Being all wise and all knowing, as you seem to believe yourself to be, you should of course be cognizant of the Golden Rule; hopefully you haven't rejected it because it has Christian overtones.
Nice one, Don.
Let's be thankful that our friend Anak isn't the Grand Poobah of the Multiverse (in the
real world, that is, rather than in his imagination...) or his crisply-uniformed, eugenically bred death squads of glassy-eyed biology major undergraduates would be kicking our doors down, tramping mud across the Axminster and hauling us off to their dissection labs post haste...
Anak said:
An insipid one. I'm pretty sure not a one of them seriously believes in Norse mythology for instance. But suddenly make Thor a tortured god who dies for our sins and we'll all jump at the chance to kneel and pray for a new car.
Insipid, eh? Well, perhaps is You refined those simian-evolved comprehension skills and actually paid attention to what You are reading it wouldn't appear as bland as that avatar of Yours. But I'll reiterate my point and break it down into easily chewable child-sized portions just for You.
The salient phrase was "
historically dominant Western religion". This intimates a scenario in which a Germanocentric religion (let's label it "Hermannianity") otherwise doctrinally indistinguishable from Christianity had played an identical cultural and political role within Europe as Christianity itself.
Id est, our "Hermannianity" existed in place of Christianity, the later having never arisen in the first place.
Verstehen Sie was ich meine?
It is a bit difficult to argue against the idea that if the "default" pan-European religion was autochthonous rather than "Jewish" / "eastern" it would be a lot more attractive to "White Nationalists" as a whole. By extension, the rate of atheism among "White Nationalists" would therefore presumably be far lower, which would in turn naturally reduce the number of avowed hard-core evolutionists in such circles. Note that the use of the word "presumably" indicates a
So, as You can see, I wasn't talking about the insignificant fantasy-hobby of a few "racist" or "rebellious" metalheads, Dungeons & Dragons enthusiasts, or "goths" sporting black eyeliner but an alternate version of - like it or not - one of the pillars of Western civilisation, complete with its myriad cultural / psychological influences.
Just out of interest, I recall one of the moderators on the
Stormfront forum from about a decade ago openly stating that he was a follower of
Asatru, as did a number of members. There are far more facets (many of them ridiculous and unsavoury in equal measures) to certain so-called "White Nationalist" groups than most people imagine...
Anak said:
By the way in your entire 10 paragraph onanistic rambling you didn't address a single substantial point. If anyone is condescending it is you.
Ten paragraph onanistic rambling? Tsk, tsk. Sorry to be a pedant, but my post actually comprised eleven paragraphs - that's awfully inaccurate science, professor. When it comes to squint-eyed onanism, You've managed to slap off 22 posts to date in this thread, while I've chastely limited myself to two (including this current "ramble"). But I guess that I'd post a lot more if I didn't have a girlfriend...
I didn't address a single substantial point? What do You want me to say which hasn't already been said by some of our other correspondents, particularly Don? Well, if You insist, let's look at the video You posted which purports to present "evidence" supporting the evolution of the eye.
The harridan-visaged Eugenie Scott states the following: "Molluscs show an interesting series of developments that
probably also represent stages in the evolution of the vertebrate eye..."
The problem is that "probably" this and "probably" that ultimately means absolutely nothing. Lining up several different molluscs and saying that they (probably) demonstrate successive steps in a specific evolutionary process doesn't "prove" a thing, apart from the fact that each of the said molluscs' "visual equipment" is different to that of the next one in the carefully assembled queue. Drawing the long evolutionary bow can lead one virtually anywhere one wishes to find oneself...
I can assure You that I don't have anything against scientific enquiry, but there's a vast difference between the empirical legitimacy of, let's say, calculating thermodynamic cycles and
claiming that Man is descended from monkeys (which are in turn descended from primordial slime) just becasue such a theory is "intellectually" preferable to any alternative.