Is a race war coming?

jaxvid said:
Even if Thos Jefferson had some sort of relationship with Sally Hemmings I would not label it "hypocritical." ...

Jaxvid, I would find Jefferson a hypocrite if he did indeed engage in a sexual relationship with any nonwhite, because he was clear in his own words that miscegenation was/is wrong and would mean the degradation of the population.

Thomas Jefferson wrote: "When freed (the Negro) is to be removed beyond the reach of mixture."


"When our rapid multiplication will expand itself over the whole northern, if not the southern continent, with a people speaking the same language, governed in similar forms, and by similar laws, nor can we contemplate with satisfaction either blot or mixture on that surface."Â￾

It was Jefferson who wrote, famously, that any white woman who engaged in miscegenation should be placed "beyond the protection of the law..."

Even if he was a hypocrite, he was correct in what he wrote. He was a brilliant naturalist who understood wherefrom he opined.

Edited by: Deus Vult
Deus Vult, the trouble is we don't know if Jefferson a reletionship with a nonwhite,
our history is being twisted, just like we are fed the "crap" that Alexander the Great was gay, even though he had ten children...........
Since we don't know what really happened, there is no reason to argue about it. Still, I don't see Jefferson as a hypocrite in regards to what he said about the treatment of blacks by the government.
lost said:
Deus Vult, the trouble is we don't know if Jefferson a reletionship with a nonwhite...</div>

That's right. We don't know. It is evident by DNA testing that someone in his family crossed the line, but we will never know who it was.

My point is that Jefferson, more than most prominent men of his time, understood the disastrous results that would follow miscegenation, and repeatedly warned of same. He was absolutely correct, no doubt in my mind. But IF he himself engaged in a mixed-race sexual relationship, that would make him a major hypocrite. It would not damage the truth in his words and observations.
Colonel_Reb said:
Since we don't know what really happened, there is no reason to argue about it. Still, I don't see Jefferson as a hypocrite in regards to what he said about the treatment of blacks by the government. 

I'm with you, Reb. Whether or not Jefferson is guilty of that which he counseled others against, his writings on race are sound.
An article entitled "Venezuela; America's future?"

Here is a short article, it is not much, but contains a little history to get an idea of what has happened in Venezuela, a country with vast resources, which decays into a huge decline "¦.

La Colonia Tovar, a colony of Germans from Baden in southern Germany, is a homogeneous and isolated population, live in the high mountains of the north central part of the country, which has a very cold climate and the region like Europe, arrived in the eighteenth century, the colony in 2004 was invaded by the national army and the settlers refuse to remove the law is against interracial marriages, established at the beginning of the colony, so the secretary defense, gave the order to attack and destroy their factories, to pressure the settlers took the law, very few were able to emigrate because, although its people are rich, there is a government agency that regulates the exchange rate to currencies international, ie, we can not leave the country without paying costly fines and follow a very arbitrary exchange rate,

The current government policy is anti-white, with speeches in which they urged the Spanish hatred, and other white community in the country, whites now live in cities with residential areas just for them, clubs, schools, universities, all very make-up so as not to see separatist, but many other targets, do not have the resources to access this type of insulation, so they live day to day, in villages where there is only one white family Women are harassed by blacks, white kids are driven to drugs and miscegenation, black men often humiliate the white schools, I lived it, being beaten by a group of blacks is something that changes your life , you start to hate, no peace, every day there are robberies, murders, only one day hope to emigrate to Australia, Europe, kept alive many of my comrades, the decline of this country is like a huge cancer rotten will be extended to all white countries, if you do not wake up in time "¦.
That's so tragic that they took this German community and decided to attack it on all fronts. Hang in there guys we will have to use our minds to win this struggle! We especially need to consider the millions of white people who now live under the rule of blacks and foreigners, whether in the United States or in Africa or Central and South America!
Electric Slide said:
That's so tragic that they took this German community and decided to attack it on all fronts. Hang in there guys we will have to use our minds to win this struggle! We especially need to consider the millions of white people who now live under the rule of blacks and foreigners, whether in the United States or in Africa or Central and South America!
I don't really worry about whites that much, the white race didn't just hit the lottery to gain the power to dominate the world, the white race will rise up again just like it has done before, with the Huns, the Moors, the Golden Horde and so many more.....
lost said:
Electric Slide said:
That's so tragic that they took this German community and decided to attack it on all fronts. Hang in there guys we will have to use our minds to win this struggle! We especially need to consider the millions of white people who now live under the rule of blacks and foreigners, whether in the United States or in Africa or Central and South America!
I don't really worry about whites that much,  the white race didn't just hit the lottery to gain the power to dominate the world,  the white race will rise up again just like it has done before,  with the Huns, the Moors, the Golden Horde and so many more.....

