"High Intensity" or "Heavy Duty" training

Any recommendations for non-traditional core exercises. I have been dealing with a muscle strain in my lower abdominal for the past 2 or so months. I was trying to go through the pain and doing traditional sit ups, Crunches/leg raises - different variations but I have stopped over the last 3 or so weeks because I do not want to aggravate that injury.

I usually split my workouts up - I lift 3 days a week, do cardio/core 3 days a week. When I lift I try to stay keep my core tight - I do a combination of freeweights/bodyweight/machines. For Cardio I run 30 min/3.5 miles 3 times a week. Anyways if there are any recommendations you guys have I would really appreciate it.

Yes. isometrics. Isometrics for the abs. The ab muscles are used in an isometric/non-moving way and iso's are good for them. Tense your abs as if you are about to be punched. Tense your abs both standing very upright and also scrunched in. Hold for ten seconds or 30 seconds or something - but don't hold your breath. Holding your breath while doing isos raises your blood pressure too much.

When I was doing my boxing thing I used to do lots of situps in different variations, with weights and whatnot. Then I stopped and switched to isos for the abs - and the result was that I felt that my abs were even more punch resistant, that is stronger, than they were before.
I don't go super slow, just 4 mississippis up, 4 down, with a hold for 2 if there's no lockout position. Strict form, NO momentum, no bouncing. Moving slower pretty much eliminates injury, since force is greatly reduced. Everyone else I see at the gym yanks the weight up as fast as possible, then pretty much drops it.

When the weight (or me on a bodyweight movement) stops moving against the resistance, I'll continue to struggle against it for a 5 count, just to make sure, then let it down as controlled as I can, which might not be much at that point. That amounts to a static hold for about 5, then a negative. Going to failure can be a problem if too many sets are done per workout, or the workouts are too frequent.

It's weird, but I can't tell beforehand if I'm going to have a good workout or not. I am constantly surprised by what happens when I actually get started. There have been times when my running and lifting have been better while feeling pretty awful. Go figure.

"Going to failure can be a problem if too many sets are done per workout, or the workouts are too frequent"

I agree!

"It's weird, but I can't tell beforehand if I'm going to have a good workout or not."

Same here.

Here's a great tip that works for me, like yesterday when I went jogging: Eat a spoonful of (good quality - not the supermarket crap) honey. It gives me quick super energy for a workout.

"Moving slower pretty much eliminates injury"

So they say...but last year, just before Hurricane Sandy - and I was right in the middle of that one! - I was doing very slow extended range pushups on the pushup bars that I like to use - and I pulled a muscle in my chest. That was very painful for about a month, especially if I sneezed - I had to stop myself from sneezing! Of course I was overdoing it. I overdo everything.
Lucky it took 6 weeks, its been over 6 months since I strained my left pec and it still gets aggravated just by doing every day things involving my left arm, it just starts tightening up.

Not sure what to do at this point...

A couple of ideas: I have found this salve surprisingly beneficial for sprains: Blu Emu oil. They sell it at Walmart. I used it copiously on the chest or rib injury or whatever it was (I forget about them as soon as they go away!) that I just mentioned above, and all things considered it did get better a lot faster than I thought it would.

Another salve that I've found to be very good is Voltaren Gel, but if I use more than a little of that one it hurts my stomach (it delivers aspirin right through the skin, something like that). The doc gave me a prescription for the latter - he told me about it because he uses it on his knee - and with that and my health plan (NOT Obamacare!) they give me so much of the stuff for $5 I could open up a store! But I'd try the blu emu oil first.
A couple of ideas: I have found this salve surprisingly beneficial for sprains: Blu Emu oil. They sell it at Walmart. I used it copiously on the chest or rib injury or whatever it was (I forget about them as soon as they go away!) that I just mentioned above, and all things considered it did get better a lot faster than I thought it would.

