 4.26 at the Texas A+M camp- winning the fastest man award. His times were verified by many- not just the Texas State coaching staff.

Secondly, my opine on the times was from the Beijing Olympics. The Silver and Gold Medal times were 9.89 and 9.91 even with Bolt running a record 9.69 while letting up. I was surprised that only Bolt ran below 9.89 in the finals. This proves that a white sprinter running a 9.9 could get a Silver or Bronze medal. I don't know maybe Guilyev or Lemaitre can do it.

Lastly- if these guys are cheating, they are probably doing it for their weight training in the Spring and then stopping the PEDs in enough time before they run at meets. I think LESS guys are cheating now with the stricter and more advanced testing and the former tarnishing of cheaters' reputations. Didn't Marion Jones even go to jail over perjury about steroids? I would be led to believe that there are still a few who will still risk it though- especially in Jamaica where the testing is more lax.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I will say that I am very confident that Wallace Spearmon is clean from what I've heard and read. I don't follow track as much as many on this board do, but there are plenty of clean black track athletes. I even think there's a solid chance Gay is clean even though he ran a ridiculous 9.77, but I am very skeptical of Bolt and Jamaica as a whole.

Elite blacks may have the tools to run faster from about 20 meters to 300-350 meters. I had talked about this in "The Black Athlete" thread that somehow disappeared after the board upgrade. Whites have very powerful quads as shown by our Squatting ability (and tackle breaking) and our equal 10-15 yard burst to blacks. I think elite blacks have slightly stronger hamstrings and have a tendency for slightly longer femurs- which gives them a more open stride and allows them to run more gracefully down the final 50 meters of a 100 meter race.

This makes me want to do another write up on white and black athletic advantages since the former post disappeared. CB is the only position in the NFL that I think should be a black majority position (maybe 55-60% black) after spending tons of time analyzing H.S and college player's game-tapes, stats and their measurements.

I also think Spearmon is clean, big doubts about Gay. blood test or not he could be on something.

I believe Jones went to jail for perjury not for the actual steroids use. beside, when does jail time every stop a brotha! or sista for that matter


you went to Brigham Young University? is it true what Brigham Young used to say about his woman? "I don't care how you bring 'em, just bring 'em young!"

that my attempt at comic relief !
highschoolcoach said:
Some very interesting discourse here. I have to say that it seems that ArizState 03 is definitely doing better than those who see fit to post in opposition. If you want to take off after me, please inform me at which universities you did your Masters and Doctorate studies in exercise physiology/sports sciences first. It will give you much needed credibility. Mine were done at the Univ. of Cincinnati and Brigham Young University.

You haven't said anything other than congradulate yourself on a worthless certificate you may or may not have earned. Do not ask questions about who is making an arguement; it is the arguement itself that is either refuted or accepted.
i have to agree with what was said already that if bolt ever tested positive , it wont go public as he is by far and away there biggest star in years and the interest levels he brings etc are far to valueable to iaaf ,not to mention damage would do its image and so on.

And the 100m and especially 200m s are now again progressive in sence the world records are been broken or threatened and the interest levels go up unlike past 10 years where no one got near to 200m record.

Just look at some of field events and female sprinting records as example of records not been threatened can do to interest levels in them and examples that drugs were responsible for them.

To me bolt looks guilty if looked at interviews of him and how acted
back in 2008 before he started showboating , he looked very nervous
and guilty looking ,or is thst just me .then he devised his showboating routine to detract from this and built up this likeable persona that couldnt be drug cheat. and i think he is starting to believe it himself
that he is clean.

before him there was asafa powell and he was always shy reserved in front of camera ,or maybe he just is but again anything to get people
to think he cant be doing drugs just look at the type of person he is sort of thing.
If people will try and smuggle into the US X kilos of cocaine, while potentially getting a life sentence if they are caught, then the new IAAF doping sanctions are a walk in the park. Arizona State is the same moron that gets banned every few months. He has a million tells(poker term). First he will seem normal, then he will openly dispute that a black sprinter is on drugs. Then he will show gay fetish photos of his favorite black athlete in action or posing. Mix in straw man arguments and you have his body work.
To watch Bolt run in Osaka 2007 and in Beijing 2008 in the 200m is enough for any sane person to see what's going on. I agree I bet many of these cheats don't think they are doing anything wrong just like Dwain Chambers.
Another clue that bolt is on something is his height , previous tall sprinters like carl lewis that were prettty tall were never as fast as him .
why, well it is just how human body designed the longer your legs
the bigger your stride will be, no matter how big it is ,but then the slower your stride frequency will be and this balances it self out ,like everything in life , so you wont be much faster or slower than other smaller sprinters.

BUT with bolt whatever ped's he is on it enables him to increase his stride frequency beyond what would be considered normal for whatever stride length have and this is what makes the difference and gives him his speed .

also since bolt came about people say that the ideal sprinter is taller
but this is wrong as the taller you are the more stresses and strain put on muscles and joints so that very prone to injury and cant train as hard but if on ped's this factors out this problem as they will make sure that your muscles ,joints can take theses extreme forces where in normal taller athlete not possible , havent seen bolt injured and running in some pretty bad conditions.
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