Is a race war coming?

Mace Windu said:
If we are soooo ugly then why did white slave masters back in the day impregante (many times against their will) their black female slaves thus creating the mulatto or light skinned black person in America huh?

Some depraved men will even f**k sheep!

Further, some thought they could breed a more intelligent worker. Sick, I know.
Mace Windu said:
Its funny how you bring up thomas Jefferson to support your message my friend. THe same thomas jefferson that hat children with Sally Hemmings, one of his black female slaves.......Was thomas thinking that the races could not live together or coexist while he was banging Sally?? Huh??

There is no evidence Thomas Jefferson had a sexual relationship with Sally Hemmings. This is an old, ugly smear. But even if Jefferson did practice this level of hypocrisy, he wrote often of the intrinsic differences between whites and blacks and was very much in favor of the repatriation of Negro slaves in America to their native land. Jefferson was opposed to slavery, but did not think it wise to end slavery and turn the freed slaves loose to live among Americans. Edited by: Deus Vult
waterbed said:
I myself prefer black women

Mace Windu said:
...Have you ever read any of Alex Haleys books. Its good historical fiction. You should read 'Queen' by alex Haley. Its good because it shows the whole american experience from both the white and black side during antebellum and civil war. That book will really open your eyes up man...

Alex Haley was a plagiarist. Not that his book(s) cannot have some entertainment value...
Let me bottom-line for everyone (using the King's English)...Betray ye not your race...or thou shall relinquish the priviledge of being counted amongst it.
when guns are drawn, they will be pointed at the traitors first.
Deus Vult said:
Mace Windu said:
Its funny how you bring up thomas Jefferson to support your message my friend. THe same thomas jefferson that hat children with Sally Hemmings, one of his black female slaves.......Was thomas thinking that the races could not live together or coexist while he was banging Sally?? Huh??

There is no evidence Thomas Jefferson had a sexual relationship with Sally Hemmings. This is an old, ugly smear. But even if Jefferson did practice this level of hypocrisy, he wrote often of the intrinsic differences between whites and blacks and was very much in favor of the repatriation of Negro slaves in America to their native land. Jefferson was opposed to slavery, but did not think it wise to end slavery and turn the freed slaves loose to live among Americans.

Even if Thos Jefferson had some sort of relationship with Sally Hemmings I would not label it "hypocritical." Lets look at the situation. Sally Hemmings was the half sister of Jeffersons late beloved wife, her father was his wife's father also. She had been raised and educated along with her half=sister and probably was similar to her in looks and temperament.

What message did this send to Jefferson? Basically that you could take some random black african and mate them to a white person and you would have a totally different result from a 100% african person. In other words the gulf between the two races was huge, and obvious when even only 50% white genes were added to the mix. Never would the gulf between black and white seem so huge as when measured against the results of interbreeding. In this situation the idea of breeding with blacks to "civilize" them is not hypocritical but logical. Although impractical and improper on so many other levels.
Mace Windu said:
lost said:
Mace Windu said:
lost said:
Miscegenation is what blacks and the jewish media want from the white race, but only "maybe" 3% of white people are willing to do, because for the most part the black race is, ugly, stupid, lazy and violent...........
<div></div>Where are you getting your 3% stat from man. Because when I step outside in my area Im seeing a great deal of interracial dating these days. And what about all the under the table interracial relationships??
It's no accident that interracial relationships have gone up with the number of young white women getting hooked on drugs.....
<div></div>I dont find this plausible. Most of the white girls I see with black dudes seem pretty decent. I have yet to see a black dude dating a dusty crack attic white girl. And whites have been using drugs in history long before interracial or the US ever got started. Drugs were used ever since roman times and before.......
Yes drugs were used before interracial stuff, but NOW blacks are the main suppliers of drugs on the street level, yes most of the people bringing them into the country are not black BUT most drug users can't simply go to someone at that high of a level, in the South, blacks are the people mostly everyone goes to for heroin and coke/crack. I have KNOWN white girls that would either date or give sexual favors in exchange for drugs, it is pretty much out of lack of money. Also, dating them is out of fear.

Heroin addicts live in constant fear of when they are going to get their next fix, if they are dating the guy that is selling the heroin, they don't have to worry about it, sure they may get beaten up time to time for doing too much of the "boyfriend's" supply, but the ones I have talked to in this situation found it easier to be in that situation than trying to find other ways to score drugs. Over time many get tired of this situation and seek help, like a methadone clinic. By this time they are old and have several mix raced babies running around while they wait for their dose . This is not a made up story. This is typical in places like New Orleans where blacks are the majority in the city and whites are on the outside in the suburbs.

They are bombarded with the message that blacks are cool and whites are nerds, they listen to music that glorifies drugs, rebel and seek them out in the inner city. And yes, a lot of New Orleans rap has been about heroin, go listen to a B.G album who was one of the top artists for Cash Money Records. They listen to that and think that sh*t is cool and all fun and games until they get sucked into a life that they never dreamed of being in.

Once you are hooked, you are hooked. They are naive and believe blacks when they say you can't get addicted just from snorting heroin. Yes this is a common belief among blacks in New Orleans. Many snort heroin and believe you aren't an addict simply because you don't shoot it up. Many see it as no different as weed, although a few have switched to popping x every day like its candy. They look down on heroin shooters, even though many wind up shooting it down the line once snorting isn't that effective.