You hit the nail on the head! The White Race accomplishment of the past show a great and powerful people and those abilities that have allowed the White races to flourish and prosper have not disappeared, but have been suppressed and our people's birthright stolen by our own "elite" and nonwhites, but our people strengths and abilities remain.

Though, for now, the oppression is tolerable, but in time that will change and that is when the Phoenixes (nations) of the White race raise again.The White race is slow to anger but when push comes to shove, the Whites are a force to be reckoned with.

When all the Whites in the world are counted, including White "Hispanics", our numbers likely approach a billion.Whites generally are spread across the country while nonwhites usually concentrated in areas like cities or in parts of Europe "suburbs" that are mostly unproductive areas where the production of the Whites are sent to to support them.

People bemoaned that Whites out number nonwhites ONLY 2 to 1 but we OUTNUMBER them two to one! And even then the nonwhites are still farther divided into groups that likely will be fighting each other! Plus the White race has prevailed against incredible odds in the past like Texas War of Independents the Spanish and other Europeans conquest of the Americas, and The Battle of Blood River against the black and on and on the list can go. As Eastern Europe was suppress ethic conflict were said to have been over come but when the heavy hand of the oppressor disappeared, the people true selves reappeared.

The MSM has so propagandized that the White race is weak that even many racially aware Whites have started to believe it, but when one opens their eyes and truly looks at the White Race one sees a very strong people who are silent for now, but the White race is a sleeping giant that is being poked at and when it awakes a day of reckoning will be at hand.
I believe that clearly whitesare in a better position than any other race on the planet.
Whites are widely spread and are more diverse in skills than any other people.

Compare us to the blacks, theyare hanging on by a thread, Africa is imploding, AIDs and war have ripped the whole continent apart. Even in "Prosperous" Amercia, blacks are nothing but a dependent race, compacked into innercitys with no real survival skills outside of ducking the drive-by's on their way to the mailbox every 3nd of the month.Edited by: lost
How about their prodigeous skills in throwing back malt liquor and the "purple drank."
lost said:
I believe that clearly whitesare in a better position than any other race on the planet.
<div>Whites are widely spread and are more diverse in skills than any other people. </div>
<div>Compare us to the blacks, theyare hanging on by a thread, Africa is imploding, AIDs and war have ripped the whole continent apart. Even in "Prosperous" Amercia, blacks are nothing but a dependent race, compacked into innercitys with no real survival skills outside of ducking the drive-by's on their way to the mailbox every 3nd of the month.</div>

An article entitled "Pheonix based Chicano race hustlers openly call for race war within five years."

Miguel Perez says he is the current president of Chicanos Unidos Arizona and an active member of La Raza. He says he also served as the vice president of MECHA in Fullerton California.

La Raza, or NCLA, is a militant Latino group that Obama is funding with American tax dollars. MECHA is a nationwide Latino student organization. MECHA explicitly calls for the creation of Atzlan, a new Chicano/Latino nation, in what is now the Southwest United States.

