Homosexual football player and evolution discussion

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:director: Attention!....all commies, s0d0m1te advocates, atheists and other assorted heathen, bear ye witness unto knowledge (& save thy souls from eternal damnation)....

http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evolution Hoax/evolution_the_big_hoax.htm



Way to read the discussion. The last article implies a genetic component to homosexuality, the poster Phall made a good point about homosexuals in groups or with "acceptance" compared to individual homosexuals especially ones that aren't encouraged to act gay "because they're born that way."

The "jesus-is-savior" is a stupid website replete with silly animated gifs, not worth the time.

The evolution contrarians in this thread have not actually looked into it at a deeper level than some Christian Internet website and are just regurgitating someone else's dumb oneliners, guaranteed
For a bunch of people who are aware of how Jewish propaganda works. It's shocking to see how many of you still fall for the biggest one of all. The Jewish Carpenter.

Hey SchaafC,

Great to see you posting again. I see you haven't been reading the Bible, Jesus was against Jewish propaganda and anything else those crooked Pharisees and Saducees (Jewish Religious Leaders) were up to.
There may be "gaps" in SOME evolutionary positions, like the Christling scalawags that point out there isn't a full fossil record of the transition between the theropod ancestor of birds to birds and the fact that the exact process of how life began isn't known/proven, but all of the evidence acquired from many different branches of science corroborates with the idea of macro evolution and natural selection. Nothing counters it. If you want to trust in the Bible and be a mental gelding terrorized by the thought of Hell then by all means carry on but I laugh at your righteousness, just as I laugh at the whipped, weeping Jew you call a god.
There may be "gaps" in SOME evolutionary positions, like the Christling scalawags that point out there isn't a full fossil record of the transition between the theropod ancestor of birds to birds and the fact that the exact process of how life began isn't known/proven, but all of the evidence acquired from many different branches of science corroborates with the idea of macro evolution and natural selection. Nothing counters it. If you want to trust in the Bible and be a mental gelding terrorized by the thought of Hell then by all means carry on but I laugh at your righteousness, just as I laugh at the whipped, weeping Jew you call a god.

Anak, I notice on alot of your posts, you call everything you disagree with stupid and dumb. Why is that? Oh I forgot, you must know everything, but obviously you know nothing about Christianity.

The Bible says, there are none righteous, no, not one, Romans 3:10, not even you Anak! Maybe you should read and learn more about what you don't believe.

I respect your opinion to believe what you want, but you don't seem to respect others.
Might is Right says,

Jewish books are for the Jews,
And Jew Messiahs, too.
But if you're not of Jewish blood,
How can they be for you?

To make an Idol of a book,
Is poison for the brain;
A dying God upon a cross
Is reason gone insane.

Beware of all the Holy books
And all the creeds and schools,
And every law that man has made
And all the golden rules.

"Laws" and "Rules" imposed on you
From days of old renown.
Are not intended for your "good"
But for your crushing down.

Then dare to rend the chains that bind
And to yourself be true.
Dare to liberate your mind,
From all things, old and new.

Always think your own thought.
All other thoughts reject;
Learn to use your own brain
And boldly stand erect.
Might is Right says,

Jewish books are for the Jews,
And Jew Messiahs, too.
But if you're not of Jewish blood,
How can they be for you?

To make an Idol of a book,
Is poison for the brain;
A dying God upon a cross
Is reason gone insane.

Beware of all the Holy books
And all the creeds and schools,
And every law that man has made
And all the golden rules.

"Laws" and "Rules" imposed on you
From days of old renown.
Are not intended for your "good"
But for your crushing down.

Then dare to rend the chains that bind
And to yourself be true.
Dare to liberate your mind,
From all things, old and new.

Always think your own thought.
All other thoughts reject;
Learn to use your own brain
And boldly stand erect.

Why don't you stand erect and answer for your obvious misstatements pertaining to the Bible?

Anak, you can't have it both ways! You left one important detail about Jesus, actually a couple, but I'll discuss one. Yes, Jesus did die on a cross, but was buried and resurrected from the dead.

By acknowledging Jesus on your last 2 posts, your saying he lived and you can't acknowledge he lived without acknowledging he resurrected. Think about it.
....I see you haven't been reading the Bible, Jesus was against Jewish propaganda and anything else those crooked Pharisees and Saducees..
Thank you for the welcome, it's good to be back.
As you well know Carolina I know my bible quite well. And I would turn that same statement back to you.