Another salve that I've found to be very good is Voltaren Gel, but if I use more than a little of that one it hurts my stomach (it delivers aspirin right through the skin, something like that). The doc gave me a prescription for the latter - he told me about it because he uses it on his knee - and with that and my health plan (NOT Obamacare!) they give me so much of the stuff for $5 I could open up a store! But I'd try the blu emu oil first.

thanks I'll definitely give it a try, yeah what you talked about with the sneezing, thats how it felt at first
Lucky it took 6 weeks, its been over 6 months since I strained my left pec and it still gets aggravated just by doing every day things involving my left arm, it just starts tightening up.

Not sure what to do at this point, stuck still doing just core exercises and working on my legs, and it can even get aggravated then, like when on the fake squat machine where you just leg press, if I go to the resistance needed for my legs I might wind up grabbing onto the lower handles and it getting it aggravated.

maybe it was more than a strain, it hurt really bad at the time where I couldn't move my left arm without my chest having extreme pain. Still have to run sometimes without moving my left arm at all.

any suggestions for this? it didn't happen during weight lifting, it happened during football. I was playing semi pro and one of the linemen was hurt and they stuck me on there and I was only 240 at the time but like 16 percent body fat, dudes on the other side were bigger than you would think and ripped for semi pro, we played a lot of teams in Texas. Now Im down to less than 230. Several of the defenders kept rushing to my inside since I could better neutralize them when they tried to rush on the outside (was playing RT) one particular play I kind of held with my left arm and dude ran right through it and felt something tear, it had been sore before that.

Sounds to me like you tore something. If not, then a really, really bad strain. I've heard of strains taking as much as a year to heal, and a tear of that tendon usually requires surgery to reattach it. Ouch. You ought to get that checked out. If it's torn, it's probably not going to heal by itself.

Since you hurt it playing football, we have to assume that you don't have upside, burst, hip swivel, or a room-brightening smile.
A couple of ideas: I have found this salve surprisingly beneficial for sprains: Blu Emu oil. They sell it at Walmart. I used it copiously on the chest or rib injury or whatever it was (I forget about them as soon as they go away!) that I just mentioned above, and all things considered it did get better a lot faster than I thought it would.

Another salve that I've found to be very good is Voltaren Gel, but if I use more than a little of that one it hurts my stomach (it delivers aspirin right through the skin, something like that). The doc gave me a prescription for the latter - he told me about it because he uses it on his knee - and with that and my health plan (NOT Obamacare!) they give me so much of the stuff for $5 I could open up a store! But I'd try the blu emu oil first.

Good idea on the Blue Emu oil. That stuff is fantastic! I actually managed to pull a neck muscle a couple of months ago by sneezing. I used Blue Emu on it. Very effective.
I've found the Voltaren Gel to be very good too, but I only need to use a little bit of it, not nearly as much as the directions suggest. It delivers the medicine right through the skin, and too much of it messes up my stomach, besides a tiny bit seems effective. As I said, the doc recommended it to me. Said he uses it on his own knee.


Where did all the amazon reviews go? I have the prescription kind, different looking tube. Don't know if it's the same formula as the one shown on amazon. Mine says 1% diclofenac sodium topical gel.

[h=1]What is Diclofenac Sodium?[/h]http://www.ehow.com/about_5382040_diclofenac-sodium.html

Scary side effects. I don't use it often, and then very little. I've had about a million athletic injuries.
One year update, one month late

I meant to do this at the one year point. After 13 months of HIT training, I'm still doing it, and still impressed with the results. Still one set per exercise, workouts are twice every 7 to 9 days, slow cadence (3/3 or 3/5 or 4/4), every set to failure. The workouts take under 30 minutes. Workout A is 4 total sets, Workout B is 8 total sets.

The most I weighed in the past year is 230, at 6'1". The goal was 235, and I think creatine would probably have gotten me that extra 5 lbs. At 230 I decided to start cutting some. I am now at 222, and at slightly lower body fat than when I started last year. Headed for 215.

Strength gains have tapered off as I have cut some body weight. Legs are still making gains, as are shoulders. Chest and back are stagnant right now. I've noticed that either upper or lower body will progress, but usually not both at the same time. Also, making muscular gains while losing weight is very difficult.

Diet. I am a disaster at times. I eat well for a week or two, then badly for a few days or more. I drink too much beer, but I like it. Same goes for BBQ and pizza. Since I started cutting weight, I've been doing better on the food end. Losing 8 lbs. in 8 weeks is about right.