Perez is using to call for Latinos in the Southwest to arm themselves for race war.
Actually, I'm very sad this has come about. We had such wonderful hopes of uplifting blacks to become full members of the society (during the JFK idyll). We had no idea black people just couldn't do it. That it was just beyond their abilities. In my own case, I didn't listen to my elders of my southern wing of my family, not that the northern wing wasn't actually in line with the southern wing. We young people just wouldn't listen to our elders (sound familiar). Anyway, this new Fred Reed article hits the nail directly on the head.

Race War

Tom Iron...
A Censored Race War?

That's the title of the article by Thomas Sowell, one of the few blacks to speak honestly about the black on White violence in this country. What he writes is not going to teach us anything new but his writings appear on Libertarian websites filled with many racially unaware Whites.
Don't be so sure that the situation in Mississippi and the rest of the South is as dire as many believe looking at this map one sees that blacks instead of holding a continuos territory in the area know as "the black belt" it is an of concentration of black control counties surrounded often surrounded by White control areas. In counties (or zip codes as the map is based on) populated by more than 50% Whites, almost, undoubtedly be held by Whites during a race war. Sure a few areas will unexpectedly fall, especially, if official invite in nonwhite "refuges" and the White population don't resist which might happen in the early stages, but in some areas with less 50% Whites will come under White control by the WILL of the White population.

If we look at the situation in Mississippi, parts of eastern Arkansas and Louisiana, we see blacks surrounded with a wall of Whites to the North, West, East thought a thin wall, and south but with a possibility of using the Mississippi River delta area to reach the Gulf. Southwest and south central Arkansas and western and central Louisiana is mostly over 50% White and should allow a route to the ocean.

Unless, several counties with over 50% Whites fall or the map has change greatly in the last 12 years, possible, but unlikely to a great enough extent to matter, the corridor of White control counties will provide additional troops and supplies from northern control White areas and allow access to White control areas along the Gulf Coast.

As with cities all over the country, but on a much larger scale, a state of siege will come into play as White forces surround the Mississippi dealt area. Blacks will hold interior lines but almost undoubtedly won't have the mental prowess to use them, but Whites in the Mississippi corridor will. A similar siege will likely take place in Alabama if the Whites don't lose control of counties to the east that form a much thinner line then the White corridor in eastern Mississippi. Nonwhite controlled areas in Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia would likely require a major offensive that would take time to prepare but the basic weaknesses of blacks would be present.

The black government would likely boil down to a bunch of black politicians, gang leaders, military officers and NCO and others declaring themselves the ruler of black America and often taking the title of Emperor. This will lead to massive gang warfare.

With blacks fighting each other, White forces on the siege line will mostly see light raids of maybe a dozens trying mostly to slip by to raid White areas, since blacks aren't generally brave enough to charge a fortified position and if they did in mass as happen at the Battle of Blood River the result would, almost undoubtedly, be the same. The black raider who manage to slip behind White lines will kill, rape and loot until stopped, and bewared cannibalism likely will become common among black forces, especially, since farms stolen from Whites will likely produce as well as the ones stolen from Whites in South Africa and Rhodesia.

Blacks, at first, will be well equipped as they loot businesses, armories, government and office buildings in their areas and the over represented blacks in support services will steal much military equipment but they won't know how to use or fix much of the equipment and when they run out of fuel they will be abandoned. The few smart black who might help will likely be kill early on as for acting White or flee. Blacks from White control areas might go to black control areas to join the looting, while Whites flee to White control areas. White Enclaves surrounded by black control areas will in time need to be evacuated to White control areas. Armed column of White refugees would likely not be attacked often.

As the race war goes on, black supplies will dwindle as they are used up or destroyed and can't be replaced. Within a year, Whites should have a full scales war machine producing supplies and well trained soldier, while blacks will have spears. This would likely be a time to reclaim Mississippi an offense should meet minimum resist but likely find widespread disease, cannibalism, starvation, a breakdown of all utilities, though if any nuclear plants fall into black areas, a some what reckless operation may have to be under taken to secure it before it melts down.

Many of the biggest problems maybe what to do with nonwhites in White areas, and nonwhite "refugees" and POWs. Also, outside intervention could be a problem with possibly Asians invading the West Coast forcing forces to have to be sent West, or Yankee invasion, though unlikely since they likely be fighting their own nonwhites, or most probably European intervention to save the "poor starving nonwhites."