Matthew 15:24 "...I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House if Israel."

They actually have you all worshiping a Jewish savior. Relishing in a religion that destroyed the traditions of your European ancestors.

The actions of the church being the basis for the greatest weapon they have against us. White guilt.

I guess I just see it differently, as you know I see it as just another part of the propaganda war.

That being said, I still admire and appreciate all the contributions of all the posters here. And I hope my opinions are not too insulting.
By acknowledging Jesus on your last 2 posts, your saying he lived and you can't acknowledge he lived without acknowledging he resurrected. Think about it.
That is a complete logical fallacy. That is to say acknowledging that Mohammed lived is acknowledging that Islam is the right religion.

It just doesn't follow. They are not mutually exclusive.

And using the Bible to prove the Bible; it's pointless especially to a non-believer. There is no empirical evidence that this "Jesus Of Nazareth" ever existed.

I acknowledge that I may be wrong, that there is the possibility that a god does in fact exist. But the evidence overwhelmingly points to "god's" all being creations of man to explain things beyond their understanding. And when I say "god's" I mean in general not just the Christian "god" but all "gods."
REAL Science has verified Creation because of the properties of the DNA code. Information stored and retrieved with algorithms organized to conform to linguistics law. DNA contains the human language properties of punctuation, syntax, and grammar. Nature has no potential to produce these properties. They're abstract constructs of mind which verifies all life was designed/created. A designer is the only potential answer for this.
Do you have any evidence supporting this statement? I would be very interested to read it.

You should also check out the Michigan St. E. Coli experiment. It's a very well documented evolutionary experiment, that may give you some new information to think about.
They are closing quickly.
This is just a news clip, but I would advise anyone with an open mind on the matter to do a little more reading about this experiment.

I've read about this experiment about 3 years ago, but it started in 1988 by Pr.Lenski. By the time I read it it was 48.000 generations! and the evolutive chain of bacteria is "frozen" through different stages, so there is a chain of "living fossil" of bacteria evolving.
But, those who don't beleive in evolution dismiss bacterial evolution as "minor evolution" that certainly exists but doesn't prove that more complex beings can evolve..

Here's the evolution of Pod Mrcaru Lizards, with evolution going as far as internal body organs change:

Thank you for the welcome, it's good to be back.
As you well know Carolina I know my bible quite well. And I would turn that same statement back to you.

Matthew 15:24 "...I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House if Israel."

They actually have you all worshiping a Jewish savior. Relishing in a religion that destroyed the traditions of your European ancestors.

The actions of the church being the basis for the greatest weapon they have against us. White guilt.

I guess I just see it differently, as you know I see it as just another part of the propaganda war.

That being said, I still admire and appreciate all the contributions of all the posters here. And I hope my opinions are not too insulting.

"House Of Israel"

SchaafC, come on, that's easy. I know you got more than that. House of Israel is referring the Jewish Law, ceremonial ,civil, and moral laws and the way the Jewish leadership was abusing their power, remember, Jesus cleared the Jewish leaders Temple twice for cheating people while exchanging currency. Really, you're going to take one verse out of context and use it against Jesus.
Matthew 21:12

We've had this debate before remember, you said Jesus only came for the Jews which is incorrect, I asked you about the thief on the cross, to which you had no answer, remember. I believe the thief was a Roman(Gentile) to which Jesus said that he would be in paradise with him.

Why so much contempt for Jesus, he is a contrast to the hypocrisy of the Jews? He opposes most everything they are about.

It's confusing, I would think people here (CF) would atleast respect Jesus for calling the Jews out for their abuse of power!

If we're going to have this discussion again, maybe we should take it to PM's.

White guilt? What does that have to do with my faith. If you think I'm one of those that feel guilty about my race, you're quite wrong. Is that a personal attack?

Please explain?

Again, SchaafC, glad to see you back!
Thank you for the welcome, it's good to be back.
As you well know Carolina I know my bible quite well. And I would turn that same statement back to you.

Matthew 15:24 "...I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House if Israel."

They actually have you all worshiping a Jewish savior. Relishing in a religion that destroyed the traditions of your European ancestors.

The actions of the church being the basis for the greatest weapon they have against us. White guilt.

