Is a race war coming?

Mace Windu said:
lost said:
Miscegenation is what blacks and the jewish media want from the white race, but only "maybe" 3% of white people are willing to do, because for the most part the black race is, ugly, stupid, lazy and violent...........
<div></div>Where are you getting your 3% stat from man. Because when I step outside in my area Im seeing a great deal of interracial dating these days. And what about all the under the table interracial relationships??

Interracial dating isn't the same thing as miscegenation, although it sometimes leads to it. Nice try with the Jefferson comment, but he said that in the context of a society where blacks were treated differently than Whites. They didn't live by the same rules. They weren't thought of in the same way by the government. jaxvid's statement is right on the money, but you are too ignorant of history to know the truth, and you are too arrogant to accept the truth when it is presented to you.
waterbed said:
In Europe most of the time Arabs are more anti white then blacks.
A thing a lot of blacks everywhere seems to have is to see everyting as racist.In europe we can't even give them a name becuase every word for them is racist, I sometimes call blacks then ones that are not white or oriental but the ones you can't give a name lol.

Blacks are now often called (translated) coloured and even then whites look often with a nervous face.
I Know a little about Geo politics in europe and I dont think the arabs are anti white. I think many of them are just very proud and nationalistic about their muslim faith and feel some european nations do stuff to suppress it and thats why they protesting. An example would be france banning the veil. But whats wrong with just calling blacks black?
Colonel_Reb said:
Mace Windu said:
lost said:
Miscegenation is what blacks and the jewish media want from the white race, but only "maybe" 3% of white people are willing to do, because for the most part the black race is, ugly, stupid, lazy and violent...........
Where are you getting your 3% stat from man. Because when I step outside in my area Im seeing a great deal of interracial dating these days. And what about all the under the table interracial relationships??

Interracial dating isn't the same thing as miscegenation, although it sometimes leads to it. Nice try with the Jefferson comment, but he said that in the context of a society where blacks were treated differently than Whites. They didn't live by the same rules. They weren't thought of in the same way by the government. jaxvid's statement is right on the money, but you are too ignorant of history to know the truth, and you are too arrogant to accept the truth when it is presented to you.
Well Its one thing to write stuff in context and its another to do certain things in context. For instance, if Im a football coach and I say that I am a big believer in running the football but then turn around and just run all pass plays in the opening game for my team how would I look like? A liar right. The same thing applies with Thomas. Dont get me wrong I love thomas, he's awesome and he's one of the best founders but in this case he just exhibited historical hypocrisy just as so many others in history and all over the world have. But thomas was human and not perfect so I guess you really cant blame him. And also he lived in a different time period with different moral standards so yeah........
Master/slave intercourse was rare, any way you look at it. Mulattoes are not a category made exclusively of people who were the products of white/black miscegenation. Mulattoes include a number of mixed peoples of varying races/ethnic groups and a lot of modern mulattoes you see are products of recent race mixing, not antebellum miscegenation. All you have to do is look at people who were listed as mulatto by the census over the years. B/W mixes were just one part of the category.
Mace Windu said:
<div></div>Well Its one thing to write stuff in context and its another to do certain things in context. For instance, if Im a football coach and I say that I am a big believer in running the football but then turn around and just run all pass plays in the opening game for my team how would I look like? A liar right. The same thing applies with Thomas. Dont get me wrong I love thomas, he's awesome and he's one of the best founders but in this case he just exhibited historical hypocrisy just as so many others in history and all over the world have. But thomas was human and not perfect so I guess you really cant blame him. And also he lived in a different time period with different moral standards so yeah........

Whatever his exploits were with his slave women, he didn't contradict his beliefs about treatment of blacks by government. You can't compare the two. You aren't being intellectually honest, but I'd expect nothing more from you.
Colonel_Reb said:
Master/slave intercourse was rare, any way you look at it. Mulattoes are not a category made exclusively of people who were the products of white/black miscegenation. Mulattoes include a number of mixed peoples of varying races/ethnic groups and a lot of modern mulattoes you see are products of recent race mixing, not antebellum miscegenation. All you have to do is look at people who were listed as mulatto by the census over the years. B/W mixes were just one part of the category.
To say that it was 'rare' is just a plain misrepresentation my friend. It happened. In fact, for many young white males who lived on plantations at the time it was a right of passage to take a slave girl by force or what not. Its in the nature of human being to do these types of things. So it is inevitable that it 'did' happen alot my friend. If you look in the writings and documents of many whites that lived at that time you will see a whole world not shown in the history books. Have you ever read any of Alex Haleys books. Its good historical fiction. You should read 'Queen' by alex Haley. Its good because it shows the whole american experience from both the white and black side during antebellum and civil war. That book will really open your eyes up man. And as for looking at a census, I dont need to do that, we all know that census numbers are not always accurate anyways because of human error or just non participation. All I gotta do is go outside and look at all the light skinned blacks I see walking around to know what really went on.........
Mace Windu said:
Its funny how you bring up thomas Jefferson to support your message my friend. THe same thomas jefferson that hat children with Sally Hemmings, one of his black female slaves.......Was thomas thinking that the races could not live together or coexist while he was banging Sally?? Huh??

