Insult all you want, but it wasn't entirely clear to ANYONE from the outset that you meant "dark guys do better on 'roids", which is why I originally asked if this was the very point you were making.
The other problem is that your observations don't concur with plenty of observations from others. Southern Euro's don't seem to consistently be better athletes than Northern Euros, 'roids or no. Black guys don't tend to outlift whites, and whites don't tend to outsprint blacks, no matter who's darker or who's taking the most steroids. Maybe the differing reactions of individuals to 'roids is a more individual thing than you'd believe. I know a blondie or two on the stuff and it seems to be bulking them up just fine, and they also did well for red-headed Mark McGwire.
Also there is the troubling fact that Nordic Europeans are known historically for being larger and stronger than their Meditereanean counterparts, from Roman times onwards. The tallest average people in the world are currently the Dutch I believe. In the past that title has been held by the various Scandinavians, the Scots, and the Americans. (The Euro Left and, curiously enough, the Neo-Nazis, would both like you to believe this has something to do with socialized medicine, but it likely has alot more to do non-Nordic whites and others being an increasing percentage of America's population.)
You don't like the idea that that some ethnic groups have lower I.Qs and higher criminalities than others? Tough, maybe I don't like a hairy back but that doesn't change my genetics. There's alot more evidence for that garnered over the years for inequity in those areas than for your inequity in 'roids theory. Cultural or genetic, those are so entwined that it's a moot point to argue. So I guess you'll pull out another insult and call me an ignorant racist bigot white-supremacist or something, in spite of the fact that I believe blacks on average probably can run faster than whites, or that Asians average higher on I.Q. tests.
Ah yes, and I note that you take the time to call me "paranoiac" for objecting to the blatantly obvious anti-white racism spewed by television, issues of caste in sport not withstanding. Trust me, if the message of pop culture was "those white boys may not run fast, but they sure can lift" or "give black individuals a chance, even though alot of them are criminals" or anything remotely honest I wouldn't care. If racial discussion was entirely forbidden in the public arena, I would not like that censorship, but at least it would be fair and balanced. But no, it all has a certain spin, a certain pattern, and this is no accident.
BTW, I'm intrigued by your self-description as a "Libertarian-Populist". A Libertarian myself, albeit a politically incorrect one, I didn't know that libertarianism meshed well with populism, or with living in Canada for that matter. Further, while I am also not crazy about the juicing up going in sports, you're not backing any Mccainesque attempt to have government stick it's nose into sport are you? Edited by: White_Savage