I guess I just see it differently, as you know I see it as just another part of the propaganda war.

That being said, I still admire and appreciate all the contributions of all the posters here. And I hope my opinions are not too insulting.

Yes SchaafC, you are seeing it not only differently, but wrongly, 'the wrong' actions of "The Church" have nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus. Get your eyes off of people or an establishment. People will let you down!
@CarolinaSpeed (and other christians), I posted a reply to Dixie Destroyer (Yesterday, 06:06 AM)) page 5. I really like to hear what you feel about that kind of christianity (the 2nd half of the post, from the picture and below- plus the link to the interview)
@CarolinaSpeed (and other christians), I posted a reply to Dixie Destroyer (Yesterday, 06:06 AM)) page 5. I really like to hear what you feel about that kind of christianity (the 2nd half of the post, from the picture and below- plus the link to the interview)

Bk21, thanks for being so cordial, it's really apperciated. Yes I saw that, but I haven't read completely through.

Sorry, what kind of Christianity? There's only one. Please specify
Bk21, thanks for being so cordial, it's really apperciated. Yes I saw that, but I haven't read completely through.

Sorry, what kind of Christianity? There's only one. Please specify

what I meant by "that kind", is that he is on the head of the Human genome project, former atheist, but now, christian (deep beleiver and defender), but reconciliates science and religion, in particular evolution (the itw I posted + his book review).
He's a guy who spent 8 or so years on the project, and is extremely respected among his peers; and specialist of genetics. Does his way of belief is worth considering? following maybe?
Do you have any evidence supporting this statement? I would be very interested to read it.


However, science has verified the the creator because of the properties of DNA code -- information stored and retrieved with algorithms organized to conform to linguistics law and posesses the human languge properties of punctuation, syntax, and grammar. Nature has no potential to produce these properties. They're abstract constructs of mind which verifies all life was designed and specially created. God is the only potential explaination for this. Sorry atheist.

NephilimFree in reply to Blignorance2 (Show the comment) 5 months ago

A YouTube user. His channel is full of REAL science.
@Carolina S + W.W : Collins is a great man and a great scientist, devoted christian, and one of the most intelligent persons you can read or listen to: He wrote a book that reconciliates religion and evolution (and science in general), but it seems that IT DOESNT INTEREST anybody, not even by curiosity!
the main answers I'm getting here are just "reactions" like evolution is a religion, a hoax, no evidence etc.. but it seems nobody has ever took time to seriously to go and understand a general view of this theory (correct me if i'm wrong), and take a look on the nature of the evidence that it proposes.. I think it's easy and somehow "natural" to deny it when you get the external idea; but impossible to deny once looking more deeply.

back to your questions: why evolutionists are so anti-God or anti-Creation: Evolution is not necessarily anti-creation, and could be easily seen as "a way to create", a splendid way even. suppose that evolution is "difficult to occur", is it difficult to GOD to proceed so? now why not taking THAT way of creation into consideration? and what's then the alternative to that way of creation?
when evolution is opposed to Creationism, it is not to be mistook for Creation: creationism is considering ALL animals and living beings created instantly to their ACTUAL FORM - but it does not signify that NO CREATION HAPPENED AT ALL.
now I don't want to convert any of you to atheism (and you wouldn't), I understand the need for god (I don't feel the need) - but it's all human nature to make other ppl adhere to what you think, missionaries did it long time ago, jeovah witnesses are doing it everyday, priests, preacher and on the other hand, atheists, agnostics, etc..

1-Now If anybody is interested in the book of Collins, I'll buy it, and can send it to any of you guys, who re-send it to another member and so on.

2-I said earlier that Dr. Collins worked on the human genome project - I will post later just one ascertainment that resulted from his (and others) work

To say that evolution and a creator can coexist is to open yourself to the charge of advocating "Intelligent Design", which evolutionists claim is simply dressed up Creationism. The debate is utterly polarized on the evolutionists' side. Anything other than 100% naturalistic/materialistic randomness (or determinism at the other end of the spectrum) is unacceptable. That's unfortunate, because there are some interesting questions that arise as to probabilities, information in the genetic code, the time needed for evolution, etc...
SchaafC, come on, that's easy. I know you got more than that. House of Israel is referring the Jewish Law, ceremonial ,civil, and moral laws and the way the Jewish leadership was abusing their power, remember, Jesus cleared the Jewish leaders Temple twice for cheating people while exchanging currency. Really, you're going to take one verse out of context and use it against Jesus.
Matthew 21:12

We've had this debate before remember, you said Jesus only came for the Jews which is incorrect, I asked you about the thief on the cross, to which you had no answer, remember. I believe the thief was a Roman(Gentile) to which Jesus said that he would be in paradise with him.