It's funny how you bring up something that may very well not be true. There is no reason to believe that Thomas Jefferson ever had sex with Sally Hemmings. The supposed link to Jefferson is because of a gene that the male Jefferson line shared. But Thomas Jefferson had an uncle that WAS notorius for sex with his slaves. It's entirely more likely that he fathered her children.

Regardless of who he screwed, what he said was spot on. Surely you can realize that people won't always think rationally when they are horny? How else would black men ever have sex with white women (outside of rape which is probably the no 1 way black men have sex with white women.) if it wasn't for poor judgement regarding sex partners.

I imagine you wouldn't be here if not for that. It's doubtful a full blooded sub saharan african would be able to make the coherent arguments you are making if not for a considerable amoung of white admixture. You should thank the Jeffersons and their ilk for being so generous with their genetic endowment.
Colonel_Reb said:
Mace Windu said:
Well Its one thing to write stuff in context and its another to do certain things in context. For instance, if Im a football coach and I say that I am a big believer in running the football but then turn around and just run all pass plays in the opening game for my team how would I look like? A liar right. The same thing applies with Thomas. Dont get me wrong I love thomas, he's awesome and he's one of the best founders but in this case he just exhibited historical hypocrisy just as so many others in history and all over the world have. But thomas was human and not perfect so I guess you really cant blame him. And also he lived in a different time period with different moral standards so yeah........

Whatever his exploits were with his slave women, he didn't contradict his beliefs about treatment of blacks by government. You can't compare the two. You aren't being intellectually honest, but I'd expect nothing more from you.
So essentially what you are saying is that your race is incapable by default of treating minority populations if they are the governing majority in any given situation. I find that impracticial. For instance, I have a cousin that I used to pick on and beat up on alot when he was younger. But now that he's a teen and about as tall as me, we hang out and do a lot of the same stuff now. We are cool now, but we weren't when he was little. So just becuse I treated him bad as kid did that mean I was incapable of ever being cool with him. No..........
jaxvid said:
Mace Windu said:
Its funny how you bring up thomas Jefferson to support your message my friend. THe same thomas jefferson that hat children with Sally Hemmings, one of his black female slaves.......Was thomas thinking that the races could not live together or coexist while he was banging Sally?? Huh??

It's funny how you bring up something that may very well not be true. There is no reason to believe that Thomas Jefferson ever had sex with Sally Hemmings. The supposed link to Jefferson is because of a gene that the male Jefferson line shared. But Thomas Jefferson had an uncle that WAS notorius for sex with his slaves. It's entirely more likely that he fathered her children.

Regardless of who he screwed, what he said was spot on. Surely you can realize that people won't always think rationally when they are horny? How else would black men ever have sex with white women (outside of rape which is probably the no 1 way black men have sex with white women.) if it wasn't for poor judgement regarding sex partners.

I imagine you wouldn't be here if not for that. It's doubtful a full blooded sub saharan african would be able to make the coherent arguments you are making if not for a considerable amoung of white admixture. You should thank the Jeffersons and their ilk for being so generous with their genetic endowment.
Well 'subsaharan' africans come over here all the time to get an education. And many of them outdo us both black and white because they come up in a strict academic environment that demands nothing but absolute success. Its the same for asians, arabs and many others. Its just life...........
Mace Windu said:
Colonel_Reb said:
Master/slave intercourse was rare, any way you look at it. Mulattoes are not a category made exclusively of people who were the products of white/black miscegenation. Mulattoes include a number of mixed peoples of varying races/ethnic groups and a lot of modern mulattoes you see are products of recent race mixing, not antebellum miscegenation. All you have to do is look at people who were listed as mulatto by the census over the years. B/W mixes were just one part of the category.
<div></div>To say that it was 'rare' is just a plain misrepresentation my friend. It happened. In fact, for many young white males who lived on plantations at the time it was a right of passage to take a slave girl by force or what not. Its in the nature of human being to do these types of things. So it is inevitable that it 'did' happen alot my friend. If you look in the writings and documents of many whites that lived at that time you will see a whole world not shown in the history books. Have you ever read any of Alex Haleys books. Its good historical fiction. You should read 'Queen' by alex Haley. Its good because it shows the whole american experience from both the white and black side during antebellum and civil war. That book will really open your eyes up man. And as for looking at a census, I dont need to do that, we all know that census numbers are not always accurate anyways because of human error or just non participation. All I gotta do is go outside and look at all the light skinned blacks I see walking around to know what really went on.........