What I am trying to point out is though it might be best to negotiate an peaceful arrangement with the nonwhites but at this point, they don't see that to their advantage, so Race War will likely be the result. If Race War comes, the White position even in the South is not as untenable as many believe. Whites are great warriors and producers who throughout history have defeated vast nonwhite armies even when greatly out number. Propaganda of the mainstream media shows Whites especially White males as weak and soft and as easy targets for nonwhites but White soldier make up the vast majority of elite troops in the U.S. military and kill vast numbers of nonwhites in the Zionist wars, so when White fight nonwhite oversea they are strong but when they touch US soil they become weak? Basically, blacks who need to outnumber Whites at least three to one if not more are pushed as powerful and brave. Basically, propaganda means nothing, the odds are that the White race in a Race war against the other races would prevail. Not to say that battles would not be lost but barring being attacked by our own people or treason in our leadership, the White race would prevail in a Race War.
An article entitled "NBPP – We need to create a military to mass murder white people"
The NBPP has publicly declared its intentions to trigger a nationwide race war in the US. The claim they are conducting military training in Florida right now. Eric Holder has protected the group. Barack Obama spoke at an event side by side with the group’s leader in 2007. Al Sharpton co-organized a NBPP rally in 1998 and has continued to defend the group ever since.
Don't be so sure that the situation in Mississippi and the rest of the South is as dire as many believe looking at this map one sees that blacks instead of holding a continuos territory in the area know as "the black belt" it is an of concentration of black control counties surrounded often surrounded by White control areas. In counties (or zip codes as the map is based on) populated by more than 50% Whites, almost, undoubtedly be held by Whites during a race war. Sure a few areas will unexpectedly fall, especially, if official invite in nonwhite "refuges" and the White population don't resist which might happen in the early stages, but in some areas with less 50% Whites will come under White control by the WILL of the White population.

If we look at the situation in Mississippi, parts of eastern Arkansas and Louisiana, we see blacks surrounded with a wall of Whites to the North, West, East thought a thin wall, and south but with a possibility of using the Mississippi River delta area to reach the Gulf. Southwest and south central Arkansas and western and central Louisiana is mostly over 50% White and should allow a route to the ocean.

Unless, several counties with over 50% Whites fall or the map has change greatly in the last 12 years, possible, but unlikely to a great enough extent to matter, the corridor of White control counties will provide additional troops and supplies from northern control White areas and allow access to White control areas along the Gulf Coast.

As with cities all over the country, but on a much larger scale, a state of siege will come into play as White forces surround the Mississippi dealt area. Blacks will hold interior lines but almost undoubtedly won't have the mental prowess to use them, but Whites in the Mississippi corridor will. A similar siege will likely take place in Alabama if the Whites don't lose control of counties to the east that form a much thinner line then the White corridor in eastern Mississippi. Nonwhite controlled areas in Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia would likely require a major offensive that would take time to prepare but the basic weaknesses of blacks would be present.

The black government would likely boil down to a bunch of black politicians, gang leaders, military officers and NCO and others declaring themselves the ruler of black America and often taking the title of Emperor. This will lead to massive gang warfare.

With blacks fighting each other, White forces on the siege line will mostly see light raids of maybe a dozens trying mostly to slip by to raid White areas, since blacks aren't generally brave enough to charge a fortified position and if they did in mass as happen at the Battle of Blood River the result would, almost undoubtedly, be the same. The black raider who manage to slip behind White lines will kill, rape and loot until stopped, and bewared cannibalism likely will become common among black forces, especially, since farms stolen from Whites will likely produce as well as the ones stolen from Whites in South Africa and Rhodesia.