It's confusing, I would think people here (CF) would atleast respect Jesus for calling the Jews out for their abuse of power!

If we're going to have this discussion again, maybe we should take it to PM's.

White guilt? What does that have to do with my faith. If you think I'm one of those that feel guilty about my race, you're quite wrong. Is that a personal attack?

Please explain?

Again, SchaafC, glad to see you back!

That is not what the "House Of Israel" means.
Israel is the name that according to Genesis 35:9-15 "god" gave to Jacob. Jacob's twelve sons becoming the twelve tribes of Israel, or The House of Israel.

The point you bring up about Jesus allegedly clearing out the money lenders in the temple is a moot one. Regardless if he did so or not(I think not), it does not change the fact that according to the bible; he still said that he only came for the House of Israel. That is undeniable and indisputable. I am not taking anything out of context in fact the verse that I posted was almost entirely intact. I will repost it in it's entirety.

Matthew 15:24
"But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the story. This was allegedly said by Jesus to a Canaanite(goy,gentile) woman who had asked him for help.

..I asked you about the thief on the cross, to which you had no answer, remember. I believe the thief was a Roman(Gentile) to which Jesus said that he would be in paradise with him.
Actually what I said is that I had not read the bible in a while and was not completely sure if the bible specified the race of this person. I also went on to say that I would assume that he was Jewish, seeing how it was Jerusalem. In the province of Judea. Your claim that he is Roman is unfounded, and you only say it because it fits your purpose.

Luke 23:32-43
There is nothing there at all to support your claim. Actually to the contrary had they not been Jewish, the would have then been polytheistic as opposed to the monotheistic view represented in the statement in
Luke 23:40 "But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?"

Had he in fact been Roman, he would have said gods. Not "God" in the monotheistic Jewish way.

As for hating Jesus, I hate him as much as we all hate the liars you see who put down white athletes everyday. It's the lies that bother me and the lack of logic involved when otherwise smart people get into it. Not a personal attack on anyone at all.

When I said white guilt I was not referring to anyone on this board, rather the DWFs as we call them. The masses if you will.

As I said before, if I am incorrect and there is a God. They I truly believe that he will understand why I can not believe in him, and why I viscerally reject what bears his name. The things that have been done in the name of "god" are far more abhorrent then anything that I have or will ever do.

If there is in fact an all knowing and all understanding God I think that he would understand that he made me into the pragmatic, evidence needing person I am and therefore would understand or even expect; the rejection of this manifestation of him self.

Now let me ask you something what if you are wrong and the way you have lived your life, and what you have put so much effort into is all a lie. Then what? You will have lived for a false purpose. How can you even appreciate this life correctly if you expect a next one? I just don't get it.
Have you gone through the CofC?
It is a phenomenal read. I see Christianity as another one of "instruments" of the Jewish agenda. What the end goal is, I do not know, I do not profess to even have a theory. But they evidence is just too vivid for me to disregard.

Good to be back, sorry for the rant.

To say that evolution and a creator can coexist is to open yourself to the charge of advocating "Intelligent Design", which evolutionists claim is simply dressed up Creationism. The debate is utterly polarized on the evolutionists' side. Anything other than 100% naturalistic/materialistic randomness (or determinism at the other end of the spectrum) is unacceptable. That's unfortunate, because there are some interesting questions that arise as to probabilities, information in the genetic code, the time needed for evolution, etc...

Bk21, Anak, SchaafC, haven't dates and time been a problem for evolutionists? You may already know about this, but check out or google, Uncommon Descent: A whale of a problem for evolution.

Also, review the debate at the bottom between the posters.

Let me know what ya'll think? Trying to learn more, some of the dates and time periods can get confusing!
To believe that Christianity is for all; despite the fact that the only time it is expressly mentioned by Jesus he clearly, and without ambiguity states that he came only for the house of Israel, is ridiculous. Also if Jesus came to "minister" too the "gentiles" what was his claim to divine nature without the Jewish tradition?