Wow, your ignorant opinion is all you need. Well, you can take your ignorant opinion and stay in your pathetic little world of lies and revisionist history. My world is grounded in facts, truth, and real history. I won't change my mind, and you won't change the minds of anyone here. You should go ply your ignorant wares around where your woeful attempts at arguments might actually be taken seriously by the posters there.
Colonel_Reb said:
Mace Windu said:
Colonel_Reb said:
Master/slave intercourse was rare, any way you look at it. Mulattoes are not a category made exclusively of people who were the products of white/black miscegenation. Mulattoes include a number of mixed peoples of varying races/ethnic groups and a lot of modern mulattoes you see are products of recent race mixing, not antebellum miscegenation. All you have to do is look at people who were listed as mulatto by the census over the years. B/W mixes were just one part of the category.
To say that it was 'rare' is just a plain misrepresentation my friend. It happened. In fact, for many young white males who lived on plantations at the time it was a right of passage to take a slave girl by force or what not. Its in the nature of human being to do these types of things. So it is inevitable that it 'did' happen alot my friend. If you look in the writings and documents of many whites that lived at that time you will see a whole world not shown in the history books. Have you ever read any of Alex Haleys books. Its good historical fiction. You should read 'Queen' by alex Haley. Its good because it shows the whole american experience from both the white and black side during antebellum and civil war. That book will really open your eyes up man. And as for looking at a census, I dont need to do that, we all know that census numbers are not always accurate anyways because of human error or just non participation. All I gotta do is go outside and look at all the light skinned blacks I see walking around to know what really went on.........

Wow, your ignorant opinion is all you need. Well, you can take your ignorant opinion and stay in your pathetic little world of lies and revisionist history. My world is grounded in facts, truth, and real history. I won't change my mind, and you won't change the minds of anyone here. You should go ply your ignorant wares around where your woeful attempts at arguments might actually be taken seriously by the posters there.
Well I would but there is no such site as 'Black' And plus sites like this do not really exist in the black blogosphere. I am just here to respectfully debate anyone who whishes to. If you dont want to you can just ignore me and talk to other members. And Im not trying ot revise history here, this is true and documents and records including census are not always reliable and do not always tell the truth. The only reason we know this stuff now is because historians have researched documents and letters to get a picture of how life was back then.
Interaccial was and is rare most simplistic said : during slavery 90% was white and 10% black that means if 1 in 9 white males would have had a baby with a black women blacks would have been totally absorbed in a few genenartions and then you would have in a few generations people who are 90% white and 10% black.
thanks again WL and others.

I believe in god a bit but I just can't understand why some bad things have to happen with some people wish make me always doubt a bit.
Mace Windu said:
<div></div>Well I would but there is no such site as 'Black' And plus sites like this do not really exist in the black blogosphere.

No such site huh? You need to revise a lot of what you think is correct.
Mace Windu, you should go to 'Stuff black people don't like' and become an epic poster there. You should be able to run circles around those posters and in the end become their leader.

Your points, rants and misleading points here are becoming boring. Go over to a black site and rattle the natives a bit.
There are a host of pro-black sites where Make Wind could likely become a sage considering the massive amount of BS emanating forth from his keyboard.
I like that someone gets their "history" from Alex Haley's FICTION. Why bother with REAL history when you can get the true story from something a pro-black radical makes up?

Raping a black slave woman by force was a "rite of passage"? Huh? Where did that come from? Oh yeah, black talk radio. Probably the justification for the thousands of rapes of white women annually by black men.
Colonel_Reb said:
Mace Windu said:
Well I would but there is no such site as 'Black' And plus sites like this do not really exist in the black blogosphere.

No such site huh? You need to revise a lot of what you think is correct.
So. Just because it Exist doesnt mean I have to go there. This is America, cant I go and do whatever I want?I dont need to go to a site like that. I want to be here because I want to debate you people in a fair environment. If your intellectual basis concerning White Nationalism is sooooo right then why are you guys so threatned by people with opposing views. Those with a strong belief in something are not afraid of challengers. In fact they take challengers head on. But you guys seem to shy away from such activity. Tell me. Why?
jaxvid said:
I like that someone gets their "history" from Alex Haley's FICTION. Why bother with REAL history when you can get the true story from something a pro-black radical makes up?

Raping a black slave woman by force was a "rite of passage"? Huh? Where did that come from? Oh yeah, black talk radio. Probably the justification for the thousands of rapes of white women annually by black men.
I didnt say I got all of my info from his books. I also read other books by white authors on the civil war and found them very interesting. And in those books I found the same facts about interracial during antebellum...........
Yep, he's a real imbecile. The trolling volume might be increasing, but the intelligence level isn't.
I don't think he's an imbecile....
jaxvid said:
I don't think he's an imbecile....
Well Thanks, its good to see that there are at least some people on here ready to debate in mature manner without throwing around names.
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