Blacks, at first, will be well equipped as they loot businesses, armories, government and office buildings in their areas and the over represented blacks in support services will steal much military equipment but they won't know how to use or fix much of the equipment and when they run out of fuel they will be abandoned. The few smart black who might help will likely be kill early on as for acting White or flee. Blacks from White control areas might go to black control areas to join the looting, while Whites flee to White control areas. White Enclaves surrounded by black control areas will in time need to be evacuated to White control areas. Armed column of White refugees would likely not be attacked often.

As the race war goes on, black supplies will dwindle as they are used up or destroyed and can't be replaced. Within a year, Whites should have a full scales war machine producing supplies and well trained soldier, while blacks will have spears. This would likely be a time to reclaim Mississippi an offense should meet minimum resist but likely find widespread disease, cannibalism, starvation, a breakdown of all utilities, though if any nuclear plants fall into black areas, a some what reckless operation may have to be under taken to secure it before it melts down.

Many of the biggest problems maybe what to do with nonwhites in White areas, and nonwhite "refugees" and POWs. Also, outside intervention could be a problem with possibly Asians invading the West Coast forcing forces to have to be sent West, or Yankee invasion, though unlikely since they likely be fighting their own nonwhites, or most probably European intervention to save the "poor starving nonwhites."

What I am trying to point out is though it might be best to negotiate an peaceful arrangement with the nonwhites but at this point, they don't see that to their advantage, so Race War will likely be the result. If Race War comes, the White position even in the South is not as untenable as many believe. Whites are great warriors and producers who throughout history have defeated vast nonwhite armies even when greatly out number. Propaganda of the mainstream media shows Whites especially White males as weak and soft and as easy targets for nonwhites but White soldier make up the vast majority of elite troops in the U.S. military and kill vast numbers of nonwhites in the Zionist wars, so when White fight nonwhite oversea they are strong but when they touch US soil they become weak? Basically, blacks who need to outnumber Whites at least three to one if not more are pushed as powerful and brave. Basically, propaganda means nothing, the odds are that the White race in a Race war against the other races would prevail. Not to say that battles would not be lost but barring being attacked by our own people or treason in our leadership, the White race would prevail in a Race War.
I think if there is any form of a race war it would be on class lines too. You will have a battle for depleted resources similar to the NO flood looting. This movie would be part of the scenario if law and order broke down.......
Michael, a couple of comments about your post. The racial map linked there is 12 years old. The Mississippi Delta is blacker now than then. The Southwest is darker now than then. While I don't disagree with you that the Deep South isn't a lost cause in such a scenario, I do think it pays to keep up with the numbers as they are still getting worse.

Secondly, where did you come up with your theory of how the race war will go? Did you write all of that just as you were posting it here? Just curious, as I have done a bit of thinking about it myself over the years.

Lastly, I am posting the story below just to help everyone here get a glimpse of the plight of the remaining Whites in the Mississippi Delta, the crescent shaped area to the east of the Mississippi River between Memphis and Vicksburg.

Below is a picture of Mrs. Gordon who lives in Clarksdale, MS, one of the most dangerous small towns in the US that just happens to also be 75% black. Earlier this week, Mrs. Gordon went to the local Double Quick convenience store, realized at the checkout that she left her wallet at home. She told the clerk she'd be right back. A young negro evidently followed her. She left her car running while she ran in the house to get it. When she came back out, her car was gone. She went back in and called the police, then went outside to wait for them. The car was back with the negro in it. He lied to her and said he found her car abandoned at the dead end of her street and he was just returning it since he knew that's where the car "stayed". She believed him (a big mistake) and was thanking him for being so kind. He then beat the poor woman with a concrete block. The Clarksdale police have been telling the public that the increase in black on White crime is actually getting better and that Clarksdale is becoming a safer place. Of course they are lying to cover up a growing problem. They wouldn't even admit that this heinous attack happened until someone from the local newspaper asked them about it point blank this morning. This is just one of many recent examples of increasing black on white crime across the country, but especially in NW Mississippi. The truth needs to be told about the double standards of race and behavior in this country, and I'm glad that Mrs. Gordon wants her story to be told. She is in my prayers.

Mrs Gordon.jpg