Inequity in Sport & The Role Androgens

Good rant. We should take it to the Happy Hour thread. Remember there are readers here that are new to our message. Just accepting the "caste system" is hard enough with out expanding out to some of the larger causes.
jaxvid said:
Good rant. We should take it to the Happy Hour thread. Remember there are readers here that are new to our message. Just accepting the "caste system" is hard enough with out expanding out to some of the larger causes.

Good idea, jaxvid. I'm moving this to Happy Hour.
It's not so much what you say, it's how you say it. The "Jewish issue" is an important one- and extremely controversial (like all important issues, it seems.) I think we should feel free to talk about it, if Don's okay with it. But I think we should try to be calm and reasonable about it. In other words, we should be careful not to come off as raving lunatics. It just kills our credibility.
American Freedom News