Faith is no more a validation of fact; then my disbelief is proof of non-existence. This concept can best be stated as; He who presents a theory(in your case faith)caries the burden of proof. So belief in an alleged resurrection; does not change my opinion due to the absence of factual citations.

To say Jesus was a simple carpenter that he was there for everyone, not one of the elite not a powerful man; is either another contradiction in the Bible or proof of the lie. One of the paramount tenants of his divinity and fulfillment was the claim that he was a direct descendant of the house of David. That would be King David of the Old Testament. And he never did say he was here for just Jews and pompous Romans; he said just Jews.

What bothers me is that I have tried to point out something that is inconsistent within your primary beliefs; rather then try and identify the fallacy and fix it. You seem to not even be bothered by it. How can the fact that Jesus said that his religion was only for Jews be permissible for you? I fundamentally fail to understand this.

What is within Christianity specifically that makes you think that it benefits you or your kind at all?
That is not what the "House Of Israel" means.
Israel is the name that according to Genesis 35:9-15 "god" gave to Jacob. Jacob's twelve sons becoming the twelve tribes of Israel, or The House of Israel.

The point you bring up about Jesus allegedly clearing out the money lenders in the temple is a moot one. Regardless if he did so or not(I think not), it does not change the fact that according to the bible; he still said that he only came for the House of Israel. That is undeniable and indisputable. I am not taking anything out of context in fact the verse that I posted was almost entirely intact. I will repost it in it's entirety.

Matthew 15:24
"But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the story. This was allegedly said by Jesus to a Canaanite(goy,gentile) woman who had asked him for help.

Actually what I said is that I had not read the bible in a while and was not completely sure if the bible specified the race of this person. I also went on to say that I would assume that he was Jewish, seeing how it was Jerusalem. In the province of Judea. Your claim that he is Roman is unfounded, and you only say it because it fits your purpose.

Luke 23:32-43
There is nothing there at all to support your claim. Actually to the contrary had they not been Jewish, the would have then been polytheistic as opposed to the monotheistic view represented in the statement in
Luke 23:40 "But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?"

Had he in fact been Roman, he would have said gods. Not "God" in the monotheistic Jewish way.

As for hating Jesus, I hate him as much as we all hate the liars you see who put down white athletes everyday. It's the lies that bother me and the lack of logic involved when otherwise smart people get into it. Not a personal attack on anyone at all.

When I said white guilt I was not referring to anyone on this board, rather the DWFs as we call them. The masses if you will.

As I said before, if I am incorrect and there is a God. They I truly believe that he will understand why I can not believe in him, and why I viscerally reject what bears his name. The things that have been done in the name of "god" are far more abhorrent then anything that I have or will ever do.

If there is in fact an all knowing and all understanding God I think that he would understand that he made me into the pragmatic, evidence needing person I am and therefore would understand or even expect; the rejection of this manifestation of him self.

Now let me ask you something what if you are wrong and the way you have lived your life, and what you have put so much effort into is all a lie. Then what? You will have lived for a false purpose. How can you even appreciate this life correctly if you expect a next one? I just don't get it.
Have you gone through the CofC?
It is a phenomenal read. I see Christianity as another one of "instruments" of the Jewish agenda. What the end goal is, I do not know, I do not profess to even have a theory. But they evidence is just too vivid for me to disregard.

Good to be back, sorry for the rant.


No apology needed. Good post, SchaafC, with one exception! How can we have an honest debate if you're going to quote the Bible and take it as truth when it suits your purpose, but when the Bible clearly states that Jesus was opposed to the Jewish establishment of his time, you use words like allegedly. It comes off like you only believe certain parts, again to suit your purpose. Scripture for example: having just one meaning, such as "The House of Israel." I can show you where this statement has 2 meanings, as do many things in history and language, but you will refrute it no matter how much evidence I show you.

I can discuss why Jesus said he came to save everyone, but you will only use the parts of the Bible you want to believe or so it seems.

I enjoy the debate, but it's difficult when you only want to use what's convenient for you.

Again, good post!
Carolins Speed, I don't want to get into this debate. I just want to ask if you think Jesus was a follower of the Jewish liberalizing sage, Hillel?

Tom Iron...
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