Sleep is the most underrated element of fitness. That's when the "magic" happens. The body releases all of the good stuff while you are asleep.

Gains are possible at age 46+. I spend less than an hour per week in the gym. I'm a middle aged man with a bad back, and I'm still getting stronger, looking better, and not spending a lot of time or money doing it. I can only imagine the results for somebody with a better diet.

I still have no upside, muscle definition, hip swivel, wrist flickability, room-brightening smile, burst, fast twitch, explosiveness, etc ... I remain sneaky fast, a precise route runner, a gym rat, my motor never stops, I bring my lunch pail, a throwback, etc ...
I meant to do this at the one year point. After 13 months of HIT training, I'm still doing it, and still impressed with the results. Still one set per exercise, workouts are twice every 7 to 9 days, slow cadence (3/3 or 3/5 or 4/4), every set to failure. The workouts take under 30 minutes. Workout A is 4 total sets, Workout B is 8 total sets.

The most I weighed in the past year is 230, at 6'1". The goal was 235, and I think creatine would probably have gotten me that extra 5 lbs. At 230 I decided to start cutting some. I am now at 222, and at slightly lower body fat than when I started last year. Headed for 215.

Strength gains have tapered off as I have cut some body weight. Legs are still making gains, as are shoulders. Chest and back are stagnant right now. I've noticed that either upper or lower body will progress, but usually not both at the same time. Also, making muscular gains while losing weight is very difficult.

Diet. I am a disaster at times. I eat well for a week or two, then badly for a few days or more. I drink too much beer, but I like it. Same goes for BBQ and pizza. Since I started cutting weight, I've been doing better on the food end. Losing 8 lbs. in 8 weeks is about right.

Sleep is the most underrated element of fitness. That's when the "magic" happens. The body releases all of the good stuff while you are asleep.

Gains are possible at age 46+. I spend less than an hour per week in the gym. I'm a middle aged man with a bad back, and I'm still getting stronger, looking better, and not spending a lot of time or money doing it. I can only imagine the results for somebody with a better diet.

I still have no upside, muscle definition, hip swivel, wrist flickability, room-brightening smile, burst, fast twitch, explosiveness, etc ... I remain sneaky fast, a precise route runner, a gym rat, my motor never stops, I bring my lunch pail, a throwback, etc ...

Good stuff AA! I'm almost 50 and have been working out since I was 11 years old when my father bought me my first weight bench and the old plastic and cement weights. Remember those?

I have always worked out hard super setting with exercises like a set of 15-20 pull-ups and 20-25 push-ups for 5 - sets to warm up and on to things like curls and bench press super sets for like 8 sets! I'm still benching around 375 lbs. When I was in my 20's I could bench 315lbs. for 12-13 reps at 190 lbs.

For legs I'd do light front and back squats and leg extensions and leg curls, super setting and drop sets of course! I have to be careful with squats. If I do too much, I have some back issues also.

I pretty much always ate anything I wanted and weighed around 225 lbs. at 5'10. I saw a picture of myself and my son at his HS graduation and though about how fat I looked despite all those years of working out.

My weakness was sodas. I'd drink 3 or 4 a day. I am happy to say I have been off of them since September of last year and have lost 20 lbs. I now drink water about 95% of the time and maybe some OJ from time to time.

It's hard to believe the difference it's made in the look of my body. You can actually see all the muscle I built up all those years that was under all the fat. I've got a ways to go, but I look and feel much better!

I'm taking a few supplements with my diet including creatine protein, and some BCAA's. I'm eating a lot healthier, but it's difficult to stay away from the carbs!
Good stuff AA! I'm almost 50 and have been working out since I was 11 years old when my father bought me my first weight bench and the old plastic and cement weights. Remember those?

I have always worked out hard super setting with exercises like a set of 15-20 pull-ups and 20-25 push-ups for 5 - sets to warm up and on to things like curls and bench press super sets for like 8 sets! I'm still benching around 375 lbs. When I was in my 20's I could bench 315lbs. for 12-13 reps at 190 lbs.

For legs I'd do light front and back squats and leg extensions and leg curls, super setting and drop sets of course! I have to be careful with squats. If I do too much, I have some back issues also.

I pretty much always ate anything I wanted and weighed around 225 lbs. at 5'10. I saw a picture of myself and my son at his HS graduation and though about how fat I looked despite all those years of working out.

My weakness was sodas. I'd drink 3 or 4 a day. I am happy to say I have been off of them since September of last year and have lost 20 lbs. I now drink water about 95% of the time and maybe some OJ from time to time.

It's hard to believe the difference it's made in the look of my body. You can actually see all the muscle I built up all those years that was under all the fat. I've got a ways to go, but I look and feel much better!

I'm taking a few supplements with my diet including creatine protein, and some BCAA's. I'm eating a lot healthier, but it's difficult to stay away from the carbs!

Yes, I sure do remember those plastic and cement weights!

My routine has changed a little since that last post. I now workout with my kids, so we go to their school. That meant a little different equipment, but the main parameters are the same: limited sets, always to failure, move slowly and smoothly. I have recently discovered trap bar deadlifting, which means I can very carefully deadlift again! It changes the levers just enough to spare my back.

I've been dieting since the first of the year, and lost 12 pounds (down to 210, at 6'1"). I just count calories, but staying away from carbs helps. I eat just shy of 1900 calories a day (with a cheat day on Saturday). If that 1900 is mostly protein and fat, it doesn't bother me; if it's mostly carbs, I'm hungry all day.

Next week, or shortly after, I'm actually going to start a "clean" bulk, to see if I can get to 225 without getting flabby. Ugh, lots of chicken and tuna.
Our CF brother "Col.Reb" recently started training w/ my (eldest) son & I. We're both looking to clean up our diets. I found a solid caloric deficit & am trying to stay within that range. I'm focusing on lean protein, veggies with some limited starches (multi-grain bread, oatmeal & grains). In a few weeks, I'll look to 86 the starches & focus more on fish/chicken/turkey & greens (with some fruit here & there). I usually shift my training split(s) every 4-6 weeks as well. Right now, it's 5 days training + 6 days cardio. I'll be ramping up the volume & intensity here soon. :)
Our CF brother "Col.Reb" recently started training w/ my (eldest) son & I. We're both looking to clean up our diets. I found a solid caloric deficit & am trying to stay within that range. I'm focusing on lean protein, veggies with some limited starches (multi-grain bread, oatmeal & grains). In a few weeks, I'll look to 86 the starches & focus more on fish/chicken/turkey & greens (with some fruit here & there). I usually shift my training split(s) every 4-6 weeks as well. Right now, it's 5 days training + 6 days cardio. I'll be ramping up the volume & intensity here soon. :)

I've never been very good at monitoring my food intake, but I started using an app on my phone called myfitnesspal. It has a lot of foods pre-loaded, and it has a barcode scanner that will get almost anything. It's been a real eye opener. Pretty much the end of fast food and Cokes for me, even on cheat days.

I like hearing about dads working out with their kids, and I wish more would do it. There's just no downside to it. We dads need it, and the kids need something to offset the barrage of faggoty crap they get from our culture. I'm sure once one of mine is stronger than me, I won't like it nearly as much, but we have a ways to go on that.
Anyone here have a home gym setup? I’m burnt out on going to the actual gym and having to deal with people - wait for equipment etc. I’m mostly interested to see if anyone has any ideas on pull up and dip bars. I am setting up my gym in the basement and would like to get a pull up bar set up - not sure if I need to mount it to the support beam of the house. Other than that I have a bench already - just need to update to a 45 lb 7 ft barbell and get about 200 LBs of weights to go along with the weights that came with the bench.
I have a dip bar -- I lie on the floor and use it for pull-ups, works great. Also have a bench and free weights in the same room along with a stationary bike. Definitely beats going to the gym.
Anyone here have a home gym setup? I’m burnt out on going to the actual gym and having to deal with people - wait for equipment etc. I’m mostly interested to see if anyone has any ideas on pull up and dip bars. I am setting up my gym in the basement and would like to get a pull up bar set up - not sure if I need to mount it to the support beam of the house. Other than that I have a bench already - just need to update to a 45 lb 7 ft barbell and get about 200 LBs of weights to go along with the weights that came with the bench.

I don't have a home gym per se, but have dumbells, kettlebells, jump ropes, a “slam” ball & a few punching bags. I train at a gym with my sons, but will hit the bag or skip rope at house (at times). We usually go to the gym during “off hours” to avoid a slew of people. We’ll also walk/jog at some local parks & sometimes hike up a mountain (which I need to do more of).

FYI, I’ve lost 40 lbs since late April primary via a low carb diet (“quasi” Adkins), calorie deficit & consistent training. I’m starting intermittent fasting this week in hopes to shed more pounds & get back under 300 lbs. I have a large frame/bone density (& 6’8), so I don’t “appear” as heavy as I am. While I still have a lotta raw strength, I need more improvement in stamina...so I switch training routines every now & again and vary my cardio.
I’m starting intermittent fasting this week

Just some unsolicited advice. Have a lot to do when fasting, so you don't think about being hungry. Plan on being very busy at mealtimes. Drink plenty of water. Don't pig out when you break the fast. I've tried working out in a fasted state, and I hated it; other people swear by it. I do the 16/8 method, and I work in a longer fast of closer to 24 hours once a week. It's a great way to control intake, but I still have to count calories. I can put down a lot of food in an 8 hour feeding window.
I have a dip bar -- I lie on the floor and use it for pull-ups, works great. Also have a bench and free weights in the same room along with a stationary bike. Definitely beats going to the gym.

I got a barbell set last weekend so I can do bench and deadlifts. Might end up getting a smaller barbell for curls/pull overs and other various exercises. For the past 12 or so years I have been pretty dedicated to working out at least 3 days a week but over the past few months I have had a real bad mental block I have to fight through to workout. I am hoping with the fall coming up and my schedule slowing down a little I can get back into my old mindset. I am still trying to figure out my pullup/dip situation.
Just some unsolicited advice. Have a lot to do when fasting, so you don't think about being hungry. Plan on being very busy at mealtimes. Drink plenty of water. Don't pig out when you break the fast. I've tried working out in a fasted state, and I hated it; other people swear by it. I do the 16/8 method, and I work in a longer fast of closer to 24 hours once a week. It's a great way to control intake, but I still have to count calories. I can put down a lot of food in an 8 hour feeding window.

Thanks AA! I started with the 16/8, but didn’t get the quick results I expected (combining w/ low carb). Thus, I switched to 20/4, & lost 10 lbs in one week. However, I do it every other day (to start). I’ll be increasing the 20/4 days week by week (until I hit 7 days). I’ll also likely combine this with keto (from my current quasi Adkins low carb).
I got a barbell set last weekend so I can do bench and deadlifts. Might end up getting a smaller barbell for curls/pull overs and other various exercises. For the past 12 or so years I have been pretty dedicated to working out at least 3 days a week but over the past few months I have had a real bad mental block I have to fight through to workout. I am hoping with the fall coming up and my schedule slowing down a little I can get back into my old mindset. I am still trying to figure out my pullup/dip situation.
I know exactly what you mean about a mental block. I have had the same thing throughout the years. Luckily I always find my way back to the gym, but it can be tough....especially if you have a lot of stuff going on in your work life or personal life. Equipment at home is so valuable during these times because you may be driving home from work feeling tired and unmotivated, but as soon as you eat dinner and relax a little you feel energized and can just walk into the garage and pump out some sets. I have always struggled to stay lean and didn't want to admit it to myself for years but that was a huge reason I would lose interest in the gym. I mean who cares if you work up to a 225 bench press for reps if you still have saggy man boobs and a spare tire, right?! I've been through periods of being skinny fat due to failed fatloss cuts and then the flip side of being stronger but a tub of lard due to failed bulks. Now I'm at a good healthy weight for my height(5'10 175 lbs) and I'm pretty lean. I wasted years going through trial and error and doing stupid stuff though!
Thanks AA! I started with the 16/8, but didn’t get the quick results I expected (combining w/ low carb). Thus, I switched to 20/4, & lost 10 lbs in one week. However, I do it every other day (to start). I’ll be increasing the 20/4 days week by week (until I hit 7 days). I’ll also likely combine this with keto (from my current quasi Adkins low carb).

Good idea on staying low carb. I control for calories, and if it's mostly fat and protein, I'm fine throughout the day; if it's heavy on carbs, I'm hungry all day long. Hunger always wins, not to mention the health benefits from lowering carbs.
Yeah the no Carb + intermittant fasting worked wonders for me. The only carbs i eat are in veggies. Nowhere else. Im at about 10 % Body fat while weighing 225 at 6'5.

Yeah the no Carb + intermittant fasting worked wonders for me. The only carbs i eat are in veggies. Nowhere else. Im at about 10 % Body fat while weighing 225 at 6'5.


Great job! I’ve not seen 10% body fat for 20 years & 225 lbs since HS (circa 30 years ago). I’m about to go 7 days with the “20/4” on IF, whilst switching to keto. I’ve also been taking apple cider vinegar daily (w/ a plethora of vitamins). I’m aiming to lose another 35-40 by end of year. If I can accomplish that, I might try to drop another 20-30 over winter. Thereafter, my BF% should be back towards 10% (Lord willing :) ).
Well, I probably had 5-6% body fat while going through Cancer treatment over 2 years ago, doesn't seem that long ago. I went from 215lbs. down to 155lbs., but not because I wanted to. Now, after 2 years in remission, I'm back to 215. I have to admit, I haven't been very disciplined in the eating department lately. However, I work out almost every day that I'm not traveling. Doing a lot of powerlifting with some youngn's in the gym I go to. I went from benching around 400 down to 135 when I was sick, now back to around 4oo again, Deadlifting 425. I'm too embarrassed to tell you what I squat. It's pathetic, but I'm working on it. I still play golf once a week. Just trying to enjoy life, because you never know what may hit you.
Back to my diet, although I eat most anything, I've never went back to sodas or alcohol. It's mostly water, coffee, and sweet tea. Now that I'm back to my earlier weight, I know I probably should work on my diet.
DD, let me know if you lose that 30-40 lbs. and how you did it? I probably don't need to lose that much, but I could stand to drop 10-20.
Well, I probably had 5-6% body fat while going through Cancer treatment over 2 years ago, doesn't seem that long ago. I went from 215lbs. down to 155lbs., but not because I wanted to. Now, after 2 years in remission, I'm back to 215. I have to admit, I haven't been very disciplined in the eating department lately. However, I work out almost every day that I'm not traveling. Doing a lot of powerlifting with some youngn's in the gym I go to. I went from benching around 400 down to 135 when I was sick, now back to around 4oo again, Deadlifting 425. I'm too embarrassed to tell you what I squat. It's pathetic, but I'm working on it. I still play golf once a week. Just trying to enjoy life, because you never know what may hit you.
Back to my diet, although I eat most anything, I've never went back to sodas or alcohol. It's mostly water, coffee, and sweet tea. Now that I'm back to my earlier weight, I know I probably should work on my diet.
DD, let me know if you lose that 30-40 lbs. and how you did it? I probably don't need to lose that much, but I could stand to drop 10-20.

Awesome job on the power lifting. You have some real good strength there. I mix machine weights with free weights (including kettlebells). In addition, I’ll throw in body weight exercises (free squats, Hindu pushups, etc.). I’ve not deadlifted in years, but may re-add that. Lord willing, I’ll drop that tonnage by close if year. :)
Great job! I’ve not seen 10% body fat for 20 years & 225 lbs since HS (circa 30 years ago). I’m about to go 7 days with the “20/4” on IF, whilst switching to keto. I’ve also been taking apple cider vinegar daily (w/ a plethora of vitamins). I’m aiming to lose another 35-40 by end of year. If I can accomplish that, I might try to drop another 20-30 over winter. Thereafter, my BF% should be back towards 10% (Lord willing :) ).

It works wonders! I love low carb . I dont even See candy anymore while shopping. I Love my bell Peppers:)
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