Everyone talks about how the "white man brought in drugs to the ghetto to destroy the black community" Many white lives have been destroyed by it. Where do you think these guys get their money? People inside the ghetto only have limited resources, and even with crime it still isn't the amount of money that rich white kids rebelling from mommy and daddy have. Poor black guys become middle men to richer black dealers who are actually middle men themselves. Lets say a drug cost x amount of dollars, the black guy tells the white kid its worth twice that amount and this is the way he gets his own fix, and they will lie and scare the white kids from going to the actual source inside the ghetto.

Don't believe this is true? go work at a methadone clinic around a black area. Many of the white women regret their decisions because of drugs, but what decent man is going to take in a woman who is an ex addict with a bunch of misbehaved mix race babies? Not any white guys, but I am sure a few blacks will be interested. And yes many may have their life on track when they are older, with mixed race babies, and may have found a black man to date/marry that isn't bad. These are the "decent" couples you may have seen, but does that mean their original choice was to be with a black man? no it was influenced by drugs, which are glorified by blacks and rap, and that message is constantly pushed by the MSM to whites.

Some of these white people wind up finding God and wind up at church. Yes they look like decent people and you may never suspect that they were once addicts by looking at them, but their kids are very misbehaved, go to a cry room in a mostly white church. All the kids are behaved well except those under a year and older mix raced children. Don't believe me? go to RCIA, there are plenty of white women who were once addicts trying to get their life back on track, but have poorly behaved mixed race children who they can't seem to control, and it looks to be the main cause of their stress, this kind of stress could cause a relapse for them. If you simply went to church and knew nothing else about these people you would think they were decent and chose to have kids with a black men without the influence of drugs. Would they have chosen to same path without being on drugs? would they still have had kids with a black man? I can't say for certain, although many have given the impression that they would have done things differently, they can't say the don't want their own children. The fact is though, most of the women I have seen with mixed race kids have a history of drug abuse.

Edited by: snow
lost said:
C Darwin said:
<div></div>It said video has been removed C Darwin...

just checked the link. it's a direct link to vnn that worked for me. the video on the page loads and plays fine, but the link to the youtube video is disconnected.
methinks more White folks should feel this way ...


(please forgive me for posting this in two threads, but i thought it fitting.)
lost said:
Here's a poll of the twenty countrys with the most attractive people, now, try and find an African country in the list? only drugs and propaganda can push the most dim-witted whites into race mixing. the black race is for the most part an unattractive people

I'll be fair and admit Brazilian women are beautiful but Indian? Indian women have to be the most unattractive. It's very rare to find a beautiful one. I went to high school with quite a few Indian girls and all of them looked like they were 40 while in their teens.
WA 33 the only so called Brazilian women that are hands down knock outs are the ones that are not off spring of that vast melting pot. A good example would be Tom Brady's outstanding looking wife Gisele. I am pretty confident that her blood line is pretty much European.
Westside said:
WA 33 the only so called Brazilian women that are hands down knock outs are the ones that are not off spring of that vast melting pot. A good example would be Tom Brady's outstanding looking wife Gisele. I am pretty confident that her blood line is pretty much European.

Yes, Gisele is German and her blood line is certainly European. Indian girls have to be the ugliest around though.
White (or European) women are definitely the most beautiful creatures on Earth. I've been around some Indian girls (and guys) and they're definitely a sore for both eyes and nose.

I have to disagree with waterbed's opinion that mulatto women are next in beauty to pure white women. I think many East Asian women can be very beautiful, specially if they're of high-stature. But, they definitely lose such beauty once they get into outdoor sports (tennis, basketball, track and field, soccer, etc..).

White women, no matter what sports they get into (as long as they stay healthy and fit) look truly beautiful anyway you look. White gals in Tennis, Track 'n Field, Volleyball, Swimming, Gymnastics... are simply a gorgeous sight to see.

Of course in the end, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's a shame many whites don't (or blind) see the uniqueness and beauty of their genes. Such genes are worth preserving.
whiteathlete33 said:
lost said:
Here's a poll of the twenty countrys with the most attractive people, now, try and find an African country in the list? only drugs and propaganda can push the most dim-witted whites into race mixing. the black race is for the most part an unattractive people

I'll be fair and admit Brazilian women are beautiful but Indian? Indian women have to be the most unattractive. It's very rare to find a beautiful one. I went to high school with quite a few Indian girls and all of them looked like they were 40 while in their teens.
But the point is this, fifteen of the twenty countrys are white. even the Indians have an European bloodline in their past....
Wow! Busy thread.

Great line, very funny...
Mace Windu said:
I do not think there will be a race war. I am black and I can honestly say that that type of thing is honestly not in black people's character. If we see a bunch of dudes coming at us with rifles and stuff we are going to run every which way.
...and probably a lot of truth in it. An organized and firm authority can go a long way in subduing the naturally unruly tendencies and clashes between different groups of people.

A problem with this in the USA's context is that there is an ill-defined and yet nevertheless near-absolutist idea of "rights/liberty/entitlement" (in contrast to "toleration/discretion"); and for this to be workable almost assumes that there is a homogenous group of people with a common understanding and goals. This too-loose idea of "rights" and "liberty" is easily exploited by one particular ethnic group (almost entirely "white